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*The official* "It's a Clown World, after all." thread.

Your an idiot. If you have cop friends that covered up crimes from other cops, they don't deserve the job.

That's why I never said what I used to do for a living. Assholes like you. Go fuck yourself.
You go fuck yourself.

You and every other person in your profession violates people's rights on the regular.
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whether anyone wants to admit it or not.. stereotypes are based in truth.

All stereotypes... good and bad.
He made an absolute statement, hence my inclusion of the "100%" qualifier regarding stereotypes.

I shouldn't have to explain this any further than that . . . I would hope.

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Your an idiot. If you have cop friends that covered up crimes from other cops, they don't deserve the job. You are probably as big a piece of shit as they are.

That's why I never said what I used to do for a living. Assholes like you. Go fuck yourself.
It looks like i hit a nerve.

Btw, its "you're and idiot"

Finally, when law abiding, relatively conservative people like myself and most of this forum dislike and mistrust cops, it is time for all of you to take a look in the mirror. You did this.
He made an absolute statement, hence my inclusion of the "100%" qualifier regarding stereotypes.

I shouldn't have to explain this any further than that . . . I would hope.

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It takes 100% to cover up shit but i am curious, would you agree with 99%?
It takes 100% to cover up shit but i am curious, would you agree with 99%?
I honestly know nothing about the shit cops in whatever shithole you've developed your perception.

From what I've seen, the percentage of shit cops roughly tracks the percentage of shit humans . . . ~85%?
I honestly know nothing about the shit cops in whatever shithole you've developed your perception.

From what I've seen, the percentage of shit cops roughly tracks the percentage of shit humans . . . ~85%?
Pittsburgh, PA Sacramento, CA, Connecticut

My point was that if shitty cops are continuing to get away with driving drunk, drug trafficking, taking bribes, beating people up and shooting people (which they are) it means that the whole rest of their department is complicit by not turning them in or arresting them. That means a roughly 100% rate.
Pittsburgh, PA Sacramento, CA, Connecticut

My point was that if shitty cops are continuing to get away with driving drunk, drug trafficking, taking bribes, beating people up and shooting people (which they are) it means that the whole rest of their department is complicit by not turning them in or arresting them. That means a roughly 100% rate.
Do you know how retarded that is? You are assuming every cop knows exactly what every other cop is doing. Most have no clue what other cops do during their day. They're in their patrol car doing their job at best they may routinely work with two or three other cops and even then they don't know what they do all day. Do you know every single thing that the people you work with do? Do you know how many cops turn other cops in there's a reason IA is so busy. But that doesn't fit your narrative you just make assumptions. I've had a lot of ex cops that work for me and we do a very deep dive into their background most don't even have a single credible complaint against them but again that doesn't fit your narrative. Pretty hard to be a corrupt cop without a single complaint from the public.
One other thing how would you even know any of that stuff was happening if other cops weren't turning them in or writing them for DUIs or arresting them for taking bribes?
My point was that if shitty cops are continuing to get away with driving drunk, drug trafficking, taking bribes, beating people up and shooting people (which they are) it means that the whole rest of their department is complicit by not turning them in or arresting them. That means a roughly 100% rate.
Wow, that's an impressively myopic and simplistic view. Sorry to hear the world you choose to live in sucks so bad :frown: . Suggest avoiding making broad-brush, absolute statements until you've met everyone you "know" is bad, to avoid appearing woefully ignorant.
Wow, that's an impressively myopic and simplistic view. Sorry to hear the world you choose to live in sucks so bad :frown: . Suggest avoiding making broad-brush, absolute statements until you've met everyone you "know" is bad, to avoid appearing woefully ignorant.
Ok dude. All it would take is one good cop to arrest the bad cops. The good cops don’t make it long. I suggest you look around and not be so naive.
Do you know how retarded that is? You are assuming every cop knows exactly what every other cop is doing. Most have no clue what other cops do during their day. They're in their patrol car doing their job at best they may routinely work with two or three other cops and even then they don't know what they do all day. Do you know every single thing that the people you work with do? Do you know how many cops turn other cops in there's a reason IA is so busy. But that doesn't fit your narrative you just make assumptions. I've had a lot of ex cops that work for me and we do a very deep dive into their background most don't even have a single credible complaint against them but again that doesn't fit your narrative. Pretty hard to be a corrupt cop without a single complaint from the public.
One other thing how would you even know any of that stuff was happening if other cops weren't turning them in or writing them for DUIs or arresting them for taking bribes?

