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Russia / Ukraine thread

Fuck putin and his shit hole country and this entire endeavor. He can keep on hollowing out his military and Wagner too. Ukraine and Crimea aren't his and he is betting the farm that it is. Wait until China decides to take the artic routes to the East. Ole pooty could hardly send a train out that way in protest when they do.

Japan, Korea and the several US fleets are in the way.

Edit: And Yu can go back a few months in this forum where are experts all proclaim that China is done, will collapse and Xi is toast. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Fuck putin and his shit hole country and this entire endeavor. He can keep on hollowing out his military and Wagner too. Ukraine and Crimea aren't his and he is betting the farm that it is. Wait until China decides to take the artic routes to the East. Ole pooty could hardly send a train out that way in protest when they do.
Crimea held a vote and the world obliged a decade ago
Imagine if the US, after getting into war with Iraq, started to round up Muslim worship leaders in Mosques within the US.
All the people that support UKR right now would lose their minds.

So now I wonder, is Putin sticking it to any UKR people within Russia?
Imagine if the US, after getting into war with Iraq, started to round up Muslim worship leaders in Mosques within the US.
All the people that support UKR right now would lose their minds.

So now I wonder, is Putin sticking it to any UKR people within Russia?

Pinko-libs are having orgasms with the thought of Christians being rounded up.
the world wants WW3

Yeah; ole Vlad Putin won't be too happy.
Shocking: Russia's small neighbors join NATO after they see Russia invade its neighbors. How dare they.
Yeah; ole Vlad Putin won't be too happy.
He doesn't care about Finland, and they fucking know it.

It's all bullshit. Finland has fuck all going for it, and they're WAY, WAY late to the Germans making arrangements to cut off America.
He doesn't care about Finland, and they fucking know it.

It's all bullshit. Finland has fuck all going for it, and they're WAY, WAY late to the Germans making arrangements to cut off America.
So you think the Russian Bear won't mind a NATO country directly sharing a Northern border?:confused:🤔

Military history (Winter War '39) dictates otherwise.
The Soviets were concerned about the Fins enough to preempt an invasion back then, and the Fins weren't even an official ally!
I'll opine they'll be equally or more concerned NOW because they're officially a NATO country.

With Finland a NATO country, the entire Fin/Rus border can now be armed just like Eastern/Western Europe was during the Cold War.
And that's a long fuggin' border.
So you think the Russian Bear won't mind a NATO country directly sharing a Northern border?:confused:🤔

Military history (Winter War '39) dictates otherwise.
The Soviets were concerned about the Fins enough to preempt an invasion back then, and the Fins weren't even an official ally!
I'll opine they'll be equally or more concerned NOW because they're officially a NATO country.

With Finland a NATO country, the entire Fin/Rus border can now be armed just like Eastern/Western Europe was during the Cold War.
And that's a long fuggin' border.

Oh, I know my history. But current politics aren't quite the same.

Finland was NEVER in danger, they're joining a lame duck for show, and nothing else.

Give it 1-2 years after this UKR shitshow. Then you'll see some big re-alignments.

Most European countries are weaklings. They take what they can.

I said way back up in this thread how the US FORCED Germany's hand. They are NOT happy about this, and will/are planning against that ever happening again. (And so are many dependent EU countries)
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Footage captured on a cellphone just before the explosion showed Tatarsky examining a statuette of a miner. Tatarsky was himself formerly a miner, and his Ukrainian hometown is in a region known for its coal mining and heavy industry. “What a beautiful guy,” Tatarsky said, while examining the statue, before joking, “I’m much prettier!”

Moments later, the explosives hidden inside the bust detonated, killing Tatarsky instantly.

Attendees who survived the blast claimed Tatarsky was presented with the statue by a woman. Five minutes after the statue was handed to Tatarsky, an explosion tore through the cafe. Russian media reported that 26-year-old St. Petersburg resident Darya Trepova, who had previously been arrested for participation in antiwar rallies in February 2022, was detained as a suspect in the attack.
With no debate and at lightning speed, Russian parliament this week backed a bill that will allow authorities to call up men with a simple click as Moscow's Ukraine offensive grinds on.

The bill, rushed through both chambers of the Russian parliament, creates a digital conscription notice system that could bar men from leaving the country and make dodging the draft nearly impossible.

Widely expected to be signed into law by President Vladimir Putin, the legislation has stirred new fears as Moscow's offensive in Ukraine stretches into a second year.

The Kremlin insists there is nothing unusual about the proposed changes and claims that the authorities are simply digitalising an archaic enlistment system.

But many Russians who do not want to fight in Ukraine are afraid.

Several Russian men AFP spoke to said they were worried and did not know what to do.

"If a law is adopted literally in two days, don't expect anything good," said one 28-year-old, who spoke on condition of anonymity for safety reasons.

Asked what his tactic would be if he received a draft notice, the young man said he planned to "ignore" it and even go to prison.

The man, who lives in northern Russia, said he would not go to an enlistment office under any circumstances.

"That would be a direct ticket to Bakhmut," he said, referring to the frontline hotspot in eastern Ukraine.

Observers say the legislation closes most escape routes for those who have received an online draft notice, as they will be barred from leaving the country the moment it is sent out.

Those who fail to show up at the enlistment office within the 20 days following receipt of the electronic draft notice will not be able to take out loans, register property or work as individual entrepreneurs.
Has Russia completely blocked Western media access to the country?

Wonder what the general populous thinks about the war?🤔
From what I've been able to gather info coming out of Russia is more tightly controlled now than back in the days of the USSR.
I trust absolutely nothing coming from any Russian "news source".
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