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Russia / Ukraine thread

It's opposite world and BS.
They should be our friends, all because we succeeded in turning the tide against communism.
They are a success story, having overcome the commie way of life and embracing a new day.

That was our goal back in the day, right? To turn commie countries normal?
And here they go and do it, and we turn our back on them? We should have been friends with them as soon as their commie crap went out of the window. They deserve our applause, at least on that aspect.

Oh, but wait. They reject the gay agenda and don't open their borders to hordes of low IQ illegals, so our overlords are mad because they won't bend the knee to those agendas and become a liberal sesspit. Makes sense.
You can look at all of the reasons the Mainstream Media and "Political Scientists" give us, or you can look past all of that at the truth:

The Oligarchs in Russia won't bow down to the Oligarchs in control of the "Western World". The Elites cannot succeed in their goal of a One World Government if the Oligarch's in Russia won't play along.

It really is that simple.

Just because I went through public school doesn't mean I don't understand how sideways it is. Even as a kid going through it.

I know plenty of smart people who went to public school and are smart in things they care about and don't think critically about anything else. That's most people. If they never challenge their own thoughts on public school, it will never matter and they will continue to support the state "by default"

I'm more in the 'I just want to be left to do what I want to do without you interfering or caring' camp.

From what you just wrote, it SOUNDS more like you have expectations of how other people SHOULD be and what they OUGHT to do.

I understand that, but it isn't for me. You be how you are and I'll be like me and I won't think about what I think you ought to care about or how you ought to think....

So, okay, that is helpful and I understand you. Cool.
You can look at all of the reasons the Mainstream Media and "Political Scientists" give us, or you can look past all of that at the truth:

The Oligarchs in Russia won't bow down to the Oligarchs in control of the "Western World". The Elites cannot succeed in their goal of a One World Government if the Oligarch's in Russia won't play along.

It really is that simple.

What did the Russian oligarchs get, gain by the invasion ? I recall more than a few falling out of 6th floor windows. Their shit has impounded or sanctioned. They launched the invasion ? Sure it wasn't a miscalculation by a madman ex KGB ?
I'm more in the 'I just want to be left to do what I want to do without you interfering or caring' camp.

From what you just wrote, it SOUNDS more like you have expectations of how other people SHOULD be and what they OUGHT to do.

I understand that, but it isn't for me. You be how you are and I'll be like me and I won't think about what I think you ought to care about or how you ought to think....

So, okay, that is helpful and I understand you. Cool.
You want to be left alone, so long as we are doing max containment on Russia and whoever else on the world you decide to dislike:laughing:

Yay moral world police!
What did the Russian oligarchs get, gain by the invasion ? I recall more than a few falling out of 6th floor windows. Their shit has impounded or sanctioned. They launched the invasion ? Sure it wasn't a miscalculation by a madman ex KGB ?
Who high up in the Russian Government might just be in bed with the Deep State? How has that individual responded to "dissenting" oligarchs?

Remember the Elite Families tend to control both sides of most wars, and they have been for millennia.

Global politics are an illusion designed to hide what the Elite are really doing, and the vast, vast majority of people keep falling for the sideshow distraction, time and time again.
I feel the term " deep state" with regards to Russia is amateurish, lightweight, I can't really express the correct description. The entire government mechanism is a relic but alive from the toltarian state which precede the current one. In a sick way I respect Putin and Xi and their control over absolute nonsense that we tolerate in this country.

I dont think there are families in China and Russia linked directly to ours, or with each other. I think that is paranoid fantasy. They communicate with each other but they are not in bed with each other. I dont think elite families led the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor, or Stalin to invade Finland or the Argentines to invade the Falkland I salnds as historical examples.
You want to be left alone, so long as we are doing max containment on Russia and whoever else on the world you decide to dislike:laughing:

Yay moral world police!
I want to be left alone and I understand in order to keep people from taking that away, we'll need to keep them at bay.

I don't trap raccoons and release them. If they are in my space, I dispatch them.

You may be someone who thinks you can charm enemies into staying away... I know I don't have that ability.

If someone has to be the Alpha Government and power on the planet, I'd prefer that it be us. I tend to believe that if people feel like they have permission to be louts and lawless and invade everyone... they will. Someone has to say Nope. Not here.

As we see in Israel, it isn't simple. You have to manage many selfish forces... mistakes will get made.
I dont think there are families in China and Russia linked directly to ours, or with each other
Sometimes it's more comforting to believe there is someone in control(even if they are evil) than it is to entertain the notion that we are all wildly spinning out of control into the void, no one knows what they are doing, and it's nothing but chaos and pure chance propelling us forward.
Sometimes it's more comforting to believe there is someone in control(even if they are evil) than it is to entertain the notion that we are all wildly spinning out of control into the void, no one knows what they are doing, and it's nothing but chaos and pure chance propelling us forward.
or that there are lots of different factions, sometimes working together, sometimes working to their own ends often in conflict with others who have other needs.

A friend of mine was a director at a very large computer company. They built a set top box. That set top box depended upon the ability for the device to 'phone home' and get software updates, authentication, and authorization for content. My friend was new to the company and had been brought in to 'unfuck' the problems they had with the device.

