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The wrong kind of cougar stalking

I think that guy did everything text book example of how not to die in an encounter with a predator. He threw 1 rock as the story says (I personally wound't throw rocks as to keep from pissing off momma cat more, after about 30 seconds I knew that cat didn't want to attack, it just wanted hime gone), but then walked backwords, got big, made sounds and just remained calm. However, he was merely lucky, the cat obviously was escorting him away from her cubs, she didn't want to fight him anymore than he wanted to fight her.

I would really like to think I would do exactly what that guy did, except with a knife in my hand at the ready (always have a knife in my pocket no matter what I'm doing). My video wouldn't have been 1/2 as steady as his though, probably 10x shakier!
I think that guy did everything text book example of how not to die in an encounter with a predator. He threw 1 rock as the story says (I personally wound't throw rocks as to keep from pissing off momma cat more, after about 30 seconds I knew that cat didn't want to attack, it just wanted hime gone), but then walked backwords, got big, made sounds and just remained calm. However, he was merely lucky, the cat obviously was escorting him away from her cubs, she didn't want to fight him anymore than he wanted to fight her.

I would really like to think I would do exactly what that guy did, except with a knife in my hand at the ready (always have a knife in my pocket no matter what I'm doing). My video wouldn't have been 1/2 as steady as his though, probably 10x shakier!

Yeah except for the steps towards the cat in the very beginning. He made movement towards the cat, and the cat reacted in one of only 3 ways it could have.
to the rock throwers, he does at the end. and I dont think he wanted to turn his back...every survival tip I have ever seen says dont turn your back on a predator.
Momma cat..... I would not have used a hand to hold a phone. Rocks, rocks rocks. Either two hand sized or one big one hoping for a single hard blow while it’s tearing you apart. Two would probably be smarter.

like with a dog can you get your left hand out to try to jam it in it’s mouth just to occupy the mouth with something not fatal to you? I understand with a dog you want your weak hand firmly seated in its mouths and keep pushing it in so it won’t left go and grab you from a second spot.
I heard a story(30 years ago) about a guy that was attacked by a tiger and saved himself by shoving his hand down the throat, choking and killing it. That was basically pre internet so good luck finding it. This came to my mind as this lion was following him but I kept hoping he would try a rock first.
I cant believe no one has suggested a laser pointer to distract the cat. I mean, what cat can resist a laser pointer!!
Well what that guy did seemed to work. I wouldnt have walked backwards that far without picking up something to try to use as a weapon. Big rock, stick, something.

I've had an accisently cornered lion about that size run past me hitting my arm pretty hard and been within feet of one another time. I've probably seen 20-30 in my life and they usually want to be as far from humans as possible.

my neighbor works with the county to tree and tag the local mountain lions with his dogs. He has body cam footage of him running up and finding his dogs neck in a mountain lions mouth (it was wearing a narly bite collar and full gear) and he proceeds to punch the mountain lion in the head to get it to release his dog. I assume he still has it on his computer... I'll try to get a video of it.

That's nuts!

Growing up in the mountains way outside of San Diego, I have seen quite a few and normally just for a second because they'll bail as soon as they realize you see them. I was always told by rangers and parents and others not to turn your back on them and not to bend down. I guess as soon as you bend over, you look smaller and they'll decide they can attack you. I pretty much would have done exactly what that guy did except without the filming part, and maybe kicking rocks at the damn thing. The normal rules of how a mountain lion should act probably also go out the window when they're protecting their cubs. I've never seen or heard of one charging before.

My aunt used to hike on the same trails that I would mountain bike with my dad and my uncle in the Cuyamaca Mountains. One day, she was hiking up there a few hours after we had gone riding and found a lady who had been trail running, bent down to tie her shoe, and got her face ripped off by a mountain lion after it decided she was suddenly edible. Then she made the mistake of trying to run. My aunt and her friend wouldn't hike in that mountain range for about 5 years and after that they made sure they were always armed. Here's an article in the LA Times after it happened: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-...173-story.html
Momma cat..... I would not have used a hand to hold a phone. Rocks, rocks rocks. Either two hand sized or one big one hoping for a single hard blow while it’s tearing you apart. Two would probably be smarter.

like with a dog can you get your left hand out to try to jam it in it’s mouth just to occupy the mouth with something not fatal to you? I understand with a dog you want your weak hand firmly seated in its mouths and keep pushing it in so it won’t left go and grab you from a second spot.

