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My firearms have never hurt a person.

My firearms can be considered a tool, just like any of those things I listed.

Can you back up that 99.9% figure?

Why do I have to inform my customers that I or my employees may or may not be armed? And you still haven't proved there is any liability.

First off, why do you want to allow your employees to carry a gun in the workplace? For safety? so, you're literally employing a gun as a weapon as its primary function? You're not telling them to shoot open beer cans or the tv like an episode of the Simpsons. You're telling them they can carry a gun and employ it as a defensive weapons when necessary correct?

I guess because in 2020 the FBI data showed that only 367 deaths occurred with blunt objects, hammers, clubs etc I think it is reasonable to think that screwdrivers fall into this category of improvised weapons. Homicides by murder weapon in the U.S. 2022 | Statista

As for lability-- Well, your company policy of concealed carry could be put you at risk of vicarious liability.

First off, why do you want to allow your employees to carry a gun in the workplace? For safety? so, you're literally employing a gun as a weapon as its primary function? You're not telling them to shoot open beer cans or the tv like an episode of the Simpsons. You're telling them they can carry a gun and employ it as a defensive weapons when necessary correct?

I guess because in 2020 the FBI data showed that only 367 deaths occurred with blunt objects, hammers, clubs etc I think it is reasonable to think that screwdrivers fall into this category of improvised weapons. Homicides by murder weapon in the U.S. 2022 | Statista

As for lability-- Well, your company policy of concealed carry could be put you at risk of vicarious liability.

Why do you care?

How does it effect you?

You do know a business can get a rider to cover this.

Why do you think responsible people are going to just start blasting?
Why are you so nervous that people choose
To defend themselves?

And this from your link
“Under this theory, an employer authorizes a certain act or an act is connected with an authorized act that the act is considered to be within the course of employment. Employers may be found liable for their employees’ tortious acts if they are part of their employment. For example, an employer of a bouncer may be found liable for assault and battery if the bouncer used force due to instructions”

What happens when they act outside of the scope of their employment?

I’m Not authorizing any acts, not hiring a bouncer, not hiring somebody to protect my property or myself.

Just letting someone exercise their freedom, their rights and the only time they’re going to use this weapon is in the defense
Of their life, or the life of somebody else and or from great bodily harm .

And it’s time to grow up, this is real life, not an episode of The Simpsons.
At your age, you really need to get a handle on your fantasy life.
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Why do you care?

How does it effect you?

You do know a business can get a rider to cover this.

Why do you think responsible people are going to just start blasting?
Why are you so nervous that people choose
To defend themselves?

And this from your link
“Under this theory, an employer authorizes a certain act or an act is connected with an authorized act that the act is considered to be within the course of employment. Employers may be found liable for their employees’ tortious acts if they are part of their employment. For example, an employer of a bouncer may be found liable for assault and battery if the bouncer used force due to instructions”

Not authorizing any acts, not hiring a bouncer, not hiring somebody to protect my property or myself.

Just letting someone exercise their freedom, their rights and the only time they’re going to use this weapon is in the defense
Of their life, or the life of somebody else and or from great bodily harm .

And it’s time to grow up, this is real life, not an episode of The Simpsons.
At your age, you really need to get a handle on your fantasy life.

Simple...he's a communist and thinks he knows what is better for everyone.

No one should have the ability to exercise their God given rights, because that means someone is not thinking for the collective good of his little communist wish.

This is the problem with all commies...they know better and think everyone should abide by their "wisdom". Us plebes are too stupid to know what's good for us.
Why do you care?

How does it effect you?

You do know a business can get a rider to cover this.

Why do you think responsible people are going to just start blasting?
Why are you so nervous that people choose
To defend themselves?

And this from your link
“Under this theory, an employer authorizes a certain act or an act is connected with an authorized act that the act is considered to be within the course of employment. Employers may be found liable for their employees’ tortious acts if they are part of their employment. For example, an employer of a bouncer may be found liable for assault and battery if the bouncer used force due to instructions”

What happens when they act outside of the scope of their employment?

I’m Not authorizing any acts, not hiring a bouncer, not hiring somebody to protect my property or myself.

Just letting someone exercise their freedom, their rights and the only time they’re going to use this weapon is in the defense
Of their life, or the life of somebody else and or from great bodily harm .

And it’s time to grow up, this is real life, not an episode of The Simpsons.
At your age, you really need to get a handle on your fantasy life.

