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Big ass horse fly chilling on the screen door in the garage. I wouldn't want to get bit by that motherfucker, thats for sure!

That door appears to be metal. WD-40 and a lighter would have been my second move.

It's a cheap velcro screen from Amazon I put up to keep the bug population in the garage to a minimum. I don't think burning the house down would be worth it in this instance. Spiders and snakes on the other hand are a whole different story....... :laughing:

In ID with 2 of my boys. Not only did we see a Bald Eagle, there were several groups of fighter jets passing overhead with the sound of freedom roaring through this canyon from them

Craziest thing is....on the way back to Boise, my Marine Corps kid texts me saying to look in the skies for F-18s becuase his squadron was passing through this area....so those jets could very well have been my son's squadron overhead.
It's a cheap velcro screen from Amazon I put up to keep the bug population in the garage to a minimum. I don't think burning the house down would be worth it in this instance. Spiders and snakes on the other hand are a whole different story....... :laughing:
I'll take spiders and snakes 10x over rather than deal with horse flys. Fuck those things.
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