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Russia / Ukraine thread


she's met putin a dozen time 2ish decades ago.

are you the same person you were 20 years ago? is the world the same 20 years ago? what has rice been doing during that time.....working with ukraine and russia?

Sorry buddy...

So what you are sayin is that you are dumb **** that doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.

Truth is is that you don't know jack shit about jack shit.

But hold on...

If you were there you would tune them all up and show them what's up

You go ahead and sit at home in you mom's basement and tell us all how you would handle this with your worldly education.

Why don't you leave real world shit to people that are fighting a war that they didn't ask for!

I don't know shit...Really...

But I am not pretending like I know anything.
Sorry buddy...

So what you are sayin is that you are dumb **** that doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.

Truth is is that you don't know jack shit about jack shit.

But hold on...

If you were there you would tune them all up and show them what's up

You go ahead and sit at home in you mom's basement and tell us all how you would handle this with your worldly education.

Why don't you leave real world shit to people that are fighting a war that they didn't ask for!

I don't know shit...Really...

But I am not pretending like I know anything.
i may not know when to shut up, but that doesn't mean that Rice has some crystal ball or that she has stayed current on the issue. Don't want to face the music that she is the token minority that fox news loves to trot out whenever they can to show how inclusive they are? :flipoff2:

I'm not pretending like i know anything, i read stuff, post my sources that i'm reading, and interpret with the void between my ears, same as everybody should. Sorry i'm not going to take her word as gold or defer to a politican outright :flipoff2:

I'm planning on checking out Europe this fall for a bit now that WWIII means covid is over, so maybe i'll swing by and check it out if it is still going on then :rasta:
You really are a ****, eh?

Guess you're upset at the shit being thrown your way, I've got 0 disrespect for Austin . If your want to get your thong in a bunch over twisting titties, have at it. I couldn't be happier for Austin and the boards, our and those communities, and hope VS continues providing Austin opportunities.

And legit hope Au$tin llc becomes the series llc of all of it. :flipoff2::stirthepot:

Guess you're upset at the shit being thrown your way, I've got 0 disrespect for Austin . If your want to get your thong in a bunch over twisting titties, have at it. I couldn't be happier for Austin and the boards, our and those communities, and hope VS continues providing Austin opportunities.

And legit hope Au$tin llc becomes the series llc of all of it. :flipoff2::stirthepot:
Nah, no panties in a bunch. Not even upset, I am a duck and all shit slides off my back.

0 respect to Austin? That's an issue.

Go back to Pirate.
Taking in to consideration all the battles Russia and putin have been in, this one is a different playbook.

Either something is seriously wrong with putin, or the analysis and misinformation is seriously off..

Objectively, I'm going with the latter.

Decades of and dozens of people considering him a stone cold killer, strategic, surgical, the background of putin led attacks, this build up, and this is the "result"? Color me skeptical with what we're seeing.

(Though I do hope I'm wrong)

I also believe that putin does feel at wits end and frustrated with decades of trying to be a "serious" country, and no one accepting him/ Russia into those circles. If anything, I'd agree, he's "tried" but only gets egg on his face from the west. We (the west) don't accept him because (I think) for only petty reasons: he's not the west, him and China make a good boogeyman, irrespective of his attempts and possible merit. Right or wrong.

In layman's terms, the west has two circles, the west and those who dont kowtow/ enemies. Russia/ China, get lumped into the same group as the rest. They're in a different realm in my opinion, but that's not how they are treated.

Also, I do find it ironic that the ballsiest leaders in nearly two decades have been people the media/ bureaucracy/ west has shown 0 respect towards. Again, right wrong or indifferent.
Putin is waiting. If he wanted to take Kiev, it'd be done easily I feel. He's waiting to see what NATO is going to do, how far the push is going to be. I feel he's playing a good chess game knowing we have a sub-par/ weak president and he knows China knows the same. The two have have been stroking each other's cocks and they're both about to cum. That's worrisome.

