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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

Well look at that, a well formulated, thought out response. Reagan and Trump are very alike in their approach.

I'd fully agree with you, if not for reality. In a perfect world, free market will work. Get an education, work, have healthcare, raise a family and go on vacation.

Look at the looting and rioting. So I ask, when they come to your town what is your plan? Kill fellow Americans that are down? Civil war?
It's a plan that will work. I admit that. It's just not humane. It disregards human rights. It's fascism in the definition.

The free market system has worked just fine for the past 244 years in the US. The free market system works best for those that are industrious. It also works for those that are less industrious as the largess created from the system provides the means to support those that are not industrious. Hell, the largess created from America’s free market system is directly responsible for you not having to speak Russian in your current location.

Look at who is rioting. Watch the videos, look at the pictures. Who do you see? A bunch of young, lily white, city living liberals. You ask what I would do with them again. Simple, I won’t do anything with them. Many will grow out of it and finally move out of their parent’s basement and become adults. Others will turn into bitter old liberals and troll people on the internet. Still others will return to their listless lives of petty crime, drugs and uselessness.

Your question does not pose a realistic problem for the majority of Americans. The odds of me needing a riot plan are about as high as me needing an asteroid strike plan. As the American poet Mike Tyson said “Everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched in the mouth.”.
He already been denied. He's NOT WELCOME officially. That's why he's so bitter towards our great existence. He's a bitter worthless eurofag **** bitch. If Germany was so fucking great he'd never applied to leave.



Fuck you.

Yeah I dont understand running the place down but wanting in. I think Walmart is a terrible place, but I dont try to get in anyway. I like to ask the cheeto haters the simple question, are you doing better now, or were you better off under Obama? People dont want to answer. My sister who's somewhere in the middle but votes dem anyway can even reluctantly admit things are pretty good, or were until covid. Shes in Seattle and was doing great until lockdown, and she will acknowledge it's more a local mess than trump's fault.
He already been denied. He's NOT WELCOME officially. That's why he's so bitter towards our great existence. He's a bitter worthless eurofag **** bitch. If Germany was so fucking great he'd never applied to leave.



Fuck you.

He? No way this chick is a he.

I will marry you eviltwat .... So you can fulfill your dreams of hoodratdom.... But you have to bathe.

And be a sister wife to my mean Pollock wife.

She is mean. Takes my whole fawkin check.....so we will have to turn you out for fun money....

Good times with Biden.
Biden's only card is to peddle the phony plague. The question is, will enough sheep buy it?
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Those consistently huge rallies though....
It's just a history piece. Like {gary} ... :cookie:

All your love is gone
So sing a lonely song
Of a deep blue dream
Seven horses seem
To be on the ...Mark


Poor Otis dead and gone . . . .. ..
Seems more fitting here than in the meme thread.

Yeah I dont understand running the place down but wanting in. I think Walmart is a terrible place, but I dont try to get in anyway. I like to ask the cheeto haters the simple question, are you doing better now, or were you better off under Obama? People dont want to answer. My sister who's somewhere in the middle but votes dem anyway can even reluctantly admit things are pretty good, or were until covid. Shes in Seattle and was doing great until lockdown, and she will acknowledge it's more a local mess than trump's fault.

I'll say it once more. I love America and I believe in the American experiment. I do not like fascism. But I guess these days the words don't mean what they mean dictionary wise. Everyone defines it as they wish.

I AM in, so fuck off. I just haven't been home since the start of the pandemic.

Also: California is and will always be the best state.
one thing trump did in 2016 was to show the democrats who were to comfortable with their plan was how to campaign, never seen this much activity in my state before this year, cant wait til tomorrow to not see anymore political ads.
stfu Bundes Republic Deutschland

As it turns out,I did spend some time in Deutschland,3 years in fact. Although the beer was good and in great variety,I found the Moped biker gangs to be downright laughable.50 cc's of screaming squirrel power with a leather clad Klaus perched magnificently on his red and white saddle seat glancing left to right into 30 or so mirrors clamped resplendently on every square centimeter of handlebar,determined to declare himself King Of The Road at about 40kph. PeeWee Herman would be thrilled.

