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Pisst, you should sue your professors.
Your education is flawed.

Examples of Multitasking​

  • Starting two projects at the same time
  • Listening to the radio while driving to work
  • Talking on the phone while typing an assignment
  • Watching television while responding to work emails
  • Scrolling through social media while in a meeting
  • Listening to a person talk while writing a to-do list

Another example would be watching 28 students while you give a lesson.

Kindergarten teacher watching 30 kids.

Just because you have difficulties with it doesn’t mean other people do.

Next business
when you invite people onto your property and it’s open to the public things . change

I’m curious and fascinated,,this and that ….
how you think other people can take away someone else’s rights because of their feelings.

We’ve explained to you over and over again how the signs work and how the law works regarding private property.
Private, or privately owned & open to the public the law is still the same.

Your sign is meaningless. It merely makes the owner feel warm and fuzzy about their righteous virtue.
Because even without a sign, they could ask you to remove your firearm.

This is no concern for me because I carry concealed they will never know I carry.
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It's called neuroscience and they have pretty much showed that humans suck at multitasking because of the way the cerebral cortex divides up information. It really can only do one task at a time and so the processes become sequential operations of toggling between the tasks in rapid succession. And when you do this the quality of the work actually is diminished.

So a person can multi-task even though you said we can't.

And you will find many articles on this topic all saying the same thing.

Yeah, I've dealt with a few psychologists as customers and several when I was on the FD...they're as nuts as the patients.

And I'm entirely stunned that you read an article and have no real life experience with this. Almost catatonic.

My area of expertise in philosophy is actually Philosophy of Mind and Language.

The symbolic grounding problem was my area of research.

As for Economics I studied problems like allocation of resources as game theory....

Those rank right up there with underwater basket weaving and bowling in the dark specialties.

Amazing that you had time with your rock climber building and long range shooting and shopping for Eastern European crap and your unhealthy obsession with VS and stalking numerous people on the interweb to study that. It's no wonder you have no real world experience in anything.

Well, not really, since most of it is BS.
So, sorry IH Man but legal entities know as businesses have the right to determine what goes on within their property. So, you're almost right in most cases the business will only ask you to put your gun in your glove box-- however, if your push this route with rights-- the company can in many states have you charged with criminal trespassing and that might actually impeded your ability to renew your CCP or even take away your current Permit. So, you'll have to check your state laws on that one.
The really cool thing about CC is no one is supposed to know you have it. So, the off chance that anyone in that store knows, is nearly zero. No laws are broken, so nothing happens.

I guarantee, that if I carry in a store with a "no gun" sign, and happen to be in it while someone comes in waving a gun and commencing with threats and I shoot and kill that man, saving lives, it is incredibly unlikely that the store would file a suit against, me. Even if they do, the likelihood of actually being convicted of anything is very slim as long as the only thing I did "wrong" was ignore a non legally enforceable "sign". At the end of the day, the risk is worth the reward, and the store's policy is basically not enforceable.
Commies hate free people.
Commies hate people who won’t relinquish their rights.

It would be nice if Felix knew how trespassing laws worked.
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Driving, is a perfect example of multitasking.
and connor probably cannot juggle and hold a conversation at the same time.

Driving, is a perfect example of multitasking.
and connor probably cannot juggle and hold a conversation at the same time.

And then add in operating a plow, and add a wing and a spreader.
Wow! Those guys are doing the impossible!
Any of you guys run equipment?
I can run a combine with the radio on and my wife in the cab and talking to her.
I mean sometimes I have to tell her to halt conversation while I do something tricky. Like take the head off or put it on.

I took a video while driving the auger cart and unloading on the go.

I started operating these things at crested butte when I was 18.

I started operating these things at crested butte when I was 18.

Ok, just curious, in the picture are they clearing the side of the slope? Or is there a road somewhere?

I think I was 14 when I started running a combine. 15 for sure.
Wow-- How did I know you guys would be the only people on the planet to be not bound by neuroscience's understanding of the mind. And you managed to find the one person that claims Multitasking can be done by the brain with such bizarre examples as eating popcorn and watching movies-- and also the CEO of a company that does motivational seminars.

Where as I quoted you research studies from Stanford and MIT you might want to ask what that is. Furthermore none of your examples actually prove the brain is doing multitasking only that you're doing multiple tasks in very quick succession.

I would take Eark K, Miller's word on this topic is considered one of the best in the neuroscience business.

