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The wrong kind of cougar stalking

Kitty wanders (with aim) into urban sprawl / cities etc and kitty gets blasted.

Man (or jogger / athlete / woman) goes into kitties corral and becomes kibble and bits.

Let that Jizm'in :flipoff2:

Nay Nay !! Not hapenin Captain. The large growlers are protected by law. At worst they get darted, tranked, yanked and dumped out by the trailer parks. Giz fail No Sea Bass either.

The leopard in the African incident ws only 80 lbs. Well fed male Western Mtn Lion can easily and commonly go 150-lbs. But they are not vindictive or as aggressive as that African Leopard. Damn. It followed the guy to kill him. If you want nightmares watch The Ghost and the Lion with Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas, based on a real story.
Nay Nay !! Not hapenin Captain. The large growlers are protected by law. At worst they get darted, tranked, yanked and dumped out by the trailer parks. Giz fail No Sea Bass either.

The leopard in the African incident ws only 80 lbs. Well fed male Western Mtn Lion can easily and commonly go 150-lbs. But they are not vindictive or as aggressive as that African Leopard. Damn. It followed the guy to kill him. If you want nightmares watch The Ghost and the Lion with Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas, based on a real story.

Read the book- "The Maneaters of Tsavo". The movie was great but the book is pretty unbelievable.
I broke up a house cat fight between mine and my brothers. We got them apart and then simultaneously both cats turned on the humans that had pulled them apart and were holding them. My guy got me so fast that before I could say FUCK and body slam it I had 4 bites on my forearm and 16 neat little puncture wounds. Within 8 hours I had black going up my arm veins and was headed to the Dr with Mom. That fucker was so quick it was over before it started.
I broke up a house cat fight between mine and my brothers. We got them apart and then simultaneously both cats turned on the humans that had pulled them apart and were holding them. My guy got me so fast that before I could say FUCK and body slam it I had 4 bites on my forearm and 16 neat little puncture wounds. Within 8 hours I had black going up my arm veins and was headed to the Dr with Mom. That fucker was so quick it was over before it started.

Cats do not fuck around. :garfield:

Unless they're li'l kittens...

Yeah, I have a dog the size of a mountain lion and my four year old daughter plays with it all the time. A cat that size would've killed and ate all of us long ago.
I broke up a house cat fight between mine and my brothers. We got them apart and then simultaneously both cats turned on the humans that had pulled them apart and were holding them. My guy got me so fast that before I could say FUCK and body slam it I had 4 bites on my forearm and 16 neat little puncture wounds. Within 8 hours I had black going up my arm veins and was headed to the Dr with Mom. That fucker was so quick it was over before it started.

My MIL did all that years ago. Ended up with a PICC line dripping into her heart for a month. Fuck that- only way I'll get in the middle of cats is with Carhartts, gloves, and a 2x4.
I broke up a house cat fight between mine and my brothers. We got them apart and then simultaneously both cats turned on the humans that had pulled them apart and were holding them. My guy got me so fast that before I could say FUCK and body slam it I had 4 bites on my forearm and 16 neat little puncture wounds. Within 8 hours I had black going up my arm veins and was headed to the Dr with Mom. That fucker was so quick it was over before it started.

Yep, had our house cat that had just had kittens in the laundry room and I opened the door to look in at them. Our dog was in the living room just looking at me, probably about 20 feet away. Mama kitty saw dog and decided to take it out on my leg. It was over and done with before I could even think about moving or knew what was going on. I still have the scars where she bit me in the shin, 17+ years later. If I ever meet a mountain lion up close and personal I just hope kitty ends me quick.:rolleyes:
A few years later after the cat bite incident a friend from HS fell upon hard times and ended up working for the Pound in Hawthorne CA. In the belly of the Los Angeles beast. After a joint one eve he told me about bad dreams caused by work. They collected feral and loose kittehs and incarcerated them. At some point they had to be ended and disposed of, there were too many. The suck ass duty was to suit up, face shield, real thick canvas overalls, gloves etc and go get the cats for the euthanizing process. Go into their cage where they knew death awaited them. They used a long pole with a pull cord noose. Horrible screeching balls of fur and fury way to end the day. If one of the fuckers got loose they jumped the face and went for the eyes. Bad way to earn about $6/hour back in 1979. I was in college studying rocks and optic interference figures and pussy by then . . . . . . Meow.
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