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Russia / Ukraine thread

I'm not talking about winning wars. I'm talking about 1. avoiding them and 2. ending them with strategic vision when you can't avoid them. For the most part, our post-WWII foreign policy has basically been a strategy of forever war for profit. It's a foreign policy approach that will have the world plenty ready to move on from American dominance the first chance they get and that's sad. It doesn't have to be this way.
No disagreement. My statement implied that as well, or so I thought. I just pointed out that if we actually want to “win” the war we will. Otherwise its a perpetual money maker for the progressives. Letter by their name means nothing. The progressives love war. They make money and use it as an excuse to consolidate power and trample rights. Fuck the lot of them.
we just never have personal investment in outcomes in bumfucklandistania

the ancients had it right, if you're gonna be conquering and enslaving a people you've gotta at least embrace that you're doing what you're doing and why
Can't risk being labeled a colonizer, that's like literally the worst.
No disagreement. My statement implied that as well, or so I thought. I just pointed out that if we actually want to “win” the war we will. Otherwise its a perpetual money maker for the progressives. Letter by their name means nothing. The progressives love war. They make money and use it as an excuse to consolidate power and trample rights. Fuck the lot of them.

I don't think it's a progressive thing or conservative thing or any political ideology thing. I just think it's an MIC thing. Dumping huge sums of money into the MIC with constantly failed audits and poor results is one of the few truly bipartisan issues in DC.
I'm not talking about winning wars. I'm talking about 1. avoiding them and 2. ending them with strategic vision when you can't avoid them. For the most part, our post-WWII foreign policy has basically been a strategy of forever war for profit. It's a foreign policy approach that will have the world plenty ready to move on from American dominance the first chance they get and that's sad. It doesn't have to be this way.
We never finished ww2, and stated we cannot keep fighting ww2, so the result is simply a series of conflicts we need to call other things
Man that was so quick we didn't even get memes

I saw pics of old men and young people talking to the "insurgents", and it was as if they (Wagner) were there for show. They had no intent to do anything.

Peskov commented on the situation:

- "The criminal case against Prigozhin will be dropped, he himself will go to Belarus".

- "Part of the Wagner PMC fighters, who initially refused to participate in Prigozhin's "march", will sign contracts with the Russian Defence Ministry".

- "Personnel changes in the Ministry of Defence were not discussed during the talks with Prigozhin".

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No disagreement. My statement implied that as well, or so I thought. I just pointed out that if we actually want to “win” the war we will. Otherwise its a perpetual money maker for the progressives. Letter by their name means nothing. The progressives love war. They make money and use it as an excuse to consolidate power and trample rights. Fuck the lot of them.
I don't think it's a progressive thing or conservative thing or any political ideology thing. I just think it's an MIC thing. Dumping huge sums of money into the MIC with constantly failed audits and poor results is one of the few truly bipartisan issues in DC.
he's using progressive in the older "lowercase" sense before it was adopted as a party moniker (denoted by an uppercase P)
back when it just meant "using the government's troops to force someone's idea of progress upon the minority opposition"
I just think about how 25,000 troops just left their station and walked, drove, whatever through tens of miles of Russian troop occupied territory and occupied the major matériel staging area for the entire Russian southern army front and battle group area. Then, they did the same and headed towards Moscow and got within 100 or 200 miles of it. All without being challenged or fired upon by Russian troops. :confused:
I just think about how 25,000 troops just left their station and walked, drove, whatever through tens of miles of Russian troop occupied territory and occupied the major matériel staging area for the entire Russian southern army front and battle group area. Then, they did the same and headed towards Moscow and got within 100 or 200 miles of it. All without being challenged or fired upon by Russian troops. :confused:

Maybe those Russian troops don't like Putin. 🤷‍♂️
The Russian rank and file troops are mostly conscripts. Wouldn't think they would give a lot of thought to troop movements. I think Wagner was making a point about their contributions to the war effort and their power. Message received.
And an isolationist platform would say, okay we will hold them at Mexico.

Hell, we trade with the commies and theyve also got millions in mass Graves and ideological issues, so it isn't a moral stance
It’s apparently only a moral stance with Cuba

We refuse to have anything to do with them because they are communists

Yet we kiss chinas ass ,
Because they are communists .
Unclear, thank you media. Where did the 25,000 men come from ? It is hard to believe that they voided a section of the front when they departed. That would have been exploited instantly by Ukraine. So they were just sitting around in the rear area of Bakhmut telling jokes doing nothing ? We were told by PizGonin that his troops were hit by Russian rocket fire and took casualties.
It’s apparently only a moral stance with Cuba

We refuse to have anything to do with them because they are communists

Yet we kiss chinas ass ,
Because they are communists .

