What's new

Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

I also agree that the government is making stuff so expensive - but it's lobbyism, it can and should be fixed. It cannot be that getting a child costs fucking 5K. WTF... (I mean, it makes sense on another level, but that is a different discussion)

Big Pharma/ Health Insurance is the number one lobbyist in DC, you can take the next 19 and they don't add up to them.

You hear a lot about the NRA..... they're shit when it comes to lobbying the news media and of course anti-gun politicians just does what they do with that one
Certain things Trump does I do agree with.
Dividing the country for political gain isn't one of them though.

Please, please, please, please, STOP saying that. Just STOP.

Obama did this. Go back, do your homework, and see when, where, and why BLM and Antifa started. It was well before Trump.
Certain things Trump does I do agree with.
Dividing the country for political gain isn't one of them though.

trump is a non-communist Democrat, odds are good you actually agree with him more than you think.

of course, you seem to rather enjoy being taken in by the divisive narrative pushed by the media, false as it may be
trump is a non-communist Democrat, odds are good you actually agree with him more than you think.

of course, you seem to rather enjoy being taken in by the divisive narrative pushed by the media, false as it may be

There are a few books, articles, and TV specials coming out now talking about the change in the GOP. But they attribute too much credit to Trump, who is completing a job Ronald Reagan started 40 years ago.

Your average working-class American are now the bedrock of the conservative movement. We just have to convince more of us, like African Americans, to vote for Republicans to reflect their own values.
I have a feeling it's going to be a landslide Trump win, and the cities are going to burn.

Here we go folks!

Interesting take on early voting


Hot Takes: If the Early Return Data Is Correct, Democrats Should Be Preparing Themselves for a Bad Tuesday

By Scott Hounsell | Nov 02, 2020 10:00 AM ET

AP Photo/Andrew HarnikOn Friday, I posted over at VIP all of the early returns that have come in thus far for all of the battleground states. That data is a combination of voter registration data, ballot data of how many ballots were requested, and commercial data that explains voter behavior. The data has updated since then, but that data was bad news for Democrats Friday, and it was even worse for them by Sunday night.

Democrats really needed to run up the score in early voting in order to overcome the large Trump leaning turn-out expected for Election Day. At this point, in 5 of the 12 Battleground States, Republicans currently lead in early returns, including in Texas, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Short of a massive Dem turnout on Tuesday, those states all fall to Trump. Furthermore, Dems only lead by 1 point in returns in Arizona, 3 points in Nevada, 2 points in Florida, and 5 points in North Carolina. Should the DOE vote carry for Trump in those states, Trump should win those states as well. If Trump wins those states, He ends up with 284 electoral votes, and the biggest part of that is that leaves Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Minnesota on the table.

Furthermore, Dems should be terrified of the fact that in most of the states in which they lead, Democrats have burned through more of their registered voters than have the Republicans. In Pennsylvania, for instance, only 15% of Republicans have voted to date, compared to 35% of Democrats. In every state in which Republicans trail in returns, except for North Carolina, Republicans have more voters to turn out than Democrats. In North Carolina, Dems have 2 points more of their registered voters to push out to the polls while Republicans have a 1 point lead in the number of voters to turn out in Florida. In every other state in which Dems lead, Republicans have a double-digit advantage in election day voting.

The other huge factor for Dems is the amount of outstanding vote in the states in which they lead. In Pennsylvania, between 64 and 65% of the vote has yet to be cast. In Minnesota, that number is between 51 and 52%. Iowa? Between 44 and 46%.

These numbers are why you have seen the collective panic from the left in the last few days. The major push for mail ballots that was going to solidify a massive, insurmountable lead only occurred in one state, Pennsylvania, where estimates have Dem ballot returns up by 43 points. The problem again? More than 60% of the state has yet to vote and Trump is expected to do extremely well in DOE voters.
Interesting take on early voting

I fully admit, I requested a mail-in ballot. Why? Because if they shut down the voting in person, I wanted to still vote. Now that I know they're open, I've discarded my mail-in ballot (didn't know I needed it still), and will be casting a provisional vote today, which after verifying that my mail-in ballot was never turned in, my vote will count for the two guys I'm voting for today.

