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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

I am, and I did the math. So either the state of cheese is lying, or the microphone jockey is. My bet is on the attention whore shooting for ratings.

I forget which of the threads I posted in before, my Wisconsin ballot said black ballpoint only. Local morning radio guy said he got a fancy pen to keep, choice of red or blue ink. Wonder which the scanner reads, if at all.
I forget which of the threads I posted in before, my Wisconsin ballot said black ballpoint only. Local morning radio guy said he got a fancy pen to keep, choice of red or blue ink. Wonder which the scanner reads, if at all.

Could be none, could be any of them. No idea on which machine they had or what they are capable of. But a ton of ballots getting read as blank would probably cause some alarm at the counting station, and definitely wouldn't cause record high number of votes for the candidates.
this is complete bullshit. Rudy has become kind of a joke, this is so desperate and will end so badly... but, okay, go with it if you think it will help.

Depends....if protocols are being ignored then not bullshit at all
Theater for the masses

If I wanted to legitimize the call of fraud, I’d do it in a state where I knew I had one, just to prove it’s more than being a sore loser....
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If Trump supporters think we only have so many covid cases because we do so much testing, it makes sense you would think you’re only losing the election because they keep counting votes.
Saw a tweet that DHS had watermarked official ballots so copies could be easy to find in a fraud sting operation. Looking for a better, more official, source. Don't know if it's true but it would be an epic troll of the Trump Admin if it is.
Saw a tweet that DHS had watermarked official ballots so copies could be easy to find in a fraud sting operation. Looking for a better, more official, source. Don't know if it's true but it would be an epic troll of the Trump Admin if it is.

Goggle search turns up nothing, the problem just like the people who think the moon landings were a hoax, with the number of people who would have to be involved we would have heard about before now. Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead
Saw a tweet that DHS had watermarked official ballots so copies could be easy to find in a fraud sting operation. Looking for a better, more official, source. Don't know if it's true but it would be an epic troll of the Trump Admin if it is.

aren't they all printed by the states ... diffrent printers? They snuck into 50 printers and set it up with them?
Goggle search turns up nothing, the problem just like the people who think the moon landings were a hoax, with the number of people who would have to be involved we would have heard about before now. Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead

Further Research says its a Qanon thing, "Watch the water" One can hope but I'm not going to hold my breath that it's real.
aren't they all printed by the states ... diffrent printers? They snuck into 50 printers and set it up with them?

Supposedly sent out guidelines to the states..

Saw a tweet that DHS had watermarked official ballots so copies could be easy to find in a fraud sting operation. Looking for a better, more official, source. Don't know if it's true but it would be an epic troll of the Trump Admin if it is.

For in person ballots in NY they log ballots taken out of the ballot book and account for ones that are destroyed (mismark one and ask for a new one, you are noted to have gotten ballots 100 and 103 out of the book), then they found the ballots cast to make sure the numbers match.

Aaron Z
You know what's nuts ? Wisconsin having found 100,000 Joe biden votes , and the kicker is it's more than registered voters in the state , what do you think happened their ? Hmmm.:lmao:

part of what you wrote has a tiny bit of factual reality, the other part, you are either making up OR you heard it and it helps your story, so, yeah toss it in. I'll bet Willie Horton found them!
50% participation is not beyond belief. How many are registered to vote?

Edit: 91% of registered voters made it to the polls. Unless lots of people registered day of. Seems fishy.

2004 3.2 million people voted in America's Dairland. The population in the state has grown since then by a good bit. Not fishy. Look somewhere else.
You could be right. That is a high turnout. I'm happy to see it if true.

the good news in this election is that, motivated, people will vote.

even in a state like California, where the vote was going Democrat, HUGE turnout.
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