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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

Arizona might well go red still.:usa:

Yep, like I posted in another thread, when 75% of the votes were in there was a 9 point spread, with 82% in that dropped to 5 points, now we're at 86% with a 3 point spread. Doesnt take a mathematician to figure out what the trend line of that is.

Man I'd love to see this state stay red, I'd like it even more to see Mark Kelly loose, one can hope!
When did they call it? Sec of state there said they may not finish counting until Friday night...

they called it on Fox too. We were watching Jim Jordan on the Bream show and were amazed that they had Arizona won by Joe Biden.
Probably. It makes me wonder why Rudy 9/11ani is pushing so hard to play the fraud card in PA where the prez is currently up by better than a quarter million votes. Did he forget the script?

both sides are going to launch lawsuits in several of the "6 states". it doesn't matter what the script is, in an effort to ensure every legal vote is counted, everybody is pretty open that they want every review legally allowed, even if it doesn't change the outcome
both sides are going to launch lawsuits in several of the "6 states". it doesn't matter what the script is, in an effort to ensure every legal vote is counted, everybody is pretty open that they want every review legally allowed, even if it doesn't change the outcome

The damn mail-in ballots were going to be an issue from the word go. Never should have happened.
The fix is in. Trump was never going to win. He was not supposed to win the first term. The deep state faltered the first time. They had to step up their game this round to ensure he didn't get a 2nd term. Trump will be the LAST Republican to reside in the white house. The system will be changed to guarantee that. People argued with me, said barry would be one and done. I said bullshit, he will get 2 and do everything possible to keep a Republican from winning the white house ever again. Obama dropped the ball. Once pelosi and her "unfit to lead so we must remove him" proposal is in place and Joe is put to pasture, get ready. kamala takes the helm, nancy as vp, they'll just end run around the senate until the mid terms when they get control of it too thru the same means as the presidency. Voting won't matter then. They may keep up the appearance for a while, but after 5-6 election cycles, when not a single republican wins anything, they can just eliminate voting altogether. Dystopia looms. Glad I never had kids.

RIP USA July 4, 1776- Nov 3, 2020
USSA Jan 20, 2021-
So, we just need to burn it all down and start over.
The fix is in. Trump was never going to win. He was not supposed to win the first term. The deep state faltered the first time. They had to step up their game this round to ensure he didn't get a 2nd term. Trump will be the LAST Republican to reside in the white house. The system will be changed to guarantee that. People argued with me, said barry would be one and done. I said bullshit, he will get 2 and do everything possible to keep a Republican from winning the white house ever again. Obama dropped the ball. Once pelosi and her "unfit to lead so we must remove him" proposal is in place and Joe is put to pasture, get ready. kamala takes the helm, nancy as vp, they'll just end run around the senate until the mid terms when they get control of it too thru the same means as the presidency. Voting won't matter then. They may keep up the appearance for a while, but after 5-6 election cycles, when not a single republican wins anything, they can just eliminate voting altogether. Dystopia looms. Glad I never had kids.

RIP USA July 4, 1776- Nov 3, 2020
USSA Jan 20, 2021-

Jesus, dude. I’m also glad you never had kids.
The fix is in. Trump was never going to win. He was not supposed to win the first term. The deep state faltered the first time. They had to step up their game this round to ensure he didn't get a 2nd term. Trump will be the LAST Republican to reside in the white house. The system will be changed to guarantee that. People argued with me, said barry would be one and done. I said bullshit, he will get 2 and do everything possible to keep a Republican from winning the white house ever again. Obama dropped the ball. Once pelosi and her "unfit to lead so we must remove him" proposal is in place and Joe is put to pasture, get ready. kamala takes the helm, nancy as vp, they'll just end run around the senate until the mid terms when they get control of it too thru the same means as the presidency. Voting won't matter then. They may keep up the appearance for a while, but after 5-6 election cycles, when not a single republican wins anything, they can just eliminate voting altogether. Dystopia looms. Glad I never had kids.

RIP USA July 4, 1776- Nov 3, 2020
USSA Jan 20, 2021-

I 100% agree.
America needs another election...ASAP. IN PERSON VOTING ONLY. If you're too afraid to get out and vote, then don't.

makemeknowit is RIGHT. In Pennsylvania, you would have to have a reason to apply for a mail-in ballot, and then it would have to be approved. During COVID-19 they said everyone was eligible, and I don't see that changing. It allows absolute manipulation of our voting process and should not be allowed.