That's probably been said 37 times in this thread but I'm half tarded and half drunk so.. fucks=zero
begs the question, when was the last time that Russia was tested as a ground force?

I'm not sure they or China is quite as equipped as they would portray. History sorta repeating. They have manpower but training and equipment seems to be lagging. They both have smart people but don't seem to be able to implement as well.
Nah, no panties in a bunch. Not even upset, I am a duck and all shit slides off my back.

0 respect to Austin? That's an issue.

Go back to Pirate.

"Wah, I'm a whiny little greenie, yall keep it up, I'll quit again"

You are a fucking horrible mod that shouldn't have mod capabilities.

You should have just stayed on the side of the sandbox when you had the chance.

Fucking tool:shaking:
Ok. I should stay on what side of the sand box?
Putin is waiting. If he wanted to take Kiev, it'd be done easily I feel. He's waiting to see what NATO is going to do, how far the push is going to be. I feel he's playing a good chess game knowing we have a sub-par/ weak president and he knows China knows the same. The two have have been stroking each other's cocks and they're both about to cum. That's worrisome.

That's probably been said 37 times in this thread but I'm half tarded and half drunk so.. fucks=zero
that's the thing, NATO has long said they won't be doing shit. supplying arms is their next step that they are going with, but they have also pulled a bunch of economic levers which i'm not convinced will be as "crippling" to Russia as the talking heads would like to make it appear.
Putin is waiting. If he wanted to take Kiev, it'd be done easily I feel. He's waiting to see what NATO is going to do, how far the push is going to be. I feel he's playing a good chess game knowing we have a sub-par/ weak president and he knows China knows the same. The two have have been stroking each other's cocks and they're both about to cum. That's worrisome.

That's probably been said 37 times in this thread but I'm half tarded and half drunk so.. fucks=zero
Yup, Putin is a player. Ukraine could have been taken in a few days by Russia, everything so far is just a probe. Putin is seeing what the reaction is before he commits and will negotiate for the eastern portion and a ground bridge to Crimea. They will happily hand him what he wants to stop a larger war. Ask big, settle for what you really want. Negotiations 101.

Belarus votes to give up non-nuclear status​

Belarusians voted to allow the country to host nuclear weapons and Russian forces permanently, results have showed, part of a package of constitutional reforms that also extended the rule of leader Alexander Lukashenko.

The agencies cited the Belarus central elections commission as saying 65.2 percent of those who took part voted in favour, while 10.07 percent voted against.

The new constitution could see nuclear weapons on Belarusian soil for the first time since the country gave them up after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Perhaps I stand corrected.

But you are still a fucking ****.
Whatever makes you happy man.

That's a shit ass apology. I thought you'd be a better man.

Yes, I apologized, no "perhaps" about it.

Nice job, jumping me. Do you feel better?
You're right. I am tired and mis-read that. My apologies.

I have to fly in 7 more hours.
I have my reasons for respecting Austin, same for you. But none of the reasons I have respect for you, have to do with your green abilities.

If I'm pushing an envelope, I expect Austin to have pm'd me or called me out, same for any emotionally/ financially invested member.

Hell, I find Austin & Co hilarious when changing names/sigs/ locations, and do feel bad somehow my name is the reason Austin limited the characters. Evidenced by my location and short lived 2 usernames. That was gold I thought.

Get some sleep, layoff a bit, people that know, know. Those that don't, won't.

You are a fucking horrible mod that shouldn't have mod capabilities.

You should have just stayed on the side of the sandbox when you had the chance.

Fucking tool:shaking:
But you are playing the **** tonight. It’s OK it happens to all of us. Just take some Midol, draw a bath and open a bottle of wine. Tomorrow will be better:flipoff2:
Whatever makes you happy man.

That's a shit ass apology. I thought you'd be a better man.

Yes, I apologized, no "perhaps" about it.

Nice job, jumping me. Do you feel better?

Iol...I wasn't apologizing.

And I still feel fine thank you.
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