I'm loving the fact that you believe that private property laws are rendered null and void if you open your business up to the public-- that's just fantastic reminds me of the myth that you're powerless against Vampires if you invite them in. Doesn't actually work that way. Otherwise who is to say you invite over a friends to your house party and one decides to pull a Bansky on your Bathroom door and does art work it on-- he cannot claimed you invited him so he was then able to use his right right to freedom of speech to put stinky turd art work on your bathroom door. Doesn't work that way its called vandalism. Now, being that you can control the people that enter your store as long as its not discriminating like "No Mexicans Allowed" there really isn't much you can do.

As for Trespassing laws Hydromaster you really might want to brush up on yourself.

As for you guys I know you're going to be the "Good Guys With The Gun"-- but that too is a myth designed to sell guns and support America's fragile self image when it comes about what gun ownership is about. It is also deeply rooted in a systemic racism that non-white males especially are an existential threat to white-male hegemonic control of the society. The great irony is that 1968 in California when the Black Panther's started to openly carry guns in public the NRA started to call for Gun Control Laws (the Mulford Act of 1967). Who was the governor of CA in 1967 none other than Ronald Reagan himself.

All of the studies have shown that Defensive usage of guns is not a) wide spread or b) as effective as claimed. In fact Harvard studies have shown that more criminals are shot in crimes with other criminals than due to victims defending themselves. Of course I'm sure you'll find some strange little website with a debunked statistic that says the exact opposite.

The facts are clear-- shooting is a great hobby-- and I love target shooting. But we as a culture are drowning the despair created by poverty, isolation, and income inequality. And until we start to really address those problems no amount of mythical long ranger types are going to save the day.

Also, I still find it bizarre that you people seem to feel that your gun rights supersede the rights of private property owners to determine what they will or won't allow on their own property. That is sort of the hallmark of the libertarian positions you people present. But, it seems that you only feel they matter when you determine they do. So strange.
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Furthermore none of your examples actually prove the brain is doing multitasking only that you're doing multiple tasks in very quick succession.
What you aren't understanding is the speed at which the brain is working is much faster than the appendages it's controlling.
When your foot lifts and shifts from gas to brake and your right hand pushes up on the plow raise button. Your brain isn't thinking about that, it's moved on to next I shift to reverse and take a swig of coffee,then shift to drive/ lower plow.
Ok, just curious, in the picture are they clearing the side of the slope? Or is there a road somewhere?

I think I was 14 when I started running a combine. 15 for sure.

he’s spreading out a pile of manmade snow at the ski area (crested butte) with a 12way blade
Implements can have multiple adjustments.
That need attention as the snow and terrain changes
Then keeping the cat on your line on a mountain side takes constant adjustment for slope and sidehill.

I was around 12-13 when I first operated a Ford jubilee raking hay on my uncle’s farm.

I/we told you how the signs work over and over and over again .

So you have a legally posted sign at the door.
Be at your home or your business.

Can you prove I saw it when I came in?
NO you can’t.

Your sign is virtue signaling/ political.

Every if you could prove I read it, it’s not enforceable (yet)
And even with our assign, you could ask somebody to remove their weapon.

The only time you could get your sign enforced is after you notice someone is carrying, and the owner or an agent asks me to remove it from the premises and I refuse,
then you could call the police on me.

Let’s say you didn’t come over and request that I leave or remove my weapon. You just called the police they show up. Hey bud, You can’t carry in here, didn’t you see the sign ? Nope! and they’ll tell me that you request that I remove the firearm.

I have to refuse before any legal action can be taken against me.

And that’s the facts.

I don’t know why you keep arguing this.


Do you know what the Id is and how it works.
I’ve let my id drive for miles and miles as I daydreamed . Multitasking
I also cited real doctors and study’s.

A lot has changed since Ronald Reagan was president.
Get off your good guy, white guy, high horse bull crap. Lately the largest demographic of handgun buyers have been people of color.
They are also good people with a gun.
In states that require permits, people are getting their permits in records numbers.
Thousands a week attain their permits

You don’t need to prove to us your a weak
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Signs banning firearms from businesses are not enforced by law in 31 states. That means that a customer can enter the building with a gun and it is not inherently illegal, even though there is posted signage. However, if you ask the customer to leave and they refuse, it can become trespassing or a misdemeanor.

The specifics of these laws vary from state to state. Signs are enforced if they follow specific guidelines.

While not every state gives signage the force of law, virtually every state DOES allow a private business, homeowner and otherwise to forbid firearms on the premises in their capacity as a private business or homeowner. Therefore, if you are found to be carrying and asked to leave, you have to – or you may be liable for trespassing charges.

Carrying a weapon isn’t necessary about deterring crime , it’s about protecting one’s self, family and others from criminals who would take lives or cause great bodily harm.

