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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

Check out this map. And hover your cursor over Palm Beach and Miami-Dade to look at the data. It also shows comparisons to 2016.

It is updated every 20 minutes: https://joeisdone.github.io/florida/

Looks to me like Trump is going to run away with Florida big time

i literally just got a link to that from another site. its extremely interesting, if the data is accurate.

Republicans registered still have half a million voters to vote, and they are up by half a million. Dems only still have 280k left to vote. Independents that have voted are 407k, with another 164k left to vote still. split the independents in half, and the dems cant close the gap, so trump wins florida by almost 700K votes..... damn i hope those numbers are true. i really pray that they are.
look at Broward county. it doenst make any sense to me.

So in 2016, the EV (early voting) difference was +33.68% to the Dems. Meaning 33% more of the Dems voted early, with 55% total of registered Dems voting early to 21.7% total of the Republicans.

Currently, it is only +19.84% to the Dems.

I have to admit, that EO was disappointing. I wanted a full-scale Muslim ban, on the basis of their ideology alone.

The only consolation from all of this is that Muslims will attack Lefties first, and they will be the ones that have to bleed to change their minds. So I guess if people have to feel pain to wake up, might as well be you.

France is under a renewed series of Muslim attacks, a beheading over some cartoons, which is a direct attack on the foundation of Western Civilization, another knifing yesterday, and a beheading, stabbing, and murder today.

You and anybody that does not support a Muslim ban is responsible for that. That teacher died because of you, those church-goers (whom you probably hate) are your fault. Muslims are the Scorpion, and they what Scorpions do. You allowed it. It's your fault.


99.99999% of Muslims just wanna work amd play with their kids you fucking racist

Why are we so concerned when so few are affected?

Ain't concerned about white people doing shit like this at all, they are. Totally obvious about what Christianity has done. Not worried about Americans killing Americans, but the Muslim Feindbild has been indoctrinated deeply. Bleep bleep follow sheep.
The ones that are "affected" are getting their heads sawn off! :homer:

while rittenhouse kills Americans, and cops shoot black people, and people stab people for having to wear a mask. Dead is dead you know...
Or better said: extremists will be extreme....

On the subject of masks and freedom yadda yada: you aren't free to cross the fking street either, you wait for a light. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?

Weak ass motherfuckers that are to beta to just put the damn thing on.
while rittenhouse kills Americans, and cops shoot black people, and people stab people for having to wear a mask. Dead is dead you know...
Or better said: extremists will be extreme....

On the subject of masks and freedom yadda yada: you aren't free to cross the fking street either, you wait for a light. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?

Weak ass motherfuckers that are to beta to just put the damn thing on.

rittenhouse killed people after being singled out, assaulted, threatened and somebody else firing first
cops shoot everybody
muslims have chopped off more heads over face coverings than wypipo

but, nowhere is anybody saying "white people should be forgiven for chopping off heads in the street or throwing acid on people"

so yeah

fun key takeaway is to remember that islam violence, like every great totalitarian regime, is predominately among themselves. However much violence we see in the west, there is much more done in the east.

nevermind all that "convert or die" [or even the koran explicit "do not kill muslims"] when you are already spending most of your time killing converts :rasta:
Jesus fuck.

We denounce US polls for the election but fully accept polls from the Middle East?


:laughing: alright, let's say the middle east poll is off by 10 points, does 78% make you feel better? are you joining us in denouncing US polls? do you think there is a "shy muslim" who doesn't want to tell a polster they secretly DON'T support violence against civilians?
So rittenhouse had zero business being there in the first place. Terrorist. I also almost put looting and rioting into terrorist areas.

the dumber the population, the more they accept terrorism as normal and good. They also hit their kids and wifes et cetera. Also "normal" for them. Those countries have shit education, shit everything. A life is nothing.

Can you understand that? Even in our countries the dumbest are usually extremists. From church thumpers to being a Nazi in former east COMMUNIST Germany, it's the kids with no future and no education and, unfortunately, and often low iq. Some smart people then radicalise them for fame, cash or power.
i literally just got a link to that from another site. its extremely interesting, if the data is accurate.

Republicans registered still have half a million voters to vote, and they are up by half a million. Dems only still have 280k left to vote. Independents that have voted are 407k, with another 164k left to vote still. split the independents in half, and the dems cant close the gap, so trump wins florida by almost 700K votes..... damn i hope those numbers are true. i really pray that they are.

You better pray for Texas.
99.99999% of Muslims just wanna work amd play with their kids you fucking racist

You were being hyperbolic but went too far, thus illustrating the point. In fact 90% of Muslims want to work and play, and 9% don't like us but are willing to endure us. 1% is too many to tolerate their violence, and the percentages grow worse every year.
So rittenhouse had zero business being there in the first place. Terrorist. I also almost put looting and rioting into terrorist areas.

the dumber the population, the more they accept terrorism as normal and good. They also hit their kids and wifes et cetera. Also "normal" for them. Those countries have shit education, shit everything. A life is nothing.

Can you understand that? Even in our countries the dumbest are usually extremists. From church thumpers to being a Nazi in former east COMMUNIST Germany, it's the kids with no future and no education and, unfortunately, and often low iq. Some smart people then radicalise them for fame, cash or power.

zero business being there? can't stand on the street? He was cleaning up graffiti earlier in the day. you want to bitch about using crosswalks and lights, but say he shouldn't be able to exist in public space?

I'm well aware that extremists pray on the young, the dumb and people with mental concerns. Hell, educated? many of these idiots rioting in the streets are college grads, even with advanced degrees. College doesn't equal education doesn't equal IQ.
Trump can win FL, TX, NV, AZ, NC, GA, OH and STILL not have enough electoral votes to win...

Going to be tough to swing a win. DEFINITELY not a landslide
Don't get it. I like guns. In the hand of level headed individuals. That can control their emotions. That have training and a safe (if kids are in the house).
hidden. Silent about it. You know. Normal people.

Did I just step into a trap? I feel I did :flipoff2:

that's not normal. you know who hides their guns? felons :flipoff2:
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