You're the one that literally doesn't live in the real world. You are opening yourself up to needless liability issues.

The bigger issue is what if they shoot their co-workers on purpose or by accident? How do you claim you provided a safe working environment if your employees are the ones who are armed? How do you protect your company from the liability of shooting an innocent person perhaps even a co-worker in a shoot out? That's reality.

Simple...he's a communist and thinks he knows what is better for everyone.

No one should have the ability to exercise their God given rights, because that means someone is not thinking for the collective good of his little communist wish.

This is the problem with all commies...they know better and think everyone should abide by their "wisdom". Us plebes are too stupid to know what's good for us.
I'm telling you how the liability in this scenario will work out for you. I don't care if you arm everyone in your company. It's stupid and probably won't end well for you. But that is your decision.

I just think you should be upfront enough to post your gun policy to the public and inform everyone of your clients that you plan on allowing your crews to be armed. That seems to be a bare minimum you should do in the name of transparency with your customers. I know I would want to know if an outside contractor was armed on my property and what my liabilities are if something happens. That is really really a bare minimum.
I'm telling you how the liability in this scenario will work out for you. I don't care if you arm everyone in your company. It's stupid and probably won't end well for you. But that is your decision.

I just think you should be upfront enough to post your gun policy to the public and inform everyone of your clients that you plan on allowing your crews to be armed. That seems to be a bare minimum you should do in the name of transparency with your customers. I know I would want to know if an outside contractor was armed on my property and what my liabilities are if something happens. That is really really a bare minimum.

I think you're not a lawyer.

And I know you're an idiot.
So without my knowledge, my employees go and rob the bank kill somebody and then return to work, am I liable for the bank robbery and the death?

Armed employees are safe employees.
I would be so grateful if one of my employees saved another employees life,
so they could go home to their wife and children.
I'm telling you how the liability in this scenario will work out for you. I don't care if you arm everyone in your company. It's stupid and probably won't end well for you. But that is your decision.

I just think you should be upfront enough to post your gun policy to the public and inform everyone of your clients that you plan on allowing your crews to be armed. That seems to be a bare minimum you should do in the name of transparency with your customers. I know I would want to know if an outside contractor was armed on my property and what my liabilities are if something happens. That is really really a bare minimum.
No body cares what you want :flipoff2:
I hearone of those states out there doesn’t have a test for the bar exam anymore so I’m gonna play amateur Lawyer .

“Cases like employees shooting tend to be rare, as employees typically cannot sue their employer for on-the-job injury or death if the employer has workers’ compensation coverage. Lawsuits often get dismissed completely or at least in part.”

“The short answer to the question of whether a business is legally responsible for an employee’s violent criminal act is usually “no”.”

“The majority of staff are not required to do anything that would be considered criminal in the course of their employment, and certainly would not be expected to commit any violent acts. As a result, the principle of vicarious liability is unlikely to apply if an employee assaults either a co-worker or a third-party.”

“employers could avoid liability by drafting very precise job roles for their staff, clearly defining that their course of employment, for example, excluded criminal acts. “
I suggest that you go hard after Partyeerocks-- I mean that guy just sounds suspect right?
Are you having a stroke?
I'm suggesting that you should really blow this guy's post up about his plow being stuck on the ground. I think you need to show everyone that you know exactly who he is... After all what if he is me?
I hearone of those states out there doesn’t have a test for the bar exam anymore so I’m gonna play amateur Lawyer .

“Cases like employees shooting tend to be rare, as employees typically cannot sue their employer for on-the-job injury or death if the employer has workers’ compensation coverage. Lawsuits often get dismissed completely or at least in part.”

“The short answer to the question of whether a business is legally responsible for an employee’s violent criminal act is usually “no”.”

“The majority of staff are not required to do anything that would be considered criminal in the course of their employment, and certainly would not be expected to commit any violent acts. As a result, the principle of vicarious liability is unlikely to apply if an employee assaults either a co-worker or a third-party.”

“employers could avoid liability by drafting very precise job roles for their staff, clearly defining that their course of employment, for example, excluded criminal acts. “

You didn't read the article did you exactly? How do you know the argument and shooting might not occur because the client confronts the employee about some activity on his property he or she doesn't like??? Or, how do you know the problem won't occur in your yard with two employees fighting with each other and one shoots the other? Seems that you might want to think this one through a little bit.
How do you know they won’t use a screwdriver the weed whipper, the chainsaw their pocket knife or the shovel?
Maybe they were drinking for lunch and they’re gonna bust a couple of beer bottles and fight each other….

