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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

It didn't go so well for Germany the last time we got off the porch did it Hanz?

It did go great. Thanks. We didn't see that shit coming. He was tweeting and scholars were laughing, then his militia went around town amd well you know then rest.

We will come save you later ;) A Germanister always pays his dues.
It did go great. Thanks. We didn't see that shit coming. He was tweeting and scholars were laughing, then his militia went around town amd well you know then rest.

We will come save you later ;) A Germanister always pays his dues.

Just think if the rest of Europe had, had it's way Germany would have been reduced to the size of Rhode Island.
Change will come. Can't stay in the dark ages forever.
You faggots can't even get off the porch ahahahah.

You don't even have a porch to get off of, shut the fuck up already. Go into your forced lock down because the masks worked so great. You're the ultimate in stupid.
If Biden is going to win why are buildings being boarded up? Everyone knows which side has a propensity to riot and loot when things don't go their way.

Cops have been told to prep for tactical ready status within the next few days. That's not needed for Trump team, whether Trump wins or loses.
Cops have been told to prep for tactical ready status within the next few days. That's not needed for Trump team, whether Trump wins or loses.

I heard they are anticipating worse riots if biden wins because they believe that biden will let them get away with it more. :laughing:
It did go great. Thanks. We didn't see that shit coming. He was tweeting and scholars were laughing, then his militia went around town amd well you know then rest.

We will come save you later ;) A Germanister always pays his dues.

Weird. None of you Germans paid your dues the SECOND time you all started a world war.

We won’t hold our breath for Germany.
I heard they are anticipating worse riots if biden wins because they believe that biden will let them get away with it more. :laughing:

Richard J. Daley gave the order to shoot to kill , When Trump hands Dementia Joe the ass kicking he deserves / needs I hope that order is given. :flipoff2::usa:
go compare deaths you retarded dumbfuck...

You mean how neither country has a significant increase in overall deaths? What about all the suicides and drunk driving accidents because people are loosing their minds being "locked down"?

Also, how come Germany has one of the highest annual deaths per 1000 in the world?


I still try to fathom how someone can be so butthurt about what goes on in a country that isn't even close to the one they live in. :laughing:
The rsvp doesn’t mean shit. They give out as many rsvp as possible. All the rsvp do is collect data for the trump campaign.

That was wild. We got to a parking lot with an event shuttle at about 10:45, 15 minute bus ride to the event, then it took 1 1/2 hours to process through and get to where the rally was outside the airport terminal. It was packed. The rally was supposed to start at 1:15, and at 11am the line to get in was over 300 yards long.

ennsylvania Lt. Gov. Frets Over Trump Support: ‘That’s Not Photoshop’


November 1, 2020 Updated: November 1, 2020

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, a Democrat, says he hasn’t seen anything like President Donald Trump’s rallies and barnstorming across Pennsylvania.

“Donald Trump is doing things that have never been done in Pennsylvania politics in terms of the raw barnstorming across small county Pennsylvania,” Fetterman told CNN on Nov. 1. “It’s hard to predict with certainty how that’s going to activate not only his base of voters from 2016, but also those that sat it out, too.”

Fetterman then sounded the alarm to fellow Democrats who are pinning their hopes on Democratic nominee Joe Biden winning the Keystone State. Pennsylvania and its 20 Electoral College votes would provide a significant boost toward winning the 270 needed to win the White House.

“I’m not saying Donald Trump is going to win Pennsylvania, but what I am saying is he’s doing everything that he can to maximize his chances,” he said.

Trump held multiple events on Oct. 31 in Pennsylvania, including one in Butler County, where tens of thousands of supporters turned out. Photos and videos showed a scene more reminiscent of a rock concert than a political event.

Fetterman on Twitter offered a more urgent warning to Democrats.
Marine One with President Donald Trump aboard lands next to a rally at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport in Butler, Pa., on Oct. 31, 2020. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)
“The President is popular in PA. I don’t care what polls say. With 700K ballots still out there, you need to BANK YOUR BALLOT. Use a Dropbox,” he wrote. In another post, he included a Reuters photo of the Butler County rally, writing, “That’s not a photoshop.”

“That’s a @Reuters image of Butler. The Battle for Pennsylvania, and maybe the Presidency will be won or lost by you,” he said.