But open carry could deter crime as a criminal is not
Seeing you as being weak, soft and easy pray.
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What you aren't understanding is the speed at which the brain is working is much faster than the appendages it's controlling.
When your foot lifts and shifts from gas to brake and your right hand pushes up on the plow raise button. Your brain isn't thinking about that, it's moved on to next I shift to reverse and take a swig of coffee,then shift to drive/ lower plow.
Considering how this was part of my I'm really enjoying this bit here. But actually what you're describing isn't multitasking it is monotasking-- you moved the truck into reverse one quick task, then you moved the plow controls another quick monotask and finally you start the process again. The shorter the tasks are and closer we do them next to other tasks the more we actually trick ourselves into believing we are multitasking.

True Multitasking is like Painting The Mon Lisa, Writing A Paragraph on Economic Development and Composing a variation of Mozart's 39 Symphony all at the same time. Yes, this is a bit absurd but true multitasking is about high level brain functions.

This is the reason why when you are doing very complex tasks like say writing a paper on neuroscience and listening to music the brain will focus more intently on paper to exclusion of the music. Or if you're flying or driving it can become a case of target fixation and you drive into the object you're attempting to avoid by excluding all other factors but the target itself.

So, if you're very intently listening to your students in a classroom the ability of you to fully address your situation is compromised. So if you are dealing with a situation where seconds matter the fact that you as a teacher have to make a decision in 1-5 seconds means that you're already probably dead-- since the attacker is focused on his goal of pulling the trigger as soon as the door opens.

So, unless you train yourself to go for the door every time you hear it open you're pretty worthless as protector of students.

As you Hydromaster-- I am not talking about signage at all. I'm talking about your attitudes towards how you and others here feel that your rights are supersede those of the property owners. Yes, understand how hard it is enforce certain aspects of the idea but then again that's not my point. What is my point is that you essentially don't respect property laws when they conflict with your own beliefs. So, instead of abiding by certain property owners rules that you don't like you feel it is your moral imperative to break the rules and then deny that private property owners have the right to determine such things as a justification based on the ability to enforce policies and the lack of criminality you've associated with it. That's what is so interesting to me about your collective positions.

As for governor Ronald Reagan's use of the NRA to try to hamper gun owner ship for black Americans in 1967 is as true then as it is today for many American gun owners. I'm not saying that you fall into this category ( I have no way of knowing that fact) but studies still show it is true.

As for open carry can you say Hi, I've just painted a bullseye on my back. That's kinda why concealed carry became a thing. Who are you going to shoot first if you're robbing a store? Oh the guy with visible gun then move your way to the other targets.
I’m puzzled and intrigued at how you think your rights continue past my nose, because your rights stop at the end of your nose
And How your feelings can take away somebody’s rights.

You would be surprised how many people open carry here because they don’t feel they need to hide exercising their rights from Karen.
And quite frankly, they don’t care what people like you think. Then there are some who enjoy triggering people like yourself by openly carrying .

You probably would’ve ran away, screaming and calling the cops if you were at the bakery a few months ago when a couple of guys started talking about their guns.
the next thing you know, the guns are out on the counter . Then somebody else got their gun out. we had seven guys there with their guns on the counter.
Like show and tell.

Also, you make a lot of assumptions when you don’t know me or the facts.
If you wish to discuss your allegations ask, don’t be such a passive aggressive , fag.

The conflict isn’t with private ownership. The conflict is when people think they can take others right away because of their feelings or if they own something.

Until the laws change in my state concerning this, I will continue to do what I’m doing, which is fallowing the law. To the letter.
Regardless of your feelings.

A property owner can kick me off their property, but they can’t take my rights away.

I’ll fish a river, stream, pond, irrigation ditch cutting through your posted property.
All I have to do is stay at or below the Highwater Mark. And I can carry.

As for your multitasking hogwash, guess what nobody cares and everybody thinks you’re wrong I have posted up links just like you have blah blah blah, blah blah.

“Multitasking can take place when someone tries to perform two tasks simultaneously, switch . from one task to another, or perform two or more tasks in rapid succession is multitasking . To determine the costs of this kind of mental "juggling," psychologists conduct task-switching experiments. By comparing how long it takes for people to get everything done, the psychologists can measure the cost in time for switching tasks. They also assess how different aspects of the tasks, such as complexity or familiarity, affect any extra time cost of switching.”

In the mid-1990s, Robert Rogers, PhD, and Stephen Monsell, D.Phil, found

See you can multitask.
And when your driving down the road “spacing out” for you when you’re listening to tunes and staring out the window.
Then you kind of wake up and wonder where you are or how far you’ve gone
Your multitasking and you didn’t even know it
Your Id was driving.

