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The 3D printer thread

You may have to use a specific naming convention for the printer to see the file if you are outputting in the correct file type.
ABS. I think you can do it with PLA, but requires something more exotic than acetone.
Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) commonly sold as an adhesive for acrylic. I've tried it but didn't have much luck, might have been user error though. It's definitely an effective adhesive for PLA.
Anyone familiar with an anycubic kobra 2 pro?

I am having an issue with getting a file from fusion 360 to my thumb drive to the printer.

It will save to the thumb drive but the u disk on the printer says empty table when I plug it in to the printer.
When you say fromfusion to the printer what are you using for the slicer? It needs to be setup for the printer brand and type.

Fusion will CAD, but cam in 3d printing the slicer is the cam. If your just dumping the stl to the printer it doesn't know wtf to do.
My buddy printed me D-Rex or is it a dickasoreass?
When you say fromfusion to the printer what are you using for the slicer? It needs to be setup for the printer brand and type.

Fusion will CAD, but cam in 3d printing the slicer is the cam. If your just dumping the stl to the printer it doesn't know wtf to do.
I did a 3d export and saved the file as stl.

I cant get the file to open in prusa slicer. File doesn't show up on any drives.
I did a 3d export and saved the file as stl.

I cant get the file to open in prusa slicer. File doesn't show up on any drives.
Did you convert to the object to a mesh?
Walk us through your process step by step. I also use fusion 360 and prusa and have not had any issues.
I did a 3d export and saved the file as stl.

I cant get the file to open in prusa slicer. File doesn't show up on any drives.
The file you're printing needs to be in g-code. You import the stl into prusaslicer and export g-code.

Bottom right of Prusa Slicer after you import:
Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 2.08.57 AM.png

After you click Slice Now, it slices and shows export g-code.

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 2.09.08 AM.png

Save the G-code to your thumb drive formatted in exFat and it should be fine.
You import the stl into prusaslicer and export g-code.
Need more info from I HATE PONIES . Iirc you can't just save an object as a .stl it needs to be converted to a mesh first so the slicer can actually use it properly. I'm at work at the moment but I'll do a quick idiots guide on how to do this in Fusion 360 when I get home.
Need more info from I HATE PONIES . Iirc you can't just save an object as a .stl it needs to be converted to a mesh first so the slicer can actually use it properly. I'm at work at the moment but I'll do a quick idiots guide on how to do this in Fusion 360 when I get home.
You just click the 3d printer button, click the object and save it. Not exactly a complicated process.
so this weekend i got to practice with solidworks for makers and take what i designed and send it to cura to slice and print it. it is nothing new that is not done all ready but its about taking an idea from in my mind, set it to the solid works and then print it and it worked. i can watch and do the you tube vids on solid works but i lose interest because i am not making something for me.
this is a thread checker. i used a nut of said thread and fit inside this thing i printed


Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) commonly sold as an adhesive for acrylic. I've tried it but didn't have much luck, might have been user error though. It's definitely an effective adhesive for PLA.
Interesting. I actually have some some that I used to attach pieces of acrylic in the past, but I didn't realize it works as glue for PLA. Thanks for the info.

I haven't found much drawback to printing most things in ABS at this point though. Prints come out as nice as PLA, but it's easier to post process if needed. The only issue has been the fumes, which are mostly mitigated with the Nevermore filter. I say mostly as I still don't like hanging out in my office while it's printing.
Interesting. I actually have some some that I used to attach pieces of acrylic in the past, but I didn't realize it works as glue for PLA. Thanks for the info.

I haven't found much drawback to printing most things in ABS at this point though. Prints come out as nice as PLA, but it's easier to post process if needed. The only issue has been the fumes, which are mostly mitigated with the Nevermore filter. I say mostly as I still don't like hanging out in my office while it's printing.
ABS+ has become my go to for most things. Seems a lot more predictable than PLA, no real strength issues, pretty cheap.

Ordered some filiment from Ambrosia Filament and just got it in. West 3d has been good in the past so I'm hoping this stuff lives up to their rep.
what kind of failures were you having with PLA
Mostly random finish issues. Likely moisture based and while solveable ABS just rolls along. PLA+ is better for that but I have some issues with warping that I don't have with ABS+

Now if you don't have an enclosure then ABS can be a pita.