Even if Trump was winning, I still think America needs a re-vote. We need a fair, honest election. It doesn't matter WHO wins. What matters is that there's no question of the process being perverted by corruption. Period.
The thing that really bothers me is that we have instituted, due to the hysteria around COIVD, a vote manufacturing machine that serves only the oligarchy. So im sure all these people are super happy that this new "system" has removed le evil cheeto bandito, but its not going away. It will be used to keep any non-conforming candidate out of any office, not just the presidency. Today it serves the neo-liberal elite, tomorrow it will serve whatever war-mongering, technocrat that wields it. All to the thunderous applause of the urban centers. Its not like the system isnt unpreceded either, its the exact system used in the USSR when voting for party candidates. It didnt matter what your position was on things, it mattered how much power you had within the apparatchik to govern the "votes" you "received". This is the day our democracy has died. The ballot box is no longer a viable option. Plan accordingly.

What's going on right now, is what we see happening in third world countries over every election. You're right. This republic is going to die with this election.

The saddest part is, is that Trump knew it, he called it out for what it was. Now that he wants to question its legitimacy, and make sure it's an honest and fair election, everyone is calling him a sore loser. It's like watching sheep hurdle themselves off a cliff en masse.
You know if Biden had won on election night, i wouldnt have been happy, but i could atleast accept it. Because in that case you can look to how Trump did as a candidate and say "Well, he shouldve/couldve done this... blah blah" and thats a fair conversation to have after any candidate loses.

Now, we have a system in place where it doesnt matter what your message is. Doesnt matter how you communicate or what positions you hold. Doesnt matter how good of a campaign you run (or dont run in Biden's case). Doesnt matter your past, present or future.

The only things that matter are:
-Does the oligarchy approve of you?
-Will you do the oligarchy's bidding?
-Will the oglirachy print the necessary ballots for you?

Well then youre in luck! You can be president! (or senator, representative or whatever public office you want)

I agree. Too much occurred on election night, after election day, and now we're into Thursday and still not coming to conclusions in many states.

I've stuck to my opinion on the mail-in ballots from the word go, though. It's not fair to any Americans, period. Those ballots that were found in dumpsters, fields, or ballot boxes destroyed, didn't just contain Trump votes, but Biden votes, too. Every American deserves a fair election, no matter who they cast that vote for.
The damn mail-in ballots were going to be an issue from the word go. Never should have happened.

I have been saying this all along, and was told I didn't know what I was tallking about that they had voted by mail all the time and their vote was counted
I have been saying this all along, and was told I didn't know what I was tallking about that they had voted by mail all the time and their vote was counted

By absentee votes OR by officially being approved for mail-in ballots. This is the first Pennsylvania has allowed EVERYONE to vote mail-in, without approval. Just get online, fill out the application, and there's your ballot.
I prefer in person voting, I understand mail in's. But uncontrolled drop boxes on street corners seems ripe for fraud.

They talk about post marks and not counting late ballots, but you have un postmarked ballots in drop boxes that seem uncontrolled.

What controls them? Again, I may not know the full system.
I prefer in person voting, I understand mail in's. But uncontrolled drop boxes on street corners seems ripe for fraud.

They talk about post marks and not counting late ballots, but you have un postmarked ballots in drop boxes that seem uncontrolled.

What controls them? Again, I may not know the full system.

According to everything I received, if the mail-in ballot wasn't post marked for 11/3 or before, the vote wouldn't count. If it wasn't placed properly in the envelopes, it wouldn't count. If one thing wasn't filled out properly, it wouldn't count.

Is all of this REALLY being checked?
According to everything I received, if the mail-in ballot wasn't post marked for 11/3 or before, the vote wouldn't count. If it wasn't placed properly in the envelopes, it wouldn't count. If one thing wasn't filled out properly, it wouldn't count.

Is all of this REALLY being checked?

We don't know, unlike Fl no one is being allowed inside
According to everything I received, if the mail-in ballot wasn't post marked for 11/3 or before, the vote wouldn't count. If it wasn't placed properly in the envelopes, it wouldn't count. If one thing wasn't filled out properly, it wouldn't count.

Is all of this REALLY being checked?

I didn't know any of the above, First it doesn't surprise me they require all of those stipulations, Secondly I doubt those instructions were clearly conveyed to ballot counters, and if they were I doubt many of them comprehended them.

And again, Uncontrolled ballot boxes seem shady for something so important.
PA supreme court must think they are now law makers in addition to being just judges. The supreme court hopefully gives them a smack down
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