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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

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It has to be a joke. Not a single of my lefty covidian friends have changed their minds in the slightest. I think it would break them, since so much depends on those views they accepted blindly and were willing to impose on others.
I'd check with my circle of commies that have been suspiciously quiet since they've started noticing friends dying of "inexplicably"

But it'd just be more shouting of "safe and effective" so why bother. They'll simmer down from their tantrums eventually.
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It has to be a joke. Not a single of my lefty covidian friends have changed their minds in the slightest. I think it would break them, since so much depends on those views they accepted blindly and were willing to impose on others.

Lol at the comments in that article…. Especially the one from the moderators
You have been a kool aid drinking lemming from the beginning. Deep down you know you’re worried about when its your time. Do you wonder if we will notice? Are you thinking we will care when you have a massive heart attack while seemingly in great health?
I guess only you know the answers. :flipoff2:

he knows. it will go exactly like his plea for help when his boat and best friend fucked off on the highway.

excess deaths were the reason he went full retard on covid, but now his preacher tells him otherwise and the ridicule the excess deaths. i hope he cries wolf so much that when he really needs it most.... finally nobody will quote or repost, just let the noise dissappear as should be.
the greenest thing he could do would be to end his time sucking up more resources that he will ever provide.
he knows. it will go exactly like his plea for help when his boat and best friend fucked off on the highway.

excess deaths were the reason he went full retard on covid, but now his preacher tells him otherwise and the ridicule the excess deaths. i hope he cries wolf so much that when he really needs it most.... finally nobody will quote or repost, just let the noise dissappear as should be.
the greenest thing he could do would be to end his time sucking up more resources that he will ever provide.
He got played like all the other morons that aren’t capable of critical thinking and is trying his hardest to claim otherwise, even if that mean’s completely contradicting himself.

At this point, with all the blatant lies and manipulated data, There’s not a single person on earth that can honestly say the vaccine was a good idea.
mHe got played like all the other morons that aren’t capable of critical thinking and is trying his hardest to claim otherwise, even if that mean’s completely contradicting himself.

At this point, with all the blatant lies and manipulated data, There’s not a single person on earth that can honestly say the vaccine was a good idea.

yep. if it weren't for the boat thing or some of the other rare posts he's made to know he's not a bot. i would 100% say its a bot acct. repeating versions of whats been said. and even worse then the woodz bot.

to Mchat things (and if he has one i'd like MChat 'sopinion on the the evlbot guy) i think he was likely bullied allot, and to feel as a part of the group he'll go down with the ship, to the death with anyone online. in person, he goes with the flow.
in real life he has no opinion of his own, just repeats things that he hears that agree with the thoughts of his peers.

how the fuck does a person justify a vaccine if not to prevent excess deaths?????:homer:

and then say

Oh NOOOW there are excess deaths.

Fucking incredible you all fall for this shit still....

maybe i missed something and am totally off base. :beer:
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It has to be a joke. Not a single of my lefty covidian friends have changed their minds in the slightest. I think it would break them, since so much depends on those views they accepted blindly and were willing to impose on others.
"And silence is, after all, consent."

Now write an article about rape, please.
Cherry-picking from that article:

1) 17% of children experienced some cardiac symptom after the Pfizer shot: Just how large is the universe of those roped into some risk of cardiac damage? A new peer-reviewed study from Taiwan published in the European Journal of Pediatrics found that 17% of high school children, mainly boys, experienced at least heart palpitations or chest pain from the second dose of Pfizer. These numbers work perfectly with many other surveys showing a significant number of people experiencing arrythmias, tightness in the chest, or shortness of breath. They are also particularly concerning given that a Swiss study and a Thai study showed the proportion of people afflicted with subclinical myocarditis (a ticking time bomb) was much larger than those diagnosed with myocarditis.

3) 0 of 1,1779 COVID hospitalizations in New South Wales were unvaccinated:According to NSW Health, which breaks down COVID hospitalizations and deaths by cohorts of various levels of vaccination, for the two weeks ending Dec. 31, 2022, not a single COVID hospitalization (or ICU admission) was among the fully unvaccinated.