China makes and sells shit. Lots of shit. Cuba doesnt have shit. Whatever implement you are keying on is probably made in Chy Nah. Name a single thing, one, made in Cuba. OK Cigars :flipoff2:
It’s apparently only a moral stance with Cuba

We refuse to have anything to do with them because they are communists

Yet we kiss chinas ass ,
Because they are communists .
Cuba, and much of America below us, went ahead and confiscated millions to billions of American assets, China did not, per se
Since we are thread jacked almost completely consider the disparity, the contrast between what the respective communist regimes have done for or with their respective populations. China is the world's manufacturing powerhouse, absolute #1. Cuba is the almost same impoverished shithole it was at the time of the revolution. Can't be racial/cultural ?? :eek:
Since we are thread jacked almost completely consider the disparity, the contrast between what the respective communist regimes have done for or with their respective populations. China is the world's manufacturing powerhouse, absolute #1. Cuba is the almost same impoverished shithole it was at the time of the revolution. Can't be racial/cultural ?? :eek:
china looks good from the outside because of all they produce for export and their massive censorship of everything

bet they look pretty goddamn bleak from the inside looking out
to rephrase it, you want your ruling class to be highly advanced in their methods of control or dirt poor despots
Since we are thread jacked almost completely consider the disparity, the contrast between what the respective communist regimes have done for or with their respective populations. China is the world's manufacturing powerhouse, absolute #1. Cuba is the almost same impoverished shithole it was at the time of the revolution. Can't be racial/cultural ?? :eek:
China spent the first 50 years looking a shithole. Castro died long after Mao, and it took a while to get China up and a huge demand surge in the USA to make it happen
Technically I'd say we finished WW1, and the and punitive treaty that resulted caused WW2.

Yeah, just completely differently conflicts with completely different lead ups. WWI shouldn't have happened. WWII was a necessity but was completely caused by WWI.
This was a interesting 8 minute watch.
Cliffs: This shit is staged, Wagner group now regrouping in Belarus along with other stationed Russian troops, a northern push to Kiev via land and water coming soon.
China spent the first 50 years looking a shithole. Castro died long after Mao, and it took a while to get China up and a huge demand surge in the USA to make it happen

Thats another thread but I think differently. We, you, I all think too much about how important we are. Another day, another thread.

This was a interesting 8 minute watch.
Cliffs: This shit is staged, Wagner group now regrouping in Belarus along with other stationed Russian troops, a northern push to Kiev via land and water coming soon.

This has been incredibly embarrassing for Putin. I have a hard time imagining this was planned.
I dont know what to think about it. It seems a bit strange though that you are going to move what should be hardened soldiers within striking distance and then make a left?
A rouge battle harden unit went berserk. 3/4 of the Wagner didn't participate so the DOD wrote. So estimates said 2 battalions of Wagner revolted. They captured a distribution hub for the Russians military's support for the SMO. Killed 12 pilots got within striking distance of Moscow. Only thing left between the Wagner and Moscow were Nation guard units with light armor.

Wagner is a heroic unit in Russia to take them out would be bad for Putin. Wagner would be martyr. Putin was pretty pissed off.

Lukashenko worked with Putin to get the guy out.

Prigozhin is out of Russia with a small force. Putin has some splaing to do

Later Prigozhin will be found to have jumped out a window to his death. Hilary will be blamed. End of story
I was listening to a wsj article on Wagner. If they received the contracts that they allegedly have in Africa, Syria, and central America, they have a hell of a bankroll .
Crap. Theres a 15 minute video of Ukraines 47 Brigade Bradley's trying to recover troops in a mine field. Just frigging awful. Heres a short clip of one guy jumping out and landing on a mine. There's others trying to get into a Bradley with the same results. All the while the complete area is getting shelled to crap. Cant find a way to link vid so if to much Ill delete.

Crap. Theres a 15 minute video of Ukraines 47 Brigade Bradley's trying to recover troops in a mine field. Just frigging awful. Heres a short clip of one guy jumping out and landing on a mine. There's others trying to get into a Bradley with the same results. All the while the complete area is getting shelled to crap. Cant find a way to link vid so if to much Ill delete.

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