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We shot at each other with BB guns. plastic and wax bullets, until we got splat guns.

learn a lot of good tactics watching combat with Vic Morrow
We shot at each other with BB guns. plastic and wax bullets, until we got splat guns.

learn a lot of good tactics watching combat with Vic Morrow

Yes, that is a type of situational training for sure. Again if you wanted to be good at it you and group of friends played it a lot.
You are of course correct.

But I’m still ok if they don’t have much training too.

I agree
You know they’re gonna have to make these Karen’s happy, and require some sort of training in the situation

if they’re confident enough to want to carry in class they have probably already have some training. They probably are familiar with a handgun, so I really don’t see an issue with it.

Armed teachers are a big deterrent to crime
No, I actually shoot paper or steel targets at 1300 yards. But you believe what you want.

I dont' play video games. I dont' like them. But I've watched how my nephew plays them and they are using many basic tactics in these videos when they play online and in air-soft.
I can see air soft being kind of training. Most of them hit soft targets. They might stop and think twice if they knew someone there could possibly fire back.

We played those games too bb wars . But easy to not worry when not using real bullets. Most we ever worried about was getting shot in the eyes. Rules were no head shots.
I can see air soft being kind of training. Most of them hit soft targets. They might stop and think twice if they knew someone there could possibly fire back.

We played those games too bb wars . But easy to not worry when not using real bullets. Most we ever worried about was getting shot in the eyes. Rules were no head shots.

I was surprised we never really hurt anyone with the wax loads. We would take a 410ga peel it open, dump out the BBs and fill it with wax.
At school they had these plastic 38cal rounds, and we would requisition a few doz of them and we would shoot at each other with them.
We’d find a secluded area and practice felony stops.

Then the spud gun wars.
Most of us wore motorcycle helmets, and if you were wise, you would put a lifejacket under your heavy jacket….just say’en

Splat guns would’ve been a better choice but you know…
I was surprised we never really hurt anyone with the wax loads. We would take a 410ga peel it open, dump out the BBs and fill it with wax.
At school they had these plastic 38cal rounds, and we would requisition a few doz of them and we would shoot at each other with them.
We’d find a secluded area and practice felony stops.

Then the spud gun wars.
Most of us wore motorcycle helmets, and if you were wise, you would put a lifejacket under your heavy jacket….just say’en

Splat guns would’ve been a better choice but you know…

We made a potato gun that shot the big marshmallows. It was awesome. One of our buddies wanted shot at point blank because as he said, “It’s just a marshmallow!” It stung quite a bit more than he thought it would. 🤣🤣🤣

And what does that prove that poorly trained people when faced with a shooter that is already committed to his mission has a tactical advantage over his adversary. Now, imagine that with a Teacher who also has to protect 20 other kids are they likely to confront a shooter or pair of shooters???
Just imagine
a class of kids, one is already shot and dying
And the cops are not coming in to rescue you.

And you have a gun….your trained.
It’s up to you to defend yourself and the kids.
Just imagine
a class of kids, one is already shot and dying
And the cops are not coming in to rescue you.

And you have a gun….your trained.
It’s up to you to defend yourself and the kids.
you're probably already dead.
Again, the communist theorist is the smartest guy on earth………..,

I have to put this note of sarcasm on here, otherwise, he will actually think I’m praising him
Again, the communist theorist is the smartest guy on earth………..,

I have to put this note of sarcasm on here, otherwise, he will actually think I’m praising him

It's been studied and found to be laughable. First off you as a teacher are probably focused on answering questions and teaching. So, you hear a loud noise 90% of the time it isn't a bomb or gun going off but it is something benign in nature. Do you want teachers running all amped up ready for a fight? Because if that is their first response you'll probably get a kid killed. And since you don't want them to over react under most conditions then they will not be ready when they have to act in a violent fashion.
You can dream up all the fictional scenarios you want.

A teacher who is trained, isn’t going to be running around with the gun in their hand indiscriminately shooting at everyone.

But you would have them be slaughtered like cattle, without even a chance of someone doing something to stop it. while you wait cowering in a closet for hours for the police to come and help you
You can dream up all the fictional scenarios you want.

A teacher who is trained, isn’t going to be running around with the gun in their hand indiscriminately shooting at everyone.

But you would have them be slaughtered like cattle, without even a chance of someone doing something to stop it. while you wait cowering in a closet for hours for the police to come and help you

No, I would attack the real problems of income inequality , mental health, and social isolation. Kids that feel they have a future and are part of a community tend to not shoot up people. I think we should look hard at what is driving violence in American Culture before pretend more violence solves this problem.
Bla bla so again, you would have people sitting idly by and doing nothing until they figure out what the root issue of this is ???
in the meantime, keep killing the kids….
Your a moron.

If teachers want to be armed, we should allow them to be armed. We have not hardened our schools. You are turning away from the problem & sticking your heads up your ass.

creating gun laws does not make your schools safer, putting up no gun zone signs does not make the school safer. What will make the school safer is putting police officers in, arm teachers, armed guards in the school until parents start parenting again.
When America decides it’s going to address the mental illness issue in certain communities

Then we’ll see fewer kids getting killed in school from a gunman ie, trans whatever they are…
What else is hurting your Mangina today?

