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Thursday's Debate........................................

New word of the day..:smokin::smokin::smokin:


A “neurodivergent” person refers to a person on the autism spectrum or, more generally, to someone whose brain processes information in a way that is not typical of most individuals.
We had a bunch of friends over last weekend. Several of the girls were talking and I hear one of them say "there isn't an adult male in this pool that's not on the spectrum.":lmao: She's probably right.
How was it not obvious to anyone with two living brain cells the last time? What was done about it? The courts refused to even listen to an evidence, anyone that tried to bring anything got sued and or charged with trying to over turn an election. Protest and and be jailed, fined or even shot.
The mind is a powerful thing. The truth can be anything if you want it to be whether you even realize that's what you're doing to yourself.

My mom is a perfect example. She still thinks she's a common sense independent but whatever The View and major news networks tell her to think, she does.

She just got back from "vacation" (she doesn't work) and all she could tell me about it was it was completely ruined by how many Trump signs she saw while she was there. She still believes all the covid lies, still believes all the Jan 6 BS, still thinks Trump is a Russian spy. She thinks doing her own research is reading headlines on a couple different major news sites.

And my mom isn't some hardcore leftist. She's not stupid either. She's not the smartest person in her world, but she's smarter than average and has more common sense than the average person. That's just how powerful propaganda is, even passively. It works even when it's completely obvious that it's bullshit.

here's a taste: but you gotta dig. this article is obviously slanted but the info seems to be accurate about his time with his companies. He pushed ESG and DEI and then he makes money being against it now. seems like a convenient shift. zebra doesnt really change his stripes. its the same way i feel when people think Tulsi Gabbard should be a republican anything.

Let's start with the basics. Ramaswamy has funded his campaign through the sale of over $32 million in Roivant stock options in February of this year. This could lead one to believe that Roivant, based in Bermuda, is thriving and that Ramaswamy is a great entrepreneur. Except the company reported staggering losses of $1.2 billion in its financial report of March 2023. This isn't a one-time slump: In March 2022, when Ramaswamy was still Roivant's chairman and a major shareholder, the company reported an annual loss of $924.1 million.

Ramaswamy's defenders may argue that Roivant performed better during his tenure as CEO in 2021, but alas, the numbers tell a different story. The reality is that Roivant's finances were abysmal under Ramaswamy's watch. During his tenure in 2019, the company's net operating loss exceeded $530 million. By 2020, the losses had doubled to over $1 billion, accompanied by a 65 percent decline in revenue.

These numbers raise a puzzling question: How can a company consistently bleeding billions trade at over $10 a share?

The answer might lie in Ramaswamy's implementation of Roivant's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiative, called Roivant Social Ventures, during his CEO tenure. Launched in 2020 while Ramaswamy was still CEO, this initiative aimed to foster "DEI opportunities for future leaders in biopharma and biotech."

While Ramaswamy vocally opposes ESG principles, Roivant's major institutional investors—including Morgan Stanley, Viking Global, and BlackRock, the very firms he criticizes by name—are among its largest stakeholders, owning over 500 million shares. Ramaswamy himself holds more than 80 million shares, making him an essential partner of these major ESG funds.
We had a bunch of friends over last weekend. Several of the girls were talking and I hear one of them say "there isn't an adult male in this pool that's not on the spectrum.":lmao: She's probably right.

ugh... nothing but a bunch of bullshit.
The mind is a powerful thing. The truth can be anything if you want it to be whether you even realize that's what you're doing to yourself.

My mom is a perfect example. She still thinks she's a common sense independent but whatever The View and major news networks tell her to think, she does.

She just got back from "vacation" (she doesn't work) and all she could tell me about it was it was completely ruined by how many Trump signs she saw while she was there. She still believes all the covid lies, still believes all the Jan 6 BS, still thinks Trump is a Russian spy. She thinks doing her own research is reading headlines on a couple different major news sites.

And my mom isn't some hardcore leftist. She's not stupid either. She's not the smartest person in her world, but she's smarter than average and has more common sense than the average person. That's just how powerful propaganda is, even passively. It works even when it's completely obvious that it's bullshit.
Damn dude, do we have the same mom? I hate that shit, she's become unbearable.
We're going to get rid of lead pipes? Is this a platform issue?

