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Pistol brace ruling - ATF at it again

I can reach 1 state line in 5 minutes and 2 others in 1.5 hours. I visit all 3 states regularly. Screw submitting anything to travel.

Sounds like laziness to me. It takes 5 minutes to fill out the paperwork.
Sounds like you like to ask for permission, or providing your papers. If I decide on a whim I want to go for a drive, I don't want to be required to fill out, or provide anything.

Those forms are good for 1 year. Have fun with your gay pistol brace.
Those forms are good for 1 year. Have fun with your gay pistol brace.
Must have touched a nerve... It functions no differently. Have fun with thinking you're extra special.
The ATF didn't say you would be a felon after 120 days. They said you are a felon NOW, and they want you to send them a picture of your felony, along with your fingerprints, name and address. Think about it. You guys excited about a free tax stamp took the covid Vax also:lmao:
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Which is very interesting. What happens to all of the people who purchased a complete pistol with a brace? Technically it was a legal and approved firearm purchased by and through the AFT via an FFL. Now it's not? This will be easily challenged in court.
First off I didnt say constructive intent I said constructive possession, lets try to stay on the same page.


Prior to this Gestapo witch hunting admin, my understanding of “constructive intent” was if you had all or a majority of the items that couldn’t reasonably be used in any way other than an illegal one. Think of the items to build a bomb. I’m not an expert but many are normal household goods, like ammonia, fertilizer, etc. Add one or two that are “specialties” and it’s a different picture.

Same with the pistols and uppers until now. I have AR rifles, AR pistols, and extra uppers of varying length. So long as you could configure it to something legal it’s not an issue.

I own a car and a bottle of bourbon, does that mean I’m intending to get drunk and drive?
I can cross state lines with a pistol without asking the ATF to give permission. I can carry a pistol in the national forest outside of hunting season. I can keep a loaded pistol in my vehicle. The ATF won't know that I have a pistol.
I can cross the state lines with a fully automatic machine gun without asking permission too. Your point of needing to ask permission is lost on me.

‘Oh but that’s illegal’. Yeah, and no one on this website EEEEEEVVVVEEEEERRRRR does AANNNNYYYYYYTTHIIINNGG illegal.
Which is very interesting. What happens to all of the people who purchased a complete pistol with a brace? Technically it was a legal and approved firearm purchased by and through the AFT via an FFL. Now it's not? This will be easily challenged in court.
What about all the people who had 30 round magazines in California and complied with the laws for decades? Oh…yeah they became felons when California change the law and said they’re illegal and no grandfathering so get rid of them.
If they don't have the manpower to do all the background checks in a timely manner. How in the fuck are they going to arrest all the possessors? Where are the new mega prisons to hold all these people. Many of which are either current or former military and police. Don't forget about all the competitive shooters. How many raids a day are they planning to do? Where are they going to get all the team members necessary to do the raids?
In my opinion, they are willing to give away a few bucks in order to regain control. It was their fuck up to approve the braces in the first place.
If they don't have the manpower to do all the background checks in a timely manner. How in the fuck are they going to arrest all the possessors? Where are the new mega prisons to hold all these people. Many of which are either current or former military and police. Don't forget about all the competitive shooters. How many raids a day are they planning to do? Where are they going to get all the team members necessary to do the raids?
They don't have to put you in jail. They charge you, try you and agree to plea deals that you surrender all your firearms and become a felon so you can't get more. You think you are lucky not having to go to prison, they get to remove 10-40 million of the more armed people from the list of gun owners.

But this won't hold up in court. They are just playing for time not officially putting it in the register. Between the EPA ruling and Bruen being recent case law they may have overplayed their hand here. There are already police depts refusing to comply with this and its getting attention at the congressional level.

They gambled big. At this point I don't see this moving ahead as they planned, so its 3 choices - they back down and pretend it didnt happen, they go to the courts and loose big or they go to the courts, all logic goes out the window and its confirmed the second amendment is dead. Then america has to decide if they like that or not.
I agree with what you are saying but, the court system couldn't handle this many cases. Also, for me and I'm guessing a lot of other people if they make me a felon in this sneaky way. Why would I abide by their rules ever again in any way?
I also realize the gov. is ran by a bunch of people that step on their dicks quite often.
I also don't think this ruling is going to hold up in court.
Don't think I saw it in this thread, but has anyone said anything about 80% lower pistol builds. What are your thoughts on those?
Don't think I saw it in this thread, but has anyone said anything about 80% lower pistol builds. What are your thoughts on those?
There is nothing about PMFs in this ruling other than the engraving requirement if you take the "free" tax stamp.

