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The wrong kind of cougar stalking

Let me see if I can help out with some shit skills.

First pic you see two half sized cats (circled). One in profile, the other laying prone in the middle of the trail facing away from the jogger. Momma cat is out of view. The kitten in profile sees human and backs away, kitten laying prone turns around and starts toward human, momma comes out of the brush at the end of trail and cuts between kitten and human.

And I will add again, in the very beginning the person is moving towards the kittens. Not smart.
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Look at this fucking thing. I don't care how cool and tough you think you are, if you're unarmed (or armed and it gets the jump on you) you're as good as fucked. Unarmed combat? You have zero chance if it's determined that this is your last day

I would be worried bending over to pick up the rock would make me look vulnerable enough to attack. Manbun dude pretty well IMO. I've had one growling at me from behind cover of brush, but never out in the open like that. I've had bobcats I trapped and turned loose come tearing ass out of the trap only to make a turn and charge me. First one caught me off-guard and it got my shin as I through a weak ass kick in defense. It continued to run on by after it bit me without breaking stride. The 2nd one (or maybe it was the same shithead) that made that turn was DRT with accute lead poisoning.
That depends, what meds are you on?

Apparently not the right ones :laughing:

Look at this fucking thing. I don't care how cool and tough you think you are, if you're unarmed (or armed and it gets the jump on you) you're as good as fucked. Unarmed combat? You have zero chance if it's determined that this is your last day

That is one well fed kitty :eek:
Look at this fucking thing. I don't care how cool and tough you think you are, if you're unarmed (or armed and it gets the jump on you) you're as good as fucked. Unarmed combat? You have zero chance if it's determined that this is your last day

Yeah that would definitely suck. I'd just hope it would be fast. I mean even if you get a good shot on him his still might have enough blood flowing/momentum to really F you up.
Look at this fucking thing. I don't care how cool and tough you think you are, if you're unarmed (or armed and it gets the jump on you) you're as good as fucked. Unarmed combat? You have zero chance if it's determined that this is your last day

and yet...


I think the one advantage any of us has against wild predators is that they are constantly weighing if the fight is worth it to them for survival. You or I could go to the hospital if we get hurt killing an animal, but if a predator sustains a bad enough cut that leads to infection in the wild, they're done. I think most predators have evolved an aversion to a hard or dangerous fight as a result. If you can somehow create enough pain right out of the gate, you've got a chance. You don't have to kill or mortally wound the animal, just hurt them bad enough to make them decide to go somewhere else.

A momma defending her babies though, might be a little different. I bet she's be willing to go to the death.
A lesbian was already dead on a Mtn Bike trail in Washington State from killer shitbull I mena Kittehs when that video ws made. So big FUCKING R


Wtf are you talking about.... prove it. it was literally made mocking this cougar vid.
Look at this fucking thing. I don't care how cool and tough you think you are, if you're unarmed (or armed and it gets the jump on you) you're as good as fucked. Unarmed combat? You have zero chance if it's determined that this is your last day

This one was crouched down, butt wiggle engaged. After a rapid 30-06 rearrangement of it's chest cavity, it still went 25-30 yards, jumped 10' into a tree, then realized it was dead and fell down. So it took a 150gr bullet, which fully obliterated it's heart, at "oh fuck" range, and still could EASILY have made some sashimi out of me before noticing that it was dead.
This one was crouched down, butt wiggle engaged. After a rapid 30-06 rearrangement of it's chest cavity, it still went 25-30 yards, jumped 10' into a tree, then realized it was dead and fell down. So it took a 150gr bullet, which fully obliterated it's heart, at "oh fuck" range, and still could EASILY have made some sashimi out of me before noticing that it was dead.

thats not a mountian lion, thats an actual lion. 12ga slugs for this bitch
Run into a big male. You'd think you were looking at an African lioness. Those things can get a lot bigger than most people think.

