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Vaccination mandates on the horizon.

Wife's (RN) hospital is calling everybody back in about their religious exemptions. Apparently most people were just checking boxes for the RE. My wife and one other actually wrote out their case and submitted it. Everybody else on her floor has to go in front of HR and tell them why they should be granted a RE. If they boot these people, they'll lose about 20% of their staff if nobody rolls. I hope nobody does roll for it and it sinks their hospital personally. No idea how long the RE will hold for, but she's safe for now. Still seeking other opportunities and has a couple of really good leads.
Wife's (RN) hospital is calling everybody back in about their religious exemptions. Apparently most people were just checking boxes for the RE. My wife and one other actually wrote out their case and submitted it. Everybody else on her floor has to go in front of HR and tell them why they should be granted a RE. If they boot these people, they'll lose about 20% of their staff if nobody rolls. I hope nobody does roll for it and it sinks their hospital personally. No idea how long the RE will hold for, but she's safe for now. Still seeking other opportunities and has a couple of really good leads.
Any business that denies a religious exemptions is probably going to be on the losing end of a lawsuit. Its not up to them to decide what violates their beliefs.

I can identify as a Jedi and refuse the vaccine because it lowers my Midichlorian count. Screw em.
Nice :smokin:
I think that is from the Navy flyboys out of Whidbey Island that drew that penis over eastern WA. I know there was some fallout from it but not sure if the pilot just had his weiner slapped or more serious charges. I'm like screw that I want to know how he did such a good job of drawing that with a fighter jet. If you can draw penises in the sky with your fighter you can dogfight?:flipoff2:
I think that is from the Navy flyboys out of Whidbey Island that drew that penis over eastern WA. I know there was some fallout from it but not sure if the pilot just had his weiner slapped or more serious charges. I'm like screw that I want to know how he did such a good job of drawing that with a fighter jet. If you can draw penises in the sky with your fighter you can dogfight?:flipoff2:

If you have a few minutes, the transcript between the pilots is pretty damn funny :laughing:
We heard some silly shit had been installed on a $500k robot by one of our designers. Me and another guy went to take a look. It is about 200 yds from us and in another building. We wandered over, talked about coworker jackasses, made fun of the install and then badged out of the area. My buddy turns to me and says "Dude, we don't have fucking masks on." :lmao:
Evidently, I had a Macaulay Culkin Home Alone surprised face on. Fuck we laughed. Then we walked back to our office like fucking kings while passing people in the halls. All of them were staring us in disbelief.
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If she isn't doing so yet, have her start documenting everything: Dates, times, type of bullying or discrimination.
Bullying and discrimination is exactly what it is. Once you have a decent amount documented, start with the principal and then move to the school board.
If you really want to chase it, talk to a lawyer about bullying and discrimination at the school.
fuck them with their own dick
Dr. Campbell is going to wake up one day with a horse's head in his bed.

CDC admits natural immunity is better than vcxx....

For most of last year, many of us called for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its data on reinfection rates, but the agency refused. Finally last week, the CDC released data from New York and California, which demonstrated natural immunity was 2.8 times as effective in preventing hospitalization and 3.3 to 4.7 times as effective in preventing Covid infection compared with vaccination.

Yet the CDC spun the report to fit its narrative, bannering the conclusion “vaccination remains the safest strategy.” It based this conclusion on the finding that hybrid immunity—the combination of prior infection and vaccination—was associated with a slightly lower risk of testing positive for Covid. But those with hybrid immunity had a similar low rate of hospitalization (3 per 10,000) to those with natural immunity alone. In other words, vaccinating people who had already had Covid didn’t significantly reduce the risk of hospitalization.
I am really hating people right now. If your 4 shots and masks can't keep you "safe", it's still not my kids fucking job to make you "feel" safe.
Sorry to hear. I feel your pain. We have been fighting the intese propoganda and bullying with or 17 year old daughter. She is convinced I am a "crazy conspiracy nut" because we don't agree with the science. She wants to go to grad and university which both required the shot. Just before Christmas she went and got the "vacine" on her own. Didn't tell us until a couple weeks ago after she got the booster. I was so pissed and scared but what am I going to do now? Just hug her and hope for the best while my wife cries saying we should have moved someplace were everyone wasn't a nutcase. I don't blame her. I giver her lots of credit for holding out as long as she had. Hard enough being a teenager than a lepper too. Anyway, you are not alone wishing the best.
Bullying is bad unless it supports a leftist cause. It's crazy that they oppose big business but all this vaccine had done is fill the pockets of big pharma.
CDC admits natural immunity is better than vcxx....

By refusing to submit the data, means there was political/big pharma motivation behind their decisions. Everyone at the cdc should be locked up in jail for malpractice of the highest order.

There is zero reason for any of us to believe anything they or the .gov says about Covid. Everything from the beginning has been a straight up lie.
You've gotta present your papers in most of King County before they'll let you sit down anywhere. Further east you go it's less of an issue :laughing:
I wont go out to eat in king county but have never been made to wear a mask. Every retail store now I just ignore the sign. I think there are like 2 stores that asked. And I spent mu money elsewhere. That shit actually works if the people have the balls to do it. My town had several stores go mask Nazi. Suddenly they lost 50-75% of their business. Suddenly signs stayed up but masks weren’t required.

