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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

Multiply Germanies deaths by 4. I think you can do basic math, but I'm not sure.

I'll do it for you.
USA population 328 million
Germany pop. 80 million

USA deaths 236,000 (and no, they are not "overcounted" blablabla")
Germany 10,622

So if Germany were the size of the USA, it would have 40K deaths. USA has almost 6 times as many dead. Why? Trump's lack of everything. Let the nannas hit the floor...

How do you wear your mask with your foot in your mouth all of the time?

How did you catch covid if you wear your mask all of the time?
Report back on Nov. 4, okay.

I have to agree with everboob, Trump is behind and IMO he only has himself to blame. I know many here love his juvenile tweets, but there are a whole lot of people out there that are turned off by his behavior. I think the race is "too close to call" and anyone predicting a landslide for "their guy" is deluding themselves.
I have to agree with everboob, Trump is behind and IMO he only has himself to blame. I know many here love his juvenile tweets, but there are a whole lot of people out there that are turned off by his behavior. I think the race is "too close to call" and anyone predicting a landslide for "their guy" is deluding themselves.

He just isn't as smooth a conman as Obama is he?
I have to agree with everboob, Trump is behind and IMO he only has himself to blame. I know many here love his juvenile tweets, but there are a whole lot of people out there that are turned off by his behavior. I think the race is "too close to call" and anyone predicting a landslide for "their guy" is deluding themselves.

He's not behind. You hope he is, but he's not...... Stop watching main stream media and go outside. You may want to get rid of Twitter now so your head doesn't explode after the election. :laughing:

Show me the Biden trains or the giant turnouts at the rallies for Biden. Where are all these Biden/Harris supporters hiding???

Got nothing, dontcha..... :lmao:
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I think Trump's chances are very good. Fuck national polls, approval ratings, fuck all that. It all comes down to like a dozen states. Now, things could go all fucky on election night, but im heavily leaning towards nope, since enthusiasm for Biden is in the toilet. Way, way worse than anything Clinton ever saw.

So here's my educated guess: The election will come down to these states:
North Carolina

I think Trump easily takes FL, OH, Iowa, Georgia and Arizona.
I think Biden keeps Minnesota and PA while still losing narrowly.
With the rest being a toss up.

I think there will be two strong indicators as to how the night will go depending on which way they fall.

#1 If Trump gets an early victory in PA, i think you can go ahead and celebrate. Out of all the important swing states, thats the one thats the closest for him and its Joe's home state. If ole Scranton Joe cant hold PA i think its all over. I think the rest of the swing states will fall and Trump will walk away with an easy 320+ victory. Now Trump can still win handedly even if he loses PA, but i think this is the extreme indicator as to how the whole night goes.

#2 If Joe flips GA, i think its going to be a blood bath for Trump. GA hasnt voted for a D president since 1972 and the Trafalgar polls put Trump out ahead of Biden by 8 points. So if Biden flips this states i think its all over for Trump. I say this as this will be the bell weather as to which "polls" have been right all along. The ones who completely messed up 2016, or the ones who got 2016 right but 2020 wrong.

Also important notes:
-I highly doubt AZ will flip to D. But who knows with the mass migration it has been experiencing.
-I didnt put TX up there as i highly, highly doubt TX will flip. Even with the heavy D migration and their latino population, there's just no way. Especially since Biden has been polling very poorly in the latino demographic compared to past D candidates.
-I think Trump is going to take all the rust belt states again, maybe even MN this time. Mainly due to the riots effecting them.
-A respected pundit i listen to says Iowa will be the bell weather tomorrow night. I dont necessarily believe that, but maybe.


the rest don't matter :rasta: I don't think the rust belt wall is very strong, it could be split and it isn't such a big deal. i won't be surprised if biden wins 2 of those states, but without PAFLGA, it doesn't really matter.

TX is only close due to historically low turnout, but i'd wager (without ever looking in to it) that the only reason it is "close" is because the cities have always had a much higher turnout. I don't think that will be the case this year, i think texas will be more red than predicted and for some strange reason, the R candidate will benefit from increased turnout.

if PA/FL/GA split, the way that they split will be deciding factor. FL/GA red? team red wins. PA/GA red? team red wins. PA/FL red? team red. PA has an outsized role unless MI/MN/WI all vote together, it will be hard to overcome a PA loss
I have to agree with everboob, Trump is behind and IMO he only has himself to blame. I know many here love his juvenile tweets, but there are a whole lot of people out there that are turned off by his behavior. I think the race is "too close to call" and anyone predicting a landslide for "their guy" is deluding themselves.

