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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

I early voted Thursday.

Since 04 election I've gladly been throwing my vote in the L trashcan. This time I threw it in the R can.

I honestly think we're about done as a nation. Trump will kick the can down the road 4 more years. I don't want to get caught in a Mad Max scenario with a 3 and 5 yr old kids. At 8 and 10, they'll be old enough to take care of themselves if i get killed looking for food or gasoline.
So I might have to adjust my prediction.
Biden wins the popular vote.
Trump 295 to 243.
152 Million total votes.

That's what it looks like right now.
Biden get the obvious plus Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Maine and Wisconsin.

Trumps gets Iowa, Ohio, N. Carolina, Michigan, Arizona, Floriduh, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nebraska.

Why? People are scared, and way too many cannot think far enough ahead and will vote for Law and Order, because they mistake Trump for a strong leader and "the economy" and the promise of a cure.

It's all incorrect, but people are convinced and not gonna budge. You cannot reeducate anyone in 4 years, and most aren't gonna start critical thinking just because.
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Is that with black vote at 15 percent and Latino 35?

First off I think polls are wrong because R will usually lie on the phone fir "reasons".

Minorities will vote for Trump in unprecedented amounts due to following points:

Kanye, Ice Cube et al
Athletes and their BLM preaching insteads of doing their job.

All three things that the dems are to dumb to voice and present correctly.
Biden get the obvious plus Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Maine and Wisconsin.

Trumps gets Iowa, Ohio, N. Carolina, Michigan, Arizona, Floriduh, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nebraska.

Why? People are scared, and way too many cannot think far enough ahead and will vote for Law and Order, because they mistake Trump for a strong leader and "the economy" and the promise of a cure.

It's all incorrect, but people are convinced and not gonna budge. You cannot reeducate anyone in 4 years, and most aren't gonna start critical thinking just because.

You really don't have a clue do ya ? :flipoff2:
I am looking at youtube numbers... Trump is ahead 10:1... Biden rallys are a fucking snooze fest. We need a fucking coal-roller with a train horn to blow his shit away!

If you look at the rallies, a guy who draws in 15 people per rally is slated to beat a guy who draws in tens of thousands.
152 million votes is conservative estimate,not factoring in first time voters because nobody knows what they will do.
If you look at the rallies, a guy who draws in 15 people per rally is slated to beat a guy who draws in tens of thousands.

Has not much to do with anything. Those crowds look big to you, but they are teeny tiny compared to overall voters. Even tiny compared to R voters totals.
You really don't have a clue do ya ? :flipoff2:

Hey, I just admitted my wishful thinking vs. reality...

And you know I lean left. But not idiotic, out of reality left.
I embrace wokeism, but not out of control like it is.
I am for gay marriage,I am for healthcare for all and I support change towards blms ideas. I am pro life only to a point. I can't see a child from a rapist being raised well... Being raped is not a choice. (as an example)

I only have one thought and one feeling when I see Joe touch those girls. It involves a lot of torturous screaming and a lot of blood. That is absolutely disgusting. This man would have been hung by his neck 200 years ago. Disgusting.
Has not much to do with anything. Those crowds look big to you, but they are teeny tiny compared to overall voters. Even tiny compared to R voters totals.

Not when it’s like three times a day all over the US.

Trump does two to three rallies a day and has hit every state numerous times.
Biden and Harris are nobodys in the political world. Biden hasn't done shit in the last 40yrs in government and Harris has no track record at all, unless sucking cock for political advancement is recorded. Only morons are going to vote for those two idiots, nobody who pays any attention to whats going on in the country/world wants to vote in the unknown. Im betting there are alot of smart Democrats out there voting the R ticket this year because the "unknown" isn't convincing enough to risk the chance, and the majority of the D's in office now have done exactly jack shit in the last 4yrs except shout "orange man bad". People notice these things weather they think so or not.

With Trump you get stupid tweets and a decently run country. Hard to argue with that......
To play devil’s advocate here, doesn’t it seem reasonable that part of the reason few people show up to a Biden rally is because they see not spreading Covid as a noble cause and view the small crowds as a good thing?

