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The wrong kind of cougar stalking


Central California
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Central California
Not sure what I would do here. I probably should but I don't.

I generally always have my Glock 19 on me but obviously this guy didn't.

What say you? Besides piss and shit your pants, lay on the ground and suck your thumb, or go Rambo and attack first, what would you do?

I'm smashing the fuck outta that cat with one of those big rocks he keeps walking past. Im not going out like that without a fight.

But only if it tried to attack me. I'm not going after it just for following me. Not going out like that either. :laughing:
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My son and I were saying throw rocks at it too but not sure that would just piss it off and it would eat my fingers off one by one before it decided to rip out my throat.

Also, not sure that the slow down and grab would cause it to attack. I am assume the lunges by that evil beast was when the guy turned for a second to see his path.
For starters I wouldn't be a dumbfuck and walk backwards filming it....:rolleyes:
Yeah with the rocks. I would also have a big stick. A grown man with a stick is a pretty formidable enemy for a cougar.

But basically I would retreat like this guy did, the cat was obviously running him off from territory or young. That was posturing charges but fuck that!:eek:
I would prolly have to man up and retrieve my dog from the cougar. My English bulldog is never very far from my side. He has way more head than brains and would want to play with that cat.
This happened a few miles from where we live. Cub came out in front of the guy first. She was just protecting her cub.

Well there's your answer. She's not going to want to get too far away from her cub, and doesn't want to get in a fight and risk getting hurt. She just wants you the fuck out of there.
Definitely shout a bunch of bleeps at it. :laughing:

The dude sounded just like Ashton Kucher in a bad made-for-tv Sunday Night Movie.

There's way too many shale projectiles not to grab a few of them. Understanding feline behavior would only go so far in that instance. :garfield:
For starters I wouldn't be a dumbfuck and walk backwards filming it....:rolleyes:

Maybe not video it but walking backwards was correct. Never turn your back....especially on a cat.

And never go unarmed...
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I've always got the 19 and 45ish rounds on me, but more than likely I wouldn't even notice the cat until it'd already had me bleeding
That was pretty funny. "Go away... come on dude." That cat was just walking him out of her territory. Those false charges were pretty cool though.

I was shooting pistols at the range down in the woods when I turned around and saw one a little smaller than that walking along a creek line 100 yards behind me. We watched each other for a minute or so, then I started walking up on her, pistol in hand. She watched until I got within 50 yards, then slowly turned and continued down the trail. I guess if I were unarmed I'd have to figure out something else.
Definitely shout a bunch of bleeps at it. :laughing:

The dude sounded just like Ashton Kucher in a bad made-for-tv Sunday Night Movie.

There's way too many shale projectiles not to grab a few of them. Understanding feline behavior would only go so far in that instance. :garfield:

Not Shale Dr of Science >>>>. What, why did shale come up ??
"why are you putting on your boots.... you can't outrun it" "I only have to outrun you...."

Unless provoked or protecting a kill or young most cougars are not out for you. They want a free meal... or so I was always told.
I used to always think a grown man could fight off even a fully grown mountain lion. Used to. One evening driving back from fishing one ran out in front of me. In one jump that thing went from out of sight to on the centerline, did a 90 degree turn followed by three or four strides on the centerline then another 90 degree turn before it disappeared again with one leap. All of that happened so fast that if I'd blinked I would've missed it all. Honestly, if it wasn't for the tail waving around I wouldn't have even been able to tell you what it was just that that it was 100+ pounds and fucking FAST. Anything that size with sharp ass teeth and razors for claws that can move like that is gonna straight fuck you up, I don't care who you are.
[486 said:
;n160845]I've always got the 19 and 45ish rounds on me, but more than likely I wouldn't even notice the cat until it'd already had me bleeding

Funny, I've always got the .45 and 19ish rounds! :laughing:

That cat would be buried, I'd be throwing so many rocks!

And yeah, a stick to meet its' charges. Anything other than my arm!
No way you're managing that Cat up close and personal. Too fast, too agile.

It has you on the ground and throat less before you know what's what. You may kill it, but you're going with it, if it's within 10' of you.

