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Thursday's Debate........................................

Trump is popular because he is seen as opposing the state.
Popular leaders grow the state.
Thus the state wishes for him to win.
Except, El Gran Naranja isn't part of the state, he doesn't play by their rules and hasn't put in the time to be allowed to play. Thus they hate him even more than if he was just going to fire them for being in the wrong team. :grinpimp:
I like the part how joe wants to triple the taxes on the billionaires from 8% to 24% claiming it would raise $500 billion over ten years. Seems he forgets they spend that much in months.
those who still believe in hungry santa don't like racist numbers like that
if they knew how to count, they'd have a whole different set of beliefs
Except, El Gran Naranja isn't part of the state, he doesn't play by their rules and hasn't put in the time to be allowed to play. Thus they hate him even more than if he was just going to fire them for being in the wrong team. :grinpimp:
none of that matters

he's in place on the TV, people who claim to be against federal expansion start making excuses for federal expansion
like magic
quotation marks denoting the large probability that his team did cheat

not that it matters from a state growth perspective, they're open and forthright about expanding the state
it's those pretending to oppose state expansion that need the doublethink lip service pointed out
quotation marks denoting the large probability that his team did cheat

not that it matters from a state growth perspective, they're open and forthright about expanding the state
it's those pretending to oppose state expansion that need the doublethink lip service pointed out
Somebody named Kass reported on Twitter that Biden was meeting with the former chief of staff (Klein?) and Obama today. I cannot find it now because I don’t Twitter and I don’t remember the name.
quotation marks denoting the large probability that his team did cheat

not that it matters from a state growth perspective, they're open and forthright about expanding the state
it's those pretending to oppose state expansion that need the doublethink lip service pointed out

You imply government has no role at all.

If we are talking about securing the border that is a good example of expanding the state.

Mandating DEI and affirmative action is a bad example of expanding the state.

Cutting taxes and regulations is a good example of reducing the state.

Opening the borders is a bad example of reducing the state.

I don’t know anyone that opposes all state expansion all the time for every instance. That sounds more like the ramblings of an adolescent teen that hasn’t experienced reality and doesn’t understand the practical world. Basically meaningless bullshit.
I’m not uptight, but it’s telling how much Biden, polished politician from a bygone era, swore on camera. Did NYC real estate developer who worked in and around work crews swear once?
Old folks with cognitive decline seem to devolve into swearing, at least that’s been my experience….
Hasn’t he sworn before, though? I thought that was always part of his schtick.
You imply government has no role at all.

If we are talking about securing the border that is a good example of expanding the state.

Mandating DEI and affirmative action is a bad example of expanding the state.

Cutting taxes and regulations is a good example of reducing the state.

Opening the borders is a bad example of reducing the state.

I don’t know anyone that opposes all state expansion all the time for every instance. That sounds more like the ramblings of an adolescent teen that hasn’t experienced reality and doesn’t understand the practical world. Basically meaningless bullshit.
I'm sorry that you're still a cultist tankie that believes those in DC are higher beings worthy of worship.

"There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots." - Ulysses S. Grant
Why else would you support the north in the war of northern aggression, have you not read the declaration of independence?

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

specifically that li'l bit there
Why else would you support the north in the war of northern aggression, have you not read the declaration of independence?

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

specifically that li'l bit there

Maybe you should read it again. Because to alter or abolish and institute a new government will often require the advancement of the state. Which as everyone knows by now, you love to point out as being evil and bad.

And since we are connecting the dots how ever we see fit as to the other persons views, you strike me as the kinda fella that advocates for anarchy but wouldn’t last 10 minutes in such an environment.
Seems to me that Democrats have already moved into the cope stage. They've accepted Biden is a just a figurehead and that it's actually the Democratic Party they have to keep in power so they're going to vote for the Manchurian candidate again to protect democracy. You can't make that logic make sense but that's their logic. :homer:


