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Vaccination mandates on the horizon.

I don't get it either and I refuse to get into it with them anymore. When my wife tested positive, there was a massive meltdown. They thought for sure she wasn't going to survive.

Yep. The next talking point when you say covid was a mild inconvenience, is... youre one of the lucky ones, 900k people DEAD, think you're smarter than doctors, ad nauseam.

I saw that earlier and immediately thought of this place :flipoff2: Thanks for posting.

Edit: comments are pointing out obvious fact that it's an election year there apparently . . . .
Sweet, the Tri state swap meet at the National Western Complex in Denver is coming up and I wasn't going to go because fuck masks and showing papers. Even though I do have a reasonable facsimile (eta: of a vax card)
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Sweet, the Tri state swap meet at the National Western Complex in Denver is coming up and I wasn't going to go because fuck masks and showing papers. Even though I do have a reasonable facsimile.
youve been wearing a mask?:flipoff2: I don’t think I’ve ever worn one besides one time early on in the hoax for something work related when work wasnt exactly a guarantee.

went to stock show a week or two ago and there was maybe 20 people in masks out of 200,000
youve been wearing a mask?:flipoff2: I don’t think I’ve ever worn one besides one time early on in the hoax for something work related when work wasnt exactly a guarantee.

went to stock show a week or two ago and there was maybe 20 people in masks out of 200,000
Mostly only on planes. I just don't feel like even going anywhere that brings it up. Good to hear about the stock show, didn't go this year. I got told I had to wear a mask to buy my wife a box of Fannie Mae Chocolates at Chicagos across from Casa Bonita at Christmas time and it annoyed the shit out of me.
What did he do with all the money he got last time he was supposed to end cancer?
This probably deserves a thread, but my teenage daughter is really struggling and we're at a loss.

Her high school is evolving to segregate and target the unvaxxed. It the new officially sanctioned "cooties". Unvaxxed and vocal kids are targeted for mockery and bullying and the silent ones are in fear they're next. Teachers are in on it, forcing the unvaxxed to take tests in front of their peers. I'm investigating, and I don't know if that is a district policy or just individual teachers trying to pressure students into conforming. Currently it's only for extra curricular activities, and my kid has been able to dodge it, but she's run out of maneuvering room. She's either going to be outed, or have to skip the activities altogether.

My daughter is physically ill from trying to hide her status. More the lying than anything else. Every invite to a public venue she has to make a excuse. Same for her school extra curricular activities.

The worst part is I can't explain that "they are the insane ones", not us. There is no explanation. They were wildly wrong or lied about every single aspect of the "vaccine" from effectiveness to duration, etc, EXCEPT THEY ARE 110% SURE it's safe both short and long term. That and lets ignore that kids don't even need it, and they've all had covid already, and the triple vaxxed mask waving retards are still getting it, and they still spread it, etc. (It's so safe in fact that we should gag all of the data until all involved can no longer be held liable.)

I wish my teenager was bold enough to pull off fake papers. I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I know she'd be physically sick with the fear of getting caught. My wife wants to try and gaslight her and get her a fake shot/ papers so she doesn't have to lie and live "normally". I just don't see that happening, and I'm not sure morally how I feel about it anyway.

Even if she does get it, it's only a matter of time before the quarterly boosters start going on the punch card.

Long term we have a plan to move, but were really hoping both financially and for her that we could let her finish high school with her friends(2 years).

I am really hating people right now. If your 4 shots and masks can't keep you "safe", it's still not my kids fucking job to make you "feel" safe.

Take the time to watch this with your daughter. It’ll help her feel like she’s not crazy and not the problem. Then she can confidently let them bully her. While documenting everything for the lawyer.

Take the time to watch this with your daughter. It’ll help her feel like she’s not crazy and not the problem. Then she can confidently let them bully her. While documenting everything for the lawyer.

Here's a link to the written version of this. I read it all much quicker than watching him read it.
Theres 4 parts, here is part 1. Links to the rest should show up at the end of it.
Why Is There So Much Vaccine Hesitancy?
Sorry but your wife is a hypochondriac regarding covid. So many otherwise normal people in the medical field got brainwashed by this shit. About 50% from the anecdotal shit I hear from friends that work in hospitals. Most that are pro plandemoc cant really articulate why beside to “save lives” and they cant back up any evidence the the shot helps anyone in the workforce without pre existing conditions.