How do I know? Some of my friends grew up to be cops. They told me they can’t do anything about the bad cops because the bad cops might be their backup some day and if they turn them in, they can’t rely on them. Or that word would get out and the whole department would look bad.
How do I know? Some of my friends grew up to be cops. They told me they can’t do anything about the bad cops because the bad cops might be their backup some day and if they turn them in, they can’t rely on them. Or that word would get out and the whole department would look bad.
Why would they expect a bad cop to have their back if they call?
:usa: :beer:

Nice belly flop there :laughing:

Yes, we have bad apples around. Only gripe I have is that some of them worked long enough to get a pension instead of getting disgraced. Some day I'll post up stories- :stirthepot:
I you know the whole saying about bad apples, right?
The good cops don’t make it long.
Because good people find other jobs when they learn that most of the job consists of doing shit EMTs should be doing, harassing the citizenry, paper pushing "professional witness" type bullshit with putting real criminals behind bars basically a rounding error.
If they don't back them up, they won't have to worry about being ratted out

Maybe. Maybe the cop is ok but is really pissed about the lack of backup. Or maybe this was just an excuse and the cops that told me this were going to refuse to take a report from the battered cops wife anyway.
When are territorial monopolies a good thing that doesn't attract corruption and abuse?
I never said they were.

When are broad-brush stereotype statements about groups of individuals true?

You know, like "all gays are groomers" or "all Chinese kids are good at math"?

Absolute statements are ignorant as fuck, and that's all I've been arguing here.
I never said they were.

When are broad-brush stereotype statements about groups of individuals true?

You know, like "all gays are groomers" or "all Chinese kids are good at math"?

Absolute statements are ignorant as fuck, and that's all I've been arguing here.
when they're doing their best to collectivize themselves

you see someone ramming "the gay community" down peoples' throats, or some chinaman blathering on about how the Great Chinese Dragon will be bringing Civilization to The West
they are no longer individuals
they're trying to represent other people, so they've made themselves into collectivists by speaking for other people and generally also progressives in the lowercase P sense by advocating for the use of coercive force to further the adoption of their morals

Oh and I know you brought up the gays to try and dig at me, but nope, "the gay community" is basically all groomers.
Your an idiot. If you have cop friends that covered up crimes from other cops, they don't deserve the job. You are probably as big a piece of shit as they are.

That's why I never said what I used to do for a living. Assholes like you. Go fuck yourself.
And there it is. The entitled attitude with a heavy sprinkling of hero complex. It took like two whole posts for it to come up.
And there it is. The entitled attitude with a heavy sprinkling of hero complex. It took like two whole posts for it to come up.
What is entitled about reacting to some asshole who doesn't know a thing about me or what I did for the majority of my adult life? Calling everyone I have ever worked with, my friends and my family, corrupt? How about I call your father a corrupt, lying piece of shit? Maybe that won't bother you if he is/was just that, but it does bother me. How do you react when someone attacks what you poured your heart and soul into for 25 years? It's impossible for anyone who has not been there or done that to understand what it's like. I know the caliber of the majority of the people I worked with. I'm proud of my time with them. I know we made a difference and saved lives. I lived the dream. I carried on a proud family tradition and it's sad that it has to end with me. That is not a hero complex, its factual.