Dogs don't have four huge paws equipped with razor blades for claws and insane flexibility to shred you with them while it's gnawing on your hand though. Those big cats really are jumbo sized versions of a house cat. They have that same type of flexibility and agility and they're waaaaaay faster. If one of them grabs hold of you all you can do is fight like hell and hope to bluff it into thinking this ain't worth it. If it's bound and determined to take you out, you're just plain fucked.
Dogs don't have four huge paws equipped with razor blades for claws and insane flexibility to shred you with them while it's gnawing on your hand though. Those big cats really are jumbo sized versions of a house cat. They have that same type of flexibility and agility and they're waaaaaay faster. If one of them grabs hold of you all you can do is fight like hell and hope to bluff it into thinking this ain't worth it. If it's bound and determined to take you out, you're just plain fucked.

I've witnessed an 8lb housecat lay waste to a 75lb dog and that shit is lightning quick just as well. Never underestimate a feline, big or small. Period.
Throughout my life I have spent a shit ton of time out in the woods, mostly solo. I've seen one mt lion on the Rubicon, three outside of Burney on the Pit river and two in the Mt. Hood National Forest Bull Run watershed. There are probably a lot more than six that have seen me. Hiking up a steep switchback at 1 a.m. by myself, without a gun, and hearing a mt. lion scream on the ridge above me, was NOT fun.
Those of you saying chuck rocks at it... I would not want to up Momma's thoughts on how threatening I am to her or her kit.

Dude did it all perfectly.
I bet he wears a Douche knot (man bun), fukkin idiot.
Did the cat not at first run away?
My kayak friend's GF running partner was attacked, killed and partially eaten by a female Mtn Lion in the mid early 1990's by Cool, California. Rush Limbaugh turned it into entertainment on his radio broadcast. Her body had over 80 puncture wounds, she fought like hell but lost in the end. He desecrated her memory by calling her a jogger. She was a western States Trail runner, true world class athletes in prime physical shape. Found it - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-04-27-mn-50967-story.html

Hunt Kiktteh, shoot and Kill Kittehs. Make them afraid of all anything to do with men, dogs, cars, smells. Man Buns and Karens from Los Angeles should not be voting in legislation that directs the lives and deaths over which they have absolutely no fucking clue. It was a voter initiative that outlawed Kitteh hunting in this state, not a nay scince directed effort by Fish and Wildlife or science. Pure emotion.

Austin, the spell check on tis board is shit. it actually makes shit worse. There is still work to do. example keyed typo "tis" instead of "this". Good luck !!:flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2:
Let me see if I can help out with some shit skills.

First pic you see two half sized cats (circled). One in profile, the other laying prone in the middle of the trail facing away from the jogger. Momma cat is out of view. The kitten in profile sees human and backs away, kitten laying prone turns around and starts toward human, momma comes out of the brush at the end of trail and cuts between kitten and human.

Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 11.38.09 AM.png
Is that really blurry or is this like one of those magic eye pictures where you have to defocus your eyes?
My kayak friend's GF running partner was attacked, killed and partially eaten by a female Mtn Lion in the mid early 1990's by Cool, California. Rush Limbaugh turned it into entertainment on his radio broadcast. Her body had over 80 puncture wounds, she fought like hell but lost in the end. He desecrated her memory by calling her a jogger. She was a western States Trail runner, true world class athletes in prime physical shape. Found it - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-04-27-mn-50967-story.html

Hunt Kiktteh, shoot and Kill Kittehs. Make them afraid of all anything to do with men, dogs, cars, smells. Man Buns and Karens from Los Angeles should not be voting in legislation that directs the lives and deaths over which they have absolutely no fucking clue. It was a voter initiative that outlawed Kitteh hunting in this state, not a nay scince directed effort by Fish and Wildlife or science. Pure emotion.

Austin, the spell check on tis board is shit. it actually makes shit worse. There is still work to do. example keyed typo "tis" instead of "this". Good luck !!:flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2:

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