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Useless things about your day!

It's like everyone on the road has never read the driver's ed book these days.
Don't even get me started on 4 way stops where we all sit because the person on the right can't figure out that they have the right of way.
I thought I was gonna have to walk a few cars up and play traffic cop yesterday. Buncha dumb ****s looking at each other and all of them to go first.:mad3:
I was kinda blown away and intimidated for a moment when I had to take a 25 question test to get my UT license a couple weeks ago. :homer:

Open Book, so I got them all correct:smokin:; but still went from an easy paperwork process, to “Shit, I know what’s going on on the road, but these are way specific, so glad I just have to dig thru the handbook they provided”.
honestly I wouldn't be opposed if a short test of basic shit would be a requirement to renew your license.

I take the book every year when I renew tags, because it's free and like 20 pages to read the traffic law section. They do change shit in there sometimes.
honestly I wouldn't be opposed if a short test of basic shit would be a requirement to renew your license.

I take the book every year when I renew tags, because it's free and like 20 pages to read the traffic law section. They do change shit in there sometimes.
AZ would have to shorten renewals to make a difference. Expires at 65 years old :eek::homer:
Awkward auction is awkward.
Went out early while it was cool to rotate tires on shitbox Frontier.

Oh look! It needs front brakes.

Get brake parts and come home.

Start cleaning rust and stuff off hubs because it was hard to get wheels and rotors off.

Right front bearing is shot. Fuck. :homer:

Waiting for parts now. #shitboxlife

Found out the wife has a 50/50 shot of thyroid cancer. Biopsy Wednesday.

Glad it's effin friday, tons to do this weekend but at least it'll be on my terms.

Sending good thoughts. I hope that turns out ok.
Don't even get me started on 4 way stops where we all sit because the person on the right can't figure out that they have the right of way.
I just stop, pause for a couple seconds then plow on through
none of that start stop bullshit, just... Complete stop, nobody is going? My turn then, dumbfucks.
Rode the bike in today. I ride with my RedWings and I got dog shit on them from over the weekend. So I left them outside next to the bike at work. It rained. So that was nice.
finally fixed the sunroof in the daily shitbox
lets see it try and leak when its urethaned shut

it's probably still gonna leak somehow
I just stop, pause for a couple seconds then plow on through
none of that start stop bullshit, just... Complete stop, nobody is going? My turn then, dumbfucks.

Exactly. It was your turn, you didn't go now you lost your chance.

Yup that’s how I play the game. I am usually driving the shittiest vehicle and look like I just don’t give a fuck. 9 times out of 10 the other drivers just wave me through lol.
Yup that’s how I play the game. I am usually driving the shittiest vehicle and look like I just don’t give a fuck. 9 times out of 10 the other drivers just wave me through lol.
That happens all the time in the Aerostar. Never happens in the Subarus.
Yup that’s how I play the game. I am usually driving the shittiest vehicle and look like I just don’t give a fuck. 9 times out of 10 the other drivers just wave me through lol.
The worst is when the 4 way stop is 10+ deep in all directions and EVERYONE does it right, until you get there and that other car has no idea. I also always just assume if they don't know off the batt it is there turn, then it is my turn.
Went over Independence Pass and through Aspen to get a free riding mower yesterday. Saw more of the new ugly front end Teslas than I've ever seen to date in that 1 drive. Reminds me of a new bug mashed up with a Dolphin or something. First time I ever saw one driving behind me I was all WTF is that crappy looking thing.


I did chuckle when told that the 4 Tesla model letters spell S E X Y . :Rolleyes:
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I just ate two pounds of microwave buffalo chicken.

Mistakes were made.
I’m at jury selection in San Mateo…probably 100-130 people in this room and me and one other are not wearing masks. Some people just like being sheep and told what to do. I’m just here shit posting and talking about how taxation is theft.
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I’m at jury selection in San Mateo…probably 100-130 people in this room and me and one other are not wearing masks. Some people just like being sheep and told what to do. I’m just here shit posting and talking about how taxation is theft.

