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Russia / Ukraine thread

I read somewhere else those were Russian National Guard.

A straight up coup in Russia is dubious at best... But not impossible.

And not necessarily a good thing. A potentially horrifying thing. You're talking about the country with the most nukes on the planet where most of the political pressure is coming from Putin's right. They think he's a pussy who isn't hawkish enough. These are all the things Dems conveniently ignore when they're fondling themselves to the thoughts of Putin being removed.
Nothing is happening all, western and Ukraine media trying hard for the coup. No evidence of any thing going on in Rostov. No helicopter shoot outs. Rostov is a huge military town with lots of army brigades. Check points, there's always been check points after the bridge got damaged.

Moscow always have military roaming about because of the conflict. Prigozhin is running his mouth again. Lets see where this gets him.

Ukraine is losing hands down and now the media is stirring up shit.
Its midsummer party day. people burn fires and get drunk today/night
Wasn't that yesterday? I gave my gnomes scotch and cheese for the solstice, they drank a bit of the whisky but didn't like the cheese. :laughing:

Long shot, but if you know anyone that works at Pole Bicycles, tell them they need to offer the new pinion motor gearbox unit on the Voima
Twitter has lost its shit over that... Hard to figure out which propaganda has any truth to it. Possible coup? Russian Revolution? Popcorn? Vodka? Crimson Tide? Nothing? Could be any or all of that.

If the nukes fly, just make it on Monday. I'm going to Watkins Glen Sunday and I want to see all 6 hours of sportscar awesomeness before we're turned into radioactive vapor.
You’ll be minutes from me.
I just have no idea how there are still people left who haven't figured out that we really don't have a clue what's actually happening over there given all the propaganda that's flying. If the pro-Ukrainian propaganda was accurate the Russian military would've completely collapsed and Putin overthrown months ago. If the pro-Russian propaganda was right they would've rolled through Ukraine like a hot knife through butter.
Wtf is going on in Russia?

Also, I'm glad the Russian hot chicks are just as oblivious and stupid as ours. :usa::laughing:
Well Prigozhin is after the Russian MOD. It is a mutiny. Russian Army does not appear to support Wagner nor have they gone after him.
In the video, he is talking with Deputy Defense Minister Yevkurov and Deputy Chief of the General Staff Alekseev. Translation is AI and sucks.

Are DOD generals operating outside of what putin has ordered them to do?
He said their not telling the truth but nor is he. Putin is going to address this shortly. Seems like the DOD was going to take him out. Guess it was going to happen sooner or later when you supply a group like that to go fight your war.
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Whoever said this gives Putin the out he needs to escape Ukraine might be on to something.

Could well be some maskirovka to give a pretense to pull back. Would make a lot of sense actually...

Of course, it does indeed feel like a repeat of '91 as was pointed out earlier. Still, I'm leaning toward deception.
BBC journalists on the ground trying to figure out if it’s all fog of war or actual overthrow attempt. Looks like nobody knows where Putin is.
Russian media was hacked and showed the Prigozhin interview everywhere
If you look at the heat map on Snapchat there's people talking about civil war.
Daily Mail is saying that the Wagner forces are marching towards Moscow and Putin may have bugged out of the Kremlin.

Putin bugging out.🤔
"Multiple reports claimed Putin had left Moscow on Saturday afternoon, despite officials denying it and saying he was working in the Kremlin.

A presidential plane linked to Vladimir Putin flew north from Moscow towards Tver before switching off its transponder, live flight data showed.

Other business jets were seen making an exodus from the capital towards St Petersburg, with senior backers of Putin allegedly fleeing to Turkey."
"Multiple reports claimed Putin had left Moscow on Saturday afternoon, despite officials denying it and saying he was working in the Kremlin.

A presidential plane linked to Vladimir Putin flew north from Moscow towards Tver before switching off its transponder, live flight data showed.

Other business jets were seen making an exodus from the capital towards St Petersburg, with senior backers of Putin allegedly fleeing to Turkey."
That sure doesn't paint a macho image of him; having to escape Moscow.

Let's see if Ukraine gets further than Germany.:lmao::laughing:
And not necessarily a good thing. A potentially horrifying thing. You're talking about the country with the most nukes on the planet where most of the political pressure is coming from Putin's right. They think he's a pussy who isn't hawkish enough. These are all the things Dems conveniently ignore when they're fondling themselves to the thoughts of Putin being removed.
This right here. I don't understand the giddyness for Putin to be overthrown. I get it from the NPCs on Twitter, they are retarded and just think what they are told to, but from the .gov I don't get.

Wagner forces are not the Ukrainians, Wagner is that private Russian military group that has been fighting for Putin all over the place. (even in Africa)

The same private group that the Commies let go into the Stalags to recruit. :homer::laughing::laughing:
If that's even remotely true; what does that say about the world's #2-ranked military?!!:eek::eek:

I'm going to guess Putin's personal security team is all he has left to protect him.
This is what we were gunning for from the get go. We wanted regime change in Russia. But beware Aesop's ancient words.

"Be careful what you wished for lest it come true."

Chaos with the world's largest nuclear arsenal is a dicey proposition at very best.
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