9) 51% of Democrats believe vaccines behind sudden deaths: Whether the government and media are willing to acknowledge the extent of injuries, the dam is clearly breaking with the general public. Numerous surveys have been showing for months that most people know friends or family killed by the shots. But earlier this month, Rasmussen published a survey broken down by party affiliation. It found that 51% of Democrats nationally believe it is likely the vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, and 33% believe someone they know personally died from the shot. That is more than the 26% of Republicans and Independents who said the same thing. The reason this is significant is because more Democrats than Republicans received the shot, so these results likely reflect reality.

Furthermore, 31% of Democrats attest to experiencing side effects, and 6% believe they experienced major side effects. This tracks closely with the 7.7% according to the CDC’s V-SAFE who had to seek medical attention (and 33% experienced at least minor side effects). And this is among Democrats who are naturally inclined to defend the shots, which means this is not some right-wing conspiracy but a reflection of widespread reality.

11) The CDC anticipated over 1,000 VAERS reports per day: The agency didn’t make a mistake. Bureaucrats knew from August 2020 that they expected major problems with the vaccine. Prof. Guetzkow, the prolific FOIA sleuth, posted details of documents showing that the CDC contracted with General Dynamics in August 2020 to run the VAERS database. The $9.45 million contract stated that officials expected 1,000 adverse event reports a day, with 40% of them being serious. Again in March 2021, they amended the contract to expand the capacity by another 25,000 a day and to clear a backlog of 115,000 reports just for the first ten or so weeks of the vaccination drive.

For those of you who missed it, go back and read the article. He even lists some links for reports or other articles as refrences.

It is estimated that over 97% of adults in England had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, either from infection or vaccination, by the end of August 2022 (reference 1). In Great Britain, an estimated 93 to 99% of children aged 12 to 15 years, and 74 to 98% of children aged 8 to 11 years, had antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 at the end of August 2022 (references 1 and 2). Natural immunity alone provides good levels of protection against severe COVID-19 while the combination of natural and vaccine-induced immunity (hybrid immunity) is associated with even higher levels of protection (references 3,4 and 5). This high level of strong population immunity developed over the past 2 and a half years is under regular monitoring through UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) public health surveillance programmes.

Not all hospitalisations and deaths ascribed to SARS-CoV-2 infection are vaccine-preventable events. Due to the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant, together with infection that can be asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic, persons who require hospital care for non-COVID-19 reasons may be coincidentally infected with SARS-CoV-2. Such hospitalisations are not preventable through COVID-19 vaccination. In contrast, some highly vulnerable individuals may develop severe COVID-19 despite being vaccinated; these individuals often have underlying health conditions that confer high susceptibility to severe disease from other infections as well. In the UK, during the Omicron era (up to week 43, 2022), the highest rates of hospitalisations were consistently observed in persons aged 75 years and over, while rates of infection (non-severe illness) were high across all ages and especially among younger persons (references 6 and 7).

Revised estimates of the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one hospitalisation during the Omicron era indicate that 800 persons aged 70 years and above would need to be given a booster in autumn 2022 (a fourth dose) to prevent one hospitalisation from COVID-19. The corresponding NNV for persons aged 50 to 59 years is 8,000 and for persons aged 40 to 49 years who are not in a clinical risk group is 92,500 (Appendix 1).

In November 2021, JCVI advised boosters for healthy adults aged 40 to 49 years due to the epidemiology at the time. With the emergence of the Omicron variant in late November 2021, the offer was extended to healthy individuals aged 16 to 39 years as part of an emergency surge response (see JCVI update on advice for COVID-19 vaccination of children and young people and UK vaccine response to the Omicron variant: JCVI advice). Since April 2022, uptake of the initial booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine has been less than 0.1% per week in all eligible people under 50 years of age (Figure 62c in reference 8). Based on the current data, keeping the booster (third dose) offer open to these groups is considered of limited ongoing value and the overall impact on vaccine coverage is negligible.

The offers of primary course vaccination have been widely available since 2021. Uptake of these vaccine offers have plateaued in recent months across all age groups (Figure 62a in reference 8). Since the beginning of 2022, less than 0.01% of eligible individuals per week over the age of 12 years, received a first COVID-19 vaccine dose. A more targeted offer of primary course vaccination during vaccination campaign periods will enable these efforts to be more focused and allow more efficient use of NHS resources.
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Are you joking? it was a great idea, a couple people made a fuckton of money and will never see any repercussion
You got me there. Let me rephrase. There’s not a single person on earth that took the vaccine, that can honestly say the vaccine was a good idea:lmao:

Remember during the middle of the scamdemic special, when we’d mock the vaccine and its efficacy and safety here?