A few engineer types I know will preach the PETG primary. I don't like the finish it gives and the extra $5-6/spool adds up.

I will use PLA for special stuff like color changing. Got some rock like PLA that worked great for lizard houses.
Oh, and I added a camera to my Voron (finally). Being able to do a quick check while working to see how its going has been handy


I've got a pile of mods to make - Tap probe, stealthburner toolhead, Chamber probe and an ERCF. Waiting till they are all ready, I'll have to unwire all the cable chains and I only want to do that once.
i have some abs, i never had any luck with it. butttttttttttttt... i just got an enclosure. i think i will give it a try tonight and the same prints i did in pla+ yesterday. thanks :beer:
Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) commonly sold as an adhesive for acrylic. I've tried it but didn't have much luck, might have been user error though. It's definitely an effective adhesive for PLA.
+1 can confirm it works well to solvent bond PLA.
Got it to work...sort of

I got the prusa to open the file. Placed the object in the center of the mat and sliced it.

I had to change the printer and save the file as photon ? I tried so many things I can't be sure what I did.

Had to remove the thumb drive that came with the printer and install mine. Bam! File showed up.

Selected the file and hit print. It zoomed around a bit and then dipped down in the lower left to start printing.

Bang bang crack crack it said. The print head hit the left side of the bed.

I got it stopped and dont think it broke anything.

Deleted the thumb drive and started over.

Could not get the drive to work again so I put it away for the night.
Me thinks you need to start from scratch on the printer setup and config. Doesn't sound like anything was setup, configured or aligned.

Did you buy the printer used? Might need to dig the setup docs off their website. They usually include config files for at least one of the major slicers or a walkthrough on how to do it.
Got the printer for Christmas.

Learning everything as I go.

1 baby step forward and 10 big steps back.

I have printed lots of things from the setup files and the phone app.

Just cant quite get the self made stuff to work yet.
I can't justify a printer yet. And, I lost my capability as I quit my night vision job. I need a couple of parts printed. I'm happy to trade cad work for printing if someone wants to help me out. I'll model up something similar to the pic. The cross bushing piece won't be included. That will be my wear component and likely nylon. Anyone? Assume size is around 3" cubed.

Material in order of preference but this beggar isn't choosy:


Color doesn't matter and I'd be disappointed if they showed up without dicks on them somewhere. 😂

I can't justify a printer yet. And, I lost my capability as I quit my night vision job. I need a couple of parts printed. I'm happy to trade cad work for printing if someone wants to help me out. I'll model up something similar to the pic. The cross bushing piece won't be included. That will be my wear component and likely nylon. Anyone? Assume size is around 3" cubed.

Material in order of preference but this beggar isn't choosy:


Color doesn't matter and I'd be disappointed if they showed up without dicks on them somewhere. 😂

I have ABS loaded in the printer. Post up the STL and I can see how it prints tomorrow evening.
I can't justify a printer yet. And, I lost my capability as I quit my night vision job. I need a couple of parts printed. I'm happy to trade cad work for printing if someone wants to help me out. I'll model up something similar to the pic. The cross bushing piece won't be included. That will be my wear component and likely nylon. Anyone? Assume size is around 3" cubed.

Material in order of preference but this beggar isn't choosy:


Color doesn't matter and I'd be disappointed if they showed up without dicks on them somewhere. 😂

I know this place Is cool and all but i use the shit out of Xometry for work related stuff. Pretty cheap and free shipping.
just ran a quick quote and it looks to be about $75
Play around with process and material. I usually do SLS nylon as it's the fastest. However I dont know the dimensions of your part
Prusa will need a config file for your printer.
Have you done this?
Tried to do this today. I got to step 2 section3 and then I didn't have any of the listed options.

I went back and started over with the setup using the thumb drive from the printer inserted in the desk top.

It came up with the install wizard for the anycubic slicer. I have been trying to install this for weeks but the online download says the file was too big and wouldn't download. That is why I tried to use Prusa.

It installed from the thumb drive and was an easy setup so I will use it if I can.

I was able to slice and save the file to my thumb drive.

Nothing could go wrong now!

Thank you for the link. It at least got me going in the right direction.
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