"...only himself to blame." Not even close. While his personality does turnoff some delicate little flowers, the main reason he is not more popular than he is, is due to the constant attack he has been under since before he even too office. The Leftist media has always tried to destroy the Republican candidates but these last four years they have gone after DJT with everything at their disposal. The nonstop 24/7 mantra of Trump being a 'phobe and an 'ist eventually wears on people. It's a known fact that liberals think and act based on emotions, facts simply don't matter. Let's face it, Trump has supporters, Biden has almost none. Dem's are voting against Trump, not FOR Biden, while it's the other way around with the R's. If Biden wins it will be due to their hatred, nothing else.
My hope is the the dems have already shot their wad with early voting and the Trump voters show up on Election Day en masse, with enough of a landslide to eliminate (Yeah, right) any chance for the left to try to spin it any other way.
RealClearPolitics says


Biden Will Win. Republicans Should Understand Why.

Joe Biden is going to win.

I have been wrong before. I will be wrong again. And maybe I’m wrong today. But we do not have any significant data to suggest Donald Trump was ever in a position to win reelection, or that he is closing the campaign with any sort of momentum needed for a come-from-behind victory

Four years ago, we did have such data. In the RealClearPolitics national polling average, Hillary Clinton’s lead shrunk nearly six percentage points between Oct. 18 and Nov. 3, before ticking up a bit at the end. Her share of support throughout the duration of the general election campaign never reached 50%, an indication of soft support.

Moreover, the Trump train was clearly accelerating in those final two weeks, if you looked at RCP’s state poll averages. Clinton’s Michigan lead plummeted from 10 to 3.6 points and her Pennsylvania lead narrowed from 5.6 to 2.1 points. In Florida and North Carolina, Trump erased Clinton’s small leads completely to become, however barely, the front-runner. Trump also took the lead in Ohio in mid-October and never looked back.

(Wisconsin was the one state he flipped where the polls did not show a late surge. But as RCP President Tom Bevan noted to me on Twitter, there were no Wisconsin polls taken after Nov. 2, which was six days before the election. In turn, there was no ability to detect any late surge.)

Today, Trump is enjoying no such acceleration. Biden’s RCP national lead, as of early Monday morning, is at a healthy 7.2 points, roughly the same as it was 10 days prior. Since the end of the party conventions, Biden’s lead has remained between 5.9 and 10.3 points. Going back nearly 14 months, his lead has never been smaller than four points. And his average share of support as of Monday morning is at 51.1% and was above 50% throughout October. Biden’s lead has been, and is, strong, sturdy and stable.

and honestly, i'm more scare of congress being solidly one way or the other than the president up top. Even with Biden on top, as horrendous as the EO and non-elected authority will be (again), keeping some sort of wall in the senate or house will prevent the most significant of the long term damage
RealClearPolitics says


and honestly, i'm more scare of congress being solidly one way or the other than the president up top. Even with Biden on top, as horrendous as the EO and non-elected authority will be (again), keeping some sort of wall in the senate or house will prevent the most significant of the long term damage

Even if Biden wins as long as the R's keep the Senate it'll be very difficult for Biden to do much damage vis getting "his legislation" passed. Also, I do have hope that any EO Biden signs will get nullified by SCOTUS if it's plainly beyond his authority.
The fact that the NBA is looking at a pay cut...POINTS to a larger then minority group in this country is sick of the BLM bullshit....they won't show up to vote blue ...

..with the flow of orange man bad trains out in the wild, all on their own.....with every race color and Creed ....

They won't be able to landslide that fukkking potato.

But they have changed every norm And rule.

Require you to have ID at a restaurant with name and contact number, but not the same to vote.

And the number of Dems showing up to attend events ... Not protest.... but attend....

The fact you can't wear trump gear without fear should make every Dem vote red to rid thier party of the socialist scum.

