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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

If voting from the couch wasn't an option for you, would you have strapped on a mask and went to the polls?


But that may be, as a native here I've learned to navigate crowded scenarios rather well. There were options I explored in advance...
Fox news has completely turned on Trump... They called Arizona for Biden and a bunch of the people on today have been shitting on the president... I knew it would happen, but damn, he is still in the fight.

And to think these CUCKS cheered on ALGORE in 2000 election for fighting it , simple minded fucks don't think stealing an election by fraud is fucked up as long as the get the orange bad man out.

We are officially a banana republic , thanks angry democrats. :flipoff2:
If voting from the couch wasn't an option for you, would you have strapped on a mask and went to the polls?

I've not missed an election since I was old enough to vote. Same for donating blood. I have been a mail in voter for the past 4 election cycles because it is easier and I like to have time, at home, to review all the choices and research while I'm voting.

If it was not available, I would absolutely go in person. As it is, we turned in our ballots a couple of weeks ago, and we could track them on the web to make sure they were received and counted.
And to think these CUCKS cheered on ALGORE in 2000 election for fighting it , simple minded fucks don't think stealing an election by fraud is fucked up as long as the get the orange bad man out.

We are officially a banana republic , thanks angry democrats. :flipoff2:

Hahaha I’m literally laughing my ass off in a bar watching Trumpies cult cry me a river. Might just get me a nice little duck boat to float down the river of Trump supporters tears.
You know what's nuts ? Wisconsin having found 100,000 Joe biden votes , and the kicker is it's more than registered voters in the state , what do you think happened their ? Hmmm.:lmao:

Do you even know how many registered voters there are in Wisconsin for the 2020 election? :flipoff2:

Hint: "According to Wisconsin Elections Commission, there are 3,684,726 active registered voters as of Nov. 1."
Hahaha I’m literally laughing my ass off in a bar watching Trumpies cult cry me a river. Might just get me a nice little duck boat to float down the river of Trump supporters tears.

Who is crying? Dems got their ass beat down ballot. Biden wont get shit done against cocaine mitch. I will take those 3 scoops to. Thanks Trump.

And don’t go celebrating too early this shit aint over. The real tears will be flowing if Trump pulls off a squeaker.
Who is crying? Dems got their ass beat down ballot. Biden wont get shit done against cocaine mitch. I will take those 3 scoops to. Thanks Trump.

And don’t go celebrating too early this shit aint over. The real tears will be flowing if Trump pulls off a squeaker.

And after years of them calling Trump an illegitimate president, we will have Biden that was put in by Philly and Detroit, two cities often known for squeaky clean elections... :rolleyes:
Who is crying? Dems got their ass beat down ballot. Biden wont get shit done against cocaine mitch. I will take those 3 scoops to. Thanks Trump.

And don’t go celebrating too early this shit aint over. The real tears will be flowing if Trump pulls off a squeaker.

Blue wave princess. Senate will be flipped in January during the runoff. Poor republicans going to be crying for 4 years.
Blue wave princess. Senate will be flipped in January during the runoff. Poor republicans going to be crying for 4 years.

Haha blue wave, more like blue puddle. The Rs have the senate and supreme court, and gained seats in the house. Trump has spent the last 4 years pissing off everyone he possibly can and still gave Biden all he wanted. And Biden had to spend his ass off to do it.

Who is crying? Dems got their ass beat down ballot. Biden wont get shit done against cocaine mitch. I will take those 3 scoops to. Thanks Trump.

And don’t go celebrating too early this shit aint over. The real tears will be flowing if Trump pulls off a squeaker.

Maybe you should watch NEWSMAX , looks like Mitch is already talking deals with the Biden regime.
Haha blue wave, more like blue puddle. The Rs have the senate and supreme court, and gained seats in the house. Trump has spent the last 4 years pissing off everyone he possibly can and still gave Biden all he wanted. And Biden had to spend his ass off to do it.


"Democratic candidates and allied groups have spent $5.5 billion this cycle, compared with $3.8 billion in spending by Republicans — the largest advantage ever, according to the analysis by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. It is that lopsided in favor of the Democrats even without counting the more than $1.3 billion spent by two self-funding billionaires, Michael R. Bloomberg and Tom Steyer, on their failed presidential primary bids."

Mark my words, if there is a runoff in January the Democrats will pick up both Senate seats. Now you crying because Democrats spent money on an election?
Mark my words, if there is a runoff in January the Democrats will pick up both Senate seats. Now you crying because Democrats spent money on an election?

Wouldn't spend $5b on the border... but on election, sure...

no irony here.
Do we honestly think the fraud is there and enough to really swing this? I just don't see it standing up to the test...it's close but not quite close enough.

for a country that is willing to shut down it's economy, prevent people from being treated for non-covid reasons in many cases, all to "flatten the curve."

But couldn't care less about a vote... is scary to me.

If there is zero fraud, great. Why are people not interested in knowing?
If there fraud, as many reports indicate, then why are people not interested in knowing their vote counts?

Who care who wins if the process lacks integrity?
What do people mean where is the fraud? Counting votes in secret and in private with no over-site is fraud. Counting votes that were cast after Election Day is fraud.
What do people mean where is the fraud? Counting votes in secret and in private with no over-site is fraud. Counting votes that were cast after Election Day is fraud.

Are you slow or just uneducated ? Republicans sued so multiple states couldn’t start countIng mail in ballots till the day of the election, unfortunately this has slowed counting. You have to quit falling for Fake news, there is no fraud that anyone has proven. The state’s that have said you can’t sit over us and watch the count have live feeds of the counting just like every other year, this is nothing new.... Trump is losing and grasping straws...
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