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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.

Tim Pool posted this video yesterday asking why in the hell would Biden be campaigning in Minnesota? A Dem stronghold... why wouldnt he be going to Texas where they say they could flip it blue?

Heres the video: https://youtu.be/f0K4_vqCf8Y

Looking at that map of Florida that I posted earlier, Trump has Florida locked up...amd that is even if no one registered Democrat flips and votes for Trump. (That map just shows what the people voting are registered as)
Tim Pool posted this video yesterday asking why in the hell would Biden be campaigning in Minnesota? A Dem stronghold... why wouldnt he be going to Texas where they say they could flip it blue?

Heres the video: https://youtu.be/f0K4_vqCf8Y

Looking at that map of Florida that I posted earlier, Trump has Florida locked up...amd that is even if no one registered Democrat flips and votes for Trump. (That map just shows what the people voting are registered as)

Happening today boyo.

Preemptive TL/DR: Your sources information is shit and once again, you lack critical thinking.

So you're a cold hearted little bitch? Of course I'm emotional. You want some facts?

It's not the flu. It's five times as deadly. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6942e3.htm

They are comparing current numbers of a brand new (for all intents and purposes) virus to a virus that has been around for at least 100 years and we have a vaccine (of sorts) for. That's just useless writing.


The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is not universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919. In the United States, it was first identified in military personnel in spring 1918.

It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States. Mortality was high in people younger than 5 years old, 20-40 years old, and 65 years and older. The high mortality in healthy people, including those in the 20-40 year age group, was a unique feature of this pandemic.

10% of people died from the biggest and believed to be original Flu outbreak world wide. 1.18M current global COVID-19 deaths with 45.1M cases too date is a 2.6% mortality rate.
675K U.S. deaths = 3X current deaths from COVID complications* at a time when we only had 103.2M people = less than 1/3 of our current population.
Not only were masks used at certain points during the 1918-1920 pandemic, this was a time with 19.2% of the current global population and thus social distance wasn't just recommended, it was common place and it still spread to 1/3 of people worldwide. 0.58% of the current population was or is infected with COVID, at a time were there are many, many people stacked on top of each other in very closely packed cities. People flocked to cities in the early 1900s, but not in the droves that they do now.

The important take aways from this are:
1. If you're going to compare statistics, use relevant information.

2. You were ~4X more likely to die from the Flu on a global scale.

2. It takes time with a new virus to figure it the fuck out. What we do know is protect the vulnerable and don't cuckold the healthy that are able to keep things going and provide for those in need. Especially at this point.
A. Don't put unhealthy people with a new disease in nursing homes.
B. If it is proven not to spread or have very little to no effect in certain groups, there's no reason they can not continue to bring in tax money (work).
C. If you follow B, the need for government "stimulus" is greatly reduced or is renamed to "future tax money used to help along those that have become too ill to work". There's probably a better name than that. The main group with this round of virus is majorly outside of the working age in just about every country, so there would be little funds needed to float some people along. I also lean towards people need to set themselves up for hard times. The government wouldn't need to stimulate an economy they shut down if they don't shut it down.

3. Modern medicine, technology, knowledge, and communication has most likely helped and definitely hurt (mostly communication) in this circumstance vs. 100 years ago.

4. We still have no "answer" for Influenza, just a guess for those that take it and seems to work... Discounting the 11 year average** of 29.6M estimated symptomatic illnesses caused by the Flu in the U.S. alone. 100 years later and vaccine and built up immunity for the Flu, the death rate is down to 0.125%. It took 40 years to develop that vaccine, where we are looking to have one within a year for something with far less infection rate and a much lower starting mortality rate.

5. If you are in Government and want to tout about how bad a virus is and people of our country need money to survive because we said to shut everything down, don't add in any extra money for anything other than what directly goes to the people. If you want to keep business' afloat because you said to shut everything down, make it separate. If you want to add in money to this savior plan for illegal immigrants, fuck off.

*This is not factoring in the CDC also said only 6% of deaths are due solely to COIVD-19. There were a bunch of people on their way out, and COIVD-19 didn't due them any favors, labeling them a COVID-19 only death is a bit dicey to say the least. This may have also held true for the 1918-1920 Influenza outbreak.

** high low of 2010-2020 estimates are 45M-21M with 2012 being an outlier at a 9.3M estimate. And again, these are not all Flu only situations.
When was the last time "Christianity" killed a significant number of people? In this century I can only think of one instance... Germany, a Christian nation at the time killing a more than a few people of a different religion, or two.

Hard stretch to call them a "christian" country. Genocide, last time i checked, was definitely non-christian. But the Pope went along with Mussolini, for power reasons, because Popes have always been beholden to Kings.