C'mon MANG
Even if Biden wins as long as the R's keep the Senate it'll be very difficult for Biden to do much damage vis getting "his legislation" passed. Also, I do have hope that any EO Biden signs will get nullified by SCOTUS if it's plainly beyond his authority.

the biggest personal fear i have, and kamala harris alluded to it the other day at a rally in TX, is a return to the obama era EO/ATF determination "anybody receiving benefits related to mental health and visits to a mental health provider are dis qualifiers for firearm ownership". that single move, which apparently survived SCOTUS and required no legislative action, did massive damage to both mental health and firearm owners all around this country. it was horrendous.

couple that with the significant reality of court packing (i'll set up a team to review it is pretty solid "yup, let's do it, for fairness" to me) if there is a slight D majority in house and senate, and we are going to have a massive retreat in non-economic policy in the USA.
If Biden wins Pennsylvania something is wrong. His support here is miniscule at best. I don't even think he's going to win the cities.
Even if Biden wins as long as the R's keep the Senate it'll be very difficult for Biden to do much damage vis getting "his legislation" passed. Also, I do have hope that any EO Biden signs will get nullified by SCOTUS if it's plainly beyond his authority.

I would like to see the Senate remain GOP and the asshole NYC Trump go away.
The fact that the NBA is looking at a pay cut...POINTS to a larger then minority group in this country is sick of the BLM bullshit....they won't show up to vote blue ...

..with the flow of orange man bad trains out in the wild, all on their own.....with every race color and Creed ....

They won't be able to landslide that fukkking potato.

But they have changed every norm And rule.

Require you to have ID at a restaurant with name and contact number, but not the same to vote.

And the number of Dems showing up to attend events ... Not protest.... but attend....

The fact you can't wear trump gear without fear should make every Dem vote red to rid thier party of the socialist scum.

C'mon MANG

You write as if every human out there has common sense..
Leaving my name and number is also not an option. I will not be attending any dine in place that requires some bullshit like that..(it's all gross sub par food anymore anyway) fuck it's not like they don't already have limited (enough to contact me if needed for an EMERGENCY) info from my cc being run.
We're living in the twilight zone after all. Maybe Hollywood has actually been telling us their plans from the beginning of cinema? Wouldn't be too far fetched to believe they were making movies about their behavior, just to make their wrong doings seem inconceivable to us, therfore easy to brush under the rug.
I do honestly believe that in the long run, all the "leaders"are trying to do is basically confuse us into believing we matter, that our existence is a good necessary thing, when in reality it's the absolute opposite. Half our population could be wiped out, and the world would be a far better place. We are literally dollar signs walking around. Our only use is to make the rich richer, while becoming more and more enslaved. Every. Single. Day. We might be fucked already:flipoff2:
Regardless of party and who "wins" here is the one answer to the only question that matters in all this:
Regardless of the election outcome we all lose as usual.
the biggest personal fear i have, and kamala harris alluded to it the other day at a rally in TX, is a return to the obama era EO/ATF determination "anybody receiving benefits related to mental health and visits to a mental health provider are dis qualifiers for firearm ownership". that single move, which apparently survived SCOTUS and required no legislative action, did massive damage to both mental health and firearm owners all around this country. it was horrendous.

couple that with the significant reality of court packing (i'll set up a team to review it is pretty solid "yup, let's do it, for fairness" to me) if there is a slight D majority in house and senate, and we are going to have a massive retreat in non-economic policy in the USA.

im equally as concerned about the EPA being kicked high into overdrive. They will re-tread the Obama era WOTUS rule that would have been the largest federal land grab in history.

Bernie and the squad are already saying they are going to make Biden the most progressive president in history. A trojan horse, indeed.
I would like to see the Senate remain GOP and the asshole NYC Trump go away.

I'd like to see Trump disappear also, but Biden/Harris is incredibly scary. I have a gut feeling Biden won't live out a full term and that'd make Harris POTUS. That bitch is a disaster.
White Americans have almost nothing in common with White Europeans or Canadians — who back the expansive social contracts of social democracies reliably. (Don't judge here, it's just fact)
White Americans reliably reject such choices. Instead, they have more in common with the ethnic-religious-fundamentalist majority of nations like Iran or the authoritarian-nationalist majority of nations like Russia. They are regressive, sectarian, fundamentalist, unable to change, trapped by their own ideologies.

