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Thursday's Debate........................................

nah, its all about making the steal believable. thats all its about. if they think they can't sell Biden getting 95 million votes against a convicted felon, then someone else will be paid to step in and take it. and they'll sell that guy or Hilary.

i promise if they run Hilary they will steal in plain sight and she will not lose. no way they'll let her be a 2 time loser to Trump
They are in a real pickle when it comes to ballot stuffing. There are only 160ish million registered voters. Let's say Trump gets 80 million which it a legitimate possibility. They will have to not only win without winning the popular vote, but they will have to do it with a limited number of voters, or resort to actually removing votes from Trump, and they will have to convince us that there was a 99% voter turnout. It's going to be hard to hide the steal.

Not saying it won't happen and nothing will come of it. But it's going to be obvious to a lot more people if they do.
I also wonder why they fight so hard against Trump really. If he's elected, it's 4 more years and then done forever. The R's likely won't get the Senate and House together so it'll be more stalemate and not much will get done outside of EO's that the next D President can just undo. They have merely to wait and play a bit of a longer game.

Because, like, if trump, who is like literally hitler and the biggest threat to our democracy, is like, elected again, like this time he won't, like give up the office, and will like, install himself as a dictator, and then like, will start going after anyone who opposes him, and will start throwing journalists in jail and executing them and like, will start world war 3 with russia.
They are in a real pickle when it comes to ballot stuffing. There are only 160ish million registered voters. Let's say Trump gets 80 million which it a legitimate possibility. They will have to not only win without winning the popular vote, but they will have to do it with a limited number of voters, or resort to actually removing votes from Trump, and they will have to convince us that there was a 99% voter turnout. It's going to be hard to hide the steal.

Not saying it won't happen and nothing will come of it. But it's going to be obvious to a lot more people if they do.
I don't know how long it took them to print up all the ballots for Biden for 2024, but if they replace him with anyone else, they're really going to have to ramp up production to get them all reprinted in time for November. Guess China will be working a lot of extra slave-labor shifts between now and then to get their printers up and running. :laughing:
Because, like, if trump, who is like literally hitler and the biggest threat to our democracy, is like, elected again, like this time he won't, like give up the office, and will like, install himself as a dictator, and then like, will start going after anyone who opposes him, and will start throwing journalists in jail and executing them and like, will start world war 3 with russia.
Also he will like, ban abortion in all 50 states and doesn't care about women's reproductive right. He wants them all barefoot and pregnant. And he wants to put gays in re-education camps.

(And YES, I have met people who WHOLEHEARTEDLY BELIEVE THIS) .

They have gays and women convinced Trump is out to get them.
Because, like, if trump, who is like literally hitler and the biggest threat to our democracy, is like, elected again, like this time he won't, like give up the office, and will like, install himself as a dictator, and then like, will start going after anyone who opposes him, and will start throwing journalists in jail and executing them and like.
I was already voting for him, no need to convince me further.
This is elderly abuse. Plain and simple

This is all a plan.

They knew he couldn't do it.

Why do you think the debate was so early? This is earlier than any other presidential debate.

They set him up to fail.

The mantra is Biden is the ONLY Democrat Trump can beat.

They are going to put someone new in, and just the press coverage from that will dwarf any media buy or campaign money spending any other candidate could possibly match.
My biggest takeaway is I am somewhat shocked that the liberal response has been so dramatic. I mean, all things considered for how bad it could have been, I didn't think Biden did THAT badly. They knew what they had, or at least we all knew what they had. Maybe they really believed the bullshit they told each other until it was on full display for a National Audience and not just quick clips on FOX News that could be easily spun away. Otherwise, what we saw was Joe and anyone really surprised at it has clearly either not been paying attention, or willfully lying to themselves about the situation.
Liberals are fucking idiots. They have no idea how bad off he is. They have no idea how fucked our economy is. They really don't have much of a clue about anything.

MAGA jerkoffs are in the same boat though.

Kinda seems like hyper partisanship it stupid and breeds stupidity.
Jesus Christ these libs are reaching.

Holy shit.
They are in a real pickle when it comes to ballot stuffing. There are only 160ish million registered voters. Let's say Trump gets 80 million which it a legitimate possibility. They will have to not only win without winning the popular vote, but they will have to do it with a limited number of voters, or resort to actually removing votes from Trump, and they will have to convince us that there was a 99% voter turnout. It's going to be hard to hide the steal.

