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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

The count was 26:4, Biden:Trump.

Conspicuously the Biden signs are on the nicer restored houses and the Trump signs are on the rattier old houses with shingle siding and scraggly grass.

the problem by me is the threat that your stuff will be vandalized if you put a trump sign out. So it seems that an American flag is the equivalent of a trump sign and there are hundreds and hundreds flying.
From Sky News Australlia
Latest ‘actual vote numbers’ in US show margins contrary to media claims

From Sky News Australlia
Latest ‘actual vote numbers’ in US show margins contrary to media claims

Who’s ass is he pulling information out of? I don’t think any ballots are being counted yet

I believe (pray) the media and “experts” are dead wrong again, I just hope it’s a blowout for Trump so there isn’t a repeat of the 2000 election
Who’s ass is he pulling information out of? I don’t think any ballots are being counted yet

I believe (pray) the media and “experts” are dead wrong again, I just hope it’s a blowout for Trump so there isn’t a repeat of the 2000 election

agree. they don't START counting votes until election day. It is the law. Gotta love the crazies though!
Who’s ass is he pulling information out of? I don’t think any ballots are being counted yet

I believe (pray) the media and “experts” are dead wrong again, I just hope it’s a blowout for Trump so there isn’t a repeat of the 2000 election

He is going by the number of ballots returned from each party :rolleyes:
Here is why I don't like this early voting crap


NY Post columnist Miranda Devine gives update on Hunter Biden corruption story

She says the number one Google search right now is how to change your vote if you voted early

I count American flags as Trump..... No shit; I have seen a huge Mexican flag in a pathetic 10 car caravan rolling down our main street (State); sort of a "What the Fuck moment".....:eek:

We were in Belen NM last week saw a pickup with an American flag on the left, Trump in the middle, and a Confederate on the right
Saw a lot of "2020 - Make Liberals Cry Again" flags.
Hospitals are inflating the Covid-19 case counts and the death toll (proper source links in the story links to mediums Covid blog)

This is slap in the face for scientists and healthcare professionals, only partly because it’s not true, but especially if you’re a doctor or nurse watching more than 1,000 of your U.S. colleagues die from the disease while you work your ass off trying to save people — some of whom believe in Covid-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories like this and refuse to wear masks or otherwise take the disease seriously.

Anyway, here’s the debunking data, revealed in not just one recent study but two: Through Oct. 3 this year, there were nearly 300,000 excess deaths compared to the relatively stable YTD average from 2015 to 2019. Only about 200,000 of those excess deaths were officially chalked up to Covid-19. The rest? A mix of Covid deaths that weren’t counted as such and deaths from other causes owing, in large part, to people not seeking or receiving proper medical care and succumbing to heart attacks, cancers and other ills that could have been prevented in non-pandemic times.

Since you're on about charts, numbers, and masks. What did you fuck off to be right behind us in death toll per capita?
After 20 pages if your crying about how shitty we are I cant remember if you are in Germany or UK. Germany is right behind us at 2.2% mortality and UK at near double with 4.9%.
meanwhile the US, doing shit wrong, according to foreigners, is about 2.6%.
what's more impressive, is that the deranged idea that everything is trumps fault, is worldwide.
Fuck the world is lost on accountability. Everyone quick, point a finger at the guy who just showed up.

Someone needs to shit in your sunroof already, so it can be trumps fault.

All the smart people do it just because, nobody is being manipulated and nobody feels manipulated.

Common sense, decency, personal responsibility.

I really, REALLY don't understand this manipulation thing. I fully understand propaganda and follow some retarded leader tho.... Remember, by grandpa lived in an ACTUAL fascist state. You have never, neither did your grandparents... There is no trickle down effect, you cannot see that you are in fact being manipulated into not wearing a mask and believing conspiracy shit.

I used to be like you, but then I had success and this is no game. You CAN change the course of history, but you'd rather bleep like a sheep about not wearing masks and search for validation about letting "the weak die".

:laughing: i appreciate that you think you know so much about my family history. Didja know that in my direct family line, half the family dodged the draft by going to canada so that they wouldn't have to fight against their cousins in germany? 1st generation immigrants in the 1920's

if you don't understand the manipulation thing, then you don't understand propaganda. that's all there is to it. we both know and have both acknowledged that masks offer a rather low level form of protection against viral spread, we both know and have acknowledged that general population mask mandates have significant negative effects. I am saying it needs to be a choice, you are saying it needs to be a mandate. the propaganda and manipulation are the attempt to justify the bad side effects by over simplifying the situation and over emphasizing the role that masks play, which is literally against a hundred years of reasearch and science.