Again I remind you: you cannot "kick out" or "purge" your fellow Americans that CANNOT or WILL NOT work towards the common good.
I understand freedom and liberty, but some humans CANNOT.

What is your plan for them, how will you deal with this growing part of the population? Head in the sand will only lead to more looting and rioting.
White Americans have almost nothing in common with White Europeans or Canadians — who back the expansive social contracts of social democracies reliably. (Don't judge here, it's just fact)
White Americans reliably reject such choices. Instead, they have more in common with the ethnic-religious-fundamentalist majority of nations like Iran or the authoritarian-nationalist majority of nations like Russia. They are regressive, sectarian, fundamentalist, unable to change, trapped by their own ideologies.

Again I remind you: you cannot "kick out" or "purge" your fellow Americans that CANNOT or WILL NOT work towards the common good.
I understand freedom and liberty, but some humans CANNOT.

What is your plan for them, how will you deal with this growing part of the population? Head in the sand will only lead to more looting and rioting.

I guess a German citizen would be as close to an expert as one can get on how to attempt to purge citizens.
White Americans have almost nothing in common with White Europeans or Canadians — who back the expansive social contracts of social democracies reliably. (Don't judge here, it's just fact)
White Americans reliably reject such choices. Instead, they have more in common with the ethnic-religious-fundamentalist majority of nations like Iran or the authoritarian-nationalist majority of nations like Russia. They are regressive, sectarian, fundamentalist, unable to change, trapped by their own ideologies.

Again I remind you: you cannot "kick out" or "purge" your fellow Americans that CANNOT or WILL NOT work towards the common good.
I understand freedom and liberty, but some humans CANNOT.

What is your plan for them, how will you deal with this growing part of the population? Head in the sand will only lead to more looting and rioting.

The two biggest issues with most Americans are:

Health Care: They are the top lobbyist in DC with all the money, you can take the next 8 and they don't pass those two. Health Care is a serious issue that will need to be resolved, it's fucking ridiculous the cost of it and meds. What the answer is I have no idea. Politicians won't fix it because they're part of the problem, they created this and are benefiting from it.

Clarificaiton... I'm not for socialized medicine, I'm for affordable heatlhcare.... it can't be this fucking difficult.

Second: Free college tuition and student loans.
Most of those educational institutions are infested with liberals who make too much damn money to begin with.
Don't take out 250k for a salary that pays 45k per year.
Don't take out 250k and pay for everything BUT your education.
How much money do these colleges bring in $$$$

Clarification..... i put my kids thru college. I'm not for free college, i'm for auditing colleges / universities so they're not anal fisting us to death.

We need to get control of health care and college education, colleges/universities can do better with less they spend way too fucking much

Just my $0.02 worth
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White Americans have almost nothing in common with White Europeans or Canadians — who back the expansive social contracts of social democracies reliably. (Don't judge here, it's just fact)
White Americans reliably reject such choices. Instead, they have more in common with the ethnic-religious-fundamentalist majority of nations like Iran or the authoritarian-nationalist majority of nations like Russia. They are regressive, sectarian, fundamentalist, unable to change, trapped by their own ideologies.

Again I remind you: you cannot "kick out" or "purge" your fellow Americans that CANNOT or WILL NOT work towards the common good.
I understand freedom and liberty, but some humans CANNOT.

What is your plan for them, how will you deal with this growing part of the population? Head in the sand will only lead to more looting and rioting.

Goddamn you are a racist piece of shit
White Americans have almost nothing in common with White Europeans or Canadians — who back the expansive social contracts of social democracies reliably. (Don't judge here, it's just fact)
White Americans reliably reject such choices. Instead, they have more in common with the ethnic-religious-fundamentalist majority of nations like Iran or the authoritarian-nationalist majority of nations like Russia. They are regressive, sectarian, fundamentalist, unable to change, trapped by their own ideologies.

Again I remind you: you cannot "kick out" or "purge" your fellow Americans that CANNOT or WILL NOT work towards the common good.
I understand freedom and liberty, but some humans CANNOT.

What is your plan for them, how will you deal with this growing part of the population? Head in the sand will only lead to more looting and rioting.

