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Post yer sex toys, 35% ofc


IBB done ruined me. Saw this today, immediately thought of this thread.
Piled up at an old scrappers place. :laughing:
just saw one of them being used as a mailbox post (well the horizontal bit of the mailbox holdy post structure dingus), with the insulators on it and all

so didja grab any of them for the ride home?
Not judging, but not my kink.
They are cleaning up for an auction. Trying to find out if they are selling or getting hauled to the dump. If the latter caver shipping and they’re yours
Not judging, but not my kink.
They are cleaning up for an auction. Trying to find out if they are selling or getting hauled to the dump. If the latter caver shipping and they’re yours
they ain't really worth picking up, certainly ain't worth shipping them
just if you're walking by one in the antique store while wearing your utilikilt, well...
well fuck, now I gotta update the sex toy thread
you fuckin asked for it, faggot

well this fucker is about the best 20 bucks I've ever spent, chinkanese aliexpress plug
made a ringy thingie that fits over it, then you can pull the plug out once it's in there
"interesting" but not really something to use often or for long
piece of 2" pvc with the ends heat flared
I was spinning it in the lathe and sandpapering the cut edges to round them and I found that sometimes it'd start cutting really good, didn't figure out till later why
polishing it with a paper napkin after the sandpaper and it'd cut really good at times too, turns out that when a little bit of pvc dust gets into the paper it makes it cut really good, so the sandpaper was cutting really good when it'd load up with dust
like the pvc rubbing against pvc does a lot better than the pvc rubbing against abrasives

well this fucker is about the best 20 bucks I've ever spent, chinkanese aliexpress plug
made a ringy thingie that fits over it, then you can pull the plug out once it's in there
"interesting" but not really something to use often or for long
piece of 2" pvc with the ends heat flared
I was spinning it in the lathe and sandpapering the cut edges to round them and I found that sometimes it'd start cutting really good, didn't figure out till later why
polishing it with a paper napkin after the sandpaper and it'd cut really good at times too, turns out that when a little bit of pvc dust gets into the paper it makes it cut really good, so the sandpaper was cutting really good when it'd load up with dust
like the pvc rubbing against pvc does a lot better than the pvc rubbing against abrasives

Is that a spacer like people put in their ears, but for your ass?
Is that a spacer like people put in their ears, but for your ass?
more or less, just far less permanent

I'm sure there's people out there that would wander around wearing a plug of some sort all day but I'm not one of them
hell, I look at people with tattoos as though they're retarded (cue a bunch of butthurt fags)
well this fucker is about the best 20 bucks I've ever spent, chinkanese aliexpress plug
made a ringy thingie that fits over it, then you can pull the plug out once it's in there
"interesting" but not really something to use often or for long
piece of 2" pvc with the ends heat flared
I was spinning it in the lathe and sandpapering the cut edges to round them and I found that sometimes it'd start cutting really good, didn't figure out till later why
polishing it with a paper napkin after the sandpaper and it'd cut really good at times too, turns out that when a little bit of pvc dust gets into the paper it makes it cut really good, so the sandpaper was cutting really good when it'd load up with dust
like the pvc rubbing against pvc does a lot better than the pvc rubbing against abrasives

Is the embedded pvc in the napkin actually galling rather than sanding?
Is the embedded pvc in the napkin actually galling rather than sanding?
probably some kinda friction welding or extremely localized heating thing (like ultrasonic welding) going on
makes it really smooth really fast
Spud me up bby

the other one you posted where the threads were worn through the root from the inside
abrasive wear from drilling mud, or corrosion?
Spud me up bby

the other one you posted where the threads were worn through the root from the inside
abrasive wear from drilling mud, or corrosion?
Probably a little bit of both. We call that first pipe the Kelly. The old Kelly was worn / corroded so thin that it cracked. We never saw the crack until we broke those threads that night.
I’m really surprised this in GCC. There was one that a co-workers ex had, nicknamed the “Home Defense Dildo”. It was the size of a loaf of bread.


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