Everyone love to blame the government for this. And yes they are partly responsible. However thos other side that is responsible is the side that is against masks but wear them to make it easier. That side is far more responsible than the government as they get their power to govern from the consent of the people. The government said wear mask and the people consented. For all you go along to get alongs if it makes it easier. Just be glad the government didn’t tell everyone to suck a dick every day to prevent covid. Of I fear a large number of the consenting sheep would be switch hitters now. :flipoff2:
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Well, I told my wife that I'm still going to hang out with a friend of mine who she states is "High Risk". My wife is an ER Physician and is still concerned over the Plandemic. Granted, she only see's the 1-2% of people who are critically ill, or the retards that just want tested. But for her to tell me not to hang out with a friend of mine who I haven't seen in over a year because he's "High Risk" was a point that I put my foot down. I also told her after my 'booster' that I'm done with these clot shots. Only reason I got the booster was for her mother who lives in our guest house and went through a triple by-pass in Nov and was still recovering. But now that the data shows the clot shots don't do anything for this new variant I'm done with it. I'm pro vax, but but anti-mandate. And by pro-vax, I mean ethically proven vax's. Not this politically driven BS we're being coerced into taking to keep our livelyhoods. I love what the Canadian truckers are doing. Following the NPR's bookface article on it is hilarious. All the liberal tears in the comments about how anti-vax these people are. And someone even said it was an unbiased article. HA HA HA. It's NPR... goodness... the plandemic has really divided everyone.
Well, I told my wife that I'm still going to hang out with a friend of mine who she states is "High Risk". My wife is an ER Physician and is still concerned over the Plandemic. Granted, she only see's the 1-2% of people who are critically ill, or the retards that just want tested. But for her to tell me not to hang out with a friend of mine who I haven't seen in over a year because he's "High Risk" was a point that I put my foot down. I also told her after my 'booster' that I'm done with these clot shots. Only reason I got the booster was for her mother who lives in our guest house and went through a triple by-pass in Nov and was still recovering. But now that the data shows the clot shots don't do anything for this new variant I'm done with it. I'm pro vax, but but anti-mandate. And by pro-vax, I mean ethically proven vax's. Not this politically driven BS we're being coerced into taking to keep our livelyhoods. I love what the Canadian truckers are doing. Following the NPR's bookface article on it is hilarious. All the liberal tears in the comments about how anti-vax these people are. And someone even said it was an unbiased article. HA HA HA. It's NPR... goodness... the plandemic has really divided everyone.

What about this friend makes them "high risk"? And does she mean that there's a high risk of you catching covid from this person, or that they'll die if they catch covid? And if it's an issue either way, why would she worry if you've been shot and boostered?
Well, I told my wife that I'm still going to hang out with a friend of mine who she states is "High Risk". My wife is an ER Physician and is still concerned over the Plandemic. Granted, she only see's the 1-2% of people who are critically ill, or the retards that just want tested. But for her to tell me not to hang out with a friend of mine who I haven't seen in over a year because he's "High Risk" was a point that I put my foot down. I also told her after my 'booster' that I'm done with these clot shots. Only reason I got the booster was for her mother who lives in our guest house and went through a triple by-pass in Nov and was still recovering. But now that the data shows the clot shots don't do anything for this new variant I'm done with it. I'm pro vax, but but anti-mandate. And by pro-vax, I mean ethically proven vax's. Not this politically driven BS we're being coerced into taking to keep our livelyhoods. I love what the Canadian truckers are doing. Following the NPR's bookface article on it is hilarious. All the liberal tears in the comments about how anti-vax these people are. And someone even said it was an unbiased article. HA HA HA. It's NPR... goodness... the plandemic has really divided everyone.

She believes that you might catch Covid from your friend?

But you’ve had all of the shots. That is impossible.
What about this friend makes them "high risk"? And does she mean that there's a high risk of you catching covid from this person, or that they'll die if they catch covid? And if it's an issue either way, why would she worry if you've been shot and boostered?
Because he, from what her friends tell her, didn't get the clot shots initially, then got the Rona and still travels to Mexico quite often with his wife. Hence he's High Risk to her. Even though data shows getting the Rona is better protection than the clot shots. What I did find out when I hung out with him was that him and his wife basically camp.overland out in Mexico when they're there or are pretty secluded. Whatever... I'm just done with this whole plandemic BS.
Even Congress folks don’t wear masks in FL.
I don't get it either and I refuse to get into it with them anymore. When my wife tested positive, there was a massive meltdown. They thought for sure she wasn't going to survive.
Because he, from what her friends tell her, didn't get the clot shots initially, then got the Rona and still travels to Mexico quite often with his wife. Hence he's High Risk to her. Even though data shows getting the Rona is better protection than the clot shots. What I did find out when I hung out with him was that him and his wife basically camp.overland out in Mexico when they're there or are pretty secluded. Whatever... I'm just done with this whole plandemic BS.
Sorry but your wife is a hypochondriac regarding covid. So many otherwise normal people in the medical field got brainwashed by this shit. About 50% from the anecdotal shit I hear from friends that work in hospitals. Most that are pro plandemoc cant really articulate why beside to “save lives” and they cant back up any evidence the the shot helps anyone in the workforce without pre existing conditions.

Weird fucking thing really.
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I really try to think logically about all this, but it's so wrapped up in emotional propaganda is almost impossible.

The fact people admit that pharma and the Gov were wrong (or lied) about every single measurable metric of the vaccine so far. But they 100% got the safe part correct?

That does not compute. I'm not saying that it's not safe, but the fact that we can't question anything about it raises all of the red flags.

Oh and I think Japan(?) just announced a major study on Ivermecten. Even though it's a deadly horse killer.

On top of the constant lying about natural immunity, it's just a absolute shock that anyone trusts any of the propaganda at this point.
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