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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

White Americans have almost nothing in common with White Europeans or Canadians — who back the expansive social contracts of social democracies reliably. (Don't judge here, it's just fact)
White Americans reliably reject such choices. Instead, they have more in common with the ethnic-religious-fundamentalist majority of nations like Iran or the authoritarian-nationalist majority of nations like Russia. They are regressive, sectarian, fundamentalist, unable to change, trapped by their own ideologies.

Again I remind you: you cannot "kick out" or "purge" your fellow Americans that CANNOT or WILL NOT work towards the common good.
I understand freedom and liberty, but some humans CANNOT.

What is your plan for them, how will you deal with this growing part of the population? Head in the sand will only lead to more looting and rioting.

A German reminding a bunch of Americans that they cannot purge fellow citizens. Really? You make this too fucking easy. As Regan said, “If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.”. The fascist mantle has firmly been grasped by liberals, not conservatives. It is liberals who try and silence those with even a hint of difference from liberal ideology, see the response to JK Rowling’s opinion on gender. It is liberals who create violence in the streets, see every major fucking city.

You have the temerity to compare America to Iran. This comparison tells us all how little you actually know. If you had any knowledge about Iran, you would firmly be aware that Iran’s “social contract” is very similar to the standard democratic socialism prevalent in Europe (free education, free healthcare, free retirement income, etc.). All of it sucks, but it’s free, so who cares.

Your premise that Americans reject expansive social contracts is correct, but your reasons are fundamentally flawed. America has rejected democratic socialism and I think will continue to reject it tomorrow. The reason isn’t because we are “regressive, sectarian, fundamentalist, unable to change, trapped by their own ideologies”. Quite the opposite, a free and open market based approach has proven to be the most successful model in the history of mankind.

You asked how we plan to deal with them. Pretty easy, it isn’t my problem to deal with them. We have always had a wax and wane of liberalism in this country, see FDR and LBJ’s great society, and we always will, but you knew that already. If we are being honest, you didn’t really post the question to elicit a response to the question. You posted it to throw shade at America and Americans. You did however mistakenly touch on one thing we can agree on. America and Russia are similar in one regard……beating that kraut ass when it needs it.
Trafalgar got the 2016 election 100% correct last time, down to the state. They do a different style of polling that is meant to attract the "trump voter" to finish the poll. As they claim that the typical "trump voter" is much less likely to fill out a poll for a multitude of reasons. Look at some of their very recent polling:

Ohio Nov 1

Michigan Nov 1


Florida Oct 29

Pennsylvania Oct 25


Pretty much what I said a couple of pages ago.
I guess a German citizen would be as close to an expert as one can get on how to attempt to purge citizens.

Your brush, it's wide and forgets time. I wasn't even born yet and all that was done. But if talking shit makes ya popular, go for it. :flipoff2:
He's not behind. You hope he is, but he's not...... Stop watching main stream media and go outside. You may want to get rid of Twitter now so your head doesn't explode after the election. :laughing:

Show me the Biden trains or the giant turnouts at the rallies for Biden. Where are all these Biden/Harris supporters hiding???

Got nothing, dontcha..... :lmao:

Smart, intelligent people don't go to super spreader events. ;)
The two biggest issues with most Americans are:

Health Care: They are the top lobbyist in DC with all the money, you can take the next 8 and they don't pass those two. Health Care is a serious issue that will need to be resolved, it's fucking ridiculous the cost of it and meds. What the answer is I have no idea. Politicians won't fix it because they're part of the problem, they created this and are benefiting from it.

Clarificaiton... I'm not for socialized medicine, I'm for affordable heatlhcare.... it can't be this fucking difficult.

Second: Free college tuition and student loans.
Most of those educational institutions are infested with liberals who make too much damn money to begin with.
Don't take out 250k for a salary that pays 45k per year.
Don't take out 250k and pay for everything BUT your education.
How much money do these colleges bring in $$$$

Clarification..... i put my kids thru college. I'm not for free college, i'm for auditing colleges / universities so they're not anal fisting us to death.

We need to get control of health care and college education, colleges/universities can do better with less they spend way too fucking much

Just my $0.02 worth

I can get behind this statement. Means a revamp of the entire Government apparatus.

