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Tulsi 2024?

A c
I really hope that he doesn’t
This whole "insurrection" narrative (that wasn't) was about ONE thing. It was about attaching Trump to an insurrection and making him not eligible to run again.

Now Love Trump or hate him, he was the closest thing to a 3rd party president as we will ever see.
People like trump because he was not like the Republican party. He had only been a member of the Republican party for a very short time. He didn’t need party resources, big donor money, or any of the like. The establishment hated him.

The party would have rather had Jeb or even Rubio, but they didn't want Trump and fought him for a solid 2 years after he was elected.

Also, don't forget Trump was only able to be Trump because he didn’t need money from lobbyists, big donors, or the Party, plus the swamp didn’t like him.

You get someone like say Crenshaw who the party likes. The party strokes his ego, they give him resources, he has donors he needs to keeps happy, they are getting party invitations from other party members telling them how great they are. They just fall in line to the party structure and become useless.

Some guys I see love to throw out the term “rhino“ to any member of the republican party they have an disagreement with at the moment, but those who do don’t understand what that term means. Rhino is Republican in name only.
These people who some of they referred to as rhino… Aren’t! They are the true Republican party. That is what the Republican party looks like.

People keep looking within the party to get another candidate with stones. Well, as far as I can see, (out side of Rand or DeSantis, neither of which I think will win) I don't know who could be a strong leader and win a national election.

Sorry for the fragmented rambling.... It all went together in my head, but looks quite disjointed on the page.
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Who is the alternative? You know damn well the GOP doesn't want him for the same reason they didn't want him the first time. They don't want someone who will actually get shit done. They want another worthless RINO like Bush, McCain, Romney, etc who will push the same agendas Dems do and funnel money to them and their favorite corporations. The GOP hasn't fielded a decent candidate for President in decades.
I don’t know who would work out well for the R’s. I’m not an R, so not qualified to say. What I am is a bitter independent who can clearly see from the outside looking in what each is doing wrong.

The best thing that can happen for the democrats is trump running. It will guarantee high voter turnout. He’ll split the Republican Party right in half rendering it dead for another 4 years. A lot of the “never Trumpers “ are republicans.

The DNC will once again go through the whole primary race. Discard the #1 pick of the people and place their number 1 puppet in place. The supplicant dem voters will complain about getting their choice taken from them but still get in line to check the democrats box on the ballot.
Well I’ll go ahead and put down my next thought. After the absolute nightmare the Biden administration has been the republicans could easily pick up a win. But Trump is going to run and fuck that up for the R’s.
Yeah because he done such a shitty job for four years. The best economy in years, China was going bankrupt...he fucking sold them rice, Russia wasn't doing shit, North Korea wasn't an issue and Iran wasn't lobbing missiles, the middle east was in peace talks, our GDP was the best it'd been in a decade and gas was the lowest it'd been since Obama. All while fighting off attacks from the Democrats and Republicans.

But yeah, those mean fucking tweets was the breaking point.
Yeah because he done such a shitty job for four years. The best economy in years, China was going bankrupt...he fucking sold them rice, Russia wasn't doing shit, North Korea wasn't an issue and Iran wasn't lobbing missiles, the middle east was in peace talks, our GDP was the best it'd been in a decade and gas was the lowest it'd been since Obama. All while fighting off attacks from the Democrats and Republicans.

But yeah, those mean fucking tweets was the breaking point.
Preaching to the choir with me. I’d take Trump back tomorrow if I could. But I bet you money he doesn’t get elected again, wether by fraud or actual voter turnout or killing the MF. The pricks in power aren’t going to let him have another turn.
Also, don't forget Trump was only able to be Trump because he didn’t need money from lobbyists, big donors, or the Party, plus the swamp didn’t like him.
he amassed quite a bit of donor funds :confused:

Preaching to the choir with me. I’d take Trump back tomorrow if I could. But I bet you money he doesn’t get elected again, wether by fraud or actual voter turnout or killing the MF. The pricks in power aren’t going to let him have another turn.

You mean the public? Yeah I don't think they will either.

Little surprised that that folks don't understand that most people don't want to deal with someone who might be a great xyz but is a dick in all other aspects, vs someone who is nicer but average in the same area (or below average in this case).
he amassed quite a bit of donor funds :confused:

You mean the public? Yeah I don't think they will either.