That cat wanted nothing to do with that guy. I agree, she walked that guy out of her range.
I used to always think a grown man could fight off even a fully grown mountain lion. Used to. One evening driving back from fishing one ran out in front of me. In one jump that thing went from out of sight to on the centerline, did a 90 degree turn followed by three or four strides on the centerline then another 90 degree turn before it disappeared again with one leap. All of that happened so fast that if I'd blinked I would've missed it all. Honestly, if it wasn't for the tail waving around I wouldn't have even been able to tell you what it was just that that it was 100+ pounds and fucking FAST. Anything that size with sharp ass teeth and razors for claws that can move like that is gonna straight fuck you up, I don't care who you are.

I don't think a grown man can beat a cougar, but you can be too much trouble for them. A gash or broken limb is easily a death sentence for a wild animal. That seems to be the general strategy for dangerous predators in terms of 'expert advice'.

This guy did

“The runner did everything he could to save his life. In the event of a lion attack you need to do anything in your power to fight back just as this gentleman did,” Mark Leslie, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Northeast Region manager, told KKTV.​


Because the man was just out for a jog, he didn’t have anything he could use as a weapon — except his “sheer will,” said Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Rebecca Ferrell.

The trail runner fought tooth and nail to free himself from the beast, hitting it with a rock, wrestling with it and finally choking it with his hands, arms and feet, Ferrell told The Post.

The bloodied man then hiked a mile and a half out of the woods and drove himself to a hospital.​


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Well what that guy did seemed to work. I wouldnt have walked backwards that far without picking up something to try to use as a weapon. Big rock, stick, something.

I've had an accisently cornered lion about that size run past me hitting my arm pretty hard and been within feet of one another time. I've probably seen 20-30 in my life and they usually want to be as far from humans as possible.

my neighbor works with the county to tree and tag the local mountain lions with his dogs. He has body cam footage of him running up and finding his dogs neck in a mountain lions mouth (it was wearing a narly bite collar and full gear) and he proceeds to punch the mountain lion in the head to get it to release his dog. I assume he still has it on his computer... I'll try to get a video of it.
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Blah, blah, blah.

In the case of the hiker in Colorado who was "so strong and brave and fought off a mountain lion"

It was determined that the hungry little fucker that chomped on him was a 40 or so pound kitten. Not a full size momma like in the OP.

There is not a man alive who can fight off a cat bare handed the size of the one in the OP. And she's a small one.

She just wasn't hungry that day and was only running dude out of her territory.
I don't think a grown man can beat a cougar, but you can be too much trouble for them. A gash or broken limb is easily a death sentence for a wild animal. That seems to be the general strategy for dangerous predators in terms of 'expert advice'.

This guy did

“The runner did everything he could to save his life. In the event of a lion attack you need to do anything in your power to fight back just as this gentleman did,” Mark Leslie, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Northeast Region manager, told KKTV.​


Because the man was just out for a jog, he didn’t have anything he could use as a weapon — except his “sheer will,” said Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Rebecca Ferrell.

The trail runner fought tooth and nail to free himself from the beast, hitting it with a rock, wrestling with it and finally choking it with his hands, arms and feet, Ferrell told The Post.

The bloodied man then hiked a mile and a half out of the woods and drove himself to a hospital.​


That cat weighed under 50 pounds. I'm talking about a mature adult. If an adult mountain lion wants you dead, you're dead. You're probably dead before you even knew it was there.
I always find it odd when people hike out west without firearms.

With no gun? Throw rocks while backing away, and not worry about filming my possible demise.
😁 where this guy was is literally within 3 miles of Utah valley with hundreds of thousands of people. People walk there every day. Going fishing this summer we passed an full grown adult that was hit not far from where this happened. For the most part, other than mother protecting a cub you’re not gonna be attacked. They are there, you just don’t see em. Spent a lot of time in the Utah mountains in my lifetime. I’ve seen bears and cats. But no where near as many as I know are out there. They will avoid you whenever possible.
A cat that size will F you up good.

Eye contact... do you stare it down? Or do you look down/away as backing away as you would with a bear? I did not think the cat would do those bluff charges. I figure they would either stalk or pounce.

I would act big/scary and grab a big stick or rocks if possible. I do wonder how the cat would react as you bend down to grab said rock. Would it pounce right then?
Pick up rock, throw at young cat. Move along.
Or stay in the city.
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