You’re easily triggered by people, wanting to safeguard the lies of children. There Has to be a plethora of things that trigger you..
No, I would attack the real problems of income inequality , mental health, and social isolation.
I’d ask how you plan to do that, but I really don’t care to hear about more commie ideals to fix the commie ideals that created this mess.

We carried guns to school in our trucks every day. No one ever shot up our schools. It wasn’t until parents got lazy and started putting kids in front of video games while they sat on their fat asses watching the most recent episode of whatever reality show was in style. It wasn’t until liberals invaded schools and curriculum centered on how “bad” America is and how the system is out to “get” the little guy. It didn’t happen when kids said the Pledge of Allegiance every day and there were Bibles still in classrooms and libraries, and the Koran was nowhere to be found. It was after they took corporal punishment out of schools and parents started favoring “time out” to a good old whippin.

Things like this didn’t happen when men were the heads of households and government. When dad lead with authority and being an alpha male was a good thing. It fell apart after the men succumbed to the ideology that it was ok to let the woman lead the home, or the men just left altogether. Once guys like you became more common and acceptable. Weak, men (both in stature and of the mind) that think rules and policies can fix the problems in society.

Only when men like Hydro, Mark, I and others decide that we’re tired of the horseshit that you and your kind bring, and we eradicate you by whatever means necessary, then teach the young men to take charge of their families, their schools and the local government, will anything change. It’s hard to admit, but we actually are somewhat to blame. In our defense, there have always been men willing to step up, until recently. Only in the last 20 years have things fallen to such a state of disrepair. When our fathers and grandfathers wanted to pass the torch and we were too busy, or too uninterested to take it up.

In the absence of genuine leadership people will listen to anyone who offers any solution. People are so thirsty for leadership that they’ll crawl through a desert to a mirage, and when they discover that there’s no water, they’ll drink the sand. The problem is, people don’t just drink the sand because they’re thirsty, they drink the sand because they don’t know the difference. That’s why commies like you have slithered into power. People got too stupid to know the difference. Well, I’m hoping that rein of power is coming to an end. It really seems people are starting to wake up.

Someday you’ll wake up too Connor. You’ll wake up and realize the only person in the room is you. Standing at a podium talking to an empty room. Then you’re going to have to make a decision. Do you step off the soap box and walk off stage and outside to see where your audience has gone? Or do you just fade away into the annals of history along with the rest of your failed communist ideologues.
I’d ask how you plan to do that, but I really don’t care to hear about more commie ideals to fix the commie ideals that created this mess.

We carried guns to school in our trucks every day. No one ever shot up our schools. It wasn’t until parents got lazy and started putting kids in front of video games while they sat on their fat asses watching the most recent episode of whatever reality show was in style. It wasn’t until liberals invaded schools and curriculum centered on how “bad” America is and how the system is out to “get” the little guy. It didn’t happen when kids said the Pledge of Allegiance every day and there were Bibles still in classrooms and libraries, and the Koran was nowhere to be found. It was after they took corporal punishment out of schools and parents started favoring “time out” to a good old whippin.

Things like this didn’t happen when men were the heads of households and government. When dad lead with authority and being an alpha male was a good thing. It fell apart after the men succumbed to the ideology that it was ok to let the woman lead the home, or the men just left altogether. Once guys like you became more common and acceptable. Weak, men (both in stature and of the mind) that think rules and policies can fix the problems in society.

Only when men like Hydro, Mark, I and others decide that we’re tired of the horseshit that you and your kind bring, and we eradicate you by whatever means necessary, then teach the young men to take charge of their families, their schools and the local government, will anything change. It’s hard to admit, but we actually are somewhat to blame. In our defense, there have always been men willing to step up, until recently. Only in the last 20 years have things fallen to such a state of disrepair. When our fathers and grandfathers wanted to pass the torch and we were too busy, or too uninterested to take it up.

In the absence of genuine leadership people will listen to anyone who offers any solution. People are so thirsty for leadership that they’ll crawl through a desert to a mirage, and when they discover that there’s no water, they’ll drink the sand. The problem is, people don’t just drink the sand because they’re thirsty, they drink the sand because they don’t know the difference. That’s why commies like you have slithered into power. People got too stupid to know the difference. Well, I’m hoping that rein of power is coming to an end. It really seems people are starting to wake up.

Someday you’ll wake up too Connor. You’ll wake up and realize the only person in the room is you. Standing at a podium talking to an empty room. Then you’re going to have to make a decision. Do you step off the soap box and walk off stage and outside to see where your audience has gone? Or do you just fade away into the annals of history along with the rest of your failed communist ideologues.
Bye Bye...
:flipoff2: Go away :homer:
This is irate, they’ve sent guys to other peoples houses to collect money one way or another.

A pussy like you could find that threatening

Do you ever get tired playing internet tough guy? Didn't you cry about ol' Fred threatening you?
You are one of the weirdest motherfuckers I’ve ever come across. You really do have some serious mental issues

You are a stalker, a genuine, real life stalker.
You should be careful.

I don’t hear anybody, threatening to travel halfway across the country to kill you, to kill your family, to kill your dogs, and to kill other people. I think he threatened the same thing to four other individuals.

But for some reason you’ve memorialize this in your life? because this affects you how ?
so come out with it I would really like to see what you think you’ve got?
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