So what if your brain slows down so what if you can’t do 10 things as good at once as you could just doing one thing you’re still multitasking

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Considering how this was part of my I'm really enjoying this bit here. But actually what you're describing isn't multitasking it is monotasking-- you moved the truck into reverse one quick task, then you moved the plow controls another quick monotask and finally you start the process again. The shorter the tasks are and closer we do them next to other tasks the more we actually trick ourselves into believing we are multitasking.

True Multitasking is like Painting The Mon Lisa, Writing A Paragraph on Economic Development and Composing a variation of Mozart's 39 Symphony all at the same time. Yes, this is a bit absurd but true multitasking is about high level brain functions.

This is the reason why when you are doing very complex tasks like say writing a paper on neuroscience and listening to music the brain will focus more intently on paper to exclusion of the music. Or if you're flying or driving it can become a case of target fixation and you drive into the object you're attempting to avoid by excluding all other factors but the target itself.

So, if you're very intently listening to your students in a classroom the ability of you to fully address your situation is compromised. So if you are dealing with a situation where seconds matter the fact that you as a teacher have to make a decision in 1-5 seconds means that you're already probably dead-- since the attacker is focused on his goal of pulling the trigger as soon as the door opens.

So, unless you train yourself to go for the door every time you hear it open you're pretty worthless as protector of students.

As you Hydromaster-- I am not talking about signage at all. I'm talking about your attitudes towards how you and others here feel that your rights are supersede those of the property owners. Yes, understand how hard it is enforce certain aspects of the idea but then again that's not my point. What is my point is that you essentially don't respect property laws when they conflict with your own beliefs. So, instead of abiding by certain property owners rules that you don't like you feel it is your moral imperative to break the rules and then deny that private property owners have the right to determine such things as a justification based on the ability to enforce policies and the lack of criminality you've associated with it. That's what is so interesting to me about your collective positions.

As for governor Ronald Reagan's use of the NRA to try to hamper gun owner ship for black Americans in 1967 is as true then as it is today for many American gun owners. I'm not saying that you fall into this category ( I have no way of knowing that fact) but studies still show it is true.

As for open carry can you say Hi, I've just painted a bullseye on my back. That's kinda why concealed carry became a thing. Who are you going to shoot first if you're robbing a store? Oh the guy with visible gun then move your way to the other targets.
I’m puzzled and intrigued at how you think your rights continue past my nose, because your rights stop at the end of your nose
And How your feelings can take away somebody’s rights.

You would be surprised how many people open carry here because they don’t feel they need to hide exercising their rights from Karen.
And quite frankly, they don’t care what people like you think. Then there are some who enjoy triggering people like yourself by openly carrying .

You probably would’ve ran away, screaming and calling the cops if you were at the bakery a few months ago when a couple of guys started talking about their guns.
the next thing you know, the guns are out on the counter . Then somebody else got their gun out. we had seven guys there with their guns on the counter.
Like show and tell.

Also, you make a lot of assumptions when you don’t know me or the facts.
If you wish to discuss your allegations ask, don’t be such a passive aggressive , fag.

The conflict isn’t with private ownership. The conflict is when people think they can take others right away because of their feelings or if they own something.

Until the laws change in my state concerning this, I will continue to do what I’m doing, which is fallowing the law. To the letter.
Regardless of your feelings.

A property owner can kick me off their property, but they can’t take my rights away.

I’ll fish a river, stream, pond, irrigation ditch cutting through your posted property.
All I have to do is stay at or below the Highwater Mark. And I can carry.

As for your multitasking hogwash, guess what nobody cares and everybody thinks you’re wrong I have posted up links just like you have blah blah blah, blah blah.

“Multitasking can take place when someone tries to perform two tasks simultaneously, switch . from one task to another, or perform two or more tasks in rapid succession is multitasking . To determine the costs of this kind of mental "juggling," psychologists conduct task-switching experiments. By comparing how long it takes for people to get everything done, the psychologists can measure the cost in time for switching tasks. They also assess how different aspects of the tasks, such as complexity or familiarity, affect any extra time cost of switching.”

In the mid-1990s, Robert Rogers, PhD, and Stephen Monsell, D.Phil, found

See you can multitask.
And when your driving down the road “spacing out” for you when you’re listening to tunes and staring out the window.
Then you kind of wake up and wonder where you are or how far you’ve gone
Your multitasking and you didn’t even know it
Your Id was driving.

So what if your brain slows down so what if you can’t do 10 things as good at once as you could just doing one thing you’re still multitasking

again-- you're missing my point about your attitude towards this subject.

