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doing some hydrofracking or whatever?
I seent it on the youtubes
Not yet. We are using it to hold pressure on well casing to blow acid and other chemicals out into the aquifer to clean it up.

We originally bought it to do deep cement seals. We'll be able to keep the casing full of water with this so that the neat cement doesn't collapse the pvc casing.
We originally bought it to do deep cement seals. We'll be able to keep the casing full of water with this so that the neat cement doesn't collapse the pvc casing.
cement around the casing just seems wrong for the same reason that it is wrong for pole buildings
the old bentonite clay packed around seems like it'd seal better because it is actively settling into any gaps formed
cement around the casing just seems wrong for the same reason that it is wrong for pole buildings
the old bentonite clay packed around seems like it'd seal better because it is actively settling into any gaps formed
Except that we can't get pvc casing that can resist hydraulic collapse pressure below 300'. We have to use neat cement.
It is actually required in some counties and will probably end up being state wide.
Our main sealing material is bentonite.
Oh so the settling pressure is enough to crush the pipe, cement keeps it from settling after you remove the plug and let the water drop back down to static level

'neat' as in just straight portland cement? seems strange but w/e
Oh so the settling pressure is enough to crush the pipe, cement keeps it from settling after you remove the plug and let the water drop back down to static level

'neat' as in just straight portland cement? seems strange but w/e
Yes. We'll put the packer in place below the seal but above the perforations and keep the casing full of water until the type II-V sets up then remove it.
Ordered a we vibe chorus a few weeks ago.
Reasonably entertaining.
The wife likes it.
suspose since it got bumped, here's an update on the stuff I got from chy-nah a bit back
the gold plugs are actually really nice though they're too soft of silicone
the beads are a mistake, they fold over and pinch (blood)
the long plug was a mistake, pointy end gets caught in folds and doesn't let go, so you can't actually get it in there, something "blunt" like the horse dicks in the OP works a lot better

this one I bought on sale a looooong time ago but again it's too soft and pointy, so it'd fold over inside, pinch and draw blood
only way to use it was to stuff the base in instead of the tip, it did pretty good at that, flop around and it'd flop around behind you rubbing your insides
so anyways I finally cut it into a plug a few months ago
the most disappointing thing wasn't that it'd draw blood, but instead that the green isn't glow in the dark at all
suspose since it got bumped, here's an update on the stuff I got from chy-nah a bit back
the gold plugs are actually really nice though they're too soft of silicone
the beads are a mistake, they fold over and pinch (blood)
the long plug was a mistake, pointy end gets caught in folds and doesn't let go, so you can't actually get it in there, something "blunt" like the horse dicks in the OP works a lot better

this one I bought on sale a looooong time ago but again it's too soft and pointy, so it'd fold over inside, pinch and draw blood
only way to use it was to stuff the base in instead of the tip, it did pretty good at that, flop around and it'd flop around behind you rubbing your insides
so anyways I finally cut it into a plug a few months ago
the most disappointing thing wasn't that it'd draw blood, but instead that the green isn't glow in the dark at all
So the batterey... is it for scale or for one of your toys?
suspose since it got bumped, here's an update on the stuff I got from chy-nah a bit back
the gold plugs are actually really nice though they're too soft of silicone
the beads are a mistake, they fold over and pinch (blood)
the long plug was a mistake, pointy end gets caught in folds and doesn't let go, so you can't actually get it in there, something "blunt" like the horse dicks in the OP works a lot better

this one I bought on sale a looooong time ago but again it's too soft and pointy, so it'd fold over inside, pinch and draw blood
only way to use it was to stuff the base in instead of the tip, it did pretty good at that, flop around and it'd flop around behind you rubbing your insides
so anyways I finally cut it into a plug a few months ago
the most disappointing thing wasn't that it'd draw blood, but instead that the green isn't glow in the dark at all

How do you fit the battery in your ass?
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