In his first meeting, he found out that the guy in charge of the servers that provided the set top boxes with their ability to do something other than have blinking lights would not, under any circumstances, meet with him. His subordinates said that their direction was that they were to act interested in whatever he proposed and bring it back to him.

My friend discovered that the guy had no intention of ever allowing the set top box actually work. He had other alliances within the company who wanted to do a different device and they even wanted my friend to lead up that group, but they did not want the current set top box to work.

When he reported his findings to his boss (a senior vp) the guy exhaled and said, 'well, that is that.' When prompted to explain, he said, 'we'll just have to wait to see sales numbers then we'll figure out who will get fired.'

2 quarters went by. No one was fired. Nothing was improved, but a new version and form factor for the set top box was announced. Shortly after it was released, the entire product was cancelled. My friend moved on to another division within that company then parachuted out and went to a chip company (that made the chips in the set top box.)

My point is just that there are scads of smart and dumb people who are working agendas that are often even orthogonal to ours, but they can intersect and when they do all kinds of weird shit happens.

Putin is trying to put together his vanity dream project (which is why it is so chaotic) because it isn't strategic it is manic.

He is especially dangerous because of that.

Things are sometimes what they appear to be and sometimes they aren't.... knowing which is which is pretty tough in the fog of the current moment... it takes a couple hundred years for the dust to clear and to be able to see what actually influenced and changed the present to create the future.:stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:
I want to be left alone and I understand in order to keep people from taking that away, we'll need to keep them at bay.

I don't trap raccoons and release them. If they are in my space, I dispatch them.

You may be someone who thinks you can charm enemies into staying away... I know I don't have that ability.

If someone has to be the Alpha Government and power on the planet, I'd prefer that it be us. I tend to believe that if people feel like they have permission to be louts and lawless and invade everyone... they will. Someone has to say Nope. Not here.

As we see in Israel, it isn't simple. You have to manage many selfish forces... mistakes will get made.
Yet here you are, saying we need to go halfway around the world to control the racoon population.

Its like saying you don't have raccoons on your property, but of you go a hundred miles away to hunt them, because they might get to your property.

Pretending that is how you want to be left alone :laughing:

Like I said, you want to be the world moral police. You want to be the alpha government. That's all opposite land stuff to wanting to be left alone
Their only threat to us is their nuclear arsenal. So why poke the bear? Why gleefully enter into a full on proxy war with them to defend the territorial sovereignty of a nation that means fuck all to us and that we have no treaty obligations to defend? It's just insanity.
to weaken and destablilize them to the degree that their fear is greater than their courage so they keep their 'final solution' in their pocket. That is why they try to destabilize the US with cyberattacks etc.
Yet here you are, saying we need to go halfway around the world to control the racoon population.

Its like saying you don't have raccoons on your property, but of you go a hundred miles away to hunt them, because they might get to your property.

Pretending that is how you want to be left alone :laughing:

Like I said, you want to be the world moral police. You want to be the alpha government. That's all opposite land stuff to wanting to be left alone

control raccoon population abroad, you decrease the need at home.

improve economies in central america, you don't have a hoard at your border.

keep islam and russia fights away from, say, your major cities, you don't have the world trade center come down.

I want to be left alone, if that means we have to manage the world to achieve that, okay, I'm for that.

If you are killing raccoons in your yard, after you dispatch them, if you are smart you figure out where they are coming from and start dealing with the source. The russians set up the iron curtain to protect the mother, (so that you can see that even countries you like have common realities) they want to keep their satellites as a buffer. For us, we are lucky, the Canadians are generally a great neighbor and the Mexicans used to be, but we fucked that up and now they are an 'okay' neighbor.

Remember MOST of our problems are self inflicted. Realize that ⅓ of our threats come from one simple american weakness: we are a bunch of druggies. We can't seem to keep from self destructing. If we, as a nation (and I don't mean minorities in cities, I mean white people in suburbs) could just quit weed and coke and fentanyl and oxy.... our problems would shrink quickly and our ability to wield the kind of influence that would bring the world to a much more peaceful coexistence would come quickly and decisively.

But, we are not likely to do that because we'll blame the seller. If you are the guy who blames mcdonalds because you are fat, then this is you.

I see it as a fire break. you need enough room to be able to be as sure as you can.
to weaken and destablilize them to the degree that their fear is greater than their courage so they keep their 'final solution' in their pocket. That is why they try to destabilize the US with cyberattacks etc.
Our brilliant plan is to weaken and destabilize a nuclear superpower?

I wish for just a period of time we'd mind our own fucking business and stop trying to diplomatically subjugate the globe. I honestly think the end result would probably be less hostility toward the U.S. and less desire to try to destabilize our country through cyber attacks, social media fuckery, etc. I mean, I kinda understand our adversaries' point. We surround themselves countries militarily, we economically sanction them, we use all of our diplomatic pull to organize other countries against them, we literally fund wars against them then we call them the bad guy. It's like the bulky grabbing the weak kids arm and making him slap his own face while mocking him for hitting himself. It's like he's not hitting himself, YOU'RE hitting him with his own hand. That's basically our approach to foreign policy.
We don't violate Mexican air space every day? :laughing: yeah we do, they just can't do shit about it

Alright, there you go then. :beer:

we do it all the time with Mexico.

from a pilot that flys for DPS
:to me, riding co-pilot in an A-star flying along the Rio Grande: "we can legally fly 5 miles into Mexico without notifying anyone but if we get into trouble and have to land for some reason, we're totally fucked"

so yeah, we "violate " Mexican airspace all the time but i think its because we have agreements with them to be able to do so
I want to be left alone, if that means we have to manage the world to achieve that, okay, I'm for that.

