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Rant thread

To Felix the frightened commie,
My God, you think so little of people that people are so inept and only you can see it all.

Get over yourself, competent
Teachers are more than capable of seeing little Johnny, shooting spitballs, while little Susie on her phone, while Connor is picking his nose while somebody’s walking up and down the hall, passing by the door

When I was going through the academy, they had a couple of us go and teach the “DARE” program at the elementary school, and I actually taught that program,
Unlike you, I was more than capable to observe what was going on in my classroom outside of the windows, and in the doorway

you’re wrong, that is why states are arming teachers and putting armed resource officers ( police) in the schools
As you say you sure can’t trust the resource officer,,, I mean the cops to come in and save your ass . They better have the teacher with a gun.

The resource officer, the cop is a hired gun.
And not all of them are chicken like you.

Don’t you see that your theories and belief just end up in more dead people.

It’s because of losers like you that more children will lose their lives

Why are you here with more of your circular bullshit? Do you have an original thought or anything new?

We all know you’re a weak man, and you will sit idly by while evil triumphs
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“I've worked in big cities at all hours of the night-- not once was I ever bothered at work.”

Good for you…

You worked Inside of a kitchen, sucking the grease trap clean.
Who would deal with the nasty stinky individual cleaning grease traps. They probably felt sorry for you…

Try walking up and down an alley in a high crime area.
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The is a perfect example of a straw man argument...
It is huh?
You don't think any number of us could maim or kill you with any of those?
I will be the first to admit my lack of proficiency with paper clips.
I have no posted signs like that on my property. But then again I don't even bother no trespassing signs actually. We don't really have any issues with trespassers these days.
You better get some,or you could soon be overrun by illegal border crosser's.
Simple...he's a communist and thinks he knows what is better for everyone.

No one should have the ability to exercise their God given rights, because that means someone is not thinking for the collective good of his little communist wish.

This is the problem with all commies...they know better and think everyone should abide by their "wisdom". Us plebes are too stupid to know what's good for us.
Let's not forget a big tenant of Communism, the state is God.
He can't acknowledge God given rights,because that would conflict with his god complex. Because in his head he's the leader of his communism.
To Felix the frightened commie,
My God, you think so little of people that people are so inept and only you can see it all.

Get over yourself, competent
Teachers are more than capable of seeing little Johnny, shooting spitballs, while little Susie on her phone, while Connor is picking his nose while somebody’s walking up and down the hall, passing by the door

When I was going through the academy, they had a couple of us go and teach the “DARE” program at the elementary school, and I actually taught that program,
Unlike you, I was more than capable to observe what was going on in my classroom outside of the windows, and in the doorway

you’re wrong, that is why states are arming teachers and putting armed resource officers ( police) in the schools
As you say you sure can’t trust the resource officer,,, I mean the cops to come in and save your ass . They better have the teacher with a gun.

The resource officer, the cop is a hired gun.
And not all of them are chicken like you.

Don’t you see that your theories and belief just end up in more dead people.

It’s because of losers like you that more children will lose their lives

Why are you here with more of your circular bullshit? Do you have an original thought or anything new?

We all know you’re a weak man, and you will sit idly by while evil triumphs

This is just a bunch of nonsense... So you believe that basically untrained people with guns are able to do what others require training to do? Isn't that a little insulting to those that train to protect people?
Bla bla bla you should be insulated.
Circular argument we already discussed the training of teachers and the rest.
Your a troll.

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A circular argument is one where the argument begins where the conclusion ends. I asked very simple questions-- 1) how do you explain why everyone else who responds these crisis require specialized training and 2) don't you think its kinda of insulting to say to people who train to do these types of situations that: "yeah and guy with a gun and fantasy can do this"? No argument being made just two simple queries.
We discussed training of the police. We discussed training the teachers. We discussed training of the resource officer.

