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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

Whatever helps you sleep all warm and fuzzy at night man...

i'm serious. take note of what it considers higher and lower order things. watch the word choices used. and then study anything about propaganda, or hell, marketing for that matter.

why do you think newspapers are able to make a living summarizing academic journals and still only ever sell headlines?

edit: if they just wanted to get the message across to simple people, it would only contain 1 concept and it would hopefully be the most important.

"Cover your cough"
"wash your hands"

those sorts of simple slogans that are already in use, because this isn't a new problem and the messaging has been done long before.

the ordering is what is important. "vaccine" is the last layer of defense, government messaging is more important :lmao:
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i'm serious. take note of what it considers higher and lower order things. watch the word choices used. and then study anything about propaganda, or hell, marketing for that matter.

why do you think newspapers are able to make a living summarizing academic journals and still only ever sell headlines?

Because attention spans... hence the simple graphic rather than a wall of text with supporting data. "3rd-grade"
Because attention spans... hence the simple graphic rather than a wall of text with supporting data. "3rd-grade"

alright, well if you agree that it serves no real health information or scientific data and is solely to influence the mindless masses who do not engage in critical thinking, then yes. i agree.

that is what makes it proper panda
no, it is because simple pictures for complex problems allow for easy manipulation without any standard of logic or reason.

propaganda 201

All the smart people do it just because, nobody is being manipulated and nobody feels manipulated.

Common sense, decency, personal responsibility.

I really, REALLY don't understand this manipulation thing. I fully understand propaganda and follow some retarded leader tho.... Remember, by grandpa lived in an ACTUAL fascist state. You have never, neither did your grandparents... There is no trickle down effect, you cannot see that you are in fact being manipulated into not wearing a mask and believing conspiracy shit.

I used to be like you, but then I had success and this is no game. You CAN change the course of history, but you'd rather bleep like a sheep about not wearing masks and search for validation about letting "the weak die".
alright, well if you agree that it serves no real health information or scientific data and is solely to influence the mindless masses who do not engage in critical thinking, then yes. i agree.

that is what makes it proper panda

Critical thinking? Ok then...
I know, it takes a man to wear a mask...

You do know palantir is accessing cameras all over America and making lists? That alone should make your wear a mask. Do you want to be a target? On a list? You can fight your fight better hiding in plain sight soon.
I mean is the dems win it...
I think you have never smuggled shit over a border.
Bleep bleep shout shout.

If I were in the USA, I'd be pro Trump too... Because I have received instructions on how to survive fasicsm "just in case".

Oh y'all like pictures? Ok, here's one about wildfires and masks, might be relevant.

Oh y'all like pictures? Ok, here's one about wildfires and masks, might be relevant.

When people sneeze, there's not just little coronas floating around. The virus is encapsulated in their mucus and saliva.

Not arguing that masks are going to save a million lives or anything, just that your graphic is misleading.
Thats right, fuck me. Lash out like the emotionally cucked bitch that you are. Maybe look up more 3rd grade charts to help you calm down, fascist.

Are you trying to fight 3rd grade level charts with 3rd grade level insults or are you just that unimaginative? Let me help you broaden your horizons so we don't all have to hear you parrot "cuck" 200 more times :rolleyes:: https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/cuckold
Old white males?!

Say it ain't so!




It really is a question of how long 'old white males' is acceptable. I suspect the Left will attempt to back off on it themselves in order to define the boundaries like they always do. I sincerely hope it's not the fasco-racist backlash that the neo-nazis hope for.

But it's conspicuous how 'old white males' is completely acceptable verbiage in our most august institutions, but if one were to point out that bloodthirty azteco-mestizo savages are flooding the country, everyone would ignore the face-peeling videos and the MS-13 machete hackings and condemn the bearer of bad news as a racist.
I thought this was about the President's chances of winning? When is it about spittle contents? what?

I think Stevie Nicks has a song about this.
When people sneeze, there's not just little coronas floating around. The virus is encapsulated in their mucus and saliva.

Not arguing that masks are going to save a million lives or anything, just that your graphic is misleading.
That's the point, Albert
Guess I'm that unimaginative. Thanks for your concern though :laughing:

Don't worry, we'll work on it.Why everyone abandoned a perfectly good "cum dumpster" or "dick jockey" for some whiny bullshit millennial term like cuckold is beyond me. What crappy old shakespeare term are we going to bring back next? Tupping??
Don't worry, we'll work on it.Why everyone abandoned a perfectly good "cum dumpster" or "dick jockey" for some whiny bullshit millennial term like cuckold is beyond me. What crappy old shakespeare term are we going to bring back next? Tupping??

Nah, I'm comfortable calling him what he is, an emotionally cucked bitch. 🤷‍♂️ you can go work on whatever you want to go work on. I'm good.
Nah, I'm comfortable calling him what he is, an emotionally cucked bitch. 🤷‍♂️ you can go work on whatever you want to go work on. I'm good.

it is confusing when you say that while adjusting your merkin.
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