Little surprised that that folks don't understand that most people don't want to deal with someone who might be a great xyz but is a dick in all other aspects, vs someone who is nicer but average in the same area (or below average in this case).
You mean like calling someone a lying horse face pony soldier? Or maybe asking someone if they want to do pushups? Or maybe it's calling someone a stupid son of a bitch? Or maybe if you don't vote for me, you ain't black?
You mean like calling someone a lying horse face pony soldier? Or maybe asking someone if they want to do pushups? Or maybe it's calling someone a stupid son of a bitch? Or maybe if you don't vote for me, you ain't black?
Dog-face pony soldier. And don't forget the N-word. So agree 1000%.
he amassed quite a bit of donor funds :confused:
His run in 2016 was almost entirely self funded. Approx 66 million of his own $$. 2020 the campaign spent almost 1 billion and the funding was diversified. Havent found clear english on how much Trump got from small donations of < $5,600 and the amount from super pacc which reflect corporate or Oligarch bribes.
His run in 2016 was almost entirely self funded. Approx 66 million of his own $$.
He pledged to spend $100M of his own money. He actually spent $66M. His campaign spent nearly $425M, so no his campaign was definitely not "almost entirely self funded". It was about 15% self funded.
He pledged to spend $100M of his own money. He actually spent $66M. His campaign spent nearly $425M, so no his campaign was definitely not "almost entirely self funded". It was about 15% self funded.

Thats not the data I saw. I closed links a while ago. Are you saying the campaign spent 425 mil in 2016 ? The info on this, like on the Ukraine, is slimey.

Edit: - Top Contributors, federal election data for Donald Trump, 2016 cycle - Top Contributors, federal election data for Donald Trump, 2016 cycle



Scroll down and more detail is there. Donor demographics

Major contributors I only get about 36 million. Another 7 mil from the small under $5,600 limit. He threw 66 mil of his own.
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Met her in Hawaii. She's fake as hell. Doing what it takes to get where she wants.

She came to an off-road event (hula cross) and you could tell that even for the brief time she was there - she didn't want to be there.
She may not be the perfect candidate but still worlds better than anything the Democratic party has to offer.

And the video must be making progressive heads explode. :lmao:
She may not be the perfect candidate but still worlds better than anything the Democratic party has to offer.

And the video must be making progressive heads explode. :lmao:
Careful your gonna make people heads here explode with that language.
She hasn't made any announcement, but has been speaking out quite a bit over the last couple weeks. I think she will make another run at it.

I have a hard time believing she will run as a D due to what they did in the past cycle.

Does she have a shot as an Independant? Or could she flip to R?
IMO she's pissed off the "establishment" at the DNC and they'd sabotage any attempt if she ran as a D. I think she'd do better as an independent.
IMO she's pissed off the "establishment" at the DNC and they'd sabotage any attempt if she ran as a D. I think she'd do better as an independent.
Agreed, she was clinging to the “D” label, but I haven’t heard any recent interviews to see if that’s still the case.

Of course we all know an independent has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected, so there’s that.
She should run as an independent with someone like Dan Crenshaw as VP. Get some people like Joe Rogan and Elon behind the campaign to drum up support and draw in funding. It's crazy enough that it could work.

Neither are perfect but it would be a huge positive change from what we've had for at least 18 years.
She should run as an independent with someone like Dan Crenshaw as VP. Get some people like Joe Rogan and Elon behind the campaign to drum up support and draw in funding. It's crazy enough that it could work.

Neither are perfect but it would be a huge positive change from what we've had for at least 18 years.
Crenshaw is the epitome of Establishment Republican. He ain't going ANYWHERE.

(He is nothing but a one eyed John McCain. Please don't believe he deserves your support)
If my choices in '24 are Trump as a Republican, Biden as a Democrat, or Tulsi as an independent I'm voting for Tulsi 100%.
She should run as an independent with someone like Dan Crenshaw as VP. Get some people like Joe Rogan and Elon behind the campaign to drum up support and draw in funding. It's crazy enough that it could work.

Neither are perfect but it would be a huge positive change from what we've had for at least 18 years.
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