"then i had success" :laughing: right, now that you are in a comfortable spot, you want to freeze any sort of mobility. if nobody can get up, then you think you won't fall down. it doesn't work that way.
Critical thinking? Ok then...
I know, it takes a man to wear a mask...

You do know palantir is accessing cameras all over America and making lists? That alone should make your wear a mask. Do you want to be a target? On a list? You can fight your fight better hiding in plain sight soon.
I mean is the dems win it...
I think you have never smuggled shit over a border.
Bleep bleep shout shout.

If I were in the USA, I'd be pro Trump too... Because I have received instructions on how to survive fasicsm "just in case".


on the one hand, you say USA has never lived under facism, on the other, you say trump is going to usher in fascism. :rasta:

"it takes a man...to hide his face from the cameras and commit anarchy in anonymity" - yup, that's stupid

I dont really know who this dude is but this video seemed pretty promising for Trump
Seeing more Biden and Harris signs on lawns and car bumpers lately.

NW Arkansas: drove to town yesterday, saw at Least 3X as many Trump signs as I did a couple weeks ago. Several dozen, from 'out in the county' all the way into the middle of town.
Saw 1 Biden sign.
NW Arkansas: drove to town yesterday, saw at Least 3X as many Trump signs as I did a couple weeks ago. Several dozen, from 'out in the county' all the way into the middle of town.
Saw 1 Biden sign.

Line was over an hour to vote in Lowell last Friday so hopefully those signs translate to votes.

I dont really know who this dude is but this video seemed pretty promising for Trump

Very cherry-picked small details. All 3 major online analysts, 270, 538, and RCP are increasing the Biden lead, and with good data to back that up.

Did they fail in 2016? Yes, but it was a skin of teeth upset. They are still a better source of data than picking out some rather irrelevant details, especially from a guy hawking weight-loss powder (???)
Very cherry-picked small details. All 3 major online analysts, 270, 538, and RCP are increasing the Biden lead, and with good data to back that up.

Did they fail in 2016? Yes, but it was a skin of teeth upset. They are still a better source of data than picking out some rather irrelevant details, especially from a guy hawking weight-loss powder (???)

But he's saying what Trump supporters want to hear! That means he's right, right?
But he's saying what Trump supporters want to hear! That means he's right, right?

I think the one thing that has been overlooked, AFAIK I haven't seen it: Mail-in voting benefits the party that doesn't have access to public transportation and nearby polling places, i.e. Republicans.

Lefties such as you have convinced yourself that it's so hard for minorities to vote, but that's because you're completely ignorant of how the world works when you're poor. If you live in a city, the polling station is nearby, and accessible by a variety of methods.

The answer is right there as well: Academics and Lefties are counting how long it takes to stand in line and vote, while ignoring that this is BECAUSE the polling stations are so convenient. Outside the urban centers, the polling stations are (much) farther apart, and travel time to them is higher. Obviously this means those polling stations are less crowded, and of all the people in ex-urban areas, who are most likely to vote and have the means to get there? Why, Lefties of course.

Mail-in voting returns count party registration, which is falling year by year. We don't have any good real vote counts yet, so there is no data. I've been ignoring most of the mail-in voting returns. So this guy talking about them means nothing to me as well.

He makes one good point: While most mail-in voting has been done by Democrats, Democrats are mostly done voting. They are above 50% voted now in the major mail-in States.

The point is, that it is still anyone's game. I don't believe the widely-blue Nate Silver maps, but this guy's vid is no better and has less actual data.

The upset will be that Georgia or Texas flip Blue. Might be worth it to lose Trump in order to get a wake-up call from complacent conservative Whites, who have largely made themselves irrelevant.
Someone stole my neighbors and my Trump signs.
One neighbor had a Trump flag and sign up the next day. :flipoff2: Also has a trail cam on on them. He's mad.
Fuck em. Michigan is going red. :usa:
Someone stole my neighbors and my Trump signs.
One neighbor had a Trump flag and sign up the next day. :flipoff2: Also has a trail cam on on them. He's mad.
Fuck em. Michigan is going red. :usa:

Hows the support for Gretchen?
But he's saying what Trump supporters want to hear! That means he's right, right?

no but it does align with what I see with my own eyes. Huge enthusiasm/ crowds for Trump and practically no excitement for Joe. Considering we know the polls are bullshit it’s just a question of why there is such a huge voter turnout? My money is on people coming out to vote for Trump way more than people coming out to vote against Trump because no one gives a flying fuck on voting for Biden.
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