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Rant thread

Of course 99% of your blog is you stocking people.

You should really give it a second thought, you could find yourself in a lot of legal hot water

Your blog is kind of a sad reflection upon you.
a lot of it it looks like you’re being left out of the reindeer games and your complaining about it.
You are one of the weirdest motherfuckers I’ve ever come across. You really do have some serious mental issues

You are a stalker, a genuine, real life stalker.
You should be careful.

I don’t hear anybody, threatening to travel halfway across the country to kill you, to kill your family, to kill your dogs, and to kill other people. I think he threatened the same thing to four other individuals.

But for some reason you’ve memorialize this in your life? because this affects you how ?
so come out with it I would really like to see what you think you’ve got?

Who am I stalking? I was year a month before you showed up. I was also the only regular poster at the Snow Plow Forums.com when you and Fred had your very public dispute and you made it known for all that you were threatened by Fred over something stupid. So, I just happen to have a very good memory nothing more.

"Only when men like Hydro, Mark, I and others decide that we’re tired of the horseshit that you and your kind bring, and we eradicate you by whatever means necessary, then teach the young men to take charge of their families, their schools and the local government, will anything change."

Sounds like a direct threat to me since he claims he wants with your help and others to eradicate me and others like me by whatever means necessary...


  • 1.destroy completely; put an end to:"this disease has been eradicated from the world"
Destroy completely-- that certainly doesn't sound like he wants to go out and talk about my Walter Trucks does it now?
Of course 99% of your blog is you stocking people.

You should really give it a second thought, you could find yourself in a lot of legal hot water

Your blog is kind of a sad reflection upon you.
a lot of it it looks like you’re being left out of the reindeer games and your complaining about it.

Nothing illegal about showing VS' not following its own anti-discrimination policies.
I don’t give a shit,
and once again, you injected yourself into a situation that didn’t concern you.
You should be careful doing such things in person.

You don’t have a good memory.
you have saved thousands and thousands of posts.
you have saved my posts from various different forums to put on your blog.

who is stalking whom?

Yup I took charge and gave both of you the boot.
I don’t give a shit,
and once again, you injected yourself into a situation that didn’t concern you.
You should be careful doing such things in person.

You don’t have a good memory.
you have saved thousands and thousands of posts.
you have saved my posts from various different forums to put on your blog.

who stalking whom?

That's called evidence to support my claims. Also you do realize that every forum has a little group of icons that say share right usually on every post??? that anyone can do.

I have only coped things you wrote was open to the members of the forum or open in the public.
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That's called evidence to support my claims.

Saved on a jump drive or hard drive, yes.
Posted online with commentary…. No. And I’d say if anyone really actually thought anyone read your blog or smokestack or whatever it’s called, and wanted to pursue legal action, I’d say you’d be in hot water. Possibly even by VS for screenshots and reposts of their forum.

Saved on a jump drive or hard drive, yes.
Posted online with commentary…. No. And I’d say if anyone really actually thought anyone read your blog or smokestack or whatever it’s called, and wanted to pursue legal action, I’d say you’d be in hot water. Possibly even by VS for screenshots and reposts of their forum.

Literally nothing they can do against an editorial. Especially when it has proof.
Boy you are a pussy if you think I was making threats. Better go sit in your safe space and breathe into a plastic bag.
"Only when men like Hydro, Mark, I and others decide that we’re tired of the horseshit that you and your kind bring, and we eradicate you by whatever means necessary, then teach the young men to take charge of their families, their schools and the local government, will anything change."

I'm pretty sure that is called a threat. You just said you want to eradicate me and anyone like me.... sounds like you are also calling for a form of political and social cleansing?
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I'm pretty sure that is called a threat. You just said you want to eradicate me and anyone like me.... sounds like you are also calling for a form of political and social cleansing?
You mean like Hitler, Stalin and Mao suggested?

What type of political leaning did those guys have again? I can’t remember. :homer:

It must only be ok as long as you aren’t on the receiving end, huh.
You mean like Hitler, Stalin and Mao suggested?