Every state or school who is arming, teachers are requiring that they be trained just like the resource officer is a police officer who probably has a little training…

For over two pages and yet you drone
On and on

One thing we do know for sure, you won’t be protecting any children.
Yes, I do. I used to shoot 3-days a week for years out to ranges of 1000y. I love targeting shooting. Here is one of my rifles setup for Highpower 1000 yard target shooting it's a M24 clone in 308win with a 24 inch barrel heavy and RPA Sight.
There has been lots of research on people who don't make their beds.
They were right.
Why do you think SWAT teams and SEAL teams train so much? It's because they have to know the target area cold if they going into an extraction mission. The same is true to for defending your classroom giving some body that is a causal shooter a gun and saying hey go defend a classroom or school is stupid.
All your gun talk proves is you watch a lot of tv.
The sign just gives the owners the opportunity to kick out the gun owner. And to virtue signal.
Even if I see a legal sign, I walk right in with my weapon. I still broken any laws, not until the store, owner or one of their agents ask me to remove your firearm, and you refuse, have you broken any laws?
My proudest moment was boldly walking into Ikea, right past their sign. My dumbest moment was, yep, not admitting that one in print.
My proudest moment was boldly walking into Ikea, right past their sign. My dumbest moment was, yep, not admitting that one in print.
I smirk when I walk by the signs too.

I laugh, thinking they must think they’re so much better than everybody else,
Trying to take away peoples rights and how happy it must make them feel.
You seem to utterly discount the resource officers in almost every school in the country? So, why wouldn't a private school just hire a professionally trained guard? Its interesting how you purposely discount the police officers that are in schools and go straight to the teachers?

And if you cannot trust a resource officer in the armed shooter situation who does have some training why then would you trust the teachers to play Rambo?

To me this is a fantasy land notion you live in where the Teacher gets to play Wyatt Earp for the day or something.

I've taught-- I don't know if you understand that basically you're focused on engaging your students not looking out for a gun person to storm your class.

Perhaps, you Hydromaster should actually sign up to be a substitute teacher and get a feel for the schools and teachers. Substituting won't be the same as the TA stuff I did for study sessions and stuff in philosophy-- but you might want to try it. You might learn that answering and engaging students cannot be done with 50% of your attention spent waiting for the door to bust open and a gun person to appear. You have to actually focus on the questions and often
Well, not by you.
But you would be surprised how many good teachers there are that can multi task.
My wife was a special needs teacher. I got to listen to her tell about her day,every day, and we socialized with other teachers,imagine that.
I've heard 100's of shocking stories.
I smirk when I walk by the signs too.

I laugh, thinking they must think they’re so much better than everybody else,
Trying to take away peoples rights and how happy it must make them feel.

So you're really saying that you feel that your right to carry trumps the store owner's right to have a gun free environment if they choose too? That's bizarre.
So you're really saying that you feel that your right to carry trumps the store owner's right to have a gun free environment if they choose too? That's bizarre.
The only bizarre thing is you don’t understand that one is a constitutional right protected by law, and the other is a store policy based on feelings.

One right certainty trumps the other.
Well, not by you.
But you would be surprised how many good teachers there are that can multi task.
My wife was a special needs teacher. I got to listen to her tell about her day,every day, and we socialized with other teachers,imagine that.
I've heard 100's of shocking stories.

Multi-tasking is a myth. The human brain doesn't work that way. But nice try. The reality is that if you're paying attention to the student you're putting other information you're receiving in the background.

Also I come from family of teachers-- and I was going to be a professor. So, I have a lot of understanding of how teaching works. But hey try again. If any teacher tells you that he or she can provide enough attention to maintain to complex operations at once in their minds they are just flat out lying. They actually ordering them because our brain is better at sequential functions and not multi functions at a higher level.
The only bizarre thing is you don’t understand that one is a constitutional right protected by law, and the other is a store policy based on feelings.

One right certainty trumps the other.

You realize that you just negated property rights as any normal legal scholar defines them right? That's because I sneaking feeling that you really don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Because under your understanding what is to stop me from putting an I love Biden banner on the roof of your house if my right to free expression in the First Amendment trumps your property right to determine what happens on your property? I'm sure really don't want to claim this one? Perhaps, you do I'm not sure.
“I've worked in big cities at all hours of the night-- not once was I ever bothered at work.”

Good for you…

You worked Inside of a kitchen, sucking the grease trap clean.
Who would deal with the nasty stinky individual cleaning grease traps. They probably felt sorry for you…

Try walking up and down an alley in a high crime area.
I've worked in high crime areas at night. I lived in a high crime area.
You realize that you just negated property rights as any normal legal scholar defines them right? That's because I sneaking feeling that you really don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Because under your understanding what is to stop me from putting an I love Biden banner on the roof of your house if my right to free expression in the First Amendment trumps your property right to determine what happens on your property? I'm sure really don't want to claim this one? Perhaps, you do I'm not sure.
Most business buildings fall under public domain and are owned by legal entities, not individuals. Castle laws aren’t in play. :homer:

Law dictates where you can and can’t carry a firearm. Signs on doors don’t mean much. Although, a store can reserve the right to have you removed. No legal repercussions would apply. :homer:
Multi-tasking is a myth. The human brain doesn't work that way. But nice try. The reality is that if you're paying attention to the student you're putting other information you're receiving in the background.

