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Silly season: Never heard of this guy. Vivek Ramaswamy Announces His 2024 Presidential Run

"RINO" is meaningless now. It just means a Republican not named Trump. Ironically, Trump was a lifelong Democrat. He just saw a lane in the Republican Party because the Republican Party ceased to stand for anything and was ripe for takeover.
That, and he was butthurt about Obama ripping him at the press dinner.
If they do admit to it, put their name in the "who here is a fed" thread:laughing:

My guess is the typical Nikki supporter falls into two categories:
1) you own a weapons company or are a country reconstruction government contractor

2) old "right wing" neocon leaning boomers who don't know any better. They support every single US military action anywhere under the guise of "spreading freedom and democracy" and fail to really see the big picture of what's going on. They won't stop to question if this is a good idea or not based off past performance and aftermath of similar prior military actions.

You can figure out who here is likely one by reading any of the Ukraine, Israel and random country war threads on here, and if the person has unilateral support for those actions, and accuses you of being a Russian spy or an anti Semite or a muslim/iran lover if you question any of them, you have found the closeted Nikki supporter.

I love Nikki. I really do, she is far and away the best candidate for president.

Along those lines, I hate Russia. I like Israel somewhat, but mostly hate Islamic religious idiocy. I enjoy seeing the demonstration of American might abroad. She has (relatively) moderate stances on social issues. She hasn't run up the national debt 8 trillion dollars. (Yet)

There was a time once when our Navy didn't politely ask Iran to stop harassing US vessels with stupid speedboats. I'll again admit surprise that so many so called conservatives have become foreign policy cucks, but that isn't my stance.

There is nothing I believe in more than the following ethos:

If they do admit to it, put their name in the "who here is a fed" thread:laughing:

My guess is the typical Nikki supporter falls into two categories:
1) you own a weapons company or are a country reconstruction government contractor

2) old "right wing" neocon leaning boomers who don't know any better. They support every single US military action anywhere under the guise of "spreading freedom and democracy" and fail to really see the big picture of what's going on. They won't stop to question if this is a good idea or not based off past performance and aftermath of similar prior military actions.

You can figure out who here is likely one by reading any of the Ukraine, Israel and random country war threads on here, and if the person has unilateral support for those actions, and accuses you of being a Russian spy or an anti Semite or a muslim/iran lover if you question any of them, you have found the closeted Nikki supporter.

I love Nikki. I really do, she is far and away the best candidate for president.

Along those lines, I hate Russia. I like Israel somewhat, but mostly hate Islamic religious idiocy. I enjoy seeing the demonstration of American might abroad. She has (relatively) moderate stances on social issues. She hasn't run up the national debt 8 trillion dollars. (Yet)

There was a time once when our Navy didn't politely ask Iran to stop harassing US vessels with stupid speedboats. I'll again admit surprise that so many so called conservatives have become foreign policy cucks, but that isn't my stance.

There is nothing I believe in more than the following ethos:

Spot on Slander :laughing:
I love Nikki. I really do, she is far and away the best candidate for president.

Along those lines, I hate Russia. I like Israel somewhat, but mostly hate Islamic religious idiocy. I enjoy seeing the demonstration of American might abroad. She has (relatively) moderate stances on social issues. She hasn't run up the national debt 8 trillion dollars. (Yet)

There was a time once when our Navy didn't politely ask Iran to stop harassing US vessels with stupid speedboats. I'll again admit surprise that so many so called conservatives have become foreign policy cucks, but that isn't my stance.

There is nothing I believe in more than the following ethos:

So basically Biden with an R next to their name?
The problem with flexing on foreign lands, is if you do a bad job of it, it makes you look weak to everyone around the world and ripe to be taken advantage of. That's what we're seeing now.
The problem with flexing on foreign lands, is if you do a bad job of it, it makes you look weak to everyone around the world and ripe to be taken advantage of. That's what we're seeing now.
Lemme tell you where you're wrong Hoss.

Let's look at Afghanistan. We spent 20-something years there. We finger fucked a few people, scared a couple of folks straight, spent a couple trillion dollars, then left them all 900 billion dollars worth of equipment when we came back home. BET YOUR ASS THEY NEVER MESS WITH US AGAIN! [boomer slap on back] [yuck yuck]
I love Nikki. I really do, she is far and away the best candidate for president.