What type of political leaning did those guys have again? I can’t remember. :homer:

It must only be ok as long as you aren’t on the receiving end, huh.

And yet I'm not the one that made any claims like you have.
And yet I'm not the one that made any claims like you have.
You are just twisting my words meaning because you’re neurotic. But if you’ve twisted them in such a way that it upsets you: good. So little actually gets through your thick skull to that tiny little brain of yours, I’ll take whatever little bits can get through and sink in. Even if they are misplaced or misinterpreted. I’ll not bother to explain. I’ll just let them work.
You are just twisting my words meaning because you’re neurotic. But if you’ve twisted them in such a way that it upsets you: good. So little actually gets through your thick skull to that tiny little brain of yours, I’ll take whatever little bits can get through and sink in. Even if they are misplaced or misinterpreted. I’ll not bother to explain. I’ll just let them work.

Simple question when do you think the first school shooting was in America?
"Only when men like Hydro, Mark, I and others decide that we’re tired of the horseshit that you and your kind bring, and we eradicate you by whatever means necessary, then teach the young men to take charge of their families, their schools and the local government, will anything change."

I'm pretty sure that is called a threat. You just said you want to eradicate me and anyone like me.... sounds like you are also calling for a form of political and social cleansing?

Hey stalker, I see your Raising your voice in a desperate attempt to gain credibility and for attention?
You are scum, you are a stalker.
You can wear your mom‘s clothes and make up, but you’re still a stalker.

A whiney little man, you will always be alone.

Why are you so infatuated with me that you stalk me for years across the internet?
It obvious you have a crush on me.
Why else would you bring up such things
After years have .

Only people who do wrong are worried that people are after them.
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Simple question when do you think the first school shooting was in America?

I evil triumphs when men like you sit back, and does nothing well, nothing but talk in their little coffee clutch on Sunday morning, about what the problems are in society and maybe we could fix all of them and then maybe this would stop in the meantime people are dying.
You will not take action.

Why? Because you’re afraid of taking action and doing something.
Boy you are dense. :lmao:
Hey he thinks if 4 people read his ramblings
that it’s going viral.

It’s also surprising that such a educated troll
Has sooo many grammatical mistakes, I guess he’s to smart to run a grammar checker.
Hey he thinks if 4 people read his ramblings
that it’s going viral.

It’s also surprising that such a educated troll
Has sooo many grammatical mistakes, I guess he’s to smart to run a grammar checker.
Hey stalker, I see your Raising your voice in a desperate attempt to gain credibility and for attention?
You are scum, you are a stalker.
You can wear your mom‘s clothes and make up, but you’re still a stalker.

A whiney little man, you will always be alone.

Why are you so infatuated with me that you stalk me for years across the internet?
It obvious you have a crush on me.
Why else would you bring up such things
After years have .

Only people who do wrong are worried that people are after them.

It's bizarre that you responded to reply this statement so personally since it wasn't addressed to you.

And your claims of stalking are laughable.
Hey he thinks if 4 people read his ramblings
that it’s going viral.

It’s also surprising that such a educated troll
Has sooo many grammatical mistakes, I guess he’s to smart to run a grammar checker.
I do need an editor.
It's bizarre that you responded to reply this statement so personally since it wasn't addressed to you.

And your claims of stalking are laughable.

I’m fascinated at how stupid you are that you think I’m not part of the conversation.

As I’m part of the subject.

You are a stalker, that isn’t up for debate.

I evil triumphs when men like you sit back, and does nothing well, nothing but talk in their little coffee clutch on Sunday morning, about what the problems are in society and maybe we could fix all of them and then maybe this would stop in the meantime people are dying.
You will not take action.

Why? Because you’re afraid of taking action and doing something.

Well, consider the statements of IHMan about how liberals caused this increase in violence you might want to know facts about the phenomenon in question right? Like the fact that first school shooting in the Colonies occurred in 1764 in PA during the conflict known as Pontiac's War: Enoch Brown Massacre it was called 11 dead when 4 Delaware Tribesmen attacked a school house.