Off the top of my head, I remember multiple members, including Norm, East beast, crustyjeep and eviltwit that would immediately jump into the conversation to tell us how ignorant we were and vouched for their lords regarding the vaccines. The same shit happened across all social media platforms and we were called baby killers.

But now, it’s pure silence, I wonder why that is? And like you pointed out, the only people still telling us how amazing the vaccines are, have been profiting heavily from them.
to Mchat things (and if he has one i'd like MChat 'sopinion on the the evlbot guy) i think he was likely bullied allot, and to feel as a part of the group he'll go down with the ship, to the death with anyone online. in person, he goes with the flow.
in real life he has no opinion of his own, just repeats things that he hears that agree with the thoughts of his peers.
To be honest, he is one of two people I have on ignore.

I put him on ignore because it appears that he isn't interested in honest conversation, he is only interested in regurgitating the globalist narrative. I don't think he is a 'bot' as even a bot's opinion can be swayed by a persuasive argument. He's simply been brainwashed by society to the point that critical thinking is beyond his ability and the only thing he can do is repeat what his mind has been programmed with.
From the Bee of course
Pfizer Introduces New Mascot 'Clotty'
HEALTH·Jan 25, 2023 · BabylonBee.com

NEW YORK, NY — Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has unveiled their new mascot, an adorable glob of platelets who goes by the name "Clotty".
"See? Blood clots aren't scary!" said Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla as a smiling Clotty danced onto the stage. "Welcome to Pfizer, Clotty! Let's get one of these little guys into every home in America!"
While Pfizer initially pushed back against evidence tying the vaccine to blood clots, the company has decided to instead embrace it. "We are so excited for Clotty to help us put a friendly face on heart attacks and strokes," said Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. "Every new COVID booster will now come with a plush Clotty doll you can take to the hospital when you inevitably get admitted with a massive embolus. You'll love squeezing Clotty while they wheel you into the cath lab! Thanks, Clotty!"
The new mascot's reception has thus far been overwhelmingly positive, with Clotty paraphernalia already showing up in several politicians' offices. "Gosh darn it, I love the little guy," said Senator Elizabeth Warren, sporting a Clotty t-shirt as she adjusted a picture of her and Clotty. "Every child in America should be so lucky as to have one of these precious little blood clots. I will continue to do everything in my power to make it happen."
At publishing time, Donald Trump had reportedly added Clotty to his list of potential running mates.
I hate them soooo much. Can someone ask him what the benefits are of a 4th dose? If we need 4 doses in the same year i don't think it's even working, probably not a vaccine and more of the therapeutic.

But.... by there logic
Nyquil is a vaccine for the flu.
Asprin is a vaccine for headaches
Tylenol is also a vaccine for headaches but just a different formula
Flu shot is the vaccine for the flu
I hate them soooo much. Can someone ask him what the benefits are of a 4th dose? If we need 4 doses in the same year i don't think it's even working, probably not a vaccine and more of the therapeutic.

But.... by there logic
Nyquil is a vaccine for the flu.
Asprin is a vaccine for headaches
Tylenol is also a vaccine for headaches but just a different formula
Flu shot is the vaccine for the flu

[crustyjeep] there's no rule that has vaccines have to be effective to be a vaccine [/crustyjeep]
Not anymore the aren't

smartest thing "they" did was to lump people who had questions about the new unproven unapproved covid vaccine was to lump them in with the anti "ALL" vaccine people. The dems are the masters of splitting up and lumping groups of people together for their own ends.

I tried to explain to a friend of a friend who asked why I was anti vax that I was not anti vax. I had all my vaccines but I had questions about the covid therapeutic (said that on purpose) and he corrected me that it WAS a vaccine. I asked what good is a vaccine if it does not stop you from getting it or spreading it. He said that if I cared about society I would take it. COMPLETELY brainwashed.
I asked what good is a vaccine if it does not stop you from getting it or spreading it. He said that if I cared about society I would take it. COMPLETELY brainwashed.
It's a non-starter when they skip logic and go straight to the emotional argument. You know exactly who you're talking to right off the bat and can save yourself the effort.
I was not really trying. I just like to irk them when they come around. He was quick to ask me what I thought about trump having classified documents when that all happened. He's pretty quiet now. Overall he's a good guy. We just disagree.
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