Know a guy from the Rio Grande Valley who is heading up their Latinos For Trump down there. 2,000 car caravan a couple of weeks ago. The fact they are sending her to the valley shows they are really worried, and they are going to make a small effort, to retain those counties. Its showing up across several states that Trump is doing really well with Latinos. One fun fact, Americans of hispanic decent, in Texas, do not like illegal immigration. The grassroots in the valley think its neck and neck in some areas and that trump will actually pull a few counties from the Dems.

If they actually thought they had a chance to flip the state, they would have sent Biden, because NO ONE in the valley is going to respond well to Harris. No one.

her stop in Houston means they are worried about the black vote in that county, and they had some large voter fraud schemes foiled over there. Harris county and the RGV have been BLUE blue for many years. the fact they are sending Harris shows some panic that those counties may actually go RED, especially after their idiocy about fossil fuels. I bet there is no video of her speech in the valley and Houston. whatever she could say would be so damning they cant replay it.
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Hard stretch to call them a "christian" country. Genocide, last time i checked, was definitely non-christian. But the Pope went along with Mussolini, for power reasons, because Popes have always been beholden to Kings.

I was alluding to the predominant religion of the region. Which at the time of WWII was Protestant. Which falls under the Umbrella of "Christian". But I agree completely that genocide is decidedly unchristian as an action!

Kings and Popes have had a weird relationship over the centuries. Sometimes the Kings are beholden to the Pope or visa versa. Heck them not getting along is how the Anglican Church got set up... ;)
Amazon! Look at the reviews for Trump vs. Biden campaign flags. HUGE FUCKING DIFFERENCES. Also a huge number of pro Trump sticker, flage, aroma candles and what nots. Biden...not even close. :smokin:
Probably because Biden supporters don't feel the need to buy every branded item with Trump's name on it because we are not nearly as obsessed.
I am not CNN.

I am not obsessed, and especially not to the point where I am buying hats, and shirts, and coffee mugs, and straws, and flags etc. for any candidate.

Leftist lies.

Your a CNN agent and you know it.

And probably have a garage full of Trump goodies you sleep on top of at night when no one can see.

Yeah......we know.
Probably because Biden supporters don't feel the need to buy every branded item with Trump's name on it because we are not nearly as obsessed.

Which in itself is interesting considering the amount of Obama swag that was purchased when he was running. Enthusiasm matters, well, guess we will see the proof in that hypothesis next week or when ever they get enough of the votes in to call it.
Here in Florida, no matter where I go in Jacksonville or Orlando I get compliments for my Trump hat from unexpected people of color and it got me a free side on my plate lunch from a black lady today. I don't see Trump losing Florida. Voters are lining up at all polling locations.
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I would like evil tears thoughts on trumps peace deals in the Middle East????
Less war.... more peace the last 4 years!!!!!
You prefer heads being sawed off with Fkn butter knives!!!!!!
I would like evil tears thoughts on trumps peace deals in the Middle East????
Less war.... more peace the last 4 years!!!!!
You prefer heads being sawed off with Fkn butter knives!!!!!!

He's German, not French. He'd prefer his women were molested.

Hope ya like the look. Your going to be seeing orange man for another 4 years. :smokin: No logical person wants to elect the unknown, and there are not enough of you fucktards in this country that actually go vote to pull off an upset.

Day after the election is going to be fun around here.

You leaving the country or killing yourself? Inquiring minds don't give a fu.....er, want to know. :lmao:
Hope ya like the look. Your going to be seeing orange man for another 4 years. :smokin: No logical person wants to elect the unknown, and there are not enough of you fucktards in this country that actually go vote to pull off an upset.

Day after the election is going to be fun around here.

You leaving the country or killing yourself? Inquiring minds don't give a fu.....er, want to know. :lmao:

Ain’t nobody doing shit. They will continue to cry like a bunch of sore dick losers for another 4 years. :lmao:
Hope ya like the look. Your going to be seeing orange man for another 4 years. :smokin: No logical person wants to elect the unknown, and there are not enough of you fucktards in this country that actually go vote to pull off an upset.

Day after the election is going to be fun around here.

You leaving the country or killing yourself? Inquiring minds don't give a fu.....er, want to know. :lmao:

Quoted for posterity :flipoff2:

No but seriously we can't let Joe get the keys to the nuclear weapons.
Trump came to our small town area tonight. Local restaurant that has shunned masks for more than six months also expressed their feelings about this election.

I would also like to point out that the restaurant’s clientele is mainly 50+ and they have been packed full every Friday and Saturday night for months. No mass death here. :flipoff2:


I am looking at youtube numbers... Trump is ahead 10:1... Biden rallys are a fucking snooze fest. We need a fucking coal-roller with a train horn to blow his shit away!
Trump came to our small town area tonight. Local restaurant that has shunned masks for more than six months also expressed their feelings about this election.

I would also like to point out that the restaurant’s clientele is mainly 50+ and they have been packed full every Friday and Saturday night for months. No mass death here. :flipoff2:

Get some!
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