I'm sure MANY people did the same.
Ok, I admit I got played by MSM.

Like that Social Dilemma documentary explained, the news you receive, read, and search via Google is all spoonfed by algorithms. You NEED to take some of the things we're saying, and search for them and find the truth. It's out there, but it is not easy to find. When it comes to anything a president or candidate is quoted for saying, I immediately search out the full version, straight from their mouths.
just talked with a parts guy I order parts from(we're an independent dealer, so there is a group of franchise stores that allow us to buy from as a group) that is in metro kc area. he said in past years he was able to walk in and vote, be out the door in ten minutes or so. His wife stood in line at 6am when they opened this morning and was #160 in line. :eek: took her an hour and a half. I told chuckled and told him I hoped that silent red wave was standing there in front of her.................he didn't make a comment :lmao: they vote at a little country church in rural missouri. I hope like hell thats happening all across 'merica today!
Like that Social Dilemma documentary explained, the news you receive, read, and search via Google is all spoonfed by algorithms. You NEED to take some of the things we're saying, and search for them and find the truth. It's out there, but it is not easy to find. When it comes to anything a president or candidate is quoted for saying, I immediately search out the full version, straight from their mouths.

Yep, what he said. It's important to remember that the way our social media is built now favors things that get more shares, comments, likes, controversy, etc. Generally the flat truth is pretty boring and so no one ever shares it. Hows it go? A "nothingburger"?

However, things that are spun to be inflammatory, or elicit an emotional response get tons of clicks, likes, shares, comments, etc despite whether they are factually accurate or not. Every social media platform makes money off of participation, negative or positive, so their code is geared to spread those posts around. Not out of malice, or some nefarious plot, but because they generate the most traffic for their platform and that's how they make their ad money.

I figured out a way to get the truth every time though, click here to see how I did it

Dude just lumped Christopher Columbus in with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. There should be some alarm bells there. Two were great presidents who fought for a American freedom, and the other one was a Italian who worked for Spain in the 1400s that discovered the caribbean and has never set foot on American soil. He then spent most of his time attempting to make Spain and himself rich before he died.

Just sayin.
Dude just lumped Christopher Columbus in with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. There should be some alarm bells there. Two were great presidents who fought for a American freedom, and the other one was a Italian who worked for Spain in the 1400s that discovered the caribbean and has never set foot on American soil. He then spent most of his time attempting to make Spain and himself rich before he died.

Just sayin.

Already mail in your strait D ticket?
Certain things Trump does I do agree with.
Dividing the country for political gain isn't one of them though.

Both parties have been doing that since thier inception. Hence why none of them should EVER be trusted and anything "good" they claim to bring to the table is really bad, and anything bad is infact going to be horrible.

​​​​The more people fight racial injustice against each other, it allows those in power, on both sides, to do thier worst while we are distracted. I was really hoping anger would turn towards our overlords when the no mask protests started, but that quickly changed.
Already mail in your strait D ticket?

Mailed in just like I do every year for the last 11 years that I've lived here since our area is mail-in only. Far from a "strait D ticket" as I don't agree with a lot of propositions the democratic party is endorsing around here.
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PNW Youth Liberation Front
Unless everyone writes in "anarchy" on their ballots tomorrow, the ruling class will win the election. Trump or Biden, coup or no coup, we will be fighting against the same genocidal system. Get down to the park blocks on Nov. 4. Meet at 2 move at 5

Week of Action, Nov 4-11 start up some fun at Salem, show up early for your guarantee copy of "40 ways to fight fascism"

edit: No matter what, we riot!

: No Matter What ... From C̶h̶i̶c̶a̶g̶o̶ Zhigaagoong with love ...

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Week of Action, Nov 4-11 start up some fun at Salem, show up early for your guarantee copy of "40 ways to fight fascism"

edit: No matter what, we riot!



Since chaos in my wife's family is a constant, I'll give boots on the ground reporting from chicago area starting Thursday as we have some family issues to attend to back there. Luckily will be getting the hell out of dodge Saturday. Fawk...
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