Then in 1840 we have the first prototypical shooting in a school it seems with a Professor of Law in Charlottesville, VA is shot dead by a student. Then the trend seems to waffle between parents killing teachers over corporal punishment or students avenging themselves upon teachers who have been punished or friends and siblings who have been punished. Then you have the accidental shootings where guns are brought into school for plays or drill and they kill someone. Then you have parents shooting up school meetings and so on. Then you have teachers and parents shooting it up. Sometimes you get kids dueling it literally over games. In one case I the 1920's a janitor shot a student in a crowd of boys trying to enter a locked gym.

And the stories go on and on and then you realize that hey maybe guns aren't the right thing in schools.

I’m fascinated at how stupid you are that you think I’m not part of the conversation.

As I’m part of the subject.

You are a stalker, that isn’t up for debate.

You're not really getting this are you? I'm addressing the author of the statements not the subject of the statements. Little difference since I'm not the one that brought you -- you should maybe talk to IHMan
Well, consider the statements of IHMan about how liberals caused this increase in violence you might want to know facts about the phenomenon in question right? Like the fact that first school shooting in the Colonies occurred in 1764 in PA during the conflict known as Pontiac's War: Enoch Brown Massacre it was called 11 dead when 4 Delaware Tribesmen attacked a school house.

Then in 1840 we have the first prototypical shooting in a school it seems with a Professor of Law in Charlottesville, VA is shot dead by a student. Then the trend seems to waffle between parents killing teachers over corporal punishment or students avenging themselves upon teachers who have been punished or friends and siblings who have been punished. Then you have the accidental shootings where guns are brought into school for plays or drill and they kill someone. Then you have parents shooting up school meetings and so on. Then you have teachers and parents shooting it up. Sometimes you get kids dueling it literally over games. In one case I the 1920's a janitor shot a student in a crowd of boys trying to enter a locked gym.

And the stories go on and on and then you realize that hey maybe guns aren't the right thing in schools.


I caught your last sentence as I was replying

And, you are wrong.
You're not really getting this are you? I'm addressing the author of the statements not the subject of the statements. Little difference since I'm not the one that brought you -- you should maybe talk to IHMan

Whatever you say , , stalker.
Keep twisting and deflecting.
I’m fascinated that you can’t except reality

You are a wack-a-doodle.

You are infatuated with me.
You are a stalker.

False victimization. It is not uncommon for a cyberstalker to claim the victim is harassing him, taking the position of victim in his own mind.

Monitoring victim’s activities,
This is evident by your copping my posts from different forms to be used in your fantasy’s

Gathering information about the victim. A cyberstalker may try to gather as much information as possible about the victim by interacting with the victim’s friends, family, and colleagues.
Yup you do this often

False accusations,
A cyberstalker often tries to damage the reputation of his victim.

A perpetrator may even create fictitious websites or other accounts for the purpose of spreading false rumors and allegations about the victim.

You do this too, you even brag about it on your blog.

You are sick, please get help,
Before you find yourself in trouble.
I’m fascinated that you can’t except reality

You are a wack-a-doodle.

You are infatuated with me.
You are a stalker.

False victimization. It is not uncommon for a cyberstalker to claim the victim is harassing him, taking the position of victim in his own mind.

Monitoring victim’s activities,
This is evident by your copping my posts from different forms to be used in your fantasy’s

Gathering information about the victim. A cyberstalker may try to gather as much information as possible about the victim by interacting with the victim’s friends, family, and colleagues.
Yup you do this often

False accusations,
A cyberstalker often tries to damage the reputation of his victim.

A perpetrator may even create fictitious websites or other accounts for the purpose of spreading false rumors and allegations about the victim.

You do this too, you even brag about it on your blog.

You are sick, please get help,
Before you find yourself in trouble.

Are you the Cliff Clavin of Montana?
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