Along those lines, I hate Russia. I like Israel somewhat, but mostly hate Islamic religious idiocy. I enjoy seeing the demonstration of American might abroad. She has (relatively) moderate stances on social issues. She hasn't run up the national debt 8 trillion dollars. (Yet)

There was a time once when our Navy didn't politely ask Iran to stop harassing US vessels with stupid speedboats. I'll again admit surprise that so many so called conservatives have become foreign policy cucks, but that isn't my stance.

There is nothing I believe in more than the following ethos:

With a chainsaw
In the neck.

You are talking about sending our kids to a corrupt nation, you probably can’t find on a map without labels, and can’t name one state, to be killed or mentally fucked up, in the snow, because you think it shows strength?

Not to mention we haven’t won a war, domestically or abroad, since WWII.

Grenada may be the exception & the war on drugs is a domestic war, before you jump on the domestic claim. (& the shit at the border would be a de facto domestic war).

And I’m not even going to get into the economic crisis we have in this country. The tyranny of taxation. And your condoning spending trillions on this endeavor?

In the neck
With a chain saw

using the American troops to butt into other nations affairs is the one thing a neocon and a liberal agree on.
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The problem with flexing on foreign lands, is if you do a bad job of it, it makes you look weak to everyone around the world and ripe to be taken advantage of. That's what we're seeing now.
Or they hijack airplanes and fly them into American buildings. Or they install religious extremists to run their country that hate us, or you have state sponsored terrorist organizations fucking with our allies with goal of bogging us down in regional conflicts and destroying our freedom at home under the guise of security while simultaneously bankrupting the country.

Ron Paul broke this down perfectly in the 2008 presidential debates when he gaped Rudy's butthole on live TV with the reason why we have the terrorist problem we have now. Rudy: 9/11 happened because they hate us for our freedom. Ron rebuttals with a 5min dissertation on what blow back is and that's the real cause of our problems.
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With a chainsaw
In the neck.

You are talking about sending our kids to a corrupt nation, you probably can’t find on a map without labels, and can’t name one state, to be killed or mentally fucked up, in the snow, because you think it shows strength?

Not to mention we haven’t won a war, domestically or abroad, since WWII.

Grenada may be the exception & the war on drugs is a domestic war, before you jump on the domestic claim. (& the shit at the border would be a de facto domestic war).

And I’m not even going to get into the economic crisis we have in this country. The tyranny of taxation. And your condoning spending trillions on this endeavor?

In the neck
With a chain saw

using the American troops to butt into other nations affairs is the one thing a neocon and a liberal agree on.

Whoaa there big fella. :flipoff2:

1) It's not my kids that would be fighting. Mine will be learning the gender spectrum at prestigious universities. It'll be other people's kids. You know, yours.
2) Number 1 is a joke. We don't need soldiers anywhere. Just sit back and let missiles do their thing, and give money so other's country's kids will fight. A la Ukraine.
3) I'm pretty good at geography.
4) We did pretty well in the Gulf war. Look at Iraq now-- the jewel of the Middle East! :grinpimp:
5) Economic Crisis, and spending trillions... who again was it that rose the national debt $8 trillion? (hint- Trump)
6) Is the chainsaw running? It seems painful either way.
So WTF is that ? I will not open it unless I have an Eye Deer of what it is. Is it sticky or slippery or caustic ?
What are the pop-ups like ? :flipoff2:
Dude... where have you been?! OF is best described as "your kid's teacher who needs more money to make rent set up a camera and is inviting subscribers" kind of deal.

I'd wear heels for you if you paid me enough. I'm a capitalist, not a commie. :grinpimp:
Whoaa there big fella. :flipoff2:

1) It's not my kids that would be fighting. Mine will be learning the gender spectrum at prestigious universities. It'll be other people's kids. You know, yours.
2) Number 1 is a joke. We don't need soldiers anywhere. Just sit back and let missiles do their thing, and give money so other's country's kids will fight. A la Ukraine.
3) I'm pretty good at geography.
4) We did pretty well in the Gulf war. Look at Iraq now-- the jewel of the Middle East! :grinpimp:
5) Economic Crisis, and spending trillions... who again was it that rose the national debt $8 trillion? (hint- Trump)
6) Is the chainsaw running? It seems painful either way.
The joke is thinking we can fight and win a war without troops on the ground.