Just this year 2 public water employees stopped at every address to ask about water supply pipes.

So billions have been spent on a study without one inch of pipe replaced.
Interesting thought...could he have an epi pump that was remote controlled? A doc/handler off stage giving him doses as they noticed him dropping off?

I'm sure the technology is out there.
My dad has cancer meds that are on a bulb like that it goes off with a timer, but you could easily swap it for a button.
supposedly obama and ron klain sitting down with biden today. Jill biden insisting joe keep running.

the other thing too is Ron klain left the administration last year.

it means that people on the inside dont know what the hell they are doing. also Jill wants to keep riding high like a queen. shes going to have to go to one of their many mortgaged homes and live with that guy as he takes a hard dive down into dementia until the end.
My only concern is that they had to know this would go poorly...

Is this a pivot so orange man can "steal" yet another election, in doing so they can pawn off all the problems to him, obstruct everything he does and the D's can re group and continue in 28' after the millions that came through the non existent border these last few years are now suddenly able to vote.

Don't get me wrong... we all know ballot printer go brrrrrrrrr.....
here's a taste: but you gotta dig. this article is obviously slanted but the info seems to be accurate about his time with his companies. He pushed ESG and DEI and then he makes money being against it now. seems like a convenient shift. zebra doesnt really change his stripes. its the same way i feel when people think Tulsi Gabbard should be a republican anything.

Interesting read. Defintitely slanted.

Re: companies losing money... While I don't get it, some companies have roaring stock while having never made a profit, especially in the tech sector. I don't know that I would hold that over his head much...
He looks better right now live than he did last night.

Yeah he is moving now, maybe they missed the dose timing and it's finally kicking in. Glad this guy didn't show up last night, or he just that much clearer with a prompter
its called "sundowning". hes better in the morning and early in the day and get progressively worse as he get tired and the meds start to wain.
^beat me to it.

Mom was diagnosed with dementia last year. She's type 2 diabetic and wasn't controlling it well. She had been visibly sliding, but we couldn't get her to the doc any sooner than we did as she's still has complete control over those decisions (and I'm sure you know why us kids had a hard time forcing the issue). Once they jiggered her meds she is mostly back to normal (by standards of 70 and woman)... until about 3pm. By 7 she's... well, better than Biden last night, but not the same person. She has good enough faculties to be alone with our almost 3yo for a couple of hours in the mornings, or our teenager all day, but that's about it. Definitely not 'leader of the free world' competent, but can keep kids alive.
IF she makes it to 81, she won't be any better than Biden is now.

Thankfully we were able to voluntarily get her to sign over POA for medical and financial reasons just recently so we won't have to do it in an adversarial way later.
Nope, the man gets exactly what he deserves, just to bad most people can't see it for what it is.

It is elder abuse, but he also deserves it.

I don't feel sorry for him at all. He brought it on himself.
This. I don't even recognize him as a human with how much of a piece of shit he is. Whatever abuse he is getting pales in comparison to the suffering he has spread across the USA and the world during his tenure in politics.
I think Joe will stay on the ticket, I think the smart move for dems would be a VP swap to someone that gets them fired up. Then he can step down in grace after the election. Removing Kamala would give him a boost
I think Joe will stay on the ticket, I think the smart move for dems would be a VP swap to someone that gets them fired up. Then he can step down in grace after the election. Removing Kamala would give him a boost

thats a new one... Newsome replaces Kamala and then after the steal its Newsome and maybe Susan Rice? Newsome and Whitmer? oooooohhh.... Newsome and Stacy Adams!!!! Thats the ticket!!!
^^^ that is my fear.. They have fucked things up so bad they punt and then blame their policy failures on Trump a week after he takes office.
Bush did the same with the 08 recession. Obama dud the same with the middle east. Trump did the dame with sunsetting tax cuts and the Afghan withdrawal and the impending Russia invasion. It's common practice. We the people always lose.
Biden actually think he has a chance in hell at being the president? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣
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