The constant trashing and complete disrespect for LE and a career people don't know anything about is part of what will eventually cause good people to no longer chose a career in law enforcement. Then, you will end up with only bad cops, like DMG's buddies. Incidentally, like people tend to befriend like people.

Same with running for office. Who in their right mind would want to run for office in today's political climate? We are going to end up with only those who run for the sole purpose of enriching themselves. Those who will lie, cheat and steal at every opportunity.

The personal attacks are the reason I never mentioned my career choice. It just wasn't worth dealing with. I wish I hadn't let it out, but I was asked a direct question and responded with an honest answer.
Same with running for office. Who in their right mind would want to run for office in today's political climate? We are going to end up with only those who run for the sole purpose of enriching themselves. Those who will lie, cheat and steal at every opportunity.
altruism is not a human trait
self interest is
What is entitled about reacting to some asshole who doesn't know a thing about me or what I did for the majority of my adult life? Calling everyone I have ever worked with, my friends and my family, corrupt? How about I call your father a corrupt, lying piece of shit? Maybe that won't bother you if he is/was just that, but it does bother me. How do you react when someone attacks what you poured your heart and soul into for 25 years? It's impossible for anyone who has not been there or done that to understand what it's like. I know the caliber of the majority of the people I worked with. I'm proud of my time with them. I know we made a difference and saved lives. I lived the dream. I carried on a proud family tradition and it's sad that it has to end with me. That is not a hero complex, its factual.

The constant trashing and complete disrespect for LE and a career people don't know anything about is part of what will eventually cause good people to no longer chose a career in law enforcement. Then, you will end up with only bad cops, like DMG's buddies. Incidentally, like people tend to befriend like people.

Same with running for office. Who in their right mind would want to run for office in today's political climate? We are going to end up with only those who run for the sole purpose of enriching themselves. Those who will lie, cheat and steal at every opportunity.

The personal attacks are the reason I never mentioned my career choice. It just wasn't worth dealing with. I wish I hadn't let it out, but I was asked a direct question and responded with an honest answer.
I have actually avoided personal attacks and spoken generally. You cant seem to help yourself.

So i will go ahead and point out that the stuff my friends and exfriends told me about was usually not the stuff they did personally. It was the stuff other cops like you did. Listening to them, I noticed another common thread, the multigenerational cop familes were so dirty that they did not have any concept of how corrupt they were. So you may have that going on. You just dont know better.

Did you know that when a law was made banning firearm ownership by people convicted of domestic violence, they had to make a carveout in the law for cops because they commit DV at a much higher rate than the rest of society?

Or that police departments have gone to court to prove their right to not help people?
So calling me and my entire family corrupt, and unaware of it, isn't a personal attack?

When you posted earlier that every cop is bad and has covered up for other bad cops wasn't a attack?

Was I excluded from "every"?

Why can't you understand that "every cop" isn't bad? That maybe, just maybe, there are generational law enforcement families that pride themselves on doing the right thing, which is part of the reason they took that job in the first place.

I know of a few former officers who were fired for spousal battery, and ineligible for employment because they lost their ability to carry a firearm. The law you speak about isn't in the state I worked in. One I was very surprised about, the other was a sleezeball. I know a few who got DUI's, I even know of one who killed someone but he's in federal lockup. I never actually knew of any that covered up anything. Covering for others bad behavior meant you got fired. It just wasn't worth it.

LE are just people. They share the same personality flaws as everyone else. They make the same mistakes as everyone else. The only difference is they usually end up unemployed, whereas the rest of the miscreants can continue with their jobs.

Please show me the statistics that back up your statement about DV's and law enforcement. I've heard others claim that, but have never seen any factual evidence of it. The only things I know of that are statistically higher than average is the work related deaths and suicide rates.