Not saying it won't happen and nothing will come of it. But it's going to be obvious to a lot more people if they do.
All they have to do is change votes from Trump to Mumbles.

Just like they did in '20. Plus the fake ballots.
I don’t think things will fair well with the Democommies if they follow through with their coup against Biden with someone else at this point. They’ll have to admit that Biden is a failure after pushing the opposite for so long.

this is also true
Also he will like, ban abortion in all 50 states and doesn't care about women's reproductive right. He wants them all barefoot and pregnant. And he wants to put gays in re-education camps.

(And YES, I have met people who WHOLEHEARTEDLY BELIEVE THIS) .

They have gays and women convinced Trump is out to get them.
Don't forget he hates immigrants like his Dad and his wife.
I don’t think things will fair well with the Democommies if they follow through with their coup against Biden with someone else at this point. They’ll have to admit that Biden is a failure after pushing the opposite for so long.
how is this different than everything else that has been slowly walked back to reality?

If anything, it's the comforting new normal.

I'm actually starting to feel pity for the evil old basted. He is surrounded by monsters.

I think his age and medications give him tourrettes.
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Holy shit.
New word of the day..:smokin::smokin::smokin:


A “neurodivergent” person refers to a person on the autism spectrum or, more generally, to someone whose brain processes information in a way that is not typical of most individuals.
New word of the day..:smokin::smokin::smokin:


A “neurodivergent” person refers to a person on the autism spectrum or, more generally, to someone whose brain processes information in a way that is not typical of most individuals.
Don't adopt that into your language, it's brought to prominence by the same people calling pedos 'minor attracted persons'
Taibbi's take not on the debate, but on the response from the left to it.


I'm actually starting to feel pity for the evil old basted. He is surrounded by monsters.

I think his age and medications give him tourrettes.

I don't feel the least bit sorry for him. You reap what you sew and the company you keep reflects who you are.

He's been a compete piece of shit his entire life and ruined the lives of countless people to do it. If this is the worst he endures he got off easy. I don't know if there's a hell, but if there is, that's where he's going.
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I don't feel the least bit sorry for him. You reap what you saw and the company you keep reflects who you are.

He's been a compete piece of shit his entire life and ruined the lives of countless people to do it. If this is the worst he ensures he got off easy. I don't know if there's a hell, but if there is, that's where he's going.
On the flip side... I blame the system for allowing it.

He wasn't secretive, or discrete, or even very clever.

The people we elected to represent us did nothing.
The Justice system we put in place turned a blind eye.
The courts, state and federal, made no effort.

The system is corrupt and has been for a LONG, LONG time.
They are in a real pickle when it comes to ballot stuffing. There are only 160ish million registered voters. Let's say Trump gets 80 million which it a legitimate possibility. They will have to not only win without winning the popular vote, but they will have to do it with a limited number of voters, or resort to actually removing votes from Trump, and they will have to convince us that there was a 99% voter turnout. It's going to be hard to hide the steal.

Not saying it won't happen and nothing will come of it. But it's going to be obvious to a lot more people if they do.
How was it not obvious to anyone with two living brain cells the last time? What was done about it? The courts refused to even listen to an evidence, anyone that tried to bring anything got sued and or charged with trying to over turn an election. Protest and and be jailed, fined or even shot.
Oh and be careful what you wish for. This man spent his entire life fucking everyone over to get where he is only to not be able to enjoy it. Karma is a real bitch.

Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN
POLITICS·Jun 27, 2024 · BabylonBee.com
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ATLANTA — Tonight's presidential debate ended abruptly when Donald Trump was served with papers notifying him that he had been indicted for the murder of an elderly man on CNN.
"Hey, I didn't do anything!" Trump told authorities. "He was like that when I got here!"
Trump, who had planned to debate President Joe Biden, argued that the strange old man keeled over all on his own.
"The very idea..." the old man said before slumping over onto a nearby podium. It was also at this point that Trump discovered the man had been propped up by an apparatus and could not stand on his own.
"You know, I got here and everything was fine. CNN is fake news, but I'm here and they've been nice tonight," Trump said. "But then there was this dead old man in the corner. And I thought, wow, the game must be afoot, you know? And believe me, I was about to solve this murder before you got here."
"Yeah, yeah," said Officer Nolan of the APD. "Why don't we talk about this downtown."
At publishing time, Trump had been indicted again for the murder of the Democratic Party.
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