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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

You were being hyperbolic but went too far, thus illustrating the point. In fact 90% of Muslims want to work and play, and 9% don't like us but are willing to endure us. 1% is too many to tolerate their violence, and the percentages grow worse every year.

So you only want to ban them, not murder them glass sand nuke style?
Right. That percent was overbear on "our" side. Sry bout that. Can get confused... About who wants to kill who here
that's not normal. you know who hides their guns? felons :flipoff2:

Anyone that has done semi professional martial arts knows that the only people that need to display their guns are pitbull shorties with small dicks and zero skill.
Just like in business, the good ones are silent, swift and deadly.
PROUD BOYS... standing by for when the fraudulent election makes poor trumpy lose despite his SILENT MAJORITY (Speaking of his minority vote in 2016 of course)
Anyone that has done semi professional martial arts knows that the only people that need to display their guns are pitbull shorties with small dicks and zero skill.
Just like in business, the good ones are silent, swift and deadly.

I've done amature martial arts training under a guy who was state champ wrestler in college, competed in professional taekwondo tournaments, jiu jitsu tournaments, and taught Social and Behavioral sciences courses at the local university. He taught us that everyone wants to know how to defend themselves if someone ever pulls a gun on you. His advice was don't, you'll lose. Walk away slowly, keeping eye contact and say you don't want any trouble. I guess after I was done calming my heart rate down a good safe distance away, I could think to myself about how small the dick was on the guy who pulled a gun on me.
I've done amature martial arts training under a guy who was state champ wrestler in college, competed in professional taekwondo tournaments, jiu jitsu tournaments, and taught Social and Behavioral sciences courses at the local university. He taught us that everyone wants to know how to defend themselves if someone ever pulls a gun on you. His advice was don't, you'll lose. Walk away slowly, keeping eye contact and say you don't want any trouble. I guess after I was done calming my heart rate down a good safe distance away, I could think to myself about how small the dick was on the guy who pulled a gun on me.

I was taught to put as many concrete block walls as could between me and the guy with the gun as fast as I could :flipoff2:
Anyone that has done semi professional martial arts knows that the only people that need to display their guns are pitbull shorties with small dicks and zero skill.
Just like in business, the good ones are silent, swift and deadly.

Entered you on the "needs his Penis on his hip" list.

So much projection here , the cuckafied liberals stike again.:lmao:
I was taught to put as many concrete block walls as could between me and the guy with the gun as fast as I could :flipoff2:

Yeah, there was a disclaimer in the lesson we got: he never had a chance to test his theory that slowly backing/walking away while maintaining eye contact would work, so it was use at your own risk. He was a pretty smart guy who did a lot of criminal psychology research and teaching, so my plan is to try that, and of things start to go south, to remember to zig zag when I'm running.
Anyone that has done semi professional martial arts knows that the only people that need to display their guns are pitbull shorties with small dicks and zero skill.
Just like in business, the good ones are silent, swift and deadly.

and nobody who trains semi professional martial arts chains their hands until they are already in a fight :rasta:
I dont know what will happen if Biden wins... I doubt much of anything. However, if Trump wins... I think riots will spike again and shit will burn.
I hope one or the other wins by a large margin. Else I am really scared of the results on the street. Seriously.

you've got family in CA right? deep blue state, yeah i'd be concerned for them as well. regardless of what happens, the rioters are going to riot and the police won't do shit.
Ain't concerned about white people doing shit like this at all, they are. Totally obvious about what Christianity has done.

When was the last time "Christianity" killed a significant number of people? In this century I can only think of one instance... Germany, a Christian nation at the time killing a more than a few people of a different religion, or two.

Before that you probably have to go back to the 19th century or earlier. 16th-17th century was probably the last peak and that was either fighting between factions of Christianity or beating back the Ottomans (Muslims) who tried to take over Europe by force, again.

In general people suck and we are actually in a period of relative peace considering. It is the relentless news cycle that makes people think there is more violence than there is. 100 years ago it is likely that I would not know about violence in Portland until days after the fact rather than seeing it in real time.

while rittenhouse kills Americans, and cops shoot black people, and people stab people for having to wear a mask. Dead is dead you know...
Or better said: extremists will be extreme....

Pretty sure Rittenhouse killed people that were trying to kill him. So that is justified. For the most part Cops do the same. Any that go beyond that should be hammered. Pretty sure the mask stabbers are crazy. Whether they started that way or Covid drove them the rest of the way there is up for grabs.
I dont know what will happen if Biden wins... I doubt much of anything. However, if Trump wins... I think riots will spike again and shit will burn.

But there are already rumors that the Proud Boys are going to attack in 6 states if Trump doesn't win... per my wife's sister who claims to have seen it on twitter. I'm calling BS on that one.
People will have a melt down if Trump wins but nothing will change from it's current status. If Biden wins people who should like to have a melt down will continue going to work.

At this point I hope whoever wins, wins by a margin large enough to have it not be greatly contested.
Before that you probably have to go back to the 19th century or earlier. 16th-17th century was probably the last peak and that was either fighting between factions of Christianity or beating back the Ottomans (Muslims) who tried to take over Europe by force, again.

And now they invite them in as guest workers :lmao:
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