How you lead your life, ,,,but but but what if, but but but what if I got a theory, but what if.

You will always be a beta.
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How do you know they won’t use a screwdriver the weed whipper, the chainsaw their pocket knife or the shovel?
Maybe they were drinking for lunch and they’re gonna bust a couple of beer bottles and fight each other….

How you lead your life, ,,,but but but what if, but but but what if I got a theory, but what if.

You will always be a beta.

And I was going for Delta...
Imagine how much safer schools would be if teachers were armed.

Local school in my county did something similar. Principal was a CC holder, but was a gray area if he could legally carry at work. (My state prohibits CC in schools, but protects the rights of CC holders to carry while at work.) So, to skirt any possible liability and or gray area laws, the local police force made him a police officer. Now he carries at work. Only school I know of with no resource officer (a joke in my opinion) and an armed principal.
Imagine how much safer schools would be if teachers were armed.

Local school in my county did something similar. Principal was a CC holder, but was a gray area if he could legally carry at work. (My state prohibits CC in schools, but protects the rights of CC holders to carry while at work.) So, to skirt any possible liability and or gray area laws, the local police force made him a police officer. Now he carries at work. Only school I know of with no resource officer (a joke in my opinion) and an armed principal.
No, they wouldn't be more safe-- most schools have armed police and still they have violence. Teachers cannot teach and be ready for an armed conflict... Just cannot do it. Maybe the issue is figuring out what is really going on.

the Montana legislature passed several bills that would result in more guns in schools. HB 567 allows any school employee to become a “school marshal,” which authorizes them to carry a gun on school grounds.

Lawmakers also approved a pair of bills that remove local authority to prohibit the concealed carry of firearms in public places, including schools.

The Florida Senate passed a bill this week that would allow any teacher who undergoes training to carry firearms into the classroom.

Missouri’s HB 575 includes a controversial—and frightening—amendment that legalizes concealed carry on college campuses. That means any student, staff member, or visitor with the right permit could walk around campus with a loaded gun. As written, the bill also forbids state colleges from creating their own policies to prohibit guns.

North Carolina schools. HB 216 would allow school staff to carry concealed handguns in schools. SB 192 adds an incentive. That measure offers a 5 percent salary increase to teachers who undergo law enforcement training so they can serve both as educators and as sworn law enforcement officers.

Oklahoma allows educators to have guns in school only if they have completed armed guard or reserve peace officer training. But HB 2336, an expansion bill, would allow any school employee with a concealed carry permit to walk the halls with a loaded gun.

Texas law already permits some school staff to carry guns. Now, the Texas Senate has approved a bill that would lift the requirement that school marshals keep firearms under lock and key. Another bill eliminates the cap on the number of marshals permitted on a school campus.
How much training do you think they need?
A lot... otherwise you shoot the wrong people. Like anything training for CQB is a skill that you have to maintain. So, do you want to pay for that training??? or do you want to your teachers to teach? And more importantly you're still not addressing the real issues that are cultural, social and economic that drive gun violence.
So do you own any firearms connor?
Yes, I do. I used to shoot 3-days a week for years out to ranges of 1000y. I love targeting shooting. Here is one of my rifles setup for Highpower 1000 yard target shooting it's a M24 clone in 308win with a 24 inch barrel heavy and RPA Sight.


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They’re not teaching what they’re supposed to be. , so yes, train away and I don’t care how much it cost, they can train right alongside the cadets at the Academy, and take one or two courses in firearm training.
one life saved and it paid for it, well worth it.

The culture , that has changed. That parents are no longer parenting. Parents are not taking their children to church. Kids are not being taught how precious life is because of this they have little disregard for life.
We’ve have had guns for generations and we didn’t have these issues. What has changed the lack of responsible parenting.

better yet why don’t we send people to school who want to have kids for parenting class.
then let’s produce a parenting guide with benchmarks that must need to be met.
Yes, I do. I used to shoot 3-days a week for years out to ranges of 1000y. I love targeting shooting. Here is one of my rifles setup for Highpower 1000 yard target shooting it's a M24 clone in 308win with a 24 inch barrel heavy and RPA Sight.
Does your dad know you’re playing with his gun?
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