Yep. That one was a 3-4 year old male in good shape according to the compulsory inspector. I have a WAY bigger one on camera from the top of the mountain this guy was at the bottom of. Here's what their assorted pointy bits look like...

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Only saw one once... climbed down out of a tree stand (deer hunting) and saw it standing on a trail 40 yards away looking at me. I froze solid with the 270 on my shoulder- quickly realized if he charged he would be on me before I got the rifle swung around. It sniffed the air and trotted away. Couple hundred yards down the trail I found a big pile of shit with deer hair poking out.

That was 96-97 maybe? I don't go in the woods without a handgun on me now.
Look at this fucking thing. I don't care how cool and tough you think you are, if you're unarmed (or armed and it gets the jump on you) you're as good as fucked. Unarmed combat? You have zero chance if it's determined that this is your last day

You the hell gave it steroids? I would just hope the smell of me shitting my pants scares it off.
and yet...


I think the one advantage any of us has against wild predators is that they are constantly weighing if the fight is worth it to them for survival. You or I could go to the hospital if we get hurt killing an animal, but if a predator sustains a bad enough cut that leads to infection in the wild, they're done. I think most predators have evolved an aversion to a hard or dangerous fight as a result. If you can somehow create enough pain right out of the gate, you've got a chance. You don't have to kill or mortally wound the animal, just hurt them bad enough to make them decide to go somewhere else.

A momma defending her babies though, might be a little different. I bet she's be willing to go to the death.

Yeah I agree with the above. Now back into a corner or protecting young is different.

And I'd would take cats any day of the week over bears. Running across fresh logs ripped apart and bear sign 6' up trees while fishing, never been so on edge until back in the vehicle. And a momma bear?
Rightclick, Google search, hit #3:


Leopard, 1896.

“continued to shove the hand down her throat so hard she could not close her mouth and with the other I gripped her throat in a stranglehold.”

That is pretty close. I believe I have read that story before while looking for the Tiger story that I had heard. Being that I know it was a Tiger in the story I read I dismiss that one in favor of this one I found. The difference being that the Tiger was not killed, I still swear the story I read years ago had the tiger dead at the end.

Fatik said he will never go fishing again. I would say he also needs new friends...
Fatik said he will never go fishing again. I would say he also needs new friends...

Haha, that's funny. But I can't figure out how it took them 3 hours to get there but 4 hours to get back. Maybe they were rowing against the current on the way back. Idk, only thing I can come up with.
My wife was born in West Bengal. Her response when I showed her the linked article surprised me. "Too many people, endless people. Nature gets backed into a crowded corner, has to eat. And it's always the poor people." Ouch. Sad but true. Les Tigres are nearly gone from the subcontinent. The subject's father was killed by Kitty, and her mom by a snake bite. Let that sink in....
My wife was born in West Bengal. Her response when I showed her the linked article surprised me. "Too many people, endless people. Nature gets backed into a crowded corner, has to eat. And it's always the poor people." Ouch. Sad but true. Les Tigres are nearly gone from the subcontinent. The subject's father was killed by Kitty, and her mom by a snake bite. Let that sink in....

Kitty wanders (with aim) into urban sprawl / cities etc and kitty gets blasted.

Man (or jogger / athlete / woman) goes into kitties corral and becomes kibble and bits.

Let that Jizm'in :flipoff2:
That is pretty close. I believe I have read that story before while looking for the Tiger story that I had heard. Being that I know it was a Tiger in the story I read I dismiss that one in favor of this one I found. The difference being that the Tiger was not killed, I still swear the story I read years ago had the tiger dead at the end.


He kicked it in the dick! :laughing:

(ok, "soft underbelly")
He kicked it in the dick! :laughing:

(ok, "soft underbelly")

Like I said, I don't remember this being the ending but is was similar to this one and it happened in India and was a current story at the time. I probably read it in a newspaper or a magazine at the time. I remember having a discussion about it at the dinner table with my mom, I was probably 17 at the time. Mid 90s
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