The women,however were books you could not judge by their covers.Clothed,reasonably attractive.The hairy armpits,not so much.Not to mention the need for a malaria shot to dive into the jungle between their legs.

There was some fun,though.With the Red Army Faction aka the Baader-Meinhof gang in full swing,we spent a lot of time having to deal with shit being destroyed by the leftists.Sound familiar?Nothing actually accomplished,just a bunch of money spent and dead people.

All of this,however ,has absolutey nothing to do with my use of BRD as my name.I was simply bored when I signed up on pirate,and because it was already in use I simply used a few letters out of it.
As it turns out,I did spend some time in Deutschland,3 years in fact. Although the beer was good and in great variety,I found the Moped biker gangs to be downright laughable.50 cc's of screaming squirrel power with a leather clad Klaus perched magnificently on his red and white saddle seat glancing left to right into 30 or so mirrors clamped resplendently on every square centimeter of handlebar,determined to declare himself King Of The Road at about 40kph. PeeWee Herman would be thrilled.

The women,however were books you could not judge by their covers.Clothed,reasonably attractive.The hairy armpits,not so much.Not to mention the need for a malaria shot to dive into the jungle between their legs.

There was some fun,though.With the Red Army Faction aka the Baader-Meinhof gang in full swing,we spent a lot of time having to deal with shit being destroyed by the leftists.Sound familiar?Nothing actually accomplished,just a bunch of money spent and dead people.

All of this,however ,has absolutey nothing to do with my use of BRD as my name.I was simply bored when I signed up on pirate,and because it was already in use I simply used a few letters out of it.

Times have changed. But those moped "gangs" remain. So weird.
The left vs. the extreme left is a stark difference for me.

There is a difference between getting kids education and healthcare and screaming "down with imperialism" and neo marxism.

Just as there is a difference between conservatives and right-wing extremists like "Unite the right"" - don't cha think?
Well, there are differences for sure my dear.. hairytwat. Let's start with body count and dollar count of the unite the right and the BLM antifa groups.

And. Again, there is a significant percentage of superspreader attendees.....not protesters...but curious people....that are not Republican. Not wearing trumpotard outfits...

IF THEY vote for other, or Trump, instead of voting for us to be ruled by AOC and the squad...

It will be hard for them/dnc china to steal this.

If you are voting for Biden, your not voting for a leader...you are voting to be Venezuela.

And you should quit driving hydrocarbon powered machines right now....
Well, there are differences for sure my dear.. hairytwat. Let's start with body count and dollar count of the unite the right and the BLM antifa groups.

And. Again, there is a significant percentage of superspreader attendees.....not protesters...but curious people....that are not Republican. Not wearing trumpotard outfits...

IF THEY vote for other, or Trump, instead of voting for us to be ruled by AOC and the squad...

It will be hard for them/dnc china to steal this.

If you are voting for Biden, your not voting for a leader...you are voting to be Venezuela.

And you should quit driving hydrocarbon powered machines right now....

I was going to compare Venezuela to a US cotton plantation before 1863 but most slave owners would be green in envy of the type of control the Chavistas have.
He already been denied. He's NOT WELCOME officially. That's why he's so bitter towards our great existence. He's a bitter worthless eurofag **** bitch. If Germany was so fucking great he'd never applied to leave.



Fuck you.

You are a joke man. You just spin shit the way you wish it were don't cha? Did you get beat as a child? Dysfunctional family? Or are you simply a stupid mouthbreather? What is it?

Really, why so angry at a differing opinion than your zero thought Trump nutswinging and cock guzzling bullshit you spew all day long? I mean in your eyes, all of EU is full of fags... secretly gay? I bet your main search on youporn is male solo masturbation compilation.

You need a hug or something?
There is a difference between getting kids education and healthcare and screaming "down with imperialism" and neo marxism.

It's strange you mention education, and don't support Trump, since it made it so people can choose where their child goes to school.

Or do you only support the idea of "free" college education? America needs to go back to apprenticeships and the idea that you start from the bottom and work your way up. College will not teach you what you need to know when dealing with people in the work place, or managing a fortune 500 company. It's useless outside of very precise professions and most people go to college, because they simply have no idea what to do after high school. Not because they want to excel on mommy and daddy's dime, but because it's what you're supposed to do.