Fetterman, in an interview with The Washington Post, said he believes that Biden and Democrats have enthusiasm as well.
President Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport in Butler, Pa., on Oct. 31, 2020. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)President Donald Trump arrives for a rally at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport in Butler, Pa., on Oct. 31, 2020. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)President Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport in Butler, Pa., on Oct. 31, 2020. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)President Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport in Butler, Pa., on Oct. 31, 2020. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)President Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport in Butler, Pa., on Oct. 31, 2020. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)
“I am absolutely convinced that we have a lot of enthusiasm, too, on our side,” he said. “But there’s a lot of factors you can’t extrapolate into a poll that are absolutely significantly in play in Pennsylvania.”

Four years ago, Trump shocked the country when he secured Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan by razor-thin margins, propelling him to the presidency over Hillary Clinton. Polls at the time showed Clinton beating Trump in the days before Election Day in 2016.

While in Pennsylvania, the president said he will continue to support fracking, short for hydraulic fracturing, for natural gas in the state. He announced at a rally that he had signed an executive order to protect the practice.
That was wild. We got to a parking lot with an event shuttle at about 10:45, 15 minute bus ride to the event, then it took 1 1/2 hours to process through and get to where the rally was outside the airport terminal. It was packed. The rally was supposed to start at 1:15, and at 11am the line to get in was over 300 yards long.

Was it a good time? How was the trumpster?
Trump came to our small town area tonight. Local restaurant that has shunned masks for more than six months also expressed their feelings about this election.

I would also like to point out that the restaurant’s clientele is mainly 50+ and they have been packed full every Friday and Saturday night for months. No mass death here. :flipoff2:

65 Deaths from Covid19 where you live.
You are the fking epitome of idiotic left!!!!!
proof right here...... you are a stupid fkd stupid!!!!!!

Shut the fuck up dinosaur. Your time is up.
You are the guy that wants women to go back to the kitchen and wishes to take away their rights to vote, eh?

Everything was better back in the day?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!111?!!?
Go compare population , DUMBFUCK...:flipoff2:

Multiply Germanies deaths by 4. I think you can do basic math, but I'm not sure.

I'll do it for you.
USA population 328 million
Germany pop. 80 million

USA deaths 236,000 (and no, they are not "overcounted" blablabla")
Germany 10,622

So if Germany were the size of the USA, it would have 40K deaths. USA has almost 6 times as many dead. Why? Trump's lack of everything. Let the nannas hit the floor...
Multiply Germanies deaths by 4. I think you can do basic math, but I'm not sure.

I'll do it for you.
USA population 328 million
Germany pop. 80 million

USA deaths 236,000 (and no, they are not "overcounted" blablabla")
Germany 10,622

So if Germany were the size of the USA, it would have 40K deaths. USA has almost 6 times as many dead. Why? Trump's lack of everything. Let the nannas hit the floor...

Did you have the people that died in car wrecks, that tested +, that were counted as covid deaths? Died from terminal disease such as cancer etc, test +, counted as covid? Died from x-y-z... had covid-19... counted as covid-19 death?

Yes, they ARE overcounted blah blah blah. They have been overcounted blah blah blah since day one. Same as the number of + cases being overcounted blah blah blah. That's what's so fucking infuriating.... we're never going to really know (in US) how many people died from covid-19. We're never going to know (accurately) how many people had it either. This is what happens when you politicize a disease- either you believe everyone will die and some face cloth will save your life, or you believe its a fake illness no worse than a cold. The truth is somewhere in between, but this is 2020 and we don't want truth. We want to be scared.
Multiply Germanies deaths by 4. I think you can do basic math, but I'm not sure.

I'll do it for you.
USA population 328 million
Germany pop. 80 million

USA deaths 236,000 (and no, they are not "overcounted" blablabla")
Germany 10,622

So if Germany were the size of the USA, it would have 40K deaths. USA has almost 6 times as many dead. Why? Trump's lack of everything. Let the nannas hit the floor...

12k maybe......maybe. and that's with them actively killing people....not Trump, but the actual leadership drooling for power over you.

Would not surprise me at all if this whole thing was bought and paid for by whatever is actually running the dnc as the final solution for Trump removal.

This 8th known corona was clearly built. God only knows what happens next. Because people like you think you know better....and need to force your will onto the rest of us... Because your fairy tale must be brought to bear.

All the things you wish were true about Trump... Are executed with Glee by Whitmer and Cuomo....and Pelosi,s nephew. Because they are worshippers of last century Russian style bat shit crazy and Nazi socialists.....

Not due to Trump's lack of everything. They thanked him for his ability to over serve.
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