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Useless things about your day!

ran the tank at work outta waste ATF, burning it quicker than they're flushing trannies
might have to either start burning normal motor oil or staying at my place overnight more often
got the fittings ordered to get motor oil outta their waste tanks. Been meaning to get some for winter heating purposes anyways

that's an RV window in the box
we're def gonna need more than just that teaser pic
Yeah, there's a rv side door too and evidence of a build that's half there (solar panels and a blue top but nothing in between, tank and vent but no furnace). Gonna need some sorting out, or I might just be lame and see if I can make a few bucks off it.
I'm jelly. I want a 4x4 box truck to haul decoys hunting geese and ducks.

How many doll hairs?

What he said

Yeah, there's a rv side door too and evidence of a build that's half there (solar panels and a blue top but nothing in between, tank and vent but no furnace). Gonna need some sorting out, or I might just be lame and see if I can make a few bucks off it.
Check out my new Pry Bar
Got the carb cleaned on my honda shadow. Started it up and its backfiring pretty bad and will barely idle. On one backfire it shot what looked like dryer lint? All over the floor. Not sure if its fiberglass packing or a mouse had built a nest in there?
A buddy of mine pulled out his CR125 and hopped on and went flying down the street with it sputtering and running like shit, then it died and he pushed it back.

Dude, fuckin throttle stuck!

So we take off the seat to investigate only to find the air box full of dog food and a mouse nest including the chewed up filter for bedding.

The kicker was he didn’t have a dog, the neighbor did.
95f today so I put the young fella up closer to the sun.
I lost the right hand cylinder on an RD400 to a fucking spider lodged in the main jet.
Check out my new Pry Bar
goddamn, that's skinny
I'd hate to be a snapon dealer these days, what with the 20" handle 3/8dr ratchets and 40" 1/2 dr ratchets that they're shitting out now
oh and the 12" 1/4 dr
full retard no pipe needed to pop those bastards
Yesterday I stepped backwards off the wrong side of a ladder... I'm feeling it tonight.
For the last couple weeks, I could smell a decomposing mouse in my garage. Couldn’t find it. Today I drag out the Porta Cool, sump still full of water from last summer, and quickly figured out where the smell had been coming from. I’m a pansy-ass when it comes to this stuff, so I was absolutely heaving while draining and cleaning this hairless, gelatinous, decomposing mouse water....
Last week, I had someone working in the yard just outside my bathroom. I had to make a turd, and not wanting to (rather, not allowed to) use my wife’s or the “guest” bathroom, I went to use the spare bathroom. Opened the toilet lid and there was a dead mouse in the toilet.
I know they can fit into small places, but both the cooler and closed toilet have no openings larger that about 3/8”.
Got loaded up and leaving tomorrow to run Chinamans gulch on Friday. Should be a fun camping and wheeling trip.
the more i work on a 7.3psd the more i realize how much better a 12v is :laughing:

7.3 water pump, 5 diff pieces 27 bolts tiny shitty orings to seal it

12v water pump, 2 bolts and a thick heavy duty oring to seal it
Freakin dog got skunked, wasn’t planning on washing my dog at midnight. My nose is going to stink all night.
Old school east Texas KAY-SO been roasting in the crockpot since 11am... this batch with wild hog sausage.

My chips are ready. Let's do this.
Speaking of lumpy semi-liquid shit, does anyone have a squirrel gravy recipe? (like the kind of gravy you put over biscuits with breakfast)
the more i work on a 7.3psd the more i realize how much better a 12v is :laughing:
Ford engineering is like the best combination of European engineering and American engineering. Complicated enough to punish the stupid and the lazy but simple enough to actually work.
the more i work on a 7.3psd the more i realize how much better a 12v is :laughing:

7.3 water pump, 5 diff pieces 27 bolts tiny shitty orings to seal it

12v water pump, 2 bolts and a thick heavy duty oring to seal it

I did a 7.3 water pump once. In a liquor store parking lot. On Friday. On the rez. At 830pm. While towing a 4runner with a blown headgasket. That happened after I found my hunting rifle scope to be full of water.

It wasn't a great weekend. On the plus side, it wasn't raining at the time.
wow I've never seen them crack, only tear through the rust holes
The truck was wrecked before we purchased it. You can see some of the meth fab in the background...

I also load about 1100 lbs of salt in the bed when I service water conditioning, but am going to start using a one ton so I can just load the whole pallet.
Bagged my first rattle snake today. I have lived in rattler county most of my life, this is the first time I’ve crossed paths with one. Just over a foot long, no rattles yet.

The river we live on is running high right now with the spring runoff and the waters edge is pretty close to the house. I decided to try to catch a fish from the house because, well, it’d be cool to catch a fish from the house and I was on my second gin and tonic. The third cast I hooked a smallmouth and cranked it out of the water, across the yard and up to the elevated deck I was standing on. Neat. I was too high up to toss the fish back into the water so I carried it by the lip through the house, past my wife’s rolling eyes, back outside and let it go. Cool starry bra.
From yesterday, caught in Biloxi MS.
lil fish were tasty, dunno what they are nor care, so you can google it. :flipoff2: As fast as I was pulling them up I should have stayed longer and caught more. No fire or fixins so paid a restaurant 12$ to cook them. No pic of the catfish it wasn’t very big either.

view from the restaurant.
Saw an old blue hair driving a convertible 4th gen Camaro, aftermarket wheels and exhaust. If I was twice my age I'd have been popping blue pills trying to take both for a joyride.
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