Again, man, you really need to understand that GOVERNMENT is the reason our healthcare is so unaffordable. Dental and vision is NOT nearly the same. Why? Because they are not being pimped by the government. There's a free market with those things. There is nothing that stops me from leaving one dentist for another based on quality of service, insurance coverage, or pricing. We need a complete overhaul of insurance in America. We both agree there. We just don't agree how, or who, should implement it.

They believe in the moral necessity of accepting the election result only if it is to their liking, and in the majesty of American democracy so long as a president they fear and loathe doesn’t win.

They are sticklers for rules, provided they work in their favor, and for norms that don’t constrain their own conduct, up to and including excusing mayhem and property damage.

No, the risk is that left-wing rioters are going, as is their wont, to rampage through America’s cities if Donald Trump wins a second term. There are certainly malefactors on the right, who should be called out and shunned, and it’s disgraceful that Trump has spent so much time preparing the ground to argue that he’s been cheated if he loses.

Yet the left has the numbers, the proven penchant for violence (up to $2 billion of property damage this year so far) and the intellectual enablers to put parts of America on crisis footing in anticipation of its possible shock and upset after Nov. 3.
It's strange you mention education, and don't support Trump, since it made it so people can choose where their child goes to school.

Or do you only support the idea of "free" college education? America needs to go back to apprenticeships and the idea that you start from the bottom and work your way up. College will not teach you what you need to know when dealing with people in the work place, or managing a fortune 500 company. It's useless outside of very precise professions and most people go to college, because they simply have no idea what to do after high school. Not because they want to excel on mommy and daddy's dime, but because it's what you're supposed to do.

Again, man, you really need to understand that GOVERNMENT is the reason our healthcare is so unaffordable. Dental and vision is NOT nearly the same. Why? Because they are not being pimped by the government. There's a free market with those things. There is nothing that stops me from leaving one dentist for another based on quality of service, insurance coverage, or pricing. We need a complete overhaul of insurance in America. We both agree there. We just don't agree how, or who, should implement it.

So homeschooling os off if Biden gets it? Choice of schools as well? Why?

I FULLY support apprenticeships. Money needs to be dumped into that system of education BIG time.

I also agree that the government is making stuff so expensive - but it's lobbyism, it can and should be fixed. It cannot be that getting a child costs fucking 5K. WTF... (I mean, it makes sense on another level, but that is a different discussion)
So homeschooling os off if Biden gets it? Choice of schools as well? Why?

I FULLY support apprenticeships. Money needs to be dumped into that system of education BIG time.

I also agree that the government is making stuff so expensive - but it's lobbyism, it can and should be fixed. It cannot be that getting a child costs fucking 5K. WTF... (I mean, it makes sense on another level, but that is a different discussion)

Homeschooling is not what I'm talking about. Remember, Clinton, Obama, Joe Biden, they all had their time to make things right in America....Obama had 8 years, and he didn't do anything besides destroy and divide this country. He could've did exactly what Trump has done, but didn't. The left hate Trump so much, I guarantee they work towards undoing everything he has done, especially if it means liberating minorities. They NEED them enslaved for votes, and control. It's amusing you and others think the left want a fair, no-class system, when all they've done is fight to insure that continues in America.

The government simply needs to get out of it all together. I guarantee it would be more affordable, and would be more efficient without them getting involved.
So homeschooling os off if Biden gets it? Choice of schools as well? Why?
Teacher's unions and the need to brainwash your children to the wonders of socialism.
I FULLY support apprenticeships. Money needs to be dumped into that system of education BIG time.
Dang something I have to agree with you.
I also agree that the government is making stuff so expensive - but it's lobbyism, it can and should be fixed. It cannot be that getting a child costs fucking 5K. WTF... (I mean, it makes sense on another level, but that is a different discussion)
Dang Again I have to agreee with you
I also agree that the government is making stuff so expensive - but it's lobbyism, it can and should be fixed. It cannot be that getting a child costs fucking 5K. WTF... (I mean, it makes sense on another level, but that is a different discussion)


2017 trump lobbying ban

i dunno, do you feel better or worse knowing that trump is the most anti-lobbyist president we've had in recent history?
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