White Americans that I know, who don't live on the internet, believe that you get a decent job, and get their healthcare plan. They also, for the majority, understand the government is the reason our healthcare cost so much to begin with. I've never met a white, or black, or Asian American who said, "Yeah, I don't mind paying a butt load of taxes to support someone else who is just too damn lazy to work." Because, let me tell you something, we have A LOT of social program abuse in America, and the GOV doesn't care.

There is no plan to kick out or purge them. What is wrong with you?
The two biggest issues with most Americans are:

Health Care: They are the top lobbyist in DC with all the money, you can take the next 8 and they don't pass those two. Health Care is a serious issue that will need to be resolved, it's fucking ridiculous the cost of it and meds. What the answer is I have no idea. Politicians won't fix it because they're part of the problem, they created this and are benefiting from it.

Clarificaiton... I'm not for socialized medicine, I'm for affordable heatlhcare.... it can't be this fucking difficult.

Second: Free college tuition and student loans.
Most of those educational institutions are infested with liberals who make too much damn money to begin with.
Don't take out 250k for a salary that pays 45k per year.
Don't take out 250k and pay for everything BUT your education.
How much money do these colleges bring in $$$$

Clarification..... i put my kids thru college. I'm not for free college, i'm for auditing colleges / universities so they're not anal fisting us to death.

We need to get control of health care and college education, colleges/universities can do better with less they spend way too fucking much

Just my $0.02 worth

The reason health care is expensive is because it's free for those that don't have money. If you go to a country that doesn't provide health care, it's very affordable to the common (working) man.

The reason college is expensive is because of student loans backed by the government. Students have no understanding of money and debt. They assume you must barrow to get an education. College was far more affordable before student loans and collage professors were not overpaid idiots.

It's very simple, when people are paying themselves, they won't (or can't) pay ridiculous amounts for these things. If the government is paying, they think they need them. For thousands of years they didn't need them, but now that someone else is paying, they do.

The colleges and health professionals could not charge ridiculous amounts before because almost no one would pay.

The answer to both of these problems is to get the government out of them.
White Americans have almost nothing in common with White Europeans or Canadians — who back the expansive social contracts of social democracies reliably. (Don't judge here, it's just fact)
White Americans reliably reject such choices. Instead, they have more in common with the ethnic-religious-fundamentalist majority of nations like Iran or the authoritarian-nationalist majority of nations like Russia. They are regressive, sectarian, fundamentalist, unable to change, trapped by their own ideologies.

Again I remind you: you cannot "kick out" or "purge" your fellow Americans that CANNOT or WILL NOT work towards the common good.
I understand freedom and liberty, but some humans CANNOT.

What is your plan for them, how will you deal with this growing part of the population? Head in the sand will only lead to more looting and rioting.

I believe this wins 'dumbass comment of the day'.
Trapped by our own ideologies. That must be why we are the most powerful nation on the planet x2? I'm not going to stand here and get lectured by a german. Fuck off and try not murder a couple hundred million this century.
White Americans that I know, who don't live on the internet, believe that you get a decent job, and get their healthcare plan. They also, for the majority, understand the government is the reason our healthcare cost so much to begin with. I've never met a white, or black, or Asian American who said, "Yeah, I don't mind paying a butt load of taxes to support someone else who is just too damn lazy to work." Because, let me tell you something, we have A LOT of social program abuse in America, and the GOV doesn't care.

There is no plan to kick out or purge them. What is wrong with you?

What is wrong with him cannot be explained with words alone:rolleyes:
Can we vote this cocksucker off the island? Not sure why he wastes his superior intellect trying to educate us dumbass Americans.
Can we vote this cocksucker off the island? Not sure why he wastes his superior intellect trying to educate us dumbass Americans.

There's about four people on this new board that sometimes make me not even want to click on the Chit Chat section. I'm sure they know who they are...

It's easy to forget them, until they're quoted fifteen times in one page. :flipoff2:
Trafalgar polls has Trump leading in most battleground states, looks like Rasmussen has it drastically tightening down but yahoo is still running "final Yahoo News/YouGov poll Biden leads Trump by 10 as voters fear a chaotic election day"

Bernie has said the Democrats are coastal elites that have often overlooked the working class, Biden has warned Trump from claiming an early victory and CNN is blasting that Trump is trying to undermine the democratic process at the end of the campaign.

None of that sounds like a confident voice in how tomorrow plays out for Biden but that the best play is how Trump stole & cheated the election.
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