Said every tyrant ever. The commies had 2/3 of the world population in the 1960s. Guess we should've gone along with them
I want to be left alone, if that means we have to manage the world to achieve that, okay, I'm for that.

Said every tyrant ever. The commies had 2/3 of the world population in the 1960s. Guess we should've gone along with them

I KNEW you were a commie!:flipoff2::flipoff2::lmao::lmao::lmao:

A few years ago, our CBO was termed. The woman who was a rung below the CBO came to see me and said, 'I'm being encouraged to apply for the position, should I do it?' and then she told me how her life was good in her current role and that the added hassle was likely to be more stressful and the money wasn't that much different blah blah...

I said, 'Here is the bet you have to make: Is it more likely they will hire someone dumber and more idiotic than the last guy, someone who will be a pain in the ass to serve because he is an idiot or evil or clueless' or would you rather shoulder the load and at least try to hire someone decent to fill your shoes?

She took the gig not because she was growing her career or power hungry, she took it because when she saw the other options they were all worse and would, in the end, make her life worse.

She isn't perfect, but she is damn sight better than the last rube.
Gawd Damn dude. CBO Congressional Budget Office :confused:

ExWrench - look it up

just as it is Russia's and China's comrade.
What I'm saying is that I kinda understand their motivations. We've completely surrounded them with military bases and tried to make inroads with their neighbors diplomatically to box them in. Whe. They even attempt to do similarly we howl like a hit dog.
Kinda off topic, but man these fuckers are gearing up for something. They've always ran fighter jet drills in the Linville Gorge area in western NC (like every now and then, maybe once every couple of weeks maxing our at a couple of times a week occasionally) but for the last couple of weeks it's literally been all day everyday.
Kinda off topic, but man these fuckers are gearing up for something. They've always ran fighter jet drills in the Linville Gorge area in western NC (like every now and then, maybe once every couple of weeks maxing our at a couple of times a week occasionally) but for the last couple of weeks it's literally been all day everyday.
We were right in the flight path from Kirtland airbase in Alb. during the Vietnam war, all day long there were pairs of fighters flying over the house.
The coolest though was when they were doing altitude trials on the C5-A, that big SOB flew over our barn so low it was shaking dust out of the rafters. I was rebuilding an engine, I ran outside looked up just as the landing gear went over, all I could think was please stay up there!
I KNEW you were a commie!:flipoff2::flipoff2::lmao::lmao::lmao:

A few years ago, our CBO was termed. The woman who was a rung below the CBO came to see me and said, 'I'm being encouraged to apply for the position, should I do it?' and then she told me how her life was good in her current role and that the added hassle was likely to be more stressful and the money wasn't that much different blah blah...

I said, 'Here is the bet you have to make: Is it more likely they will hire someone dumber and more idiotic than the last guy, someone who will be a pain in the ass to serve because he is an idiot or evil or clueless' or would you rather shoulder the load and at least try to hire someone decent to fill your shoes?

She took the gig not because she was growing her career or power hungry, she took it because when she saw the other options they were all worse and would, in the end, make her life worse.

She isn't perfect, but she is damn sight better than the last rube.
It's fine, you want to be left alone unless somebody might disagree with you, then you want to impose your will on them because it might get back to you because you can't leave well enough alone.

Just stop lying to yourself by saying you want to be left alone.

There isn't enough ability to control the world, your desire to do so will always lead to ruin
We were right in the flight path from Kirtland airbase in Alb. during the Vietnam war, all day long there were pairs of fighters flying over the house.
The coolest though was when they were doing altitude trials on the C5-A, that big SOB flew over our barn so low it was shaking dust out of the rafters. I was rebuilding an engine, I ran outside looked up just as the landing gear went over, all I could think was please stay up there!
They must've had to refuel. There was about a two hour break and now they're back ripping again. Like fucking ground shaking shit. This is ridiculous. I'd try to take a video but as you know by the time you hear it they've been gone.
I want to be left alone, if that means we have to manage the world to achieve that, okay, I'm for that.

Said every tyrant ever. The commies had 2/3 of the world population in the 1960s. Guess we should've gone along with them
The dude is basically a grade a tranny flag waving liberal from what I have seen of his posts. And like most liberals he is completely oblivious to his reality.
They must've had to refuel. There was about a two hour break and now they're back ripping again. Like fucking ground shaking shit. This is ridiculous. I'd try to take a video but as you know by the time you hear it they've been gone.
The film studios in Wilmington NC are on the flight path to the airport. It gets exciting when the Harriers are doing touch and go’s :lmao:
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