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Siberian Express....

Temps are dropping like a rock and the wind is whipping here. I was supposed to go down to Waco later today to fix a rig once I get the parts but I put that shit off until Tuesday morning. We started off today at 44° and now it's down to 22° with a feels like temp of 8°. FUCK THAT!!
Was out feeding and checked, 5* as of 10min ago with wind chill -17.

Broke ice with my hand in the garage for mommas cats and my hand iced over :homer: :lmao:. Fuck gloves. :flipoff2:
Temps are dropping like a rock and the wind is whipping here. I was supposed to go down to Waco later today to fix a rig once I get the parts but I put that shit off until Tuesday morning. We started off today at 44° and now it's down to 22° with a feels like temp of 8°. FUCK THAT!!
I wish.

Put it to you this way: Its 22* there. You are so much warmer than we are, that if we were at 22*, you would be at 56*.:flipoff2:
I'm expecting a nothing burger here. We are about 10 miles east of the rain/snow line projections for all day today, putting us in the rain. I hope I'm wrong and we get slammed.
This is getting stupid. It's supposed to break on Monday into the +40 range and pour some rain on us. That's gonna make one big old mess with the ground being frozen rock hard.:mad3:

Would it shock you to know the power plant got shut down about a decade ago?
Not really, that's the way it works, they spent millions of dollars to lower the cooling water dumped back in the canal IIRC they said 10 degrees to lower the fish kill. I helped pull miles of cable on those towers.

wind at 9-10 out of the west
feels like 42*
Went for a cruise up a canyon towards the town of good grief. There's a house that seems to be in the shade no matter the time of day or year. It seems to always be for sale and my wife an I always figured it was cold as fuck.

Guess we were right:laughing:


So approximately 20* colder than my place like 10 or so miles away :barf: also my buddy said the store in good grief posted a Pic of an analog thermometer that read -45* this morning. I've heard the name means "Good Grief is cold!" which checks out. :laughing:
Missing out on all the fun. Ain't no Siberians anywhere near our place.


We were down to 28ish last week, but it's shorts weather now:flipoff2:
Missing out on all the fun. Ain't no Siberians anywhere near our place.


We were down to 28ish last week, but it's shorts weather now:flipoff2:

I had a few buddies in the bay day that it was pretty cold for down there. Like 22* in Santa Rosa and 35* San Mateo.

I will say was just out in minus 20* and it didn't feel a whole lot different than 33* in dense fog a Santa Rosa one time. :laughing:
RIP texans. :laughing:
it felt about 50 or so this morning when I went in to work, didn't even need a sweater.

then the wind picked up :laughing:

short day at work, spent about 10 minutes outside at the house closing up the pop up sun shade and it is cold now. 31.5* in the sun according to the temp stick in the window

edit: weather.com says "feels like 6* with 22 mph winds" sounds about right :laughing:
Electrician for TIC, building cooling towers for the power plants for 8 months 92-93.
My father was the general foreman @ Brown and Root during the construction of the Nuke plant in Crystal River. We lived in Dunellon many years ago.
The nuke for sure, but possibly the whole deal. Massive layoffs, property values plummeted, and the population actually dropped (down 18% over the past 30 years).
Wow! Was the front porch restaurant still open?

Did cops run your plate everytime you went through town?
I was at Ham club meeting, and one of the guys there was a Captian on the security force for the Nuke plant, heard me talking about they ran my NM plate everytime I went through town. He said he had lived there for 22 years and every morning when he went through town at 04:30 they ran his also.
Wow! Was the front porch restaurant still open?

Did cops run your plate everytime you went through town?
I was at Ham club meeting, and one of the guys there was a Captian on the security force for the Nuke plant, heard me talking about they ran my NM plate everytime I went through town. He said he had lived there for 22 years and every morning when he went through town at 04:30 they ran his also.
Nah, my plate was a G-ride plate (GSA Fleet vehicle). I never drove my own junk anywhere since Uncle Sugar was providing a van and gas card for me to prey upon the youth.:flipoff2:

I couldn't tell you about any particular restaurant, as I didn't have time to eat when there. I was living in Beverly Hills, my office was in Inverness, and I spent at least 1-2 days/week in the Tampa Bay area.
It’s pretty cold here but not as bad as I’ve seen here in Iowa.
It's 2 here in NE Ok at the moment. We still have a temp. I fear we'll hit 0 and then we won't have a temp anymore. :flipoff2:

Edit: tried to start the 79 and even with a battery tender to keep the battery good the 460 said "fuck you, call me in a few days" :lmao:

I always wonder how the poor wildlife make it in this type of cold

deer/elk don't have the warm fuzzy coats, and same with cows and horses

feel bad for them
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