When I get the Arizona house finished, I'd be happy to have the occasional irate traveler stop by for the night. They can use the RV hookups, and we can sit around a fire and have some beer and/or whiskey. I can relate some of the most memorable events of my corrupt career. Like when I did CPR on my dead partner after he was run over by a drunk driving Marine. Or, ten months later when I had to deal with another good friend being killed by another drunk driver a few miles up the freeway. Or, when I was flagged down by a mom with a choking toddler and I cleared his airway. Or, when I dug a dead six year old boy out from under an overturned car and his mouth, nose, ears and eyes were packed with dirt. Then, I got to take my corrupt ass to the hospital and arrest his mother because she was high. Then, I got to hear the DDA try to explain to me that she wasn't going to charge mommy because a jury would feel sorry for her for killing her own kid. And then, I got to go to a civil hearing where the child's father was sueing mommy for not having a car seat. I killed the case when I asked his attorney how he figured his client wasn't equally at fault since he was in the car when mommy crashed, and if they continued with this I would surely be answering that very same question at trial. Or, when my partner and I pulled a suicidal young lady off an overpass, who put up a hell of a fight. Or, when my partner who was later killed (by the drunk Marine) and I came across a suicidal dude hanging off a bridge fence. Steve strolled over and leaned against the fence and engaged him in conversation. He pointed out the drop to the freeway below was only about 25' and he might end up lying there in agony until he gets run over. Suggested he climb back over the fence so we could go find him a taller bridge. He climbed over, then was pissed we tackled him and took him to county mental health instead of to another bridge. Or, when I called a CHP helicopter through my buddy in air-ops to come pick up a young man with a broken femur we came across out in Truckhaven while wheelin. My friend in air-ops is dead, by the way. His CHP issue plane crashed in the Borrego desert. He was a good guy who loved camping and off-roading. He could get an entire group rolling with laughter around the campfire. Or, when I responded to the crash where a woman six months pregnant was burnt to a crisp, while my wife was six months pregnant. Then, I got to listen to the doctor that killed her whine about losing his drivers license. Or, when I took a guy into custody after he crashed his bicycle because he had a major head injury and refused medical attention due to not having insurance. Me taking him into custody because he wasn't able to care for himself meant the state was paying the medical bill and it saved his life. Or, when I arrested the mayor of Ventura and the Oxnard chief of police for DUI, in the same week. Or, when I was working afternoon shift and arrested more DUI's in one month than the entire graveyard shift. Or, when my corrupt ass arrested a sergeant of another department for felony DUI and hit and run. Or, when I arrested my wife's coworkers brother for murder. Or, when I pushed my partner and his DUI suspect over a guardrail to avoid a car coming up the shoulder. Car slammed into the back of our patrol car and was occupied by a shitfaced drunk state corrections officer, who I arrested. Or, when I was making a DUI arrest and his golfing buddy came back to see if he could help. He helped keep his buddy company by sharing the backseat of the patrol car to jail, because he was drunker than his friend. Or, when I arrested my wife's bosses, bossess boss for DUI. OK, that was admittedly funny as hell. Not because I arrested him, he was a nice enough guy, but my wife's horrified reaction when I told her.

I got a million of them...

Edit, wait, one more..

A 6'8", 320 pound guy tried to kill me while we rolled around in the iceplant on the side of an off-ramp because he didn't want to go to prison for his 7th DUI. He tried to take my gun out of the holster. I got him to let go by choking him with one hand and slapping him on the ear as hard as I could with the other until his ear drum blew. I was going to go for his eyes but...A female trucker stopped and broke her 5 cell mag lite over his head while this was going on. She got an award from the state and my eternal gratitude. She looked like Large Marge, but she was a guardian angel. DUI had has his wife blow into his ignition interlock instead of letting her drive. Asshole tried to apologize to me in court and I told him to stay the fuck away from me. His attorney complained and was told to fuck off by my sergeant, who also said he would have shot his client dead. That was the night I quit carrying a secondary or back-up gun. During the fight, I had to keep him off my primary, and I couldn't let go to get to the secondary and shoot him.
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