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Silly season: Never heard of this guy. Vivek Ramaswamy Announces His 2024 Presidential Run

I'm not sure I'd vote for Trump again. Not sure who though. 1st time for a 3rd party I guess.
Ha. I've voted 3rd for decades. I made faces at my wife when she voted Trump...now I'm probably going to also.
Smug moral superiority just doesn't take the sting out of a failed country like it used to.

That guy will be trumps vp in a week or two
God, I hope so.

Why? The VP is largely a token position.
Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 20-20-17 Biden Vice Presidential Records Collection.png

Incumbent name recognition is worth a lot.
Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 20-20-17 Biden Vice Presidential Records Collection.png

Incumbent name recognition is worth a lot.
It wouldn't have if the DNC hadn't told their sheep he was the only one who could beat Trump and that if they wanted to beat Trump they HAD to vote for Biden. No one wanted Biden. But they all fell in line all the same. I don't think it'll be enough this time. I mean, a big part of the selling point of Joe Biden was that Trump was a real threat to start WW3 meanwhile Biden has spent the last three years seemingly doing his best to kickstart WW3.
Vivek talks too much to be VP. VP shouldn't overshadow his boss.

And...I told you he had no chance :flipoff2:
:shaking: Story of my life, just with an R this time.

"Hey, this candidate is a not-stupid!"

/candidate gets single-digit support/

It's because we don't deserve decent candidates.

You'd think every presidential election would be some kind of Rand Paul vs. some kind of Tulsi Gabbard. And while I don't agree with 100% of Paul's platform, I'm gonna vote for him. OPE, Tulsi just won. Oh well. She wasn't my 1st pick and I hate her stance on issues A and B, but we'll be okay... she's pretty decent with alot of other things. Maybe we'll have a better chance next time/ life is good anyway.

No. We get Kramer from Seinfeld vs. Cruella Deville. And my choice is vote for the clown that wants to borrow 9 trillion or vote for the evil twat that wants to tax 15 trillion.

These are always our choices because we are fat lazy pieces of shit who's only concerns are what the '25 model Z71 is gonna look like and can we get the payment low enough to get one.
Ha. I've voted 3rd for decades. I made faces at my wife when she voted Trump...now I'm probably going to also.
Smug moral superiority just doesn't take the sting out of a failed country like it used to.

God, I hope so.

Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 20-20-17 Biden Vice Presidential Records Collection.png

Incumbent name recognition is worth a lot.

Only when the party selects you in the primary amd torpedoes your opponent for the second time.
Vivek behind Haley?

We're fucked.
He's an extremely intelligent guy with a serious plan to get us back to true fiscal conservatism.

She says more gooder stuff and don't hurt momma's feelins like Trump did. Hell even uncle Terry likes her and ya noe he's been union steward at the plant 37 years.

Pretty easy to see why she would do better. We're fucked.
Do any of yall actually know a Nikki fan?
Not a single person. I know more people who will not vote before they vote for her.

I get why Vivek dropped out, but I wish he'd stayed in just to harass her til she dropped. He did very well for being a nobody, hope to see more of him going forward.
Haley is a rino Vivek doesn’t seem to be. I wouldn’t vote trump the 3rd time if Haley was vp
'rino' these days just means conservative with a lowercase C

who do you like? big talkin' trump and big dick desantis in his state governor guise (not so much in his meek national campaign garb)
here's something that you're not going to like on initial perceptions of the word, but if you can wrap your head around it you'll see through a lot of the charade
both are loud and proud lowercase P progressives
He's an extremely intelligent guy with a serious plan to get us back to true fiscal conservatism.
do you want conservatism or conservationism (not that it is a popularly applied term, mind)

definitionally, the conservative argues for continuation of previous policies
Do any of yall actually know a Nikki fan?
If they do admit to it, put their name in the "who here is a fed" thread:laughing:

My guess is the typical Nikki supporter falls into two categories:
1) you own a weapons company or are a country reconstruction government contractor

2) old "right wing" neocon leaning boomers who don't know any better. They support every single US military action anywhere under the guise of "spreading freedom and democracy" and fail to really see the big picture of what's going on. They won't stop to question if this is a good idea or not based off past performance and aftermath of similar prior military actions.

You can figure out who here is likely one by reading any of the Ukraine, Israel and random country war threads on here, and if the person has unilateral support for those actions, and accuses you of being a Russian spy or an anti Semite or a muslim/iran lover if you question any of them, you have found the closeted Nikki supporter.
do you want conservatism or conservationism (not that it is a popularly applied term, mind)

definitionally, the conservative argues for continuation of previous policies
At this point I don't want anything. I think we should shut the federal government down, lay everybody off, and just take a break for 4 years and regroup.
Hmmmm like let the states run things??? Well that's anti democracy and fascist thinking.
almost like they were named 'the states' when they were "the" "states" rather than us having one singular nation-state

fun fact, "nation-state" as a term used to go over my head entirely ignored
Now I can see it for the monster that it is.
Many vp have used it to launch presidential runs and been successful

Pence is about the only one that won't do anything with it

For all the hatred Pence gets, he did exactly what he was told.
he's been pretty clear about it on tweeter. saying polls are wrong and he'll put up shocking numbers

I am on Twitter and I have never heard him tweet that, or anything similar. I'll admit I dont fully understand how to manage my feed, or anything else there for that matter. But I have seen many of his posts, and posts from others and I never saw that. Not saying that he hasn't posted what you said at some point, just saying its not a major point of his and I haven't seen it or any evidence really.
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