What about the hood rats? What's your plan? "Affordable" is 20 bucks. Tops. Zero savings. It's just not in "them".
The two biggest issues with most Americans are:

Health Care: They are the top lobbyist in DC with all the money, you can take the next 8 and they don't pass those two. Health Care is a serious issue that will need to be resolved, it's fucking ridiculous the cost of it and meds. What the answer is I have no idea. Politicians won't fix it because they're part of the problem, they created this and are benefiting from it.

Clarificaiton... I'm not for socialized medicine, I'm for affordable heatlhcare.... it can't be this fucking difficult.

Second: Free college tuition and student loans.
Most of those educational institutions are infested with liberals who make too much damn money to begin with.
Don't take out 250k for a salary that pays 45k per year.
Don't take out 250k and pay for everything BUT your education.
How much money do these colleges bring in $$$$

Clarification..... i put my kids thru college. I'm not for free college, i'm for auditing colleges / universities so they're not anal fisting us to death.

We need to get control of health care and college education, colleges/universities can do better with less they spend way too fucking much

Just my $0.02 worth

you are 100% spot on

i went to a major U. The whole time i was there they were tearing down perfectly good buildings to build back nicer newer shit. They have money to burn. The whole system is a joke.
Smart, intelligent people don't go to super spreader events. ;)

Super-spreading events "occur when a single person infects a large number of other people — sometimes 10, 20, sometimes even more in one setting," saidDr. Justin Lessler, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


at least you admit there are no smart or intelligent people who've participated in any of the peaceful protests for the past 160 days. or gone to work in the global hospitals. or done anything really, 10 is a pretty low potential standard
Dude on charlie kirk podcast has Trump winning most battleground states but he said for example in PA even if Trump wins unless he wins that state by 4 or 5 points the Dems will be able to steal it.

Thats the sort of thing I am worried about
Smart, intelligent people don't go to super spreader events. ;)

I was at a "super spreader event" yesterday with my wife, 19 year old son, and 12 year old daughter. There was roughly 6000 people at this impromptu event, at the airport for a city of 55,000 people.

As I looked around at the crowd I noticed a lot of business owners, managers, farmers that run large farms, etc. Also a fair mix of blue collar people, as well as a lot (far more than I expected) of retired or retirement aged people.

All in all, the place was packed full of smart, intelligent people. It was awesome.
I haven't been to a spreader event in months....
I can get behind this statement. Means a revamp of the entire Government apparatus.

What about the hood rats? What's your plan? "Affordable" is 20 bucks. Tops. Zero savings. It's just not in "them".

I'm not letting this one go. You're so racist. Like, really, really racist.

I know more white people, since I'm from a predominantly white area, that are poorer than "hood rats," and $20 is "affordable."

I have no idea why you believe these problems only affect a certain locale or color of people.
I can get behind this statement. Means a revamp of the entire Government apparatus.

What about the hood rats? What's your plan? "Affordable" is 20 bucks. Tops. Zero savings. It's just not in "them".

If masks work, how did you catch covid?
I can get behind this statement. Means a revamp of the entire Government apparatus.

What about the hood rats? What's your plan? "Affordable" is 20 bucks. Tops. Zero savings. It's just not in "them".

I'm not letting this one go. You're so racist. Like, really, really racist.

I know more white people, since I'm from a predominantly white area, that are poorer than "hood rats," and $20 is "affordable."

I have no idea why you believe these problems only affect a certain locale or color of people.

So you interpret "hood rat" and "them" as african americans? What about eminem? :flipoff2:

I'll admit I worded it carefully to bait a bit. A racist jumped on it, saying he ain't.

See how conditioned you are?
So you interpret "hood rat" and "them" as african americans? What about eminem? :flipoff2:

I'll admit I worded it carefully to bait a bit. A racist jumped on it, saying he ain't.

See how conditioned you are?

You're right...what was I thinking? Hood rat...should've known you were talking about poor white people in the mountains. Silly me. Here I thought you actually meant the "hood."

You're weak.

Also, racism and stereotypes are two different things. If I say trailer trash, and you don't admit to thinking poor white people, you're lying.
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