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Creepy being, creepy. It what he does.
Did you get some black light markers to practice your artwork yet?


I’m sure you’ve said before, but can you hang anything else on the walls?
Walls were to remain untouched. I got lucky putting the calendar up. That's it.
That sucks. I’d cover my desk in stuff to help pass the day.
oh, my the area around my monitors is full of stuff. The backside of my desk is all drawings and stuff from kiddo. I've got a Peanuts cartoon about motorcycles that people think is sexual but isn't. That's been taken down twice.

I've got a lot of crap on my desk though. :laughing:
Walls were to remain untouched. I got lucky putting the calendar up. That's it.
Just a question... Do you know how to spackle and paint? If that's not an option then I consider your company a shitty one to their employees. We're talking mere $10 at very most for a few hole repairs if they that damn anal. If no other company perks, I'd say that would be a big negative perk. What if you got sick and puked on the wall? Fell down and spilled coffee? Or got drunk and fell down and busted a hole with your elbow?:homer:

I'd at least put up a pin-up model hot rod calendar. I thought everybody stuck in a room did that?:grinpimp:
Just a question... Do you know how to spackle and paint? If that's not an option then I consider your company a shitty one to their employees. We're talking mere $10 at very most for a few hole repairs if they that damn anal. If no other company perks, I'd say that would be a big negative perk. What if you got sick and puked on the wall? Fell down and spilled coffee? Or got drunk and fell down and busted a hole with your elbow?:homer:
Everything is tax payer funded. We can't touch anything. It all needs to be hired out. We have auto closing door with little pistons in them that control how fast they slam the door shut. I got in trouble for adjusting it. We had to call someone to come adjust them.

We have a cleaning crew that comes in. If something is spilled, they come in and clean it.

Sort of like driving a gov't vehicle covered in Punisher Skulls and and a sound system. Can't do it. Need to keep it clean.
Brutal. Maybe count the number of days remaining until you can retire and do a post-it count down. Will give you a slight change of scenery every day at least :flipoff2:
I did have a count a couple weeks ago. :laughing:
Honestly anything east of Edmonton or Calgary can fuck off, way too flat for my liking :laughing:

If you're layed over in the EDM area shoot me a text and we'll grab a coffee

Amen to that.

Cows and hay bales should not be the high point of the horizon.:laughing:

Was actually gonna see if you were around on my way up, but as per usual things got changed around at the last minute and threw a wrench into the works.
Even worse when you drive 11.5hrs and fix the problem in 20min. Not even joking.... :shaking:

Did you know it was gonna be a 20min fix going into it?

Shit like that at my old job, where the customer would just refuse to even lift a finger or look at a wire, absolutely got quoted the F-off price. Sure, I'll come out to your plant and reset a breaker for you. You cover full travel expenses, $150+/hr 'engineering' on-site, minimum 2 days. DozerDan82 knows how those jobs go :laughing:

"That seems like a lot just to reset a breaker."

"Well, you could go do it for free right now."

"But I can't touch that part of the panel."

Did you know it was gonna be a 20min fix going into it?

Shit like that at my old job, where the customer would just refuse to even lift a finger or look at a wire, absolutely got quoted the F-off price. Sure, I'll come out to your plant and reset a breaker for you. You cover full travel expenses, $150+/hr 'engineering' on-site, minimum 2 days. DozerDan82 knows how those jobs go :laughing:

"That seems like a lot just to reset a breaker."

"Well, you could go do it for free right now."

"But I can't touch that part of the panel."

Oddly, dealing with this currently. I am told we now have been voluntold that we will take over Mexico from Germany's service team, customer calls asking for a Preventative Maintenance service call, on a machine that is running fine. I ask about it and Germany is like - Yea go do a service call, I am like that is going to be $15-20K to just be there for no good reason. I do not have the resources to do it, esp when a phone call can resolve it. But the company would love to bill $20K for 8 hrs of actual work.....
Did you know it was gonna be a 20min fix going into it?

Shit like that at my old job, where the customer would just refuse to even lift a finger or look at a wire, absolutely got quoted the F-off price. Sure, I'll come out to your plant and reset a breaker for you. You cover full travel expenses, $150+/hr 'engineering' on-site, minimum 2 days. DozerDan82 knows how those jobs go :laughing:

"That seems like a lot just to reset a breaker."

"Well, you could go do it for free right now."

"But I can't touch that part of the panel."


Customers mechanic and our tech dept worked on it for almost a week before the owner told them to send me ASAP. Problem was a lazy mechanic. Computer told them 2 particular solenoids were on but the moron never physically checked them because the computer said they were on. Yes, it had power but the plug was shorted and not energizing the solenoid. Figured out the problem, swapped plugs and had all 3 drill speeds back in 20min. Their mechanic says to me "Let's wait until the morning to tell the owner just in case that wasn't it" :lmao:

Their company pays 100% of my travel/work time and all the expenses related to the job.
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