It can be done if you don’t care about people.

We can nuke the whole territory.

Under no realistic or reasonable scenario where we are evaporating the entire region.

So with that FACT you’re talking about boots on the ground OR another US failure abroad.

And I am the 1st to say, TRUMP Domestically was hit & miss at best (and that’s being kind) but Trumps foreign policy was as good as we’ve ever had. Equal to Ronnie.
With a chainsaw
In the neck.

You are talking about sending our kids to a corrupt nation, you probably can’t find on a map without labels, and can’t name one state, to be killed or mentally fucked up, in the snow, because you think it shows strength?

Not to mention we haven’t won a war, domestically or abroad, since WWII.

Grenada may be the exception & the war on drugs is a domestic war, before you jump on the domestic claim. (& the shit at the border would be a de facto domestic war).

And I’m not even going to get into the economic crisis we have in this country. The tyranny of taxation. And your condoning spending trillions on this endeavor?

In the neck
With a chain saw

using the American troops to butt into other nations affairs is the one thing a neocon and a liberal agree on.

Ron Paul broke this down perfectly in the 2008 presidential debates when he gaped Rudy's butthole on live TV with the reason why we have the terrorist problem we have now. Rudy: 9/11 happened because they hate us for our freedom. Ron rebuttals with a 5min dissertation on what blow back is and that's the real cause of our problems.

[masterbates furiously]
I love Nikki. I really do, she is far and away the best candidate for president.
jebus. You say some really smart stuff and some just monumentally stupid stuff.

We absolutely do not need another war monger neocon president ffs. We don’t need to go blow up everyone that disagrees with us.
We need to stop fucking around in other countries business.
We need to stop instigating fighting everywhere to make the military industrial complex richer.

And then you also support the money laundering campaign in Ukraine?
Ffs man, try some history on, maybe your heads too corrupted with leagalese.
I mean why would they? You can make way more money and effect more change being productive in private industry than working in politics.

Not so sure of that if you limit "politics" to those that are elected at higher levels and above. Median net worth for members of the House and Senate ? Fawk me. That's a lot of beer money :beer:
jebus. You say some really smart stuff and some just monumentally stupid stuff.

We absolutely do not need another war monger neocon president ffs. We don’t need to go blow up everyone that disagrees with us.
We need to stop fucking around in other countries business.
We need to stop instigating fighting everywhere to make the military industrial complex richer.

And then you also support the money laundering campaign in Ukraine?
Ffs man, try some history on, maybe your heads too corrupted with leagalese.

Yes, I do support Ukraine-- as far as using their soldiers to monumentally weaken Russia's military.

But of course, a president isn't just one issue. She's moderate but conservative leaning on a variety of issues. I don't think 4 years of Haley will absolutely stonewalled by Congress. I don't expect her to rule via executive action. But, like many politicians, she has the same potential to disappoint as anyone else.

I don't agree with Trump's foreign policies of shitting on our allies and warming to our enemies. I did, however, very much like his hard trade war with China. Credit where credit is due, I 100% supported it. But overall, Trump isn't someone I think should be president. :beer:
The joke is thinking we can fight and win a war without troops on the ground.

Bosnia AKA The Serbs. The troops on the ground were pussy fart UN troops that allowed the mass execution of Muslim non-combatants. Hate to say it but Clinton stopped that shit with cruise missiles. For a while at least.
jebus. You say some really smart stuff and some just monumentally stupid stuff.

We absolutely do not need another war monger neocon president ffs. We don’t need to go blow up everyone that disagrees with us.
We need to stop fucking around in other countries business.
We need to stop instigating fighting everywhere to make the military industrial complex richer.

And then you also support the money laundering campaign in Ukraine?
Ffs man, try some history on, maybe your heads too corrupted with leagalese.

or quit ragging on anyone that might have a different view point on the non liberal side. Insults are always a great way to bring everyone together.

And history has pretty much shown that staying out of things doesn't work either.

Or unless everyone wants potota running things for the next 4 years.
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