If you want to get out of it 100% guaranteed, M92PV4U has the perfect answer when asked the "are you racist" question. :lmao:
If you want to get out of it 100% guaranteed, M92PV4U has the perfect answer when asked the "are you racist" question. :lmao:
I never get picked, I never even get asked questions. I always just have to show up and waste time. They picked 18 people about 30 minutes after they said they were gonna pick people, came back a half an hour later and let us all go.
I never get picked, I never even get asked questions. I always just have to show up and waste time. They picked 18 people about 30 minutes after they said they were gonna pick people, came back a half an hour later and let us all go.

Usually the same for me, except we get one free cup of coffee and a $5 check mailed a few weeks later.

At my old job they would still give us full pay for up to 3 consecutive days of jury duty, but we had to surrender the $5 check. :homer:

The one time I got selected for Grand Jury, it was every Monday for 16 weeks. That 'consecutive' thing worked out great for me, and they got their 16 $5 checks too.
I’m at jury selection in San Mateo…probably 100-130 people in this room and me and one other are not wearing masks. Some people just like being sheep and told what to do. I’m just here shit posting and talking about how taxation is theft.
Speaking of which, we pulled out kid out of the daycare he was supposed to start this week. They had sent out a notice to everyone the week before saying any child two and older needs to wear a mask until every child is vaccinated.

Well, apparently they had a meeting last night. And despite us pulling kiddo out of the daycare, we still get the newsletters.

Just got one about five minutes ago. The very first line? "Mask wearing for children will now be optional". So now they reeled back the mask nonsense. I'm guessing they had a lot of people leave.

Wife and I talked about it, but we're sticking with the plan; not sending him. I can't play these games. I can see this whole "delta variant" bullshit turning it back into masks required again.
Usually the same for me, except we get one free cup of coffee and a $5 check mailed a few weeks later.

At my old job they would still give us full pay for up to 3 consecutive days of jury duty, but we had to surrender the $5 check. :homer:

The one time I got selected for Grand Jury, it was every Monday for 16 weeks. That 'consecutive' thing worked out great for me, and they got their 16 $5 checks too.

I'm not racist, I just don't like those people very much.

It's not that I'm racist, I just don't like those people very much.
I have 4 broken ribs and a fratured vertebrae and off work on disability right now. I walked in, they asked me to put on a mask i told em no. They asked me to go through their little chair / chain line divider, I walked right over them, I spent my time listening to Bryson Gray and shit postan that Taxation is theft. They said at 1:30 they'd call names, it was 1:40 so I yelled (it's 10 minutes past 1:30.) They call 18 names and go away for a half an hour then come back and let the rest of us go. Side note, why do normies never push in their chair? It's like the people that don't return their cart to a cart corral. WTF.
I have 4 broken ribs and a fratured vertebrae and off work on disability right now. I walked in, they asked me to put on a mask i told em no. They asked me to go through their little chair / chain line divider, I walked right over them, I spent my time listening to Bryson Gray and shit postan that Taxation is theft. They said at 1:30 they'd call names, it was 1:40 so I yelled (it's 10 minutes past 1:30.) They call 18 names and go away for a half an hour then come back and let the rest of us go. Side note, why do normies never push in their chair? It's like the people that don't return their cart to a cart corral. WTF.
Damn get well soon.

What are normies?

The one time that I made it all of the way through I knew the defendant.

Another time I accidentally/ unknowingly brought weapons into the courthouse and placed them into the tray:homer:. They told me to put everything that wasn't my Id and truck key in my truck, then to walk around the line and metal detector to be wanded and patted down. So I did.... I was quickly rushed and about to be tackled before the guard that gave me the instructions got everyone calmed down. I was only 18 or 19.
Damn get well soon.

What are normies?

The one time that I made it all of the way through I knew the defendant.

Another time I accidentally/ unknowingly brought weapons into the courthouse and placed them into the tray:homer:. They told me to put everything that wasn't my Id and truck key in my truck, then to walk around the line and metal detector to be wanded and patted down. So I did.... I was quickly rushed and about to be tackled before the guard that gave me the instructions got everyone calmed down. I was only 18 or 19.
Normies are normal people, people that don't have to pull the pocket knives out of their jeans that we forget are there. They asked if my boots were steel toe at the metal detector, i said ya, they're composite but I had left everything I thought of in the truck and already taken my belt off.

I'll be fine soon, I'm too much of an asshole to die youngish.:flipoff2:
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