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Rant thread

Ah , i hit a nerve... Good thing I saved that screen shot as proof before a sent an email off to Cricket... I guess its easier now to just clean up after you guys instead of actually moderating. Good call.

Well, at least you got this guy with that smirking smiley face of disapproval ... So, when are you going to triumphantly call out this person too? You know you want to. So just do it Hyrdomaster... That name sounds like a bad S&M website name.
Again You’re mistaken.
it is obvious that I have hit a nerve.

And you are still a submissive bitch boy who is infatuated with me. And it’s quite evident by your Internet, stocking and copying my posts and reposting them here and on your blog .
That really is kind of weird don’t you agree?

I find it humorous, that you think you’re reporting holds any weight.
Your sense of Self-importance is comical.

Maybe you should post and help the guy out.
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Again You’re mistaken.
it is obvious that I have hit a nerve.

And you are still a bitch boy who is infatuated with me. That really is kind of weird don’t you agree?

I find it humorous, that you think you’re reporting holds any weight.
Good-- It is humorous to watch you make an ass of yourself on a regular basis.

You sure have a scatterbrain.

At least you don’t need to feel bad about letting your dad down anymore, you know, about running your family businesses into the ground and losing every business you/or your family ever started.
Maybe if you didn’t piss all the money away, you could’ve afforded to get him the professional healthcare that he needed.

I find it funny that you think something is really going to come of using a smiley.

I do find it strange that so many people live rent free in your mind. I would think it’s getting rather crowded in there.
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Again You’re mistaken.
it is obvious that I have hit a nerve.

And you are still a submissive bitch boy who is infatuated with me. And it’s quite evident by your Internet, stocking and copying my posts and reposting them here and on your blog .
That really is kind of weird don’t you agree?

I find it humorous, that you think you’re reporting holds any weight.
Your sense of Self-importance is comical.

Maybe you should post and help the guy out.
And what take your fun away Hydromaster???? Nah... as for my reporting it seems to hold some weight your post is gone...
Hey shit for brains

I just looked and the post is still there
Time stamp6:37

A link to it

Is everything that comes out of your mouth bullshit?
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I guess I live in your head rent free... You such a too
Hey shit for brains

I just looked and the post is still there
Time stamp6:37

A link to it

Is everything that comes out of your mouth bullshit?
Ah I guess I live in your head rent free don't I.... Look at what I was able to get out of you with only 30 or 40 seconds of effort. You've always been low hanging fruit Hydromaster.

All too easy!
Yeah, like it was difficult to find my own post.
Sew don’t hurt yourself, patting yourself on the back.
Because it took me a whole 10 seconds to go find it.

The fact that you come up with more bullshit about me is the fact that I live rent free right in that big old round planetoid of noggin of yours.
Everything about you always results in a waste of time.
How does it feel being such an unproductive individual.
But I suppose, you’ve always been very content to live in a world of make-believe.

And if you had any balls or big balls, you would know that they do hang low..

We’re still waiting for your video of your truck or is that just another one of your lies?
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