Also I come from family of teachers-- and I was going to be a professor. So, I have a lot of understanding of how teaching works. But hey try again. If any teacher tells

Multi-tasking is a myth. The human brain doesn't work that way. But nice try. The reality is that if you're paying attention to the student you're putting other information you're receiving in the background.

Also I come from family of teachers-- and I was going to be a professor. So, I have a lot of understanding of how teaching works. But hey try again. If any teacher tells you that he or she can provide enough attention to maintain to complex operations at once in their minds they are just flat out lying. They actually ordering them because our brain is better at sequential functions and not multi functions at a higher level.
All of it.
" those who can't do,teach"
You couldn't even do that.
Multi tasking is a myth.
Fuck right off.
I never have less than 6 projects going at any given time.
You're just lazy and unmotivated,and lack commitment and dedication.
And you can't prioritize, that's why you spend so much time in the fantasy web.
You lack impulse control.
Multi-tasking is a myth. The human brain doesn't work that way. But nice try. The reality is that if you're paying attention to the student you're putting other information you're receiving in the background.

Also I come from family of teachers-- and I was going to be a professor. So, I have a lot of understanding of how teaching works. But hey try again. If any teacher tells you that he or she can provide enough attention to maintain to complex operations at once in their minds they are just flat out lying. They actually ordering them because our brain is better at sequential functions and not multi functions at a higher level.

LOL...because it doesn't work into your philosophy/theory it's a mythg.

Wow...a Marxist who wanted to be a professor (and failed). I'm shocked!

So lemme guess...because you can't handle it with your superior intelligence, no one can.
No wonder, if you can’t multitask you certainly couldn’t be a teacher and you couldn’t keep a job. You couldn’t even keep a business. You should probably see a doctor about your cognitive decline.

Can you drive a car and talk to someone tun the radio, guess what your multitasking.

When the police stop you and ask if your license, registration and insurance they’re giving you a dividend attention test that requires you to multitask.

Just too stupid to be a teacher
I've said it before,he is Bernie Sander's doppelganger.
All he wants to do is talk about ideas. But he doesn't want to actually implement anything,because that's too much like work.
Bernie visited a commune and was very quickly asked to leave.
Because he was distracting the workers from working and wouldn't pitch in himself.
Bernie found the perfect non job for someone like him.
He talks about shit,spends OPM to fund it and hires the work done.
Just like Komrade is attempting,and failing miserably.
LOL...because it doesn't work into your philosophy/theory it's a mythg.

Wow...a Marxist who wanted to be a professor (and failed). I'm shocked!

So lemme guess...because you can't handle it with your superior intelligence, no one can.

So, 0-2 today guys...
It's called neuroscience and they have pretty much showed that humans suck at multitasking because of the way the cerebral cortex divides up information. It really can only do one task at a time and so the processes become sequential operations of toggling between the tasks in rapid succession. And when you do this the quality of the work actually is diminished.

Tank-- sorry, what your doing is just juggling a lot of tasks at once that is not multitasking. That's cool that you can keep 6 projects going at once. But, we were talking about actual multitasking and the verdict is out from Neuroscience it just isn't happening.

But, hey I'm sure all you guys will argue that is wrong.

And you will find many articles on this topic all saying the same thing.

My area of expertise in philosophy is actually Philosophy of Mind and Language.

The symbolic grounding problem was my area of research.

As for Economics I studied problems like allocation of resources as game theory....

Most business buildings fall under public domain and are owned by legal entities, not individuals. Castle laws aren’t in play. :homer:

Law dictates where you can and can’t carry a firearm. Signs on doors don’t mean much. Although, a store can reserve the right to have you removed. No legal repercussions would apply. :homer:"

So, sorry IH Man but legal entities know as businesses have the right to determine what goes on within their property. So, you're almost right in most cases the business will only ask you to put your gun in your glove box-- however, if your push this route with rights-- the company can in many states have you charged with criminal trespassing and that might actually impeded your ability to renew your CCP or even take away your current Permit. So, you'll have to check your state laws on that one.
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