'Who’s A Good Boy? Huh? Who’s A Good Boy?’ Says Jill Biden Congratulating Biden With A Treat
POLITICS·Jun 28, 2024 · BabylonBee.com
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ATLANTA, GA — Following Biden's debate performance, First Lady Jill Biden offered her husband a treat for his efforts at a rally following the event.
"Who's a good boy?" Jill asked a glazed-over Joe. "Does my Joey want a snacky-snack? Good boy! You did so great up there, not dying and totally staying upright for so many minutes. Atta boy!"
Jill then energized the assembled crowd by having Joe jump through a hula hoop and walk around on his hind legs. At one point, the President attempted to lift his leg on a chair, prompting Jill to give him a quiet correction.
"No no, bad Joey! Come get your scooby snack! There's a good boy! Sit Joey, sit! No, no biting, walk away from the underage girl…"
Secret Service agents were on high alert in case the President became spooked by the bright lights and loud noises and tried to bolt or possibly bite a bystander. They say they've had lots of practice with the First Dog back at the White House.
As of publishing time, Jill Biden was trying to corral her husband back on stage after he ran off in pursuit of a passing ice cream truck.
My grandfather was in great mental and physical shape until he got about Biden's age. The decline was steep and swift. He went from basically 2020 Biden to the grave within about a year. He didn't hit current Biden stage until he was within a month or two of his expiration date.

I know they're pumping him full of everything they've got but I honestly don't know if they can keep him alive through election day.
Honestly the best thing Trump could've done in that debate was after one of Joe's mumbling, incoherent answers was to just look at him and say "Joe, I'm honestly sincerely sorry they're doing this to you. This is elder abuse and I think I speak for everyone when I say that this is difficult to witness. I'm kinda sorry I agreed to participate but we're here now so I'm just gonna try to answer these questions as best I can while trying to be respectful of the situation."
I realize Rapaport is a blow hard and says things just to rile people up, but he also has been one of the biggest haters of Trump. Saying he might vote for Trump, just shows you how bad this debate was.

My grandfather was in great mental and physical shape until he got about Biden's age. The decline was steep and swift. He went from basically 2020 Biden to the grave within about a year. He didn't hit current Biden stage until he was within a month or two of his expiration date.

My neighbor runs a business next door, successful man in his early 60's. He's one of the sharpest individuals i've ever had for a neighbor. Very intelligent, well spoken, sharp af about anything and everything.

Moved to Idaho 3 years ago, the business next door is being handled by one of his sons (intelligent 29yo) and so i hadn't seen his dad in while. Thursday, he was in town. I stopped to say hello when i noticed it was him. We talked re; shit and of course, the debate. He's lost it. His thought patterns were somewhat incoherent, he didn't even know i was his next-door neighbor, thought i was someone from way down the street, only sort of recognized me, and even asked me what my last name was as i referred to him by HIS last name.

Marbles; his went away. Might be a specific condition he suffers from now but, i tell you this man was sharp af not 3 years ago. Sad.
My neighbor runs a business next door, successful man in his early 60's. He's one of the sharpest individuals i've ever had for a neighbor. Very intelligent, well spoken, sharp af about anything and everything.

Moved to Idaho 3 years ago, the business next door is being handled by one of his sons (intelligent 29yo) and so i hadn't seen his dad in while. Thursday, he was in town. I stopped to say hello when i noticed it was him. We talked re; shit and of course, the debate. He's lost it. His thought patterns were somewhat incoherent, he didn't even know i was his next-door neighbor, thought i was someone from way down the street, only sort of recognized me, and even asked me what my last name was as i referred to him by HIS last name.

Marbles; his went away. Might be a specific condition he suffers from now but, i tell you this man was sharp af not 3 years ago. Sad.
Yeah, it's hard to watch and it happens FAST. Biden's decline over the past four years is completely beyond denying obvious and that's with them throwing the absolute best of modern medicine and pharmaceutical intervention at it. You can only postpone the inevitable for so long and they're propping a guy up who is completely gone and who should be in an assisted living home. It's honestly cruel.
Seems to me that Democrats have already moved into the cope stage. They've accepted Biden is a just a figurehead and that it's actually the Democratic Party they have to keep in power so they're going to vote for the Manchurian candidate again to protect democracy. You can't make that logic make sense but that's their logic. :homer:
The dems don't use logic, their entire way of thinking is based solely on feelings and emotions
Yeah, it's hard to watch and it happens FAST. Biden's decline over the past four years is completely beyond denying obvious and that's with them throwing the absolute best of modern medicine and pharmaceutical intervention at it. You can only postpone the inevitable for so long and they're propping a guy up who is completely gone and who should be in an assisted living home. It's honestly cruel.
I can’t claim that, because even 4 years ago they were hiding him in his basement.
I don’t think he’s been right in a long time.
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