All AR pistols are in question due to the vagueness of the "Protrusion" language without a clear definition of the allowable rear surface area. Even a featureless tube only could be determined to be shoulderable - especially if anyone on YT or Insta ever shows themselves putting it up to their shoulder.
Sounds like you like to ask for permission, or providing your papers. If I decide on a whim I want to go for a drive, I don't want to be required to fill out, or provide anything.
The way it should be.

All this “compliance” has gotten us with the gov is more regulations.
Those forms are good for 1 year. Have fun with your gay pistol brace.
Have fun being a part of the scam to deteriorate the 2A because you want to be a good boy and ask the crown for permission to move around freely and possess items you have an inherent right to possess.

The boot licking around this is insane.
Have fun being a part of the scam to deteriorate the 2A because you want to be a good boy and ask the crown for permission to move around freely and possess items you have an inherent right to possess.

The boot licking around this is insane.
Isn't this more reason to register? If their big ploy is to arrest everyone or make them criminals? Register, force their hand. If that doesn't start some shit. Nothing will!
Anybody remember Bundy Ranch? The biggest fuck you to the feds, I can remember. Not a whole lot was done about it neither, that I know of.
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Isn't this more reason to register? If their big ploy is to arrest everyone or make them criminals? Register, force their hand. If that doesn't start some shit. Nothing will!
Anybody remember Bundy Ranch? The biggest fuck you to the feds, I can remember. Not a whole lot was done about it neither, that I know of.

Why? I am generally interested. I'm open to hear other opinions. Give me a good explanation.
Why? I am generally interested. I'm open to hear other opinions. Give me a good explanation.
Because if your F1 gets rejected for any reason, the ATF has literally stated that they will take enforcement action, so you will literally be pre-dawn raided, drug out in your underwear, your dog shot, and you’ll be charged with felony possession, and you’ve already given them all the info they need for the warrant.
Because if your F1 gets rejected for any reason, the ATF has literally stated that they will take enforcement action, so you will literally be pre-dawn raided, drug out in your underwear, your dog shot, and you’ll be charged with felony possession, and you’ve already given them all the info they need for the warrant.
I guess I don't see how it would be possible for the atf to take this action with millions of people. I absolutely would rather have that happen than be picked off one at a time if caught in possession of one. So, I guess the best idea is to destroy it. Or I can hide it in my crawl space and beat off to it every now and then.
Court cases have shown registration doesn’t infringe on the second amendment. The ATF might as well take this to court. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If they win just watch more states switch to gun registration requirements over the years. courts don’t need much time for guilty verdicts. ‘You had an illegal firearm after the amnesty period? You’re guilt, and can no longer own firearms and have to tell everyone you’re a felon. You fucked around and now you found out how quick we can process your felony court case.’
Yep, if you are convicted of felony possession by not registering it as a sbr after the grace period you will be on your own. If the atf backdoors millions of people by dangling this carrot you will atleast have the numbers on your side.
The ATF will just petition for more enforcement agents, and they’ll get them, just like the IRS.

Then they’ll offer felony plea deals to keep it out of the courts and prisons. There will be a team of judges rubber stamping guilty on those that choose a trial.

If everyone is a felon, no one can own guns.
I watched a video where a lawyer was discussing the 6 new factors for the definition of a rifle from the ruling.

5. the manufacturer’s direct and indirect marketing and promotional materials
indicating the intended use of the weapon

While discussing this one he brought up a good point. How would an individual have the knowledge required of a companies marketing to be able to even remotely assess this factor? The first 4 factors at least have tangible metrics to use. 5 and 6 are impossible for an individual to know in their entirety.

(6) information demonstrating the likely use of the weapon in the general
So violating a law from 1990 is still illegal. Wow. This is some seriously eye opening and mind blowing shit.


18 U.S.C. 922(r), imposed in 1990, prohibits “assembling from imported parts any semi-automatic rifle or any shotgun which is identical to any rifle or shotgun prohibited from importation.” BATFE`s regulation [178.39, Commerce in Firearms] prohibits using more than 10 “imported parts,” from a list of 20 parts, such as trigger, hammer, barrel, etc. (BATF had proposed prohibiting using more than two imported parts.) The provision was adopted to prohibit restoring modified rifles to pre-law configuration after importation.
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