The reason it takes your brain longer to do a task is becuase you're not multitasking. As for your example of the car and zoning out that again isn't multitasking that is literally when your brain isn't working on two problems at once. So, no your Id isn't driving Sigmund...
again-- you're missing my point about your attitude towards this subject.

The reason it takes your brain longer to do a task is becuase you're not multitasking. As for your example of the car and zoning out that again isn't multitasking that is literally when your brain isn't working on two problems at once. So, no your Id isn't driving Sigmund...

If you have a point, please put your foil hat on.

What happens when the subconscious unexpectedly takes control.​

For example, we can see the subconscious in action when...:

  • We drive to a familiar destination and allow the subconscious to focus on the driving, while consciously we may be thinking about something else, such as plans for later in the day.

You only have one brain and if the id is taking over a task and your conscious brain,is doing something else that would be multitasking in the purest form.

The id could kick in while you’re talking on the phone and typing out a report.
You could be focused on the call and not even remember what you had just typed and you’ll have to go back and read it.
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If you have a point, please put your foil hat on.

What happens when the subconscious unexpectedly takes control.​

For example, we can see the subconscious in action when...:

  • We drive to a familiar destination and allow the subconscious to focus on the driving, while consciously we may be thinking about something else, such as plans for later in the day.

You only have one brain and if the id is taking over a task and your conscious brain,is doing something else that would be multitasking in the purest form.

The id could kick in while you’re talking on the phone and typing out a report.
You could be focused on the call and not even remember what you had just typed and you’ll have to go back and read it.

That article is so terrible I cannot believe anyone published it. Way to go you found the least scholarly article possible to prove your false premise. But, that is an accomplishment.
It reads better than most of the sub -stack blogs that I’ve read..

And of course you poo poo it, as it proves you wrong.
You can philosophies about it on you want,
It doesn’t change any of the facts.
House Bill 1364
  • A new Georgia bill would make property owners liable if a lawful concealed carry permit holder is harmed while barred from being armed on their property. House Bill 1364 allows legal gun owners who are prohibited from carrying on private property and subsequently injured to sue the landowner.
  • HB 1364 proposes, “Any lawful weapons carrier who is prohibited from carrying… and who is injured… shall have a cause of action against the person, business or other entity that owns or legally controls such property.”
  • The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Martin Momtahan, said landowners who post “no gun” signs need to understand they have a custodial duty over anyone denied the right to self-defense.
As a private property owner. How can you protect your customers?
Are you going to carry a gun so you can save guard the well-being of your customers?
When someone gets killed in your store and you are liable.
I wonder how much your insurance will go up when somebody sues you for the death or injuries of their family member.

If you had let my dad carry he might be alive today, said the 6yr old.
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It reads better than most of the sub -stack blogs that I’ve read..

And of course you poo poo it, as it proves you wrong.
You can philosophies about it on you want,
It doesn’t change any of the facts.
its writing by a quack that believes in the power of hypnosis as an answer to behavioral problems. That is such a discredited idea that I cannot believe anyone is pushing it still.
Everybody knows a commie philosopher would have the final say, and be an authority on everything.

Go take responsibility for safeguarding the people in your home and your business with your life
House Bill 1364
  • A new Georgia bill would make property owners liable if a lawful concealed carry permit holder is harmed while barred from being armed on their property. House Bill 1364 allows legal gun owners who are prohibited from carrying on private property and subsequently injured to sue the landowner.
  • HB 1364 proposes, “Any lawful weapons carrier who is prohibited from carrying… and who is injured… shall have a cause of action against the person, business or other entity that owns or legally controls such property.”
  • The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Martin Momtahan, said landowners who post “no gun” signs need to understand they have a custodial duty over anyone denied the right to self-defense.
As a private property owner. How can you protect your customers?
Are you going to carry a gun so you can save guard the well-being of your customers?
When someone gets killed in your store and you are liable.
I wonder how much your insurance will go up when somebody sues you for the death or injuries of their family member.

If you had let my dad carry he might be alive today, said the 6yr old.
This is just going to end badly for Georgia-- but I'm sure they will pass it.
Everybody knows a commie philosopher would have the final say, and be an authority on everything.

Go take responsibility for safeguarding the people in your home and your business with your life

Anarcho-syndicalism isn't Marx's Scientific communism ... It's very different in many critical ways first of all Marx's communism requires the state to wither away in a process and I'm saying we skip that entire process and move straight to horizontal organizational models.

Also i can tell you didn't really fully read the articles you posted.
Don’t care
I think you have a pathological need to prove your right to just about anyone; especially those you perceive as being part of a class of people that looks down on you. So, you know that's hypothesis and judging from your behavior it seems to be pretty well born out.
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