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Siberian Express....

After a 10 minute cruise on facebook, I've come to the conclusion that the biggest cry-baby's about this cold front are the Ken's and Karen's that are hiding under their blankets in their subdivided/city powered/natural gas burning homes.

There are gonna be A LOT of guys out there making bank this holiday weekend running a chain saw, plowing snow, and fixing power lines that will be drying their tears with $100 bills and celebrating Christmas on Monday.

Props to those guys :beer:
I saw several broken sprinklers that iced up sections of road this morning. Serve pro was at the high school so I assume they had a busted pipe. The head start building had water running out the front door tonight. The city cut the water but they were still trying to find someone that works there with a key.

We had zero snow or ice but Facebook was filled with people asking how the roads were This morning.
I saw several broken sprinklers that iced up sections of road this morning. Serve pro was at the high school so I assume they had a busted pipe. The head start building had water running out the front door tonight. The city cut the water but they were still trying to find someone that works there with a key.

We had zero snow or ice but Facebook was filled with people asking how the roads were This morning.
Same here. Are the roads clear? Is the bridge open? Yes, we didn’t have any precipitation to freeze.
Spent the day driving around doing some orderingfor next year and final Xmas shopping. Averaging 30mph highest was about 50 mph for a few miles. Seemed to be a car/truck in the ditch every mile or so, I've never seen more jack knifed semis. I stopped counting at 20 and that was in the first hour or two, you would drive by the same spot and there would be a different semi jack knifed in the same spot. Was a weird mix of ice and snow, the nest traction was actually where snow had packed down on top of the ice. Only got 3 or 4 inches but some drifts over 4 feet, was -5 all day according to the truck.

First time I've seen this that I can remember.

Spent the day driving around doing some orderingfor next year and final Xmas shopping. Averaging 30mph highest was about 50 mph for a few miles. Seemed to be a car/truck in the ditch every mile or so, I've never seen more jack knifed semis. I stopped counting at 20 and that was in the first hour or two, you would drive by the same spot and there would be a different semi jack knifed in the same spot. Was a weird mix of ice and snow, the nest traction was actually where snow had packed down on top of the ice. Only got 3 or 4 inches but some drifts over 4 feet, was -5 all day according to the truck.

First time I've seen this that I can remember.

Freaky isn't? :flipoff2:
Wait till you see your windows iced up
Freaky isn't? :flipoff2:
Wait till you see your windows iced up
Just means if fuck this cold outside. All windows are double pane so they shouldn't be icing unless something is really wrong.

It was all the defrost could manage to keep the windshield from fogging though driving around today.

I don't mind the cold but its brutal with the wind, can't do anything to keep warmth in your hands if you are actually using them.
Got down in the single digits the past 2 mornings in Alabama. They are saying it's the coldest it's been nearly thirty years.
I say bullshit, I can remember it being this cold. The windchill is a different story though. Luckily it only lasted a one day.
I have single pane windows in my trailer,ice on the inside of them.
When it gets this cold I was thinking about the Indians and pioneers who lived in this weather , with no gas furnaces and no synthetic clothing or man made insulation. All their clothing and shoes was hand made from local materials and animal skins and their shelter was hand made with no power tools and nothing to cut wood with except maybe an ax made from a sharp rock

The Eskimo’s lived with this kind of weather and no trees or anything .
It’s kinda crazy to think about living like that .
When it gets this cold I was thinking about the Indians and pioneers who lived in this weather , with no gas furnaces and no synthetic clothing or man made insulation. All their clothing and shoes was hand made from local materials and animal skins and their shelter was hand made with no power tools and nothing to cut wood with except maybe an ax made from a sharp rock

The Eskimo’s lived with this kind of weather and no trees or anything .
It’s kinda crazy to think about living like that .
We, as a species, have gotten really fucking soft. In the matter of a few generations.
Check out Wim Hoff, it's all conditioning, and us simple soft folks can bring that back, fairly quickly.
Top of the pool is frozen this morning.

I set the heater in the shop to it’s lowest setting of 45 before this started to keep it from freezing. Apparently the weekends had a schedule I didn’t know about and it tried to keep it at 65 all last night while it was in the teens, can’t wait to see my gas bill next month.
Looks like we must be in the 20* area I'm getting 17* to 28* from national sources and 20 from my most exposed camera
We, as a species, have gotten really fucking soft. In the matter of a few generations.
Check out Wim Hoff, it's all conditioning, and us simple soft folks can bring that back, fairly quickly.
Well, maybe some of us could .

I’d be dead the first winter.
I got asthma , bad knees , etc
skid battery is probably on last leg... just need to get it started to get into the barn.
rolling blackouts in Mid-TN now.... "can't keep up." They sent out the notification at 5:30am-ish today... blackouts started last night. F'rs.

All the husbands who bought their wife an electric car "for the environment" should get kicked in the nads.
skid battery is probably on last leg... just need to get it started to get into the barn.
rolling blackouts in Mid-TN now.... "can't keep up." They sent out the notification at 5:30am-ish today... blackouts started last night. F'rs.

All the husbands who bought their wife an electric car "for the environment" should get kicked in the nads.
don't bother with glow plugs
ether in very small amounts makes magic happen
take the cold one and toss it in your washtub with a bunch of hot water to thaw it in hours rather than days
don't get water in the vents
you don't keep spare batteries inside where they're warm?
Everything that matters has an anderson connector in the battery cables. It's anti-theft, too.

this is my fault. backup camera is on a switch and not switched power... i drained the F out of this battery. It's on a charger...
Top of the pool is frozen this morning.

I set the heater in the shop to it’s lowest setting of 45 before this started to keep it from freezing. Apparently the weekends had a schedule I didn’t know about and it tried to keep it at 65 all last night while it was in the teens, can’t wait to see my gas bill next month.

I left the pump on all night. (Didn’t freeze) I wasn’t worried about the ice on top. I was worried about the tubing feeding the pump.

My well pump froze. Or at least the little pressure sensor. Works now.
I'd be pretty surprised if they make much more than $20/hr.

The state, county and city guys get paid terrible around here.
Private guys do the water main fixes around here. They get them done in a few hours I’m sure they charge 15k to fix them.
this is my fault. backup camera is on a switch and not switched power... i drained the F out of this battery. It's on a charger...
don't charge until it is thawed if it is solid, the charger will burn the shit outta the small sections of the plates that have liquid electrolyte flowing
don't charge until it is thawed if it is solid, the charger will burn the shit outta the small sections of the plates that have liquid electrolyte flowing

f-me... :homer::laughing::laughing:
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