Weird fucking thing really.
I don't disagree with you that she's been brainwashed by this shit. Along with several of her co-workers. When her co-workers are around I just keep my mouth shut so I don't start arguments with em and I usually go somewhere else. It's not worth it anymore.
Boom, exactly what we've been hearing about. Will we ever know how many people were actually killed by Remdesivir?
Think about the hundreds of thousands that died on the vent with remdesivir.

Imagine instead they were given a combo of cheap safe drugs at onset of infection that we know treat cvd19. Co-morbidities be damned.

Let's just say there's alot of folks in the ground right now that didn't have to go in the ground.
Think about the hundreds of thousands that died on the vent with remdesivir.

Imagine instead they were given a combo of cheap safe drugs at onset of infection that we know treat cvd19. Co-morbidities be damned.

Let's just say there's alot of folks in the ground right now that didn't have to go in the ground.
That's why I call Fauci a mass murderer.
Think about the hundreds of thousands that died on the vent with remdesivir.

Imagine instead they were given a combo of cheap safe drugs at onset of infection that we know treat cvd19. Co-morbidities be damned.

Let's just say there's alot of folks in the ground right now that didn't have to go in the ground.
Fauci voice—“well, to be fair, they were all going in the ground eventually. I just got them there sooner.”
It's way more than Fauci.
Oh I know. But he is the spokesman/figurehead. Seems like some medical professionals are comfortable being euthanisers. With this messed up Covid protocol they are just letting people suffer before lights out. Like what would be worse? Jumping out of the WTC towers to avoid burning to death? Or lying on your stomach on a vent while your organs shut down?:mad3:
Oh I know. But he is the spokesman/figurehead. Seems like some medical professionals are comfortable being euthanisers. With this messed up Covid protocol they are just letting people suffer before lights out. Like what would be worse? Jumping out of the WTC towers to avoid burning to death? Or lying on your stomach on a vent while your organs shut down?:mad3:

All the failures will be chalked up to “practicing” medicine
All the failures will be chalked up to “practicing” medicine
Hard to argue that when they went so hard against HCQ and Ivermectin. Even the over the counter stuff was demonized as not helpful. If they were just trying anything that might work they wouldn't have discounted anything immediately.

What's going on now is the maneuvering to save their own skin before it becomes too obvious to hide what happened.
Hard to argue that when they went so hard against HCQ and Ivermectin. Even the over the counter stuff was demonized as not helpful. If they were just trying anything that might work they wouldn't have discounted anything immediately.

What's going on now is the maneuvering to save their own skin before it becomes too obvious to hide what happened.
Dr John Campbell pointed out months ago that Remdesivir is under patent and hundreds of dollars expensive, Ivermectin is out of patent and costs pennies for the same amount. Coincidence?
Hard to argue that when they went so hard against HCQ and Ivermectin. Even the over the counter stuff was demonized as not helpful. If they were just trying anything that might work they wouldn't have discounted anything immediately.

What's going on now is the maneuvering to save their own skin before it becomes too obvious to hide what happened.

And not a single mention from “officials” of taking zinc, C, E, etc… or eating better.
Hard to argue that when they went so hard against HCQ and Ivermectin. Even the over the counter stuff was demonized as not helpful. If they were just trying anything that might work they wouldn't have discounted anything immediately.
If they "found" an effective early treatment then the vaxx would no longer exist under the emergency use authorization.

If at month 2 of the pandemic someone figured out that aspirin cured covid, it would be wiped from supply in the US and we'd be all getting it illegally from Alibaba.
If they "found" an effective early treatment then the vaxx would no longer exist under the emergency use authorization.

If at month 2 of the pandemic someone figured out that aspirin cured covid, it would be wiped from supply in the US and we'd be all getting it illegally from Alibaba.
Aspirin is an anticoagulant for use in horses!

You're gonna turn everyone into a horse! And then kill them!!!!!!!!!!
My sister tested positive for covid earlier this week, high risk because she is diabetic. Doc said they could not get the antibodies. Offered to write her a script for IVERMECTIN. Of course she declined because the local media put on a big story of it being horse meds. To scared of it to take it. 🤦‍♂️
thankfully she just has a cold and is feeling better now.
Disregarded her own doctor.

In the interests of objectivity, she was not forced to do anything. She had to make a choice and she did. That is a Fox headline.
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