On the other hand, we are going to a Trump rally today and are going to get there over an hour early so we have plenty of time to pass through security and don’t miss anything.
To play devil’s advocate here, doesn’t it seem reasonable that part of the reason few people show up to a Biden rally is because they see not spreading Covid as a noble cause and view the small crowds as a good thing?

On the other hand, we are going to a Trump rally today and are going to get there over an hour early so we have plenty of time to pass through security and don’t miss anything.

Lol you better get there 4-5 hrs early If they have a capacity limit on the amount of people they let inside. Hell when he come to my hodunk town it takes a hour to get parked/ 2 hours to leave because of all the traffic.
Biden and Harris are nobodys in the political world. Biden hasn't done shit in the last 40yrs in government and Harris has no track record at all, unless sucking cock for political advancement is recorded. Only morons are going to vote for those two idiots, nobody who pays any attention to whats going on in the country/world wants to vote in the unknown. Im betting there are alot of smart Democrats out there voting the R ticket this year because the "unknown" isn't convincing enough to risk the chance, and the majority of the D's in office now have done exactly jack shit in the last 4yrs except shout "orange man bad". People notice these things weather they think so or not.

With Trump you get stupid tweets and a decently run country. Hard to argue with that......

Maybe not vote Trump, but definitely stay home. That's the only thing I'm willing to predict in this election... low D voter turnout.
Lol you better get there 4-5 hrs early If they have a capacity limit on the amount of people they let inside. Hell when he come to my hodunk town it takes a hour to get parked/ 2 hours to leave because of all the traffic.

Two hours early is what we are aiming for. We rsvp’d but it sounds like that doesn’t make a difference.
If Biden is going to win why are buildings being boarded up? Everyone knows which side has a propensity to riot and loot when things don't go their way.
Maybe not vote Trump, but definitely stay home. That's the only thing I'm willing to predict in this election... low D voter turnout.

Sounds like a different type of suffering. If there was a commercial: Does your state suffer from "Low D"? Are you your self a "Low D"? If you want stuff for free don't be a "Low D"! {loud crying}
To play devil’s advocate here, doesn’t it seem reasonable that part of the reason few people show up to a Biden rally is because they see not spreading Covid as a noble cause and view the small crowds as a good thing?

On the other hand, we are going to a Trump rally today and are going to get there over an hour early so we have plenty of time to pass through security and don’t miss anything.

This is exactly it.

The mail in should be ridiculously skewed to the D.

With the near zero turnout for Biden in a live setting or even cyber ....this creep... Who is a potato....somehow ..is going to drive the ones worried about the virus out to the polls in massive numbers all crowded up for hours?

After the can I change my vote smashed the gogglz search?

I do believe these cocksucker's have the cheating dialed in looking at 18. I am betting It is the reason they have been apeshit the last 4 years because it was assumed zero sum in 16 and Hillary was a lock....and that is why they project so hard on the orange ape....

We are foooooked.

I mean look at the evil twatt... Fawker is already halfway programmed into goose stepping and has no clue ..... Looking for Stalin and Nazi everywhere around truples Trump where it can not be found....

And all it has to do is look in the mirror
Amazon! Look at the reviews for Trump vs. Biden campaign flags. HUGE FUCKING DIFFERENCES. Also a huge number of pro Trump sticker, flage, aroma candles and what nots. Biden...not even close. :smokin:

You have to remember that people are not voting for biden, but against trump. They dont support biden, just hate trump that much more. Its a one man election. Trump vs Trump.
To play devil’s advocate here, doesn’t it seem reasonable that part of the reason few people show up to a Biden rally is because they see not spreading Covid as a noble cause and view the small crowds as a good thing?

On the other hand, we are going to a Trump rally today and are going to get there over an hour early so we have plenty of time to pass through security and don’t miss anything.

No, because if Trump supporters were just as scared people would line up for MILES in their cars to hear what he had to say. I believe that with everything in me. There is no support for Biden, at least not enough to win. There is however enough corruption to cheat him into office.
Two hours early is what we are aiming for. We rsvp’d but it sounds like that doesn’t make a difference.

The rsvp doesn’t mean shit. They give out as many rsvp as possible. All the rsvp do is collect data for the trump campaign.
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