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Tulsi 2024?


The Dude
May 19, 2020
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She hasn't made any announcement, but has been speaking out quite a bit over the last couple weeks. I think she will make another run at it.

I have a hard time believing she will run as a D due to what they did in the past cycle.

Does she have a shot as an Independant? Or could she flip to R?
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I'm maybe an hour into the Rogan podcast with her. I don't agree with her about the solution to most of the stuff she's talked about so far, but I'd vote for her in a second. We need people that have integrity. Same reason I would've voted for Andrew Yang. Don't agree with most of the policies, but I trust him not to be a complete POS.
She hasn't made any announcement, but has been speaking out quite a bit over the last couple weeks.

I have a hard time believing she will run as a D due to what they did in the past cycle.

Does she have a shot as an Independant? Or could she flip to R?

she's probably as close to a libertarian as she is to a Democrat or Republican. And she seems to use logic often.
She already shredded Camel toe once. The second round would be the fatal blow. I would vote her also. In a second. Against some POS like who ? Lindsay Graham ? Mitchy ? Problem is if the R grow a sack and nominate Cruz of Texas or even Rubio of Florida. It would then be a great election debate and choise for this country. The R as a party are done and require a total rebuild. And the command of some voting machines. :laughing:

Born in American Samoa. Is she legal Pres Bait or a juvenile ?
Give her credit for integrity but no fawking way would I ever vote for her.

At this point, integrity is likely more important than issues. Just basically understanding the concept that there's real Americans that disagree with you and have a right to be heard would be a step in the right direction. We're completely devoid of that right now.
Gabbard has an F-rating from the NRA, a 0% rating by the Hawaii Rifle Association and a 100% rating by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence[SUP].[/SUP]

Gabbard supports a common rifle weapons ban, and universal background checks on top of the checks people have to take to get their permits to begin with.

The New York Times has quoted Gabbard as saying, "In an ideal world, we would listen to people instead of political action committees and the gun lobby and the N.R.A.
I'd like to know her stance on election reform. I haven't really found it yet.

She's a reasonable person on most of the stuff, but she has significant 2A and healthcare issues.
Trump's VP in the Patriot party? I would pick Nikki Haley over her.
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I do feel like she's actually a decent person and was the best candidate that ran in the democratic primary. Her stance on firearms and Healthcare are wrong in my opinion and she's not going to change them.

if they would have nominated her she would have trounced Trumpy without the need to cheat.

She has called the ar-15 a weapon of war that should be banned so, think about that before you declare your undying love for her.
I do feel like she's actually a decent person and was the best candidate that ran in the democratic primary. Her stance on firearms and Healthcare are wrong in my opinion and she's not going to change them.

if they would have nominated her she would have trounced Trumpy without the need to cheat.

She has called the ar-15 a weapon of war that should be banned so, think about that before you declare your undying love for her.

She seemed sharp in the debates. Very few non Dems would vote for her due to her 2nd amendment stance. Certainly a turn off for me. My ARs have never been to war...
She has definitely been making a lot of appearances lately. She's pedaling something or has something in the works. It's way too early to be campaigning for the next presidential election. :stirthepot:
I thought voting didn't matter any more?
She's starting up her own podcast. That's why she's been making a lot of appearances lately. She needs the publicity. I think she's a decent person. I don't agree with her on some key issues, but I also think she's reasonable enough to work with. She's not popular in Washington because that town doesn't like decent reasonable people. They like puppets. It wouldn't surprise me if her podcast isn't meant to try to kickstart a future campaign.
She's a Dem but she seems to